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Birthday Boy - The Blowjob

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Brandon never enjoys his birthdays, until Jen.
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Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 04/23/2024
Created 03/06/2024
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Walking into this party feels like an immediate mistake, but I wasn't really given much of a choice.

"See? New people, new experiences -- change can be fun." Amber always trying to make me see the positive in a situation.

"Of course it's new people, they're all twice our age!" I say with a light laugh and a roll of my eyes. "I didn't realize change meant partying with the geriatric crowd."

Our friend Taylor asked (more like begged) us to come to her house for this party. Taylor's brother and cousin had invaded her house while her parents were on vacation.

"Twice our age might be a bit of an exaggeration." Amber makes her way to the kitchen as she continues, "After all, her brother is only, what, twenty-eight?"

I'm doing the math in my head before answering, "Uh, no, more like thirty-one."

"Oh, three whole years difference, my bad." Amber laughs as she begins making drinks.

I cross my arms as I retort, "Uh, in this case, that means past thirty, which practically is twice our age. Therefore, once again, I am right." I pop a chip into my mouth before continuing, "I'm surprised that this party isn't being held at a bingo parlor." Amber studies the contents of the various alcohol bottles on the table before choosing an almost full bottle of Jack Daniels. "Who else did Taylor invite that's our age?"

Amber shrugs her shoulders with her rebuff of, "I don't know. Ask her."

"Ask me what?" I practically jump when Taylor pops up right next to me. I admire her outfit for a moment: an elephant print, tight-fitted crop top and high-waist short white shorts. Her boobs are a C cup going on D already, and I'm still in an unhappy B cup. Her long brown hair falls in perfect beach waves with a single feather clipped in on the side.

"Are we the only eighteen-year-olds here?" I practically whisper my question, as if we could get thrown out or something if someone overheard.

"Um, I'm nineteen, thank you very much!" She pouts her full, pink lips after this exclamation. I forget Amber turned nineteen just last week. I just stick my tongue out at her and grab a drink.

"Jen, I need you to just chill out and have fun." They each grab a drink as well and we make our way to the living room. Taylor continues giving me her "chill out" speech as we squeeze together on the red loveseat. "Age is just a number. My brother and cousin may be in their thirties, but they still act like teenagers ninety percent of the time."

We all laugh, and I take a sip of my drink, "Jesus Amber! That's fucking strong." We all laugh and just take another sip. The only way to get over the strength is to keep drinking. "So, what is this party for?" I glance around at everyone and try to see if anything about their demeanor gives me a glance into their personality.

"Well, it's not really for anything, except for fun maybe." Taylor stops to drink some of her cocktail. "Although, today is also my cousin's birthday, but he hates his birthday, so we don't mention it to him or anyone else."

"Weird, how can someone not love their birthday?" Amber takes another sip while Taylor and I exchange glances.

"Well," I'm trying really hard not to laugh or smile too big, "We all know you enjoyed your birthday." I can't help it, and neither can Taylor. We both laugh lightly before continuing, "Or at least, it sounded like you did." As I go to take another sip, Amber hits my arm causing brown liquid to spill down my white top. "Amber!"

I quickly grab some napkins and start dabbing at the brown liquid on my chest, trying to keep it from setting. When I look up, my eyes meet with someone else's across the room. Was he just watching me rub my chest? He quickly looks away and my vision is blocked before I can say anything to Taylor or Amber about it.

"I'm going to go steal one of Tay's shirts since someone ruined this one." I quickly chug the remains of my drink and hand the empty cup to Amber. "I expect to come back to a full cup." I give a pointed look to Amber before winking at a smirking Taylor.

I make my way upstairs, which is mostly empty. I quickly walk into Taylor's room at the end of the hall. As I close the door, I rest my head against the door for a minute. Maybe chugging the rest of that drink wasn't the best idea as I can already feel the alcohol affecting me. Okay, I really need to get out of this shirt, and maybe I can get it in their wash before the stain sets for good. Unzipping these side zippers is always a pain. When I get the shirt half-way over my head, the zipper gets caught in my hair. Shit. I pull harder, but I think I'm just making it worse.

I hear the door open and then, "Oh god, I'm so sorry. I should've knocked." It's a man's voice. Great. But I need help, and he's already seen, so what the hell.

"Wait!" I stop squirming and say a little quietly, "I need some help."

"Okay, I'll grab Taylor and -"

"No," I restart the squirming process, "I just, can you, ugh, fuck!" I stop the squirming and just ask, "Can you please just help me? The stupid zipper is caught or -" I hear the door close and lock? I wonder for a moment if he did just leave me here. But then I feel his hands in my hair.

