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Billionaire and the Sisters Ch. 90


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As we surfaced, she swam into my arms. I could tell she had tears in her eyes "Mark, you don't have to reply and I don't expect you to say anything, but I love you. I love the family and I love you. I always will. You have changed my life for the better in so many ways in such a short period of time." She sounded so sincere and serious for an instant. She was looking deep into my eyes to be sure I heard her oath.

I kissed her lips and said, "Well, you're hard not to love. All of us, myself especially, love you deeply and dearly. I reiterate that you don't need to be sexual with us, but it helps us to express how we feel about you." We made out more tenderly than the passion we'd shared only minutes earlier.

Julie said, "I've learned all these new ways to love, and they are so effective. I love the sexuality I've discovered and I never want to go backwards."

We swam into the sunny part of the pool as we moved to the shallow end and the steps. I held out my hand, "Come. I'll wash the rest of the oil from you at the showers."

I led Julie to the outdoor showers where we normally washed off the chlorine or salt water depending on where we'd been swimming. I got one shower at the right temperature, and then methodically gave Julie a sensuous shampoo and body wash with the array of soaps and hair lotions we had right there. I paid special attention to breasts and nether region. She rather liked my focusing, and then she did some of her own making sure my various appendages were squeaky clean.

When we were through, we kissed and then walked back to a chaise to air dry in the sun. I held her hand as we lay side by side. There was an infant's cry from inside the house and Julie was off like a shot to care for my son. She waved off Elsa who was rising from another chaise near us.

I heard another splash and shriek, and looked just in time to see Ryan and Celeste surfacing at the deep end of the pool. He'd also dunked the pretty woman he'd just made love to. Andy and Marcia could be seen on the far massage table making love. I was glad they were connecting.

A few minutes later Margo came and lay down with me, snuggling into me with a boatload of kisses and erotic fondling of my cock. I got twinges of arousal in response but wasn't going to get super hard any time soon since I'd just focused a lot of love and energy on Julie. Margo had apparently watched us and jilled off. Eventually, we cuddled and dozed in the sun.

I glanced over at the other chaises at one point and saw Julie and Elsa talking. They had Philip Emerson in a little sun suit with a large brim hat and even sunglasses. He looked much older than his actual days. Eventually, Elsa hefted him up and stuck a bare nipple into his mouth. Our son started to dine at the best restaurant in town. As he sucked on her teat, the two women talked.


Julie looked at me as she held her morning cup of coffee, and started to babble in response to my question, ''How're you feeling?'

She said in a tone wrought with excitement, "Really! You really want to know; well I'm feeling like I'm going to explode or implode or something. I'm like a hotfooted tic in a frying pan; I want to jump but I'm not sure what direction. I want to run around screaming, only I'm not sure what to scream. I feel like I've changed more in three days than in all the rest of my life put together. I can't fathom all the emotions erupting inside me; I'm like a volcano ready to blow. I don't think I've slept but two hours since we arrived. I used to be in control, and now I feel like a disintegrating flywheel in some large machine called your family. Soon, some vital parts of me are about to be flung into space and the rest of me will be like a balloon full of air you suddenly let go of and it flies around the room backwards for a couple of seconds and then crashes."

Julie had been smiling and laughing as she talked, so I laughed along with her and teased, "So, you're feeling pretty good? That's great." I thought I knew what conflicts were going on inside of her. She'd given herself over to us in trust -- physically, emotionally, and spiritually, and now I had to honor that trust and help her stabilize. She had discovered two of the strongest urges and emotions in the universe: sex and love. I could recall years earlier going through similar feelings around the time I met Mark and we started to date. I'd had lot of sex, but combined with love the emotions were overpowering.

Julie got a devilish grin and continued her rapid fire delivery, "Part of me feels the best I've ever felt, and a small part of me is my old conservative angel sitting on my shoulder telling me I've totally lost it, that I'm a huge slut, that I'll burn in hell for the rest of time, and that I am disintegrating into a degenerate libertine that no one will want to be near. I feel scared to death and invincible in the same instant, good and bad, purer than new snow and as slutty as an Amsterdam whore, loved and hated, and more. I'm suffering from schizophrenia."

