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Birthday Pool Party Ch. 21


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"You thought I'd leave you for someone I have more in common with?" I ask.

"Yes." Lexi says with a shrug. "What do we really have in common, anyway?"

"Uh..." I mumble.

"Exactly." Lexi says with a sad smile.

"We both like staying active." I point out. "We like watching the same television shows and listening to the same music. We make each other laugh and enjoy each others company. Oh, and we both love fucking."

"Yes. Yes, we do." Lexi licks her upper lip sensually. "Thanks, Baby."

"You're welcome." I say with a nod.

"You didn't answer my question." Lexi points out as she starts soaping up her body. "What are you gonna do?"

"I don't know." I say.

"You don't seem to know much right now." she teases as she soaps up her breasts. I like watching her rub soap into her little titties. "And watching me soap up while you have a boner isn't helping."

"Sorry, you're sexy." I smirk.

"Whatever." Lexi says, but she smiles and sticks out her tongue. "I'll suck one out of you once we resolve this."

"I don't know if I can cum again so soon." I chuckle.

"Stop avoiding the question." she laughs as she starts rinsing. "What are you gonna do?"

"What can I do?" I ask helplessly. "I'm with you, and I'm very happy with you. I don't ever want to lose you."

"You'll never lose me, Baby." Lexi promises in a serious voice. "I'm yours forever."

"I like the sound of that." I say.

"The only way you'll lose me is if you tell me to leave." Lexi says as she finishes washing. She then starts soaping up my body. "Your turn."

"I'll never tell you to leave. You have nothing to worry about." I promise.

"I'll always worry." she bites her lip as she rubs soap into my chest.

"Well, you don't have to." I say. "I'm with you. Not Marcia, not Hazel, not Ashley. And definitely not Stacey. You."

"I love you, Steven." Lexi whispers while looking into my eyes.

"I love you, too." I reply. "What do you think I should do about the other girls?"

"Well, how do you honestly feel about the fact that Marcia got boned?" Lexi asks as she soaps up my dick and balls. Her little hands feel so good.

"Honestly? It really doesn't bother me. As long as she's happy." I admit.

"And how would you feel if I let Tom bend me over and fuck my brains out?" she inquires as she has me turn so that she can wash the suds off of my penis.

"I-I, please don't." I stammer as I feel bile rising just from the thought of Lexi with another man.

"I'll never touch another man." Lexi vows. "I only want you, and I can tell that's what you want. Yet, you don't mind Marcia with someone else. Interesting."

"Does that mean I love her less?" I wonder.

"Not less, just differently." she says. "But maybe still romantically."

"Well, I can't date all of you." I state.

"Says who?" Lexi asks.

"Uh... well..." I trail off when I realize she's right. It's our relationship, we define its parameters.

"Exactly." she nods. "It's the twenty-first century, and we're not some old prudes. If you wanna date Marcia, date Marcia. As long as you stay with me, of course."

"Doesn't Marcia deserve someone who can make her number one?" I ask. "You'll always be number one in my heart."

"That's sweet." Lexi smiles as she drops to her knees. Her auburn hair is slicked back, and water is running down her naked body. She starts stroking my erection as water cascades all around us and steam fills the shower. "And maybe you should let her decide what she wants. Marcia is definitely the most in love with you out of the three of them. I can't wait to watch you nail her tight ass."

"I'm looking forward to that, too." I acknowledge as I look down at Lexi. "I just don't want to take advantage of her affections."

"And you won't. You love her. You want what's best for her." Lexi says before slurping my dick into her mouth.

"I don't know what to do." I say with a sigh. I rest one hand on Lexi's head, while my other plays with a firm titty. "I guess I'll just have to marry all four of you!"

Lexi giggles around my shaft, her tiny body shaking. I can't believe she's laughing at me while sucking my dick. I let her bob her head on me for a few minutes as I enjoy her oral ministrations. Then I speak up again.

"What should I do?" I ask.

"You should enjoy yourself while your girlfriend is on her knees." Lexi admonishes when she takes me out of her mouth. She then holds my shaft up, stroking it as she leans in to suck on my balls.

"I am, I am!" I insist. "I just don't want to hurt Marcia, Hazel, or Ashley."

"So, don't." she states when she pulls away from my balls. "Tell them how you feel at breakfast, and we'll see where we go from there."

"That's a good idea." I say.

"I'm more than just a pretty face." Lexi says as she gives me a handjob.

"That you are." I grin.

"Speaking of, how about you cum all over my face?" Lexi asks as she aims my hardness right at her face and starts stroking me rapidly.

"Sounds like a plan to me." I groan.

"Cum all over me!" Lexi begs as she strokes. "Cover my slutty, little face with your warm goo! I want it! Cum on my face! Cum!"

