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Big Bang Theory Season 01 Ep. 06-07

Story Info
Penny's Halloween Party, Howard & Christy, plus More.
15.7k words

Part 4 of the 177 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 09/18/2015
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Author's note: The series resets with this episode. Remember that as this story progresses, many times they resume the storyline as if never having sex before with each other. So is the case in this episode.


The four nerds were coming up the stairs after being destroyed in a paintball battle. On the second landing they came across Penny who was on her way to work at the Cheesecake Factory. She looked amazing as always with that vest just covering the lower portions of her large breasts. The frilly blouse under the vest was unbuttoned to the middle of her breasts giving the nerds and her customers later at work a good view of them. It always insured her larger tips.

"So how was paintball?"

Sheldon spoke up; "It was a disaster, we got creamed."

"Oh I'm sorry, listen I'm having a party on Saturday, so if you're around, come by."

Howard broke in; "A boy-girl party?"

She looked uncomfortable, well because it was Howard asking; "Well there will be boys and there will be girls and it is a party, so...Just a bunch of my friends, we'll have some beer, do a little dancing."

Sheldon was really nervous now; "Dancing?"

Leonard tried to save the day; "Yeah, I don't know Penny...Thing is, we're not... We're really more of a..."

Sheldon broke in again; "NO!"

Again Leonard stopped him; "But thanks, thanks for thinking of us."

Penny threw her arms up; "Are you sure? It's Halloween!"

All of a sudden Sheldon was interested; "A Halloween Party?"

She replied tentatively; "Yeah."

Howard looked at the other three; "With costumes? Is there a theme?"

She didn't understand; "Uh yeah, Halloween!"

Sheldon stepped forward; "Yes, but are the costumes random or genre-specific?"

She shook her head and her eyes bugged out; "As usual, I'm not following?"

Leonard tried to clarify things; "He's asking if we can come as anyone from science fiction, fantasy..."


"What about comic books?"


"Anime, TV, film, D&D, manga, Greek, Roman, Norse gods..."

She stopped him; "Anything you want! Okay, any costumes you want. Bye, I have to get to work!"

She left and they stood in the lobby of the second floor. Suddenly Howard rose up on his tiptoes; "Gentlemen, to the sewing machines."

The day of the party arrived and there was a knock on the door and Leonard came running out of his room dressed as the Flash, he yelled out; "I'll get it!" I opened the door and Howard stood there also in a Flash outfit, they both yelled out; "Oh No!"

Just then Sheldon came out of his room and saw them both and yelled out too; "Oh no!

Just then Raj came through the door yelling; "Make way for the fastest man alive." He stopped when he saw the other three also dressed as the Flash and he too yelled out; "Oh No!"

Sheldon was pissed; "See this is why I wanted to have a costume meeting!

They agreed to change and no one would be Flash. Leonard ran from the living room; "I call Frodo!"

They ended up in the living room Leonard was dressed as Frodo; Howard was Robin Hood, but looked more like Peter Pan. Raj came in dressed as Thor and just then Sheldon walked in dressed as the Doppler Effect.

Leonard didn't want to be embarrassed by Sheldon in front of Penny's friends and told him not to do so. They went over to Penny's and knocked on the door.

She answered the door, still in her everyday clothes; "Oh hey guys."

Leonard spoke up; "Hey, sorry we're late!"

"Late? It's only 7:05."

"Yeah and you said the party starts at seven."

"Yeah, I mean, when you start a party at seven, no one shows up at, you know, seven."

Sheldon breaks in; "It's 7:05."

She smiled at them; "Yes, yes it is. Okay, well, um, come on in!"

They all walk in slowly and look around, they notice no one else is there yet and Howard turns to Penny; "What, are all the girls in the bathroom?"

Penny stifles a laugh; "Probably, but in their own homes."

Sheldon asks about the prizes for best costumes and Penny tells him there isn't going to be any prized.

Sheldon is really upset; "This party is really going to suck!"

"No, come on, it's gonna be fun. And you all look great. I mean look at you, Thor and oh, Pete Pan. It's so cute."

Leonard interrupts her; "Actually, Penny, he's Robin..."

Howard stops Leonard; "I'm Peter Pan and I've got a handful of pixie dust with your name on it!"

She looked disgusted and shakes her head from side to side; "No you don't! Hey, what's Sheldon supposed to be?"

"Oh, he's the Doppler effect."

Sheldon steps forward; "Yes, it's the apparent change in the frequency of a wave caused by relative motion between the source of the wave and the observer."

