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Big City quest

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Tragedy turns to satisfaction, in my inaugural city quest.
4.4k words

Part 1 of the 30 part series

Updated 07/22/2024
Created 06/09/2024
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This was originally written as a true story, leaving the farm, young and naive, uneducated, moving to the city in search of something different. The story morphed into what it is now; based on a true story but truly fictional.

Some of these events happened, but I elaborated, to enhance the story. I hope you enjoy.

{' _ '} these brackets, indicates, {'my thoughts'}

Rather than typing "I think," or "my thoughts were", etc. I use these {' -- '}.

"Bridgette" a bagel is placed beside my laptop by a meticulously manicured hand, the nails sculpted, with impeccable artwork, a large emerald ring on the middle finger, an expensive multi jeweled watch adorns her left wrist.

I look up is it really 'Dakota Johnson'?

No really? Can it truly be her?

I mean do movie stars frequent coffee shops without an entourage.

"Uh, are you Dakota Johnson?" I peer at her through tear glazed eyes.

She's stunning, gorgeous; thick wavy black hair cascading over the upper portion of her abundant cleavage.

"No, I'm Rachel; I've heard them call your name last 4 days, when your order was ready." Her voice is mellow, husky, deeper than I expected, resonating with a calming, caring, empathetic quality.

Extending her right hand for a social greeting, a large diamond on her right ring finger. We gingerly shake hands, well fingers really; I feel slightly guilty being so cautious, maybe I should show more enthusiasm, she is trying to be friendly. Too late, she's already withdrawn her hand.

She must be a model, expensive clothes, magnificent curvaceous body, her full bosom, the soft skin bulging, appears to be trying to escape, restrained by a dark green, tight fitting mini dress.

Narrow, cute, upturned nose; long eyelashes, light blue eyeshadow enhancing her large enticing blue eyes. The hollow below her neck has a large emerald pendant dangling from a delicate silver chain. She has a flawless pale complexion; puffy red lips, a minor amount of lipstick; she used something to create the profound definition, as the outer edge is so crisp. Her entire face reveals a warm comforting smile, not just her up curled lips, her dazzling blue eyes also radiate comfort.

"Bridgette, it's obvious something's troubling you."

She turns a chair sideways to the table, somehow knowing I'm comfortable with her joining me; sitting, looking directly at me, she slides the bagel closer.

"I've come here often for nearly 2 years, daily for over a month; never seeing you until Monday. You arrived around 8:20 every morning, ordered coffee, 2 cream, no sugar, and a cheese bagel. You were dressed for the office. I watched you fidget with a controlled nervousness, then promptly at 8:45 daily you departed."

Mustering a bit of a grin, I nod, meekly take a nibble of the bagel.

"Now it's Friday you arrive earlier, with a backpack and a suitcase."

I allow her to take my hand.

{'What's this big city stranger after from this hayseed country gal?'}

"Bridgette, you're noticeably stressed; casually dressed, intently focused on your computer."

With tears welling up, I am unsure about sharing with this stranger. She places her other hand over mine, in a soft, gentle voice.

"Bridgette, maybe I can help?" She peers at me with her consoling eyes, waiting for a reply.

"Bridgette, at least tell me what's going on. I've never seen anyone in here with a suitcase." She smiles again, comforting; I recognize concern, sympathy in her sparkling blue eyes.

I was still hesitant to share, but she seemed genuinely concerned, and I certainly could use some assistance.

She began rubbing the back of my hand, it was comforting, like when my mom massaged a boo boo, after a loving kiss.

I struggled not to cry, but no longer reluctant, I started telling my story.

"I was startled awake very early this morning by gunshots, I thought they were in my room, loud, bullets splintering wood above my head."

My voice breaking, the fear returned, reliving the ordeal; I gasped, staring at Rachel; I was now squeezing her hand.

"I dove to the floor, lying face down, intense fear, sobbing, praying I'd somehow survive." I had to pause, gather myself, it was as if I was back on floor, hard to breathe. Rachel leaned closer; put her hand on my shoulder, then moved to my neck. She didn't speak, but I silently knew she was there for me.

I inhaled deeply; looked up at the ceiling, regaining a bit of composure and again, maintaining eye contact, continued.

"Police found me, face down, crying, praying. After they interrogated me, I had to leave the crime scene; I packed my backpack and suitcase with my belongings and having nowhere else to go, here I am."

Sharing my story releases the tears I'd been stifling; they begin to flow.

Rachel passes me a napkin, and a gentle finger massage on my neck. I felt much better after telling her what happened.

"Bridgette, how horrible; I heard about that on the morning news, a drug deal, 2 teens are dead." She leisurely drags her fingers from my neck, across my shoulder and down my arm, then squeezes my hand.

