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Birthday Pool Party Ch. 37


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"Just like most people won't approve of Daddy and I." Kayla sighs.

"Most people can go fuck themselves!" Lexi hisses vehemently.

"Well, just be careful who you tell, okay?" I suggest. "It would not be good for business it became public knowledge that my daughter and I make love. I'm pretty sure it's illegal, in fact."

"Everyone coming today already knows!" Kayla insists.

"No, Josh doesn't know." Hazel reminds us.

"And are Allan and Amanda coming?" Nicole wonders.

"No, they're spending the day with their kids." I respond.

"Don't forget Sarah!" Lexi giggles before taking a bite of her breakfast.

"Oh yeah, Steven's detective girlfriend!" Nicole laughs.

"Detective McLorn is not my girlfriend." I say, shaking my head ruefully.

"Her loss!" Lexi chirps.

"She is coming to the cookout, right?" Hazel asks.

"Well, yes." I confirm.

"And it is a date?" Nicole inquires.

"No. I mean, we did agree that we could see each other, since I have an open relationship." I explain. "Still, this is just a cookout."

"Bagging a hot lady cop." Lexi smirks. "That's my man!"

"I'm not bagging her." I roll my eyes.

"We'll see." Kayla interjects, making the girls all giggle.

The four lovely ladies continue teasing me about Detective Sarah McLorn as we enjoy our breakfast. Yes, the detective is clearly interested in me. I'm just not sure how things are going to work out. I guess we'll see.

When we're done with breakfast, the five of us clean up before we all take separate showers and dress in casual clothes for the day. The girls have bikinis on under their outer clothes, and I'm wearing swim trunks and a t-shirt. It's now late morning, so people should start arriving soon. I'm looking forward to our Memorial Day cookout, it's going to be a great day.

Ashley and Josh arrive first, followed by Stephanie and Ian. Marcia shows up next, alone. She sighs when she explains once again that Shawn isn't up for seeing everyone just yet. It's tough, but we understand. He's probably still upset that he and Marcia aren't going to be a couple.

The ten of us relax out by the pool for awhile. The girls strip off their outer clothes and lounge around in bikinis. We guys take off our shirts and relax with them. Kayla and Ian are cuddling in a deck chair, Josh and Ashley are holding hands as they sit side-by-side. I'm sitting between Lexi and Nicole as the two pale girls soak up the sun. Marcia and Hazel are also sitting together.

While sipping on an ice cold beer, I hear my phone go off. It's a text from Stacey, telling me that she and April are here. Setting down my beer, I head to the foyer to welcome them. Stacey and April both give me hugs, April having to get up on her toes to embrace me. Stacey is wearing jeans and a t-shirt, while April is in a cute skirt and top.

"Thanks for having us." April says politely while pushing her glasses up her cute nose.

"Thank you for coming. Both of you." I smile.

"Our pleasure!" Stacey grins. "Got a place we girls can change into our suits?"

"Sure, follow me." I wave the ladies into the house.

"By the way," April says as she follows me down the hall, "Stacey and I are dating."

"Is that so?" I inquire, turning back to face the two women. I feel a slight twinge of jealousy, and immediately dismiss it as a feeling of shame follows. Stacey deserves to be happy. I only regret that I can't be what she needs.

"Yeah, it is." Stacey says with a blush. "We just got together."

"You missed your chance with this hot, young lady!" April grins as she reaches out and takes Stacey's hand.

"My loss." I am smiling, but it feels forced. I am struggling to shake this feeling. "I'm happy for you two."

"Thanks, Steven." Stacey smiles.

The three of us resume walking through the palatial mansion. April makes a comment about how nice my home is, and teases that I should pay Stacey better. Stacey laughs and insists she makes way more than most people in her position. It's true, I pay my employees very well and provide excellent benefits. Their hard work is a big reason I'm rich, after all.

I show the girls to the entrance to the patio. April goes into the nearby bathroom, while Stacey shuts herself in another room. They come out a few minutes later, looking absolutely stunning in their bikinis. Fuck, April is adorable even without her glasses, and Stacey is, well, Stacey is Stacey. I smile at her warmly.

Leading the way, I bring the two blondes out to the patio. Introductions are made, and soon several conversations are happening at once. That's when I decide it is time to fire up the grill and really get this cookout started.

Josh and Ian are nursing beers, still getting used to the unfamiliar taste of alcohol. The girls all have wine coolers. My beer is sitting on the table as I put my shirt on and start the grill. Beside me is a massive plate of uncooked chicken and burgers. We also have potatoes wrapped in tin foil to cook.

Before I can start grilling, I feel my phone go off in my pocket. Extracting my phone from my swim trunks, I check it and find a text from Sarah. She's here. I excuse myself and once again head to the foyer to greet a guest.

Detective Sarah McLorn walks into the foyer. For the first time, I'm seeing her in casual clothes, a simple pair of jeans and a t-shirt. She also has a large bag, likely containing her bathing suit. Sarah is of middling height, and her short brown hair is pulled back in a ponytail, allowing me to see the entirety of her kind face. She doesn't look like a cop right now.

"Hi, Steven." Sarah says with a kind smile.

"Sarah!" I exclaim as I open my arms for a hug.

"Oh, we're hugging now!" she giggles as she falls into my arms. "Guess we really are friends!"

"Of course we're friends!" I reply as I rub her back affectionately.

"I'm glad." Sarah grins as she ends our embrace and glances around the massive foyer. "This house is incredible!"

"This is just the foyer." I laugh, offering her my arm. "C'mon, I'll show you around."

"Why, thank you!" she responds, looping her arm through mine.