Her mouth drops open and she nods; "Oh sure, I see it now, The Doppler Effect. " She rolls her eyes and continues; "All right, I gotta shower. You guys, um, make yourselves comfortable.

They all take a seat and an hour after everyone is already there and partying, they are all in the same spot, unable to move or socialize.

Penny is wearing a tiny two-piece cat costume it barely contains her gorgeous body. A pink collar around her neck makes her look even sassier. Her hair is pulled back in a high ponytail and she's running around talking to everyone and pounding down drinks.

Howard notices a sexy nurse and says he's going to go and talk to her. She's in a tiny white nurse's uniform with the top opened to show off her high, full tits. He talks to her and for some reason, she intrigued by him and he nearly faints when she takes him by the arm and leads him across the hall to Leonard and Sheldon's place. He finds out her name is Betty, but all he can see is her bountiful breasts and sexy lips.

She throws him to the sofa and pulls open her uniform and crushed his face to those large mounds of flesh. She was very domineering and Howard wasn't about to resist. Betty slid to her knees and pulled off his pixie shoes. She slid her hands up his tights and gripping them by the waistband she tugged at them she threw them over her shoulder.

Howard looked down into her dark eyes and he shivered when he saw her open her mouth wide and began licking at his cock. The amount of saliva she created was unbelievable. It was coated from the tip, down to the base and his nut sack was covered in her saliva.

She poised over the crown and let a long stream of saliva drool out and run down his shaft. She gripped his cock in her fist and began stroking it up and down as fast as she could. Betty's saliva flew all about and she stopped and pulling at the opening of her uniform, the snaps popped open to the hem and she shook her shoulders. The uniform fell away and she reached back and released her bra. She leaned forward and enveloped his cock with her fat, firm tits. She began tit-fucking herself with Howard's cock and every third or fourth slide downward; she popped his cock back into her mouth and recoated his cock

Howard tore off his top and she ran her hands up and down his pasty chest, she twisted and pulled at the hair covering his chest. He grabbed hold of her by the arms and pulled her to his body. He pulled her panties off and twisting around had her on her back. He buried his face in her juicy pussy and sucked at the fat lips of her pussy. He slid a finger in and finding her G-spot, he began to diddle it.

Betty let out a scream and started humping his hand and face. She started cumming when he rubbed her clit and G stop at the same time. He nearly lost his balance as he used both hands of her lush body. He reached into his arrow quiver and pulled out a condom. He slipped it on and rose above her and lowering his body, he slid his cock into her incredibly tight pussy. He was drawn to her as she wrapped her strong legs around his skinny body.

Howard knew he wasn't going to last long. It's been a couple of years since his last encounter with a REAL woman, not including his hand or the robot arms he's created. He reached down and started began playing with her clit again, at the same time he caught one of her fat , firm tits between his lips, he sucked hard on the tip and rubbed out her clit and as she started cumming, so did Howard.

Betty screamed out; "Pull out Howard, take off that fucking condom and let me feel your cum all over my body."

When Howard heard that, he went into a spasm, he couldn't catch his breath and tearing off the condom, he started shooting his heavy load all over her taut belly and firm tits.

Betty scooped up all he deposited on her body with her fingers. She smiled down at him and letting out a long moan, she licked her fingers clean. Betty sat up and sliding to the floor, she took his deflated cock into her mouth and sucked the last couple of drops from his cock; "Mmmmm that was a nice start, time to go back to the party and try out for round two, thanks Howard, bye" She slipped into her uniform and snapped it up. She stuffed her bra and panties into her purse and giving his a real hot kiss, hurried out of the apartment and headed back to Penny's party.

Howard lay there for several minutes, completely nude. He looked around and panicked; he picked up his costume and ran into the bathroom to get dressed. He locked the door behind him and flopping down on the commode. He sat there, still shocked and still trying to process everything that just happened. He broke out in a huge grin and suddenly realized none of the other nerds would ever believe what just occurred.

Back in Penny's apartment Leonard want to talk with people, but doesn't know how to begin.

Sheldon looks at him; "I actually might be able to help. Like Jane Goodall observing the apes, I initially saw their interactions as confusing and unstructured, but patterns emerge. They have their own language, if you will."

Leonard is intrigued; "Go on!"

"Well, it seems that the newcomer approaches the existing group with the greeting, "How wasted am I?" Which is met with an approving chorus of "Dude!"

"Okay, then what happens?"

Sheldon scoffs; "That's as far as I've gotten."