"Are you putting it on or taking it off?" he asks as his hands gently work on the hot mess that is me.

"Taking it off," I respond in barely more than a whisper.

After untangling the zipper from my hair, he slowly pulls my shirt the rest of the way off. I finally get to see who my momentary hero is, and he looks oddly familiar. It was the guy who I locked eyes with downstairs.

"Thank you. I think I would've fallen or something had you not come along." A laugh escapes his mouth, which I suddenly can't stop looking at. I want his mouth on me. Oh, alcohol and me never do seem to mix.

"It was my pleasure." He looks me up and down, then quickly looks away as if he just got caught doing something wrong. I would love for him to do something...wrong. I can feel the heat of the blush on my cheeks at how my thoughts are moving to such naughty places so quickly. This never happens.

"I'm Jen, by the way." I rock back and forth before saying, "You know, that way when you tell this hilarious story, you have all of the necessary details." I look up at him, trying to get his eyes to meet mine again.

And they do as he states, "Brandon, Taylor's cousin. And I won't tell anyone about the goings-on here."

"Oh, the birthday boy." I giggle and his eyebrows go up. Oh shit. I clap my hands over my mouth. "I am so sorry," I don't let my hands leave my mouth as if that would stop the words. "I'm such an idiot. She told us you were all weird about it, and here I am being the biggest jackass after you -"

"Stop." He pulls my hands away from my mouth. "It's okay." He looks at his hands grasping my wrists and quickly drops them. "But that is why I was coming in here, to escape for a moment." He shrugs his shoulders and says, "I didn't think anyone would be in here."

"Sorry, my shirt got ruined, and I was going to grab another one..." Which I haven't done yet. I am talking to a man while half naked sorta. Although, he seems to like what he sees.

"Haha, yeah, I was wondering what your plan was here. For a minute, I thought you were staying this way as a seduction technique." Well that's an idea.

I lay a hand on each of his forearms and look up at him from under my eyelashes and ask, "Oh, does that mean it's working?" I take a step closer so that my breasts are almost touching his torso.

"I don't know if you really want to go there." He is looking down at me with a fierceness that wasn't there before. This is not like me at all, but I know he is exactly what I want right now.

"You helped me out," I move my hands down his torso and to the waistband of his jeans, "why not let me help you out?" He looks surprised, but says nothing. I undo his button and zipper and pull down his jeans and his boxers. "It looks like you need some assistance with this," I take his partially hardened cock in my hand and begin to stroke it. I don't have much experience with what I want to do next, but I'm going to try. He closes his eyes, as if he's embarrassed about what is happening. I get on my knees and gently kiss his tip. I look up at him looking down on me and see the desire building even more.

I lick my lips, wink and smile at him, then slowly slide his thick shaft in my mouth. "Fuck," is all that he manages to let out as I move my mouth slowly along his length. I feel him get harder and bigger in my mouth which just makes me move faster. His hand reaches down and pushes my head further down on his cock. Brandon holds me at the base of his length for a moment. I softly gag as I stare up at him. There's something about being on my knees for a man I just met that feels oddly exhilarating.

Brandon lets go of the back of my head, allowing me to move freely along his dick again. I notice him staring down at me as my lips slide around his throbbing member. With a smile, I pull my mouth all the way back up, flicking his tip with my tongue a few times. My hand reaches up to pump him where my mouth just was. I slide my tongue down the underside of his cock, smiling and moaning as I get to Brandon's heavy ball sack. I take his balls in my mouth for a moment and then run my tongue back up the length of his shaft. I stand up and push him onto the bed.

I look at him looking expectantly at me. I take him all the way in my mouth without hesitation this time. I hear him take in a quick breath as I hold him in the back of my throat. I move again, fast and deep, letting my tongue tease and play along his shaft and tip now and then. I don't know how long I continue these movements, but I can feel him twitching and tensing in my mouth. The feeling is thrilling. I never really understood what made blowjobs hot for us girls, but I'm starting to get the idea.

"I'm going to cum." He is barely audible. I just keep moving. I press his tip into the inside of my cheek. "Fuck," is all he says again. Oh, I want him to cum. I kind of want to watch him cum. Maybe he wants me to swallow it though. Should I ask? I tease him against my cheek and then back to my throat, back and forth, over again while I try to decide.

