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Biking Buds Pt. 08

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Marsha and Doug on 'not a date'.
3.9k words

Part 8 of the 8 part series

Updated 03/31/2024
Created 07/14/2023
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Mark hurried into the house. He wanted to look perfect for his date with Doug... even though it wasn't a date. To Mark... or Marsha, it was. It would be her first date to a nice restaurant on the arm of a hunky man. This was a dream come true for a lifelong crossdresser.

He mixed himself a drink, then took a quick shower using scented body soap, a quick dry and then an application of scented moisturizing lotion on his arms and legs and Mark was ready to sit at the vanity and start to become Marsha. Fortunately he had bathed and shaved his body earlier in the day.

The make-up didn't take very long. Marsha didn't really need a heavy foundation to cover a beard like a lot of crossdressers. She quickly put a two-tone shadow on her upper lids that would accent the black body stocking, then carefully glued false lashes over her own lashes. Some light blusher on her cheekbones to give them depth, and red lipstick completed the look. She knew she'd have to reapply the lipstick later, but she wanted to see how it all looked together.

She chose some silver earrings that would dangle 2 inches below the bottom hole in her ear lobes, and put medium faux diamond studs in the other hole in her ear lobes.

She set her favorite gel nails out to be applied after she was dressed.

The dressing started with pulling the box with her c-cup silicone tits out of the drawer. She put a generous line of body glue around the edges of the fake tits and laid them face up on the bed. She got the black body suit from the drawer and stepped into it and pulled it up her legs. She loved how the nylon/spandex suit felt when she pulled it up her smooth legs and onto her upper body.

She put her arms through the holes in the body suit and got it situated on her body. Then she reached for one of the fake tits. She held the fabric out from her chest with one hand and placed the tit on her chest with the other. She rubbed it around a little, spreading some of the glue on her chest, then pressed the silicone against her skin. She held it in place for a few seconds, then reached for the other tit and repeated the procedure.

When she had both fake tits in place she pulled the body stocking into place so that the tight nylon/spandex would hold them in place until the glue could set. Once set, the combination of the glue and the tight spandex would insure that they would stay in place. Just a hint of the flesh color of the fake boob would show through the black body suit.

She looked in the full mirror on the closet door. Even in the harsh light of the bedroom it appeared that that the boobs were natural and she was going braless under the body suit.

She took advantage of the fact that she didn't want to move around too much before the glue set to relax and sip on her drink. And think.

She looked at herself in the lighted vanity mirror. "Is this really a good idea?" she said to herself. She said it several times, practicing her girl voice. When she felt like the glue was sufficiently set she leaned into the mirror and said, in her girl voice, "Probably not." Then she smiled at herself and said "But it's going to be so much fun!"

Her next step was her panties and stockings. She got a new pair of the full-fashion stockings from the drawer and a pair of black lacy thong panties. She pulled the thong panties up her legs and squatted to make sure the thong nestled in her ass crack. Then she adjusted her male parts in the pouch of the panties. These were special panties for crossdressing men, so the pouch was a little larger than the front of a female thong, and tight to hold the dangly things tight against her body. With the panties in place she snapped the crotch of the body suit closed and squatted again so that the back of the body suit pulled into hers ass crack, also.

The stockings were the hard part. The stockings had reinforced toes, reinforced heels, and a seam up the backs of the legs. Marsha pulled them up and clipped them to the garters attached to the body suit, then stood in front of the mirror that was the sliding door to her closet. She face away from the mirror and looked over her shoulder, first one and then the other, to see if she seams on the stockings were straight. She adjusted each of them, then looked again. After four tries she was satisfied that they were as straight as they were going to be.

With the stockings on and the seams straight it was time for Marsha to put her gel nails on. She had chosen a medium length set with French tips... long enough to be elegant, but short enough to handle silverware without being clumsy. She also put rings on the pinky and middle fingers of her left hand, and the index and ring finger of her right hand. Bangle bracelets on her right wrist and a silver ankle bracelet on her left ankle completed her jewelry.

Now for a skirt. She went into her walk in closet to look at the skirts hanging there. Did she want to go with black? Or did she want some color to contrast with the black she was already wearing?

She chose a burgundy skirt with a silver band around the hem. She would put a silver elastic belt around the waist and wear her burgundy 2 inch pumps with a silver heel. She would need a wrap or jacket over the body suit to cover her 'braless tits', so she chose a burgundy 3/4 sleeve jacket with black lapels and cuffs.