With her head tilted back, Lexi opens her mouth, sticks out her tongue, and says "Ah!". That's all it takes. I let out a loud grunt as I start painting her eighteen-year-old face with my seed. Her open mouth spreads into a grin as cum coats her tongue and face.

"Mm, yummy cum!" Lexi coos as she swallows. A strand of cum is dangling from her chin and it waggles back and forth. She then starts scooping semen off of her face and pushing it into her mouth.

"Fuck, you're gorgeous." I state as I look down at her.

"Fuck, you're big." she replies. "And damn, you cum a lot, Babe."

"We should probably head down and talk to the others." I say.

"Yeah, I'm starting to prune in here." Lexi says. "Just let me wash the last of your cum off my face, and we'll go."

"Sure." I laugh.


My eyes slowly open, and I let out a loud yawn as consciousness returns to me. I'm resting my head on Hazel's chest, and I can feel her nipple against my cheek. I toss the covers off of of our bodies, roll off of Hazel, and check my phone, realizing it's early Tuesday morning. I send Ian a good morning text before turning to the difficult task of waking Hazel.

"Time to wake up, Slut!" I announce as I shake her shoulder.

"Ugh, no!" Hazel grunts as she rolls onto her side, showing me her bare butt.

"You promised you wouldn't sleep in this week!" I shout as I slap her ass.

Hazel turns over and glares at me. I just give her a cute smile and lean down to lick one of her nipples, making her laugh. She then tackles me, and we spend the next few minutes wrestling naked in bed.

"Okay, okay, I'm up!" Hazel laughs when I start tickling her.

"About time!" I tease as I lay on top of her and smile down at her. My larger breasts are squishing her smaller ones into her chest.

"Ready for your talk with Ian?" Hazel asks as she reaches down to squeeze my butt cheeks.

"No, but I don't have a choice." I sigh as I rest my forehead on hers.

"You'll do fine." she assures me.

"I hope so." I reply.

"We should head down to breakfast." Hazel says.

"Don't you want to fool around first?" I ask.

"Didn't get enough of my twat last night?" she asks with a wink.

"Not even close." I answer as I lean forward to peck her lips.

"We don't have time." Hazel says, kissing me back. "Come on you, breakfast, then talk to Ian."

"Fine." I sigh.

I hop off of Hazel and the two of us put on panties. Not seeing the point in dressing any further, we head down to breakfast in just our underwear. We find Lexi, Daddy, and Marcia already downstairs, wearing robes and munching on pastries.

"Nice tits." Lexi grunts before taking another bite.

"Thanks, why are yours hidden?" Hazel asks as she grabs a muffin.

"Because tits don't have to be out all the time?" Marcia suggests.

"Uh, yes they do." says Daddy.

"Dirty, old man." Lexi teases as she removes her robe, exposing her lightly-freckled breasts.

Daddy and Marcia both laugh and disrobe. I blow Marcia a kiss when her nice boobies come into view. Then I put some bread in the toaster for some toast. Once it's ready, I plant my pantie-clad ass down on the nearest chair.

"So, does anyone know what happened to Ashley?" I ask. "She wouldn't let Hazel in the room last night."

"Um..." Daddy begins as he glances at Marcia. The tension in the air is obvious.

"That bad?" Hazel asks.

"I'll tell them." Lexi offers.

"No, I should. It's about me." Marcia says as she reaches up to rub her forehead.

"What happened?" I ask.

"Ashley walked in on me having sex with Tom." Marcia admits.

"Seriously?!" Hazel exclaims. "You?"

"Yes, me!" Marcia snaps. "I have a cunt."

"She didn't mean it that way, Honey." I say soothingly. "She just meant that you're really quiet and we're surprised you did something so outgoing."

"Yeah, well, I did." Marcia says as she crosses her arms beneath her bare breasts. "I am practically naked while eating breakfast, you know."

"Yeah, but that's just with us." Hazel says. "You know, the family."

"Anyway, is Ashley mad that you got him first?" I ask.

"I guess so." Marcia says sadly. "She called me a whore and said she hated me."

"She did?!" I exclaim. "How could she!"

"You know how competitive and territorial Ashley can be." Hazel reasons. "She has a hot head and can overreact in the moment. She'll cool down. She didn't mean it."

"I'll go get her." I offer.

"Good luck." Daddy says.

"You'll need it." Lexi adds.

I get up and walk by Daddy as I leave the kitchen. I head to the room Hazel, Marcia, and Ashley share. The door is locked when I try to open it. So, instead I knock on it several times and don't get a response.

"Ashley? Are you up?" I call out as I put my ear to the door.

"Go away!" Ashley shouts.

"You can't stay in there all day!" I say in a sing-song voice.

"Watch me!" the blonde hisses.

"I think we all need to talk. You should come out, Ash." I respond.

"Fine!" Ashley grunts and I hear the bed spring squeak.