"Wow, I can only imagine, that would shake anyone."

I don't understand why, but I feel rather comfortable sharing with this stranger.

I guess now that I have a sympathetic ear, I might as well relinquish my major burden.

"That's only a portion of my stress," I close my laptop, sit back, a deep sigh.

"I came to the city for a job interview, I had an appointment Monday morning at a large law firm; they asked me to return Tuesday as someone in HR was sick. After the Tuesday interrogation, I was informed, they narrowed it down to 3 candidates; so, yet again asked me to return Wednesday to do a deposition and construct a court brief to be presented to one of the partners Thursday."

I fidget in my seat, feeling anxious to continue.

"I travelled here expecting to be maybe 2 days. I booked the cheaper hotel online to save money; but the travel distance and cab fare was higher than I expected, I could've stayed down here at a much better hotel for similar cost."

I wipe my eyes, sharing this portion of the story has calmed me a lot.

"I got the job; I start next week; now however, I'm nearly broke. I contacted most of my family for assistance." I'm done crying, anxiety diminished; I put down the napkin. More relaxed, I give her a forced smile.

"I guess I should feel fortunate, this must be rock bottom, so the future can only be better;" I chuckle trying to find humor at this crossroad of life, I find myself in. "I hope I survive to see it."

I take a sip of coffee, before proceeding, ah, such a surprise, coffee's cold.

I shake my head, the epitome of my current station, I actually find humor in that.

"I'm seeking a local shelter and food kitchen. I either find a hostel, or I sleep on the street tonight, as I don't have enough cash.

I doubt lawyers give advances to someone who hasn't yet worked. Asking would likely end my employment." I hang my head in shame, it's overwhelmed me, my hands try hiding my face, the tears begin to flow, this time much more profound.

"Bridgette, I knew I could help, allow me, I know a place, you can stay, close by; come on lawyer lady, let's get you started on your new life, and new career." Rachel's kind eyes gaze at me as she rises still holding my hand.

"Come on, you were right; this must be rock bottom, so the future can only be better. Smile, life's about to completely turn around for you; I promise."

I try to force a smile, it doesn't really happen, but I do feel a bit better. I stuff my computer in my backpack, sling it over my shoulder as I stand.

"Let me drag your suitcase, it's only a block, this way." She exits in front of me, a waft of expensive perfume fills my nostrils; I notice her long, lithe, sculpted legs sheathed in dark silk stockings, with a perfect straight seam down the back. She walks fluidly, carefully placing one foot directly in front of the other, like a runway model; accenting her hip sway, a confident, seductive gait. She has a tight, almost non-existent butt, her clicking high heels has me mesmerized.

"What do you do Rachel?" I ask, eyes riveted on her sexy legs, swaying hips, and tight buns.

"I'm in real estate." She turns slightly to look at me with that calming smile.

"Where are you from?"

"Cassoday, Kansas, about an hour northeast of Wichita."

"A farm girl?" She states rather than questions.

"Ya, until college, no interest in returning, I always wanted to get away from there."

"Here we are,"

A doorman, nice smile, a nod, grey suit, cap, white gloves, opens the large glass door.

"Hello George, get us a car please, in about an hour."

On the elevator, she pushes 'penthouse' button.

"Uh, I thought you were going to show me to a shelter, why are we here?"

"Relax Bridgette, this is my place, I'd like you to stay with me until you get on your feet."

Rachel opens the door to a very posh, large, open suite, beautifully decorated, an executive, modern décor. The kitchen to the right, pots hanging above, an island with 4 bar stools, marble countertops, stainless steel appliances.

"Follow me." We go through the living room, plush thick, white carpet, 2 long white leather sofas facing one another matching chairs at each end creating a boxed in coffee table. Three large modern art paintings, pastel shades of pink and blue. Chrome lamps, on chrome end tables with white marble top.

She opens the first door.

"Bathroom." She lets me look in.

"Wow," More marble, only this is black with whisps of white and distinct gold streaks. One full mirrored wall, a sunken tub that would likely fit 3 comfortably, glass enclosed shower, room for 4 or 5. The taps and faucets are gold plated.

We proceed to the next door.

"Your room, until you're ready to get your own place." There's a large queen size, poster bed, decorated with hanging layers of sheer, pastel green curtains, a built-in bookcase around a large desk in the corner, a huge flat screen TV over a gas fireplace on the wall at the end of bed. Two large, overstuffed chairs with a wrought iron table between them.

"I live alone, so I'm happy to have some company."

She ties back the sheers, then tosses my luggage onto the bed.