"This is ridiculous, I'm jumping in and you're going to be my wing man."

Sheldon and Leonard stood before a long haired blonde; she was dressed in a psychedelic mini-dress and knee hi go-go boots from the 70's. She was hot and looked like a flake, perfect for fucking after a couple of drinks. Leonard looked her up and down; "Hello!"

She smiled back at them and looked at Sheldon; "Hi, so what are you supposed to be?"

"Me? I'll give you a hint! Vroom!"

She looked confused; "A choo-choo train?"

He stepped back; "Close...Vroom!"

She was really stupid, perfect for the crowd gathered; "A brain damaged choo-choo train?"

Just then a short haired blonde, dresses as a lady bug, complete with the antennas flopped down beside Raj, her large tits nearly popped out of her black and red costume. It was strapless and when she bounced on the sofa, her tits tried to leap to freedom. She looked to Raj; "How wasted am I?"

He smiled at her and raised his hands and shrugged his shoulders.

Just then Sheldon was trying to explain to a gorgeous black girl who he was, she didn't get it and when he told her who he was, she scoffed at him; "If that's a learning disability, I think you're very insensitive." She walked away shaking her head.

As she walked away Leonard let out a groan; "Oh no, look over there, that's Penny's ex-boyfriend." He was dressed up as Tarzan, his muscles were bulging and he was hanging all over Penny.

Sheldon looked around for the psychedelic blonde, hoping to get lucky; "So I guess we'll be leaving now right?"

Leonard wasn't about to back down; "Why should we leave? For all we know, he crashed the party and Penny doesn't even want him here."

Just then Penny gave Kurt a big hug. Sheldon shook his head; "You have a backup hypothesis?"

"Maybe they just wanna be friends."

Sheldon scoffed at Leonard as Kurt tucked a stray hair behind Penny's ear; "Or maybe she wants to be friends and he wants something more."

"Then he and I are on equal ground."

"Yes, but you're much closer to it than he is."

Leonard wasn't about to let this go; "Look, if this was 15,000 years ago, by virtue of his size and strength, Kurt would be entitled to his choice of female partners."

Sheldon began mocking him; "Yes and male partners, animal partners, large primordial eggplants, pretty much whatever tickled his fancy, now let's go"

"Maybe, but our society has undergone a paradigm shift. In the information age, Sheldon, you and I are the alpha males. We shouldn't have to back down."

"True, why don't you text him that and see if he backs down?"

"No, I'm going to assert my dominance face to face."

"Face to Face, are you going to wait for him to sit down or you gonna stand on the coffee table?"

Leonard walks over to Penny and Kurt; "Hello Penny. Hello Kurt."

Penny turns; "Oh, hey guys, having a good time?"

Sheldon scoffs; "Given the reaction to my costume this party is a scathing indictment of the American education system."

Kurt looks him up and down; "You're a zebra right?"

Sheldon responds to him; "Yet another child left behind."

Kurt looks at Leonard; "What are you supposed to be, an elf?"

"No, I'm a hobbit."

"What's the difference?"

"A hobbit is a mortal, Halfling inhabitant of Middle-earth, whereas an elf is an immortal, tall warrior."

"So why the hell would you wanna be a hobbit?"

Sheldon breaks in; "Because he's neither tall nor immortal and none of us could be the Flash."

"Well, whatever. Why don't you go hop off on a quest? I'm talking to Penny here."

Leonard starts getting defiant; "I think we're all talking to Penny here."

Kurt is starting to get pissed off; "Okay, maybe you didn't hear me. Go Away!"

Penny stops him; "All right, Kurt, be nice."

"Oh, I am being nice." He steps up and rubs his hand in Leonard's hair; Right, little buddy?"

Leonard is really getting upset; "Okay, I understand your impulse to try and physically intimidate me. You can't compete with me on an intellectual level and so you're driven to animalistic puffery."

Kurt stands up straight; "You calling me a puffy animal?"

"No, I said animalistic. Of course, we're all animals, but some of us have climbed a little higher on the evolutionary tree."

Sheldon leans over and whispers to him; "If he understands that, you're in trouble."

"So what? I'm unevolved?"

Sheldon whispers again; "You're in trouble!"

"You know, you use a lot of big words for such a little dwarf."

Penny breaks in again; "Okay, Kurt please!"

Leonard throws out his chest; "Look, Penny, it's okay. I can handle this. I am not a dwarf, I'm a hobbit! A hobbit! Are misfiring neurons in your hippocampus preventing the conversation from short-term to long-term memory?"