"Thank you!" I say as the door opens and a fully dressed Ashley appears.

"Put some clothes on." Ashley says with an eye roll.

The two of us walk back into the kitchen and everyone freezes. Ashley is giving Marcia a death stare, and Marcia is just staring back with wide, fearful eyes. I head back to my seat, but Ashley remains standing.

"Does anyone wear clothes anymore?" Ashley asks as she looks around the table.

"Sorry." Marcia says in a small voice as she crosses her arms over her breasts and grips her upper arms.

"Oh, shut up Ashley." Lexi hisses. "You let those big tits out every chance you get."

"Whatever." Ashley rolls her eyes.

"Maybe I should leave so you girls can chat." Daddy says as he starts to stand up.

"No, you should stay." I say. "This involves all of us."

"The hell it does!" Ashley interjects. "It's between me and the whore."

"Don't call her that!" Hazel chastises as Marcia starts crying.

"She knew I liked Tom and she just had to have him first! That makes her a whore!" Ashley hisses.

"Ashley, you're out of line." Daddy says as he reaches out and places his hand on Marcia's knee reassuringly.

"Why are you so upset?" I ask. "Are you in love with Tom?"

"No! I barely know him." Ashley insists. "I just wanted some dick."

"So, why are you so upset?" Hazel asks.

"I finally accepted that Steven was okay with me spreading my legs!" Ashley says. "Then she beat me to the guy I wanted!"

"I'm sorry!" Marcia wails. "It just happened! He was hitting on me and making me feel good and, and, and, I just couldn't help it."

"Whatever. Whore." Ashley says.

"I'm sorry!" Marcia squeaks as she lowers her head.

Ashley just glares at Marcia. I really think Ashley is overreacting. It's not that big of a deal, she's making it one for no reason at all. All I can do is sigh and try and think of a way to lighten the mood.

"So, what did everyone else get up to at the party?" I eventually ask.

"Steven and I flirted with Heather quite a bit. We're hoping to see her today." Lexi answers.

"I slipped out the side of the house with Ken and Ryan." Hazel admits with a blush. "I may have gone down on both of them."

"At the same time?" Lexi asks with a huge grin.

"Yeah." Hazel admits.

"Damn, you go girl!" Lexi says as she raises her hand for a high-five.

"Thanks." Hazel giggles and high-fives Lexi.

"What about you, Kayla?" Daddy asks.

"I-I, um, well..." I begin nervously.

"What is it?" Lexi asks in a worried voice.

"I made out with John. He tried to take things further, then I felt guilty about Ian and ran off." I answer.

"Oh!" Lexi exclaims.

"Yeah, I felt so guilty about it that I ran back here and hid. Hazel found me and we spent the night together." I reply.

"And I told her she needs to talk to Ian and figure out if they're exclusive, even if they aren't official." Hazel explains.

"That sounds like a good idea to me." Daddy says. "You don't want to hurt him."

"Right. We're four hours ahead of California. I'll text him in a little while." I promise.

"Good." Hazel says as Marcia and Ashley sit in silence.

"And we all need to talk about who can spread their legs." Lexi says.

"What do you mean?" Ashley asks in spite of herself.

"There's clearly a lot of feelings here, and we need to talk." Lexi insists.

"And someone owes Marcia an apology." I add.

"No." Ashley states simply.

"Maybe we should all just relax." Daddy says. "We're upset. We're emotional. Let's head into the city and go shopping. We can talk later."

"Did Daddy just suggest shopping?" I ask, perking up.

"Yes, he did!" Lexi chirps.

"Works for me!" Hazel exclaims.

"Okay." Marcia mumbles.

"Whatever." Ashley says.

The five of us finish breakfast and get ready while Ashley sits and sulks. All she has to do is put her shoes on. Soon, we're all ready and head out the door. We pile into the SUV and Steven drives us into the shopping district.

We have so much fun shopping that we almost forget about our other problems. Daddy buys Ashley a cute top, which makes her smile. Marcia finds a nice pair of shoes that she just has to have. I buy a souvenir glass bottle full of pink sand from Bermuda. Daddy makes fun of me, saying that I could have just taken a handful of sand from our private beach for free.

"Do you think this skirt would look good on me?" Hazel asks as she holds up a cute green skirt.

"You'll look great in that!" Marcia says, coming out of her shell a bit now that no one's yelling at her.

"Yeah, you should get it!" I say.

"Sold!" Hazel announces.

Daddy finds a general store that sells homemade fudge. They give us free samples, and it's absolutely delicious. We end up buying quite a bit of it for later. Then, because we don't want the fudge to melt, we decide to head back.

When we pull into the house, I immediately notice the guys from next door heading out. Marcia blushes and turns away, while Ashley glares at Tom. We get out of the car and they wave to us, although John is glaring at me.

