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Bikini Vampire Pt. 01

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Night girl watching.
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I live alone.

Not by choice.

One day, unexpectedly, my mate of thirty-five years, the wife, decided she did not want to live with me anymore. She had found another gentleman. Younger than me and more virile. She packed all her crap up and was gone in one day. Did I mention she left me a ponderous mountain of bills? Yeah, I got saddled with that. Now at my age, you begin to think about slowing down and retiring. Forget that shit. I worked all my regular shifts plus two to three extras a week. I made it a goal to be out of debt as soon as possible. Oh yes, I cancelled all her cards.

Why am telling you all this? Well, it is because I worked so many and such long hours. I got up incredibly early in the morning, long before sunup.

A splurge of mine. I bought myself an espresso machine for my home. I would sit or stand and gaze out one of the back windows. Watching the slow transition of night and day. Of course, during the winter, it was just dark until long after I was at work. That fall and winter, I worked. That is, it, just work. I went nowhere else and did nothing else. All extraneous funds went to pay her bills.

The spring of the next year, I did it. I was out of debt. Well, there was the house payment. But everything was done. I stopped working all those extra hours. I now had something. Wait...... do not tell me.... I can remember here in a minute.............. Oh yes!!! Days off!!

And here begins my tale.

Like I said, it was spring. The house next door had been for sale for two years. As you can imagine, it needed work. Well, one evening I heard what sounded like a truck next door. Sure enough, there was a moving truck. One of those rental type things. I looked at my watch. It was 9:30 pm. What a crappy time to be moving in. I looked out the window. There was one shadowy figure moving back and forth. They must not have had much. It did not take long. I went to bed.

The next morning, I got up for work. The moving truck was gone. There were lights on, but the weird thing. Someone was mowing the lawn at 4 am. It was so dark; I could not make out anything. But yes, mowing the grass. I made two or three or four espresso and then left for work. Weird. I do not enjoy work as much as I used to. The body is in the preliminary stages of failure.

Oh, I can still work circles around these young punks. They want a paycheck and a blue ribbon just to show up. And long breaks too. But towards the end of the shift, my back hurts, my legs have no strength, and my arms and shoulders are exhausted. You take over the counter pain meds and go on. I do not take the extra shifts anymore. Do not need to.

I arrived at my home late in the afternoon. No action next door. You could tell the grass had been cut and the yard looked like a mowed hayfield. It would get better with subsequent mowing. There was no movement. The windows all had thick curtains. Not that I was looking or snooping. No matter. I went inside and took a shower. Then sat down to a hardy dinner of cottage cheese and bologna. Popped open a beer and watched the news. About 8pm, I got up and went to bed. Still had a couple of days to work this week. I had the weekend off. First one in an exceptionally long time. And because it was the first one off, I made no plans whatsoever.

I arose at my usual early hour and made espresso. Per normal, I looked out the window. Someone was painting the house next door, in the dark. They must work a great deal to have to mow and paint in the dark. But you do what you must. I gobbled down an English muffin with cheese, swallowed another espresso and trudged off to work. Painting at 4 in the morning? Weird.

It was another red-letter day for pain, stiffness, and tiredness at work. Thank goodness for drugs. Upon my return home, I noticed the house next door. The entire area outside was painted a light blue. In one night? But once more, not a soul in sight. Did my normal routine and went to bed.

Friday awoke a little early. I was excited about having a weekend off. I made it to the kitchen and made that first espresso. The first one is always the best. I cannot drink drip coffee anymore. The stuff that comes out of the machines at work is not coffee. More like sad brown water. I avoided it if possible. Other guys drank that swill like it was manna from heaven. Yuck.

So, there I am, a little before 4am. Someone is in the neighbor's yard, raking the grass. I watch for moments. Yes, they are. Raking it up and bagging it for the curb. Just like a good homeowner would do. But at this time of the morning? I must get ready for work. Think about it. Nine or ten hours and I will be off for two whole days. How exciting.

The day had its usual difficulties. The last hour of work lasted at least three hours. I know this is an exaggeration. But the day ended, and I headed for home. Pulling up into the driveway, I see the neighbor's yard was manicured and nice looking. A couple more mowing jobs and it will be perfect. No one and nothing moving there. They must work longer hours than me. Poor sots.