"Now, you go shower, or a tub if you prefer, we'll relax for a bit; I have a massage appointment at 10:30, I'll call and book you in as well, I bet a good massage would be exactly what the doctor would order."

Somehow, she knows I'm about to object. Rachel touches my lips with her delicate finger.

"Hush, no questions, no resistance, chill, you're my guest. Go shower, wash away all the old; you're in the big city now, it's time to accept a new life."


I really do enjoy the hot shower, I come out of the bathroom, rubbing my hair with a large towel. Enjoying the feeling of the cool, smooth satin against my skin, from the royal blue robe she left out.

"Ah, feeling better Bridgette?" Rachel is lounging on one of the white sofas in red lace see through robe, a black under bra and thong.

She definitely is a gorgeous woman.

"Come sit here," She taps the cushion beside her, wiggles over giving enough room for me to sit in front of her bent legs. As I sit, she picks up a thin marijuana cigarette and lights it.

{'Aha, she likes women, she's after sex with me, that's why she invited me to stay here.'}

"This is what you need to really help you relax." She holds it to me, her pleasant, genuinely friendly face, sultry eyes, smiling.

{Well, I've never had sex with a woman, I understand it's supposed to be great. I'm reluctant, but curious. Ok, she's gorgeous; I definitely need a place to stay; this is all so surreal. Ok; I'll do it.}

I stutter slightly.

"I, uh, I don't smoke." She gently blows the skunky smelling smoke in my face; I gasp and cough but muster a polite smile.

"What, really, 4 years of college and you don't smoke pot?" She smiles, tokes again and she leans forward, closer to me, purposely let it out slowly. I am forced to inhale some, as it wafts over my face; I again, cough.

I feel anxious, anticipating she's moving in for a kiss; butterflies, uneasiness, but not nervous, in that instant, I was excitedly looking forward to it.

"It's legal now, Miss lawyer." She chuckles and again exhales slowly, there is a lingering haze surrounding us, I am feeling the effect; and no longer coughing.

"Nothing better to mellow out than a pinner, or a fatty with a bottle of wine. We'll share wine later." She offers me the roach; I again shake my head.

"I'm already lightheaded," She blows more smoke in my face, then lays back.

I admit, I was slightly disappointed, my hopes dampened, I guess I was looking forward to that kiss.

"Do you cook Rachel?"

"Yes," I giggle,

"I'm not a chef, nor a baker, but mom taught me well enough to feed a farmer."

"I don't; my former roommate cooked; she went overseas, a few weeks ago."

I detect a tone of remorse in her voice. Rachel finishes the roach.

"Well, we got a massage to get to; let's find some nice clothes for you."

Leading me through her expansive, elegant, bedroom, she slides open double pocket doors to her walk-in closet. The wall on the right has a 10 to 12-foot rack of dresses; the opposite wall is divided; the upper is skirts and pants; the lower is suit jackets and blouses, the end wall is shoes and accessories. She picks a few dresses from the bar.

"Any of these will fit, try this one first, I think it's the one, I'd like to see it on you."

I turn to take them to my room.

"Bridgette, we're both female adults, roommates now, don't be bashful, I won't bite." She sits on the bed.

{'Ok this is where she'll make her move; once I'm naked.'}

"Unless you ask me too." She chuckles.

{Ok, for sure that's a sexual comment, I feel butterflies in my tummy, whoa, I'm excited, I'm anxiously aroused.'}

Being self-conscious, from the farm I never got naked in front of anyone but mama since I was a teen. I'm bashful, I know I'm blushing, nervous, shy, I prefer her to see my backside rather than my front; I timidly drop the satin bathrobe; I must be shivering, I'm in front of a stranger, naked; yet I feel an arousal; a thrill, desiring to feel another woman.

"Bridgette, let me gaze upon your beauty." I giggle, my right hand across my breast, my left hiding my nether region, I turn, looking at the floor.

"Bridgette, you're in the big city, let the past go, embrace your new life."

{'Ok, it's futile to resist, I know it's inevitable; and I do want her; let's get on with it.'}

I relax my arms, holding them beside me, still not able to gaze at her, I remain staring at the floor.

"Bridgette, you're stunning, absolutely ravishing; you've got an awesome, sexy body. Stand up proud; turn, let me gaze upon your beauty," Her kind words seem artificial to my insecure self; yet there's a part of me sensing sincerity in her voice. I look up, her face is beaming.

"Especially your bouncy boobs; you need some attention down there though," she tilts her head with a slight frown and weird screwed up look on her face; it quickly turns to that comforting smile.

"A bikini wax or a trim at least, is foremost." She rolls her eyes and giggles.