With the skirt and heels on, and the jacket laid on the bed, she chose her wig and sat back down at the vanity.

The wig was just shoulder length, cut in a stylish bob that circled around her ears and just touched her shoulders. Marsha put her wig cap on and pinned it in place, then pulled the wig on. She turned her head back and forth, making sure the part in the wig was lined up like it was supposed to be.

The last thing to get ready was her purse. She chose a black clutch purse. She put her id, a debit card and a credit card in the slots in one side of the clutch, then some cash in the little zipper pocket in the other side. She reapplied her lipstick, then put it in the purse. Last she slid the key to the front door into a pocket in the purse, and she was ready to go.

She looked at the clock. Doug should be to get her in about ten minutes. She went to the living room and mixed another drink. While she was rushing to get ready she didn't feel nervous, but now, with time to relax and think, she was feeling some butterflies in her stomach. She took her drink and went back into the bedroom to look at herself in the mirror again.

"Relax," she said aloud. "You are beautiful. Nothing about how you look gives anyone any reason to think you're not 100 percent female."

She heard herself say it... but she wasn't sure she believed it. She took a gulp of her drink and went back to the dining/living area to wait for Doug.

She saw the lights of his car when he pulled into the driveway. She swallowed the last of her drink and headed for the door, planning to just walk on out to his car. But before she could get to the door she heard a soft knock, and when she opened the door Doug was standing on the other side, grinning.

"Holy crap!" Doug said when he saw her. "Mark... Marsha, is that really you?"

She stepped back and spun around for him.

"I take it you approve?" she giggled.

"Oh, hell yes, I approve," he said. "Seriously, girl, you are gorgeous!" He pulled her to him for a hug. "And you smell a lot better than the last time I hugged you!" They both laughed.

He stepped back and looked at her. "Is that a certain body suit we talked about just a week or so ago?"

Marsha giggled and nodded. "Yes, it is. You said you wanted to see me in it sometime."

Doug smiled. "It looks even sexier than I thought it would."

"So you won't be ashamed to take me to your fancy sports club around your friends?" Marsha asked.

"I hope they're all there," Doug said. "I'd be happy for all of them to see me walk in with you on my arm. Come on, let's go."

Doug pulled up to the Valet Parking and started to get out of the car. Marsha was going to wait for him to come around to open her door, but the valet got there first. He opened the door and held his hand out to Marsha.

Marsha very demurely swung her feet out, careful to keep her knees together so as not to flash the valet... or anyone else who happened to be looking. She let the young man help her to her feet just as Doug came around the front of the car.

"Thanks, Gino," he said to the valet.

"Sure thing, Mr. Baker," Gino smiled. "You and your pretty lady have a nice dinner!" he added as he slid into the driver's seat of the expensive sports car.

Doug held his arm out for Marsha. She hooked her arm in his and they walked into the club. The foyer was well lit, but not bright. Soft music came from speakers hidden among the real plants.

"Good evening, Mr. Baker," the Maître d' said when they walked in. he looked down at the book on the podium and frowned. "I have your reservation for 7:30. Did I write it down wrong? I'll try to find you something immediately."

Doug held his hand up and smiled. "You have it right, Winston," he said. "We're early. We'll go into the lounge and have a cocktail until you're ready for us. And don't stress yourself. We're not in that big of a hurry."

"Ah, yes, please do," Winston smiled. "I'll tell the bartender your drinks are on me tonight."

Doug shook his head. "No need for that, Winston," he said. "Like I said, we're early. You just let us know when our table is ready."

He escorted Marsha into the dimly lit lounge and held her chair for her.

"I've never felt so elegant," Marsha giggled as she let him seat her.

"Elegant," Doug said. "That's a good word to describe you right now. Elegant. And sexy."

Marsha blushed. "Thank you, Doug. For saying that. And... for doing this. This is, uh, well, sort of a dream night for me."

Doug smiled. "I have a feeling it won't be the last time you'll be here for supper," he said.

The waiter came by and Doug ordered a bourbon and water for himself and a glass of wine for Marsha. Doug was telling Marsha about something that happened at the office earlier in the week when he suddenly stopped talking and looked up.

"Something wrong?" Marsha asked.

"Uh, no, I don't think so. Bobby and his latest conquest just saw us and are heading this way," Doug told her. Bobby was one of the attorneys who had joined some of their football watch parties, and also one of the two who had visited Doug when he was in the hospital. He knew Mark.