A bag of chips for dinner and a can of soda. Delicious. I thought that I would stay up late in celebration. Nope. Passed out by 8pm. Ain't I the life of the party?

I woke up in the night. I will be honest with you. It is because I am older and must pee. Cannot help it. Once I relieved myself, I was thirsty. Off to the kitchen. The moon was out tonight, and it flooded my kitchen with its glow. I go to the window to take a gander at it. Yes, nice, and full, cloudless sky and the backyard bathed in eerie light. Movement caught my eye. Someone was in the neighbor's back yard. From what I could see, it was a girl or woman in a bathing suit. A dark bikini to be exact. I was suddenly more awake than I was before. Been a long time since a saw a sight like her. Wow! Hey, wait a second, why was she out like this in the middle of the night?

Bikini Vampire, Part 2

I go to work and do my thing. I do not do any more than I must. I had decided I ain't gonna kill myself for them. I was home and my time was my own. I did very little that Saturday. Let us see about dinner. Bologna, crackers, and cheese? Crackers and peanut butter? Fried egg sandwich? And what to drink? Beer? Pop? Milk? I opted for bologna, cheese, and crackers. No cooking, and a beer sounded right. I sat at the table and made nice little cracker sandwiches. The beer was okay. But you know how it is. One beer leads to another. Sunset arrives and not long after, another bright moonlit night.

Something binged in my head. I went to look out the window. Sure enough, there she was, bikini and all in her backyard. I did not move, just stood there, and stared. She rolled over to be face up. Damn those things are huge. I kind hope she falls out of her suit. I have not seen any tits since my ex-wife. And hers were not that great. About that time, she glanced in my direction. Yes, she noticed. I still did not move. Did her eyes just flash red? Must be the light reflecting off something. After a while, she got up and went in. I watched until she was gone. I am a dirty old man.

Between the work week and the beers, I was ready for bed. I headed to the bathroom to shower. One of the few joys I have right now is dropping my clothes wherever the hell I want to. My ex harped on this insistently.

"Pick up your shit and put it in the correct place!" She would speak.

I do not miss that at all. As a matter fact, I make piles all over occasionally out of sheer joy. The hot water felt nice, and I just stood there.

That was another thing she used to bitch about.

"Don't use all the hot water."

And you know I would delight in draining the hot water heater dry. Just to spite her. I shut off the water and opened the curtain. To my shock, there was a face in the bathroom window. It looked like it might be the girl next door and she looked pissed. I also forgot to cover up due to the shock.

I reached for a towel and when I looked back, she was gone. I put on sweatpants and a T-shirt and went to see if she was still around. I looked out the window and there she stood. Still looked pissed. I can admit when I have been a shit. I open the back door and go out.

I spoke.

"Hey, I am sorry about staring at you. It is just that I have not seen such a beautiful creature in an exceedingly long time. I promise. It will not happen again. If you want to know, I am Andy, your pervert neighbor."

Well, that made her laugh.

"Would you like to come in for a beer?" I asked.

She now had a robe on as well as her bikini. It did not hide much.

She answered.

"Yes, I will come in, but no beer. I do not drink alcohol."

She introduced herself as Marisa. There was something about her voice. An accent I could not place. Like I know about accents. We sat at the kitchen table.

Marisa added.

"About the window peaking. I thought I would give you the same treatment you gave me."

I was really embarrassed. I had let myself go.

I spoke.

"Sorry about the old man body. It is not attractive. But you, Marisa, are incredibly attractive."

Marisa laughed aloud and added.

"Nonsense. You do not look that bad. I have seen worse."

That made me feel a little better.

I asked why she had chosen this neighborhood. Marisa replied.

"Oh, it is quiet and a little remote. I needed a change of scenery, and the price was right."

I then asked.

"What do you do for work? You have long days and are never around. I mean you mow the grass at night and painted the house at night."

Marisa leaned forward and spoke.

"Well, you are a nosy little bastard, aren't you? Okay here it is. I work with Blood Donation Centers to supply odd or rare blood types from donors. I work nights. Most people are home at night, and it is easier to get, I mean find. Have you ever given blood Andy? Do not tell me. Let me guess. You are B+. Right?"

Okay, the whole blood thing creeps me out. And yes, she was right. I am B+. But how did she know?

I responded.

"Yeah, I am B+. How did you know that?"

Marisa sat back and spoke.