I blush, it's likely the marijuana, I'm feeling good about her flattering words, I continue without embarrassment. I find myself anticipating our romp, actually desiring it.

After trying on three, we decide on a simple, loose fitting, yellow cotton summer dress, one with an elastic top across my bosom, she adjusts the elastic hem, tugging it lower, until the hem barely covers my areoles. I expect a kiss and some fondling; again nothing.

Bridgette convinces me to go commando. I've always worn panties and rarely go without a bra, especially in public, it feels obscene, smutty, salacious; and damn, I've never felt sexier.

Rachel nonchalantly strips, nude, strolls back into the closet. I'm unable to look away from her alluring, flawless, fantastic figure, she's bewitched me, teasing me, I find myself desiring her. She returns holding a dress and heels. I'm captivated by her dark labia peeking past the shiny smooth mounds of her smooth, shiny vulva. Dark areoles, nipples are darker than I've seen, almost black, much longer too.

She dons a non-flattering loose fitting flowered dress.

My mind racing, so many carnal thoughts.

"C'mon we better get going." She extends a hand, pulling me off the bed.

When we get to the front, Rachel's car is waiting; it's a black limo, complete with a uniformed chauffeur holding the back door. She sits in the front seat facing back, I sit in the back seat facing her.

She pours two flutes of champagne.

As I take one from her, she hoists hers for a toast.

"Goodbye Kansas farm girl, hello big city lawyer." We touch glasses, she winks, I nod.

I am giddy and giggling as we arrive at the spa.

"You're not in Kansas anymore Dorothy." Rachel chuckles, as she climbs out of the limo; I respond.

"Where did we leave Toto?" We both laugh, entering the spa; there are 2 Oriental gals waiting, their heads bowed, hands clasped in front of them.

"Bridgette, you go with Liyang, I booked you a wax and a full massage, we'll meet up later."

I follow her, her feet quickly shuffling, rather than walking. The room has a lilac incense aroma, she assists me lifting my dress off, and aides me to lay on my back on a massage table, it has a heated terry towel covering, very relaxing. Another warm towel is laid across my face. Another on my pelvic area. Next, I felt a warm substance smeared along my vulva from my lips to my leg, then something was gently pressed against that area with delicate fingertips.

"YEEEE_OOWWW; OH, MY FUCKING GOD!" Screaming; I sit straight up, cupping my burning vulva.

"Ahh, so, first time ya." The tiny Asian giggles, my gawd I wanted to back hand her so hard, she would have to shuffle her tiny feet back from across the room.

"You hokay," Asian accent.

"You lie down, next won't be as bad." I get a fresh warm towel laid across my face, she lays another warm, soothing towel on my pelvic region.

The same wax application procedure happens on my left side.

"GEEEZUZ," I sit up again; my arms lift to grab her. Her sweet smile, little giggle, prevents me from doing anything illegal.

"Hokay, dis one not so sensitive area," She begins applying the warm thick wax goo to the top of my pubic mound. I know it's about to happen; I'm prepared.

"FFUUUCK!" I don't sit up, my legs raise, my head turns sideways, and I bite my lip. It wasn't any less painful, but I took it, like a farm girl. GRRRR!

After my nether region is completely waxed, she gently rubs scented, warm oil over the tender flesh.

Liyang leads me to a table in the dimly lit room beside Rachel. Rachel's laying on her stomach, her entire body glistening with oil; her hands under her head, hearing us enter, her eyes open, she smiles at me as I lay face down on the massage table, a few feet from her. We might be able to hold hands if we stretched our arms out.

Her young masseuse has one hand slowly, rhythmically, rising and falling, between her upper thighs, the other hand is squeezing her butt cheeks, her thumb appears to be dipping in and out of Rachel's butthole. I assume as the hand rises and falls, the fingers are massaging her labia or is possibly penetrating on the downstrokes.

Rachel smiles contentedly, closing her eyes, emitting a deep felicitous moan. I close my eyes as talented fingers work into my shoulders and neck.

The warm gentle hands soon have me thoroughly relaxed, almost falling asleep from the deep shoulder and neck massage. Her oiled arms now rubbing down from shoulders to my lower back.

"Mmmmmmmm, uuuuhhh Huuuuhh." Rachel moans.

I open my eyes as Rachel groans louder, she has turned over; knees bent, open wide, the girl's hands are circling on top of Rachel's tits, pressing them, flattening them, then caressing down her abdomen, all the way to her knees. Then slowly up her thighs, thumbs pressing along her labia, then up to her breasts, repeating this cycle slowly. Stroking her entire oiled body. I have a tremendous arousal watching this; wishing it was me.


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