"Hi, Steven! Hi, girls." Tom says in a friendly voice.

We all greet him and spend a few minutes chatting. Daddy thanks him for inviting us to the party and we all nod politely. I can tell Tom is trying to bring Marcia into the conversation, but she isn't having it.

Ken and Ryan seem very happy to see Hazel. They even invite her to come out with them, but she politely declines. We're sticking together for today. The guys say they understand and head out in their own vehicle.

"What are we doing for the rest of the day?" I ask.

"Lunch first!" Lexi chirps.

"How about after we go snorkeling?" Daddy suggests. "We can invite Heather."

"Yeah, let's do that!" Hazel breathes.

"Okay, snorkeling sounds like fun." Marcia says.

"Fine." Ashley nods.

We have lunch. It's nice and awkward. We're all mostly silent and just focus on eating our burgers, lost in our own thoughts. After lunch, we decide that I'll head into my room to text Ian while the girls have their talk with Daddy.

Kayla: I went to a party last night.

Ian: Oh, that's nice. How was it?

Kayla: It was fine. I have to tell you something.

Ian: What is it?

Kayla: I kissed a guy. I stopped things before they went too far, but I still kissed a guy.

Ian: Oh.

Kayla: I'd understand if you don't want to see me anymore.

Ian: You aren't my girlfriend. I asked, you said to wait and ask again until I got back.

Kayla: It wasn't so I could mess around, I swear!

Ian: It kinda seems like it is... :(

Kayla: I know. I'm sorry.

Ian: Then why didn't you want to be my girlfriend?

Kayla: I do want to! Badly! We just have things we need to talk about first.

Ian: Like what?

Kayla: I have a past. You need to understand it first.

Ian: Okay, I just really like you. I want to be with you.

Kayla: I want that, too! I know we aren't official, but I won't do anything with any other guy.

Ian: Thank you. I appreciate it.

Kayla: I really like you, Ian. I'm sorry I hurt you. It won't happen again.

Ian: I like you, too. I know it won't, I trust you.

Kayla: There's one other thing.

Ian: Yeah?

Kayla: Once we're official, I'm gonna suck your cock.

Ian: What?!

Kayla: When we're together, I'm gonna give you a blowjob. You have that to look forward to!

Ian: You don't have to.

Kayla: I know I don't have to, I want to. Just think of my warm, wet mouth on you. ;)

Ian: I am!

Kayla: Good. :) Imagine your hands in my hair as I bob my head on you. You're so hard!

Ian: Oh, Kayla.

Kayla: I swallow. ;)

Ian: Oh, wow.

Kayla: I'll text you later, big guy!

Ian: Bye, Beautiful.

Kayla: Later!


"What's there to talk about?" I ask when Kayla disappears into her room.

"How about the fact that we're Slut-sisters forever!" Hazel hisses.

"I'm not the one who ruined everything." I say as I cross my arms beneath my breasts and glare at Marcia.

"No, she didn't." Steven says firmly.

"I-I-I just... ugh!" I growl as I pace around the kitchen.

"What's the problem?" Lexi asks.

"Fuck! I don't know!" I screech as I bury my hands in my hair and grip my scalp. "What is wrong with me?!"

"Ashley!" Steven exclaims as he stands up and walks over to me. He hugs me tightly and I bury face in his chest. "What is it?"

"I was going to hurt you!" I shout as tears pour down my face. "I love you!"

"I love you, too." Steven whispers softly as he runs his fingers through my blonde hair.

"I get it." Lexi says. "You didn't believe him when he said he was okay with you fucking Tom. Then Marcia did it and you're afraid she ruined everything."

"Yes!" I hiss through clenched teeth.

"Oh, that makes sense!" Hazel responds.

"Ashley, look at me. Look at me." Steven says.

I look up at Steven through teary eyes, realizing that I'm being a bitch. Yeah, Marcia got the guy I like first, but it isn't really about him. I'm scared. Scared of my feelings for this man, scared of losing my girls because things don't work out. I sniffle as he holds my head between his warm, kind hands.

"I'm sorry." I pout.

"I'm not the one you should apologize to." Steven replies.

"I'm sorry, Marcia." I say, looking over at one of my best friends.

"I get it. I'm in love with him, too." Marcia admits.

"Wait, what?" Hazel asks.

"They're in love with him. And they both thought they should sleep with a guy to prove that they weren't." Lexi explains. "And this is the backfire."

"Guess that makes three of us." Hazel sighs.

"You, too?" I ask as I look over at Hazel.

"Yeah, I guess I just handle my emotions better." the tan girl reasons.

"What do we do now?" I ask.

"We continue as we were." Steven states firmly. "You've seen that Marcia and Hazel both had sexual encounters and it didn't hurt me. You're free to do as you want, but we're all in love."

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