"Oh, I have a kind of sense for that sort of thing. Years of study and exposure. You should think about donating Andy. Your blood type is semi rare."

I spoke.

"Well, I will think about it. But I do not cotton much to a bunch of vampires draining my blood."

Marisa took on a deviant smile and answered.

"They are not that bad. They are just trying to do a hard job and it saves lives. Besides, have you ever met a vampire?"

I watched all those movies when I was kid. I never believed any of it. It was nothing but Hollywood bullshit.

I spoke.

"I do not believe in vampires. Besides, you do not look like the ones I saw in the movies."

Marisa spoke.

"Well, I take that as a complement. I need to get ready for work. There is an appointment tonight to collect O negative. Let us do this again soon Andy. Oh, and next time, instead of ogling me from a distance, come out into the backyard with me. I will not bite."

Then she turned and left. I followed her with my eyes until she was at her place. Just before she went in, she stopped, turned to look at me and smiled. What an unusual girl.

Bikini Vampire, Part 3

This was my first weekend off. I had made no plans and wasn't going to do a thing unless I felt like it. I got up, dressed, and made espresso. I went out back to look at the morning. The yard would need attention. No matter, it would not take long. Yes, I looked for Marisa. No sign. She was in bed asleep already. The grass would be dry enough to cut until later today.

So, I did the logical thing. I made more espresso and listened to the radio. Some nice cool jazz. My ex hated jazz. So, I turned it up. The morning was spent cleaning up my kitchen, running laundry, and light housekeeping. I did it all because I wanted to. Not because a bitch was yelling at me to do it. I changed into old clothes, went into the garage and the mower. A little oil, a little gas and ready.

It took about thirty minutes to cut my grass. Then the trimming. I happened to look over the fence at Marisa's yard. It needed to be cut as well. So, I pushed the mower around to the front of her house, opened the gate and proceeded to mow. I have a bagger so there is no raking. Then I gave her yard a trim job. It looked good.

Time for a beer. I sat on the back porch, feet propped up and enjoyed some sun. Might even have dozed off. I knew this. It was relaxing. The neighborhood was peaceful. Not a lot of crime except an occasional juvenile, little traffic and mostly folks keep to themselves. I went inside, stripped off my dirty clothes and put on something clean. A nap is in order. The sofa beckoned me. I had not taken a nap in years. It was exquisite.

The pounding of the door woke me. It was also dark. seconds elapsed while my mind comprehended what happened. More pounding on the door. Rolling off the sofa and to the door now. There, stood Marisa, bikini clad Marisa.

"You gonna invite me in?" She purred.

The wits were slow to return, but I stood aside and ushered her in.

"Yes, please come in Marisa."

The way she moved was a glide or a hover. The only thing that seemed to move besides her legs, was the bounce of her breasts. I was transfixed. And stared at her once more. SHIT!! And yes, she caught me ogling her.

"OMG, you are a horny perv, aren't' you?"

Marisa said, laughed and then added.

"I saw that you mowed my yard. I wanted to say thanks."

I stammered for a moment.

"Well, I was doing my yard, yours looked like it needed it, and I had the time. It is no problem."

"ANDY!! You are still staring at my tits!"

Crap!! I did it again.

Marisa then added.

"Damn Dude. How long since you saw real boobs?"

I took seconds to think about it. I really could not remember.

Marisa spoke.

"That long?"

I nodded yes slowly. Marisa now wore a wicked smile. She did not say a word, but her hands went behind her back. Next thing I know, two ponderous breasts unleashed for my viewing pleasure. They defied gravity. Full and proud they were. Those areolae had to be silver dollar sized. They surround nipples that had to be a half inch across and stood out just as much. They quivered when she moved. I could not believe it. Marisa's boobs, right there in front of me. I could feel myself growing hard right there in front of her. I did not even try to hide it. My pants tented out.

Now Marisa was staring.

"Andy? Is that for me?" she asked.

I did not know what to say. It was as though my cock had a mind of its own. Marisa slid forward and reached for my pants. Deftly, undid my pants and slowly slid the zipper south. Then one of her hands snaked into my underwear. I am surprised I did not cum right then.

Marisa commented.

"Nice hard on Andy. What would you like to do with it?"

I had no words. Marisa hooked her thumbs into my pants and shorts. They slowly descended to my ankles. Marisa knelt to help me step out of them. My cock in her face. Then she did the unthinkable. She licked the tip. I almost lost it right there.