Marsha took a deep breath. "Well, we knew it could happen," she said.

"Hey, Doug, good to see you out and about again," Bobby smiled as he walked up to the table.

"Yeah, hey, Bobby," Doug smiled as he stood to greet them. Marsha caught herself before she stood to greet them, remembering that ladies don't do that.

Bobby gestured toward his date. "Doug, do you remember Heidi Nelson? She's one of the in-house attorneys at Laughlin Industries. We worked with her on that big suit against the EPA. Before you had your accident."

Doug smiled and nodded as he held his hand out to her. "I thought you looked familiar," he said. "We were just getting started on that when I got knocked out of commission."

Heidi smiled and let him take her hand. "I remember," she said. "That sounded awful! Are you okay now?"

Doug nodded. "Yeah, I'm pretty much back to normal."

Doug saw Bobby looking closely at Marsha.

"Oh, I'm sorry," he said. "Bobby, Heidi, this is my good friend Marsha White. She helped me though my recuperation from the accident. Marsha, do you remember Bobby?"

Marsha smiled and at him, then at Heidi. "Yes, of course. It's nice to see you again, Bobby," she said softly. "And nice to meet you, Heidi."

"Mar... oh! Marsha!" Bobby said. He gave Doug a funny look when he realized exactly who Marsha was. "Yes, it's good to see you again, too, Marsha." Bobby smiled nervously.

"It's nice to meet you, Marsha," Heidi said graciously.

"Uh, well, uh, they have our table ready," Bobby said, avoiding looking at Marsha. "Uh, hey, maybe we should get together later for a few drinks?"

Doug smiled at his nervousness. "Yeah, I think that's a great idea. If it's okay with Marsha, that is."

"It's fine with me," Marsha smiled.

"Uh, ok, then," Bobby said as he started to walk away. "We'll see you later."

Doug looked at Marsha as he sat back down. As soon as Bobby was out of earshot they both laughed.

"I thought I was going to be the nervous one!" Marsha laughed. "That was kind of fun."

"Damned sure was!" Doug laughed. "Are you sure you're okay with spending more time with them later, though? When he gets a few drinks in him he might not be so fun."

Marsha grinned at him. "I'll be fine," she said.

Bobby held Heidi's arm and hurried her into the dining room.

"What's wrong with you?" she asked.

"I'll tell you when we're seated," he said quietly.

When they were seated he looked at Heidi. "Last football season I went to a couple of football watch parties at Doug's friend's house... Doug's friend Mark," he said.

Heidi looked at him, puzzled. "Yeah, so?"

"Well, you just met Mark... except we called him Marsha! Marsha is Mark! Marsha is a man!"

Heidi shrugged. "I knew that when we first stopped to talk to them," she said. "What's the big deal about that?"

"Don't you get it?" Bobby asked, his voice a little shrill. "Marsha is a dude! Doug has a date with a dude!"

Heidi giggled. "Well, you have to admit that he's gorgeous," she said.

"That's not the point," Bobby said, his voice getting louder. "Doug does not date dudes!"

"Well, he introduced her as his friend, not his date," Heidi pointed out.

"Oh, come on!" Bobby said. "A girl doesn't get all done up like that if it's not a date!"

He pulled his phone out and started to tap out a message.

"What are you doing?" Heidi asked him.

"I'm texting Gary and Ben and Frank," Bobby said.

Heidi sighed. "Bobby, can't you just let it drop and let's enjoy our dinner?" she asked. She reached across the table and lightly ran her manicured fingers across the back of his hand. "You can talk to your friends about Doug's dinner companion tomorrow, when you're not with me." Her voice was almost a purr.

Bobby smiled. "Yeah, you're right," he said as he hit the send button. "Let's enjoy tonight."

"Right," Heidi smiled. "Besides, we're going to go have drinks with Doug and Marsha later. Maybe then you will see that they are just friends. But, really, what would it matter if they are on a date?"

Bobby looked pained when she reminded him that he'd agreed to meet them for drinks later. Then he nodded. "Yeah, I guess it's really none of my business," he said. "It doesn't affect me, does it?"

"Not unless Marsha has a 'sister' he wants to hook you up with," Heidi giggled. Again she used her fingers for air quotes when she said 'sister'.

Bobby looked shocked. "Not happening!" he said.

Heidi laughed. "Just relax and enjoy our dinner," she said.