"Where do you want to cum?" I decide to ask as I lick his tip and just take a little of him in and out of my mouth. I keep eye contact with him as I make small teasing movements, barely making it past the head of his cock. Brandon's groans make me so wet, but I'm more interested in his climax than my own. I suck in my cheeks on each of my small movements, making him curse and hiss.

"I want to cum on your face." Brandon stares at me questioningly as I continue sucking him, licking his tip again and again. I can't help but smile. Brandon wants to cum on my face? Why does that sound so fucking hot? What's wrong with me?

I realize he is waiting for me, wanting to make sure I'm okay with this. I slide my mouth all the way back down his shaft, gagging and slurping. Making him wait, edging him just a bit, it all adds to the erotic nature of this encounter. Slowly, slower than necessary, I move my lips back up and off his cock with a loud pop.

"Then cum on my face," I can't help the grin on my face as I say this. Biting my lip as I look up at him from under my lashes and pump my fist along his shaft.

"Shit. Keep stroking then." He stands back up as he says this, and I start making quick work of him. "Suck on me until it's time," he pants. Brandon moves his hips just enough to add to my own hand and mouth movements. I want his cum on my face just as much as he wants to put it there. I've never had anyone cum on me. The thought used to be so gross to me, but something in my wiring has changed in this room with Brandon. "Fuck, now." I swiftly take him out of my mouth just as his load is released.

Brandon's cum is thick, and shoots all over my face. I take some on my finger and suck it off. I can see him watching himself painting my face with his hot spunk, although it feels as though he doesn't really see me. I feel more like an object in the room, something that was being used just for his own fun. Somehow, that makes me even wetter. As that thought enters my mind, I can't help but whimper with arousal.

"Happy birthday," I grin as he finishes. Reaching out with my tongue, I lick the head of his cock clean.

"Best birthday ever," he pants as he twitches and moans. "Could I, uh, take a picture?" He asks shyly. I can't help but giggle at his sudden bashfulness.

"As long as you don't spread it around. It's for you and your hand only," Winking as I remain kneeling dutifully as he shakily retrieves his phone from his pocket. I smile for one picture, and I open my mouth wide right next to his still hard cock for the other. "Alright, I better go get this cleaned up before anyone else sneaks up here." Brandon just sits and nods. I can't help but wonder what might be going through his mind.

Amused, I leave Taylor's bedroom and saunter toward her bathroom. Giggling at my own reflection, I had completely forgotten that I came up here for a shirt. It's a good thing I didn't grab one, I realize, as some of Brandon's cum drips onto my chest and bra. I wonder if Brandon would be interested in giving me some more cum later. I clean my face, making sure I don't miss any that might have gotten in my hair or on my neck. When I'm satisfied I got it all, I walk back into Taylor's room. Unsurprisingly, Brandon's all cleaned up and ready to re-enter the party.

All the confidence I was feeling up to this moment is suddenly slipping away. Biting my lip, I begin studying the carpet instead of looking at him. Gosh, what if he regrets this? What if I wasn't that good? Why am I still not wearing a shirt?

"Um," Brandon clears his throat, and I glance back up at him, "thank you." He runs a nervous hand through his hair. Tension melts from my shoulders, confidence seeping back into me. His nervousness is kind of adorable. Oh, I do want him again. He took pictures of me, meaning he enjoyed himself. Why did I doubt myself? Well, no more.

I walk right up to him, kiss his cheek and whisper in his ear, "Oh, it's not over yet." I walk over to Taylor's closet, grab a blue blouse, and leave him there looking a little stunned. As much as I want to run to the stairs and my friends and tell them everything, there's another part of me that wants to put on a show to the world. Tapping into my new confidence, I saunter calmly, and without looking back to see if Brandon's emerged.

I make my way downstairs and find Amber and Taylor back on the loveseat. I grab my refreshed drink from Amber and sit between them.

"What took you so long, Jen?" Amber asks as Taylor fixes the back of the blouse I chose.

"Oh, I just ran into Tay's cousin." I take a big sip of my drink before continuing, "Y'all are right, age really isn't as big of a deal as I was making it." I look up just as Brandon rejoins the crowd, looking as if nothing had happened. But when he spots me, a look crosses his face that suggests he wants more already. I smile as I say to Taylor and Amber, "In fact, I think I might try to hook up with an older guy tonight."

"Hear hear," Taylor cheers as she lifts her cup.

"You do you, I think they're just fun to flirt with and tease. Nothing more." Amber takes a swig of her drink as I look down into mine.

"Not even if it was with one of us?" They both stop and look at me for a moment.

"What do you mean?" Amber asks almost judgingly.

"You know," I take a big sip before saying, "Like a threesome."

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