She spoke.

"Relax Andy. You are going to enjoy this I think."

A pointed tongue began to wander and explore my length. Little kisses interspersed now and then. My ex never did this to me. Marisa took me in her mouth to suck and slowly went all the way down me. Her head bobbed as I watched this in fascination. Once, she took me all the way in, her nose buried in my abdomen. As she withdrew, her teeth light raked me. What the hell? Just enough bite and friction. Then she did again. The fourth or fifth time she did this, (I lost count). There was a tiny drop of blood on my cock. It was freaky and erotic all at once. I did not want her to stop. Marisa licked that up quickly. released for a moment, she said to me.

"Just let me know when you are ready to cum."

Then a couple more repetitions from Marisa. I was ready and said so. Her face was buried in my gut as I let go down her throat. It just seemed to go on and on. Never in my life had I experienced such pleasure. Marisa stood as she licked her lips.

She whispered in a most seductive fashion.

"I want something from you now."

I did not know what it would be. I certainly did not think I could get hard that fast again.

So, in my post orgasm delirium, I asked.

"What can I do for you?"

Her lips parted and brilliant white teeth exposed. Two fangs slowly grew.

"Just a little of your B+" she added.

Marisa leaned into my throat. There was a sharp pain for just a second. Then the feel of someone giving you a nice hickey. Marisa was drinking my blood. Wait!!!! OMG! She is drinking my blood! But it felt wonderful and relaxing. Then Marisa stopped and lifted her head away from me. I felt a small rivulet of blood run down my shoulder. Marisa's hand lifted to her mouth and one fang pricked her thumb. A droplet formed there. This she gently placed on the two small holes in my throat.

She spoke.

"That will stop the bleeding and you won't scar."

She continued.

"What would you like to do now?"

I had no idea what she meant.

I answered.

"I do not know. What would you like to do?"

I was clueless. Marisa glanced down to add.

"Well, I think I'd like for you to use this on me."

I looked down to see I had another raging hard on. Marisa stepped back and her bikini bottoms fell to the floor. She had a nice, trimmed bush in the shape of a small bat. A bat? Fits, I guess.

Marisa pulled me by my cock.

"This your bedroom?" she asked but kept moving.

The sheets were thrown back, and Marisa reclined on my bed. Her knees went up and legs spread. She glistened pink and moist.

"I am ready for you Andy. Sink that cock in me like I sucked you. All the way in."

She held her pussy open. The logical part of me said this was a mistake and crazy. My cock was not having any part of that discussion. It was more interesting in getting inside the voluptuous naked vampire girl in my bed. He won.

What followed was about thirty minutes of me banging Marisa in a variety of positions. I was amazed at the stamina I had. She put her legs on my shoulders so I could go deeper. We did doggie style. I sucked on those monstrous and beautiful boobs of hers. We kissed and groped like teenagers. Marisa would orgasm, then want another.

After her third, she had had enough.

"Okay Andy, I need you to cum in me."

Her pussy tightened around me. It was unlike anything I had ever experienced. She seemed to throb and squeeze me. Next thing I know, her pussy was sucking the cum from me as her mouth had done earlier.

We both fell back on the bed.

Now my ex would have pushed me away and said things like.

"Get the fuck off me you oaf."

Marisa quietly asked.

"Hold me?"

I could not refuse. We lay in bed, and I held her to me. Marisa let go a contented sigh. The vampires they show in the movies are usually blood sucking fiends that kill for food. Marisa may be a vampire, but she had the needs of a woman as well. I was happy to do this for her. she rolled over to face me.

she spoke.

"Are you okay with this?"

I should have been scared out of my mind. I was not though.

All I said was.


Marisa giggled and added.

"Good, can we go again? I am horny and I want you."

A little hand manipulation from Marisa and I was ready. I began to mount her when she said.

"Let me ride you, Andy."

She was on top and soon sinking her bat pussy down on me. Marisa squeezed, bounced, and rode me. Occasionally she would lean forward and fill my face with breasts and nipples. And when she kissed, you knew she kissed well. I watched as she orgasmed yet again. Who knew this about them? Then it was my turn. Marisa did as she had before. I came so hard; my eyes crossed. Then Marisa stayed on top of me to, and we kissed an awful lot. She had such passion. Refreshing for me after living so long with Queen Bitch of the Universe.

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