Doug and Marsha talked through dinner, Doug telling Marsha some things about the cases he was picking up now that he was back to work, and Marsha telling him about a project she was designing for one of her firm's big clients that she'd been working on at home.

"So you're going to have to present it to our bosses?" Doug asked. "Or to the clients?"

"Well, both, really," Marsha told him "First to the bosses. If they like it and want me to take the lead then I'll have to present it to the client."

"Just out of curiosity, is there a chance they like it but want someone else to take the lead?" Doug asked.

Marsh nodded. "Yeah, happens all the time. Sometimes the person who comes up with the idea isn't good at presenting, or isn't comfortable taking the lead. Sometimes the big guys just think someone else would be better leading a project."

Doug nodded. "So, have you given any thought at all about Marsha presenting it to your bosses?"

Marsha set her fork down in her plate and looked at him. "Actually, I have," she smiled. "I think they'll like my idea, so even if they don't want Marsha presenting to the client I'd still get to work on it."

"And would you be okay with that?" Doug asked.

"Not really," she admitted. "But I might not have a choice. My other option is to leave Marsha at home and probably take the lead on my first really big project."

"Would you be willing to argue with them if they want the project with someone else as the lead?" Doug asked.

Marsha thought for a minute. "If I present it as Mark, yes," she said. "If it's because I present I to them as Marsha, no. I have a good job and I like it."

"And you'd really like to do it as Marsha, right?"

Marsha laughed and nodded. "Yes, I really would. These weeks that I've been able to work and basically live as Marsha have been... good for me. I've decided that I want to transition. I'm just not sure I want to start that transition by presenting a major project to my bosses as Marsha."

Doug nodded. "I understand. So, when you say transition... hormones? Surgery?"

Marsha tilted her head. "Definitely hormones," she said. "I'd love if these were real," she laughed, waving her hand over her silicone enhanced chest.

Doug laughed. "Well, just know that I'll support you," he said.

"Oh, Doug, thank you!" she said. "That is so nice of you! When can I move in to your place and quit workings?"

Doug looked shocked, then laughed when he realized she was teasing. "Well, I meant emotionally," he laughed. "But, yeah, I could help financially, too. I could start a fund at the office. A 'Let's buy Marsha some boobs fund!'"

Marsha laughed. "You know, I'd almost take you up on that."

Marsha saw Heidi and Bobby walking towards their table, Heidi in the lead. She looked up and smiled at her.

Heidi looked at Marsha. "I'm making Bobby take me down the street to Smuggler's Cove," she said. "I need to dance off some of the calories he fed me."

Marsha looked at Doug, who smiled and nodded. "Sounds fun!" she said. "We'll meet you down there."

Heidi smiled. "Great! We look forward to it." She turned to Bobby. "Don't we, honey?"

Bobby looked at Marsha, then at Doug. "Uh, yeah, sure. We look forward to it."

Doug and Marsha again waited until they were out of earshot and laughed. "This just gets better and better," Marsha smiled.

Marsha slipped her hand into Doug's as they strolled down the sidewalk to the other club. Doug didn't say anything...he just took her hand and kept walking.

"Um, you don't have to dance with me in front of your friends if you don't want to," Marsha said quietly just before they walked in the door.

Doug turned and smiled at her. "Don't kid yourself," he said to her. "I'm not going to dance with you because I have to... I'm going to dance with you because I want to."

Marsha squeezed his hand. "You're so sweet. Thank you."

As they walked in Doug stopped and spoke to the host as he handed him something. Then he took Marsha by the arm and led her to the table with Heidi and Bobby. They ordered drinks while Heidi and Marsha made small talk like they were old friends.

"Is that one of the old fashioned body suits with a snap crotch?" Heidi asked Marsha.

Marsha laughed and nodded. "Yes. Complete with attached garters."

"Ooh, I love that. I didn't notice. Full fashion stockings, too?" Heidi asked.

Marsha stood up and twirled around so that Heidi could see her legs.

"Ok, now that is really sexy," she said. She looked over at Doug. "Lucky Doug!"

Marsha blushed and laughed. "We'll see," she said. "This really isn't a date. He wanted to take me out to thank me for taking care of him while he was hurt."

"Well, you are gorgeous and sexy," Heidi said. "He's a fool if he doesn't want to get lucky!"

Doug and Bobby looked at them, wondering what they were talking and giggling about.

When Doug heard the first few notes of the song he stood and offered his hand to Marsha. "Dance with me?" he asked.


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