"Okay, now you're starting to make me mad."

Leonard puts up his finger; "A Homo habilis discovering his opposable thumbs says, "What?"

Kurt looks at him; "What?"

"I think I've made my point!"

"Yeah? How about I make a point out of your pointy little head?"

Sheldon tries to calm him down.

Leonard looks to Sheldon; "There isn't going to be a confrontation. In fact, I doubt if he can even spell confrontation."

Kurt picks Leonard up and holds him high; "C-O-N... frontation."

Penny jumps in; "Kurt, put him down this instant."

"He started it!"

"I don't care, I'm finishing it. Put him down."

He nearly throws him down; "Fine! You're one lucky little leprechaun." He turns and walks away.

Penny feels really bad for Leonard and Leonard is completely embarrassed by being man-handled by Kurt; "Leonard, are you okay?"

Standing behind Penny is the blonde in the psychedelic outfit and she smiles again at Sheldon as Leonard talks to Penny.

"Yeah, no, I'm fine, it's a good party. Thanks for having... It's just getting a little late, so..."

"Oh, Okay, all right, well thanks you for coming."

As Sheldon starts to walk out he turns to Penny and smiles at her; "Happy Halloween." The psychedelic blonde grabs Sheldon by the hand; "Do you live across the hall?"

"Yes, yes I do."

"I'm Donna, do you mind if I come over and get out of this crowd for a while; I'd really like to talk to you about you costume."

"Sure Donna, we might have to go to my room, Leonard is a little upset right now and I don't want to make him feel any worse than he is right now."

She gave him a wide smile; "Perfect, that way we can talk and no one will interrupt us right?"

He nodded and entered the apartment; "Perfect, Leonard is probably in the bathroom brooding about Kurt and Penny, let's go."

She followed him into his room and as soon as he closed the door, she threw her arms around him and planted a hot, wet kiss on his lips. She pulled back and looked him up and down. "Okay so you're not a brain damaged choo-choo, so tell me what are you?"

I'm a Doppler effect, it's a scientific term and I wanted to show people it through costume."

"Oh, okay, I don't know what that is, but I'll take your word for it. What I do like about the costume is this." She reached out and grabbing hold of the zipper on the front of the costume, she pulled it down till she reached his crotch. Reaching in, she grabbed hold of his enormous cock and her large hand wrapped around the thickness of it. She stroked it several times and released it from his costume. She slowly sank to her knees and let out a long groan; "Oh my god Sheldon, this piece of meat is magnificent! I don't think I've ever seen or felt anything like this."

He scoffed; "I get that a lot, now what are you going to do with it?" He wiggled his shoulders and the entire costume slipped off his shoulders and fell about this calves.

She used one hand to help him out of the Doppler Effect and kept her other hand stroking his cock. She looked up at him with those large blue eyes; her long golden waves framed her face. She tossed them over her shoulder and leaning forward, ran her tongue all around his cock. She smiled; "Have you ever had anyone ever make love to your cock?"

He shook his head and slowly closed his eyes. He licked his lips and whispered out; "No I haven't, how does one do that?"

She giggled; "Just wait and see!" She grabbed hold of his cock with both hands and she began running the flat of her tongue up and down its length. Top, bottom, sides, She's pop her mouth over the tip and sucked two or three times, taking about three of four inches into her mouth. Then she's stroke its entire length several times. She had it completely coated in her saliva. Over the next five minutes, she repeated this over and over again and every time her lips encompassed his shaft and sucked in into her mouth, Sheldon would tense up and bite his lower lip. Her face from her upper lip, down to her lower neck was covered in large foaming bubbles of her saliva. She pulled it out of her mouth and ran his shaft up and around her cheeks, forehead and nose. She popped it back into her mouth and took even more in.

Sheldon was close to cumming. He dug his fingers into her long, silky hair and her matching bandana that held her hair in place fell away. He combed his fingers through her hair and it fell like a waterfall of silken gold across her face. It obscured her mouth from his gaze and now just the feeling of her hands and mouth on his cock made it somewhat even more erotic. He heard the sucking and gurgling sounds coming from her mouth and throat and he was going to cum. He looked down and saw those luscious golden legs beneath her dress.

Grabbing her by the arm, he drew her to her feet. She protested but came up and wrapping her arms around his neck. She swiped the back of her hand across her mouth to clear away some of her saliva. She immediately planted a hot, wet kiss on his lips. She drove her active tongue into his mouth and fought with his. She let out a groan when she felt his hands on her ass.

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