I looked at my friend and nanny with great compassion, "Julie, I'd hug you right now except for the baby hanging on my tit. You are loved, and you're not nearly as degenerate as the rest of us in the family and in our circle of friends. You haven't lost anything; you've found something and I think I can help you realize what it is. For starters, recite to me who you have made love with." I adjusted position, and moved Philip Emerson to my other breast; balanced withdrawal was an important part of breast-feeding. He latched on right away and went back to sucking down brunch as I returned my attention to Julie.

She blushed and said, "Well, Mark and you, and kind of Kate, and then Ryan and Steve after I had The Experience, and then Melanie, Mark again, and Deke." She looked around the patio where just about everyone else lay reading, talking, or cuddling, and added, "Not many, huh?"

I told her, "Julie, this isn't a numbers game. None of us come at this with the intent to see how many cocks we can fuck or how many pussies the guys can score." I thought for a moment and added, "Well, most of the time, anyway. You're just starting on a new pathway for part of your life, so of course you feel anxious and even charged up about the changes you're going through."

After a pause I added, "Just so you know, I started being sexual in my early teens and so did Cindy. I had no one to talk to when I first had sex except some other equally dumb teenagers, and I couldn't trust them not to tell my parents that I was turning into a super-slut; so I didn't say much. I had to sit on my own emotions. Eventually, Cindy and I started to talk, but that was like the blind leading the blind. Don't you do that; we love you, and are all here to support you in every way."

Julie got tears in her eyes. "I know, and that's what makes this all so special. I know you all love me and I love you all back. I'm still feeling incomplete and I don't know why."

I gave a benign smile, "I can guess having been on the same path." Julie's eyebrows went up and she looked at me eager for a suggestion. "Let me ask you, who have YOU made love to?" I allowed the question to remain unanswered. An awkward silence developed as she thought about it.

Julie finally said in a resigned tone, "I guess no one. I think what you're getting at is that people have made love to me, but I haven't exactly returned the favor have I?"

I shrugged, "Did you give anybody an orgasm? Did you initiate a romantic interlude with somebody? Did you tease and seduce anyone?"

Julie slowly said, "I got lots of pleasure, but I was the recipient of their attentions. The guys came inside me, but I didn't do a lot to urge them on except to react positively to what they were doing to me -- fucking me. I've heard you talk to them, urging them on with dirty talk. That's hot. You did it to me too. Is it too late for me to start returning the favors or have I burned my bridges?" She looked worried.

I chuckled, "Oh, there were no bridges for you to burn. You're fine, but the greatest feelings of love and that feeling of completeness come when it's a two-way street or give and take. Just look around and tell me what you see."

Julie scanned the patio and pool. "I see almost everyone giving and receiving affection in some way. Some initiate kisses or erotic touches; Melanie was being eaten by Andy, and now she's giving him a blowjob. Sheila had been straddling Sean's lap and I think they were fucking, but now he's returning the favor with her in a different position. Deke and Celeste are making out. Everybody looks so happy."

I raised a finger to capture her attention; "When you want to remember this long weekend in a few years, what do you want to feel about it? What do you want to recall? Do you want to say to yourself, 'I held back and kept my feelings secret and guarded' or 'I went all in and took a shower in love, affection, lust, and sex'? I'll tell you how I think about every day of my life by sharing someone's profound quote with you; 'The greatest sin is the unlived life.' When I focus on that idea, I'm ready to try anything. This isn't about desire and wanton behavior; this is about transcending your limits and the expectations you have about yourself. I want to live and be alive. I want to transcend my own limits and boundaries."

Julie nodded and we were silent for over a minute, just being in each other's presence. I got a loud burp from Philip Emerson, and then he latched on again.

I went on, "The love we hold back is the only pain that follows us through the rest of this life and into the next. You've made a remarkable discovery about yourself. You are loveable; you are capable of loving others; and you love sex and orgasms. I think that's what you want to remember about this weekend. All the rest is the raw data that led you to those conclusions. Don't let me put words in your mouth; think about it."

Julie looked out across the patio where almost everyone was doing something, usually with someone else. She said, "So, I should allow myself to love everyone?"

I smiled, "What's holding you back?"

Julie silently nodded, "I guess one thing is my fear of rejection or censure."

I chuckled, "Do you see any of that going on? Have you heard any of us reject anybody else that's here or try to shame him or her? Do you hear any of us adversely judge someone else's behavior? We're family and you're part of that. We're supportive of each other because we love them. Did anyone of us ever do anything like that to you? If they did, I want names because I'll jump all over their ass about it. It's totally unacceptable behavior in this group."

"I got it," Julie said. After a pause she added, "I guess the only other thing that crosses my mind now is having sex with everyone."

I laughed, "At once?"

Julie smiled, "Of course not."

"But you were thinking about it as one big gangbang and you were the star of the show with everyone's tongues and cocks in you at once, as you tried to please everybody else at once. I saw the look on your face."

She slowly nodded and said, "Yeah, I guess I was. Kinda stupid, huh?"

"While I love everyone here and a few others who couldn't make it, I don't try to eat the whole enchilada dinner in one large gulp. Usually, I'm with one or two people at a time, and that's fun and manageable. Because we think alike our minds unite as well as our bodies, and the intimacy is explosive and very satisfying in terms of mind, body, and spirit. That said, I have had that big gangbang, and I loved it."

Julie absorbed what I'd just told her. She eventually asked, "Do I just walk up to someone and say 'Let's get together? Let's fuck.'"

I frowned, "Oh, you are an innocent. No. What you do is look to see who's alone and looking like they need a friend. You be that friend. If they signal that they want to be alone, then find another. Sex is not the goal; it's an outcome of friendship and love, and that connection in terms of mind, body, and spirit."

"But it seemed like some of what I see happening is just about the sex? Was it that way with me?"

"It was in a way, but most of us knew you or knew you because they saw how others treated you and took care of you. Julie, you're hot. You're a highly desirable woman with a great body, a great personality, and many traits and behaviors that we all admire and love. Some of us might take a shortcut to the physical connection with you, but what we're trying to do is make that tripartite connection with you. Don't dismiss people taking the shortcut out of hand. Evaluate. Seek advice. I'm always willing to consult. You'll find your way.

"By the way, with this family, remember what we talked about around the time you started with us. We are non-exclusive and non-monogamous. For many people that's sinful and means there's no love in any of the relationships, but we don't see it that way. We think you can love many people at the same time, perhaps in different ways.

"What that means is that you might not want to develop an attachment on only one person; they will attach to you, but also sustain their attachments to many others. I say this so you won't be disappointed by applying an inappropriate yardstick to something going on in the family or with our friends. If you're looking for exclusivity this might not be the place to forge that kind of a relationship."

Julie nodded, "Oh, I understand that just from watching you all. At first I thought it was all a big orgy, but over time I've seen the underlying feelings you all have for each other ... and even for me, even though I'm not a full-fledged member. I've learned that you love many people, and that your love expands to take them all into your consciousness and your physical expressions. I think that's very special. I will work on that, I know, but I do understand and agree with the concept."

Philip Emerson had fallen asleep in my arms after emitting another acceptable burp when I held him up to my shoulder. He was zonked out for the next few hours. Julie moved to take him and slide into her nanny role.

I grinned, "I'll put him down. You go be a friend and lover to someone." I gave her a broad smile to help launch her. I felt our conversation had been another turning point in Julie's life lessons in some ways. She needed some anchor points and boundaries in her life, and she'd suddenly found herself in a landscape she'd never been in before.

I walked into the house carrying my baby and kissing the top of his head. I paused and looked back. Mike had been sitting by himself on the far side of the pool watching the others talk or mess around with each other. Julie strolled over to him and said a few words. Mike broke into a huge smile and patted the ground next to him. Julie broke into a grin, sat down next to him with her feet in the pool, and the two started to talk.

I felt as though I'd launched my teenage daughter out on her first date with a guy. I knew Mike very well, and I knew he was a loving, sensitive, and caring man who would handle Julie with affection every step of the way to their union. She was in good hands.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Did I miss a chapter?? It feels like the seduction of Celeste was completely skipped. THAT is disappointing.

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