"My pleasure." I say smoothly as we begin walking. "Did you find the place okay?"

"Yeah, no problem." Sarah nods. "It is a mansion; they're kinda hard to miss!"

"I suppose so!" I chuckle in agreement.

I give Sarah the grand tour. It takes a little while, and we are able to really enjoy each others company. No gun, no badge, she's just Sarah. I'm just Steven. She keeps commenting on how beautiful my home is, making me smile.

Eventually, we decide to go and greet everyone else. Sarah asks about a place to change, and I show her to the bathroom closest to the patio. I wait outside as Sarah changes into her bathing suit. When the detective steps out of the bathroom, my jaw literally drops.

Sarah is wearing a white bikini with green, purple, and blue polka-dots. She looks so adorable. The elastic holding her hair back is gone, allowing her light brown hair to frame her kind, smiling face. Her breasts aren't large, probably about average, slightly bigger than Lexi's. Sarah's entire body is lithe, and she has an actual six pack. It's a light one, but her abs are clearly defined.

"W-what do you think?" she asks with a shrug, clearly showing her anxiety.

"You're breathtaking." I respond sincerely.

"That why you're drooling?" Sarah inquires with a cute giggle.

"Maybe." I admit with a blush as I close my mouth.

"With all the hotties around you, I should be flattered a plain girl like me can catch your eye!" she comments.

"You're not plain." I insist. "You're stunning."

"Thank you, Steven." Sarah blushes.

"What happened to that confident cop I knew?" I tease.

"She's not very good with, you know, romance, or flirting." she admits.

"Not a lot of experience?" I ask before catching myself. "Sorry, none of my business!"

"It's okay, I don't mind." Sarah says. "I'm not a virgin, if that's what you're asking, but I'm almost thirty, and there have only been a few over the years. I was never very close to any of them, and it was always very vanilla."

"You're almost thirty? You look like you could still be in high school!" I exclaim, trying to lighten the mood. I'm serious though, she looks much younger than thirty!

"I'm twenty-eight." she confirms. "And thank you, I do have a baby face, don't I?"

"You have a kind face." I smile.

"You're sweet." Sarah takes a step forward and stands on her toes to kiss my cheek. "Your girlfriend really doesn't mind sharing you?"

"Girlfriends." I correct. "I have two. Nicole and Lexi. They're sisters. And no, they don't mind."

"Two girlfriends?" she asks with wide eyes. "I've never, you know, done anything with someone who was in a relationship."

"And you don't have to. No one does anything here that they don't really want to." I respond, offering Sarah my hand. "Now, let's go meet the others."

Sarah gives me a small smile as she slips her hand into mine. I then lead her out onto the patio. Introductions are made, as not everyone knows Detective McLorn. A few people thank Sarah for helping Kayla, Stephanie, and Lexi. Sarah grins and says she's just doing her job.

While everyone is getting to know Sarah, I start grilling. Rather than swim, everyone makes a salad to eat while chatting and waiting on the main course. Sarah congratulates Hazel on the baby, and is very polite when talking with Stacey and April. Stacey looks at me with a little jealousy, and I understand; another beautiful woman in my orbit. April notices and rolls her eyes at me. Things still are work in progress, I see.

"Food is ready!" I say a little while later. "We have barbecue chicken, burgers, potatoes."

"Thank you, Daddy!" Kayla smiles.

"Thanks, Baby!" Lexi chirps.

"Everything looks great, Steven." Sarah says politely.

I start serving a nice barbecue lunch. A line forms and I place food on each person's plate. Once everyone has a full plate, I can finally serve myself and sit down in a deck chair to enjoy my dead cow. Nothing beats a big, juicy burger!

"So," Sarah begins with a mischievous expression, "no friends your own age?"

"Daddy prefers young, beautiful women." Kayla teases.

"And he is nice enough to let us bring our boyfriends!" Ashley interjects.

"I'm still friends with a guy I went to high school with." I explain, ignoring Ashley and Kayla. "He and his wife have young kids who they're spending the day with, so they couldn't make it."

"Gotcha." Sarah nods before taking a bite of her chicken.

"And I'm not that young." Nicole sighs.

"What are you talking about?" Sarah asks. "You're very young!"

"I'm twenty-six." Nicole pouts. "That's closer to thirty than it is to twenty!"

"Oh, poor you." I roll my eyes, making everyone laugh.

"Guess I'm the old lady, I'm twenty-eight!" Sarah announces.

"Ten years older than most of us!" Ashley points out.

"That's still very young!" Hazel insists.

"You're all young." I insist.

"Thank you, Steven." Marcia smiles.

"Yeah, thanks!" Stephanie giggles, finally getting comfortable with me.

"Uh, should we really be drinking in front of the cop?" Ian asks nervously.

"Just don't drive anytime soon, and I'll pretend I don't see anything." Sarah winks.

The thirteen of us continue to talk as we enjoy a very nice Memorial Day cookout. When we finish eating, girls start jumping into the pool. Ashley and Lexi are first, followed by Marcia and Nicole. Kayla dives in with Hazel. Stacey and April jump in holding hands. Soon, we're all splashing around in the water.

The guys are shy, Sarah is shy, April is new here, and we don't all know each other that well yet. As a result, everything stays mostly G-rated. Sarah and I do flirt quite a bit, and I even carry her around on my shoulders at one point. Her shyness comes and goes, and either way, she's clearly having a great time.

After swimming for awhile, we all decide to get out of the pool and relax. I'm glad we have so many deck chairs! The thirteen of us are lounging about as we sip on drinks and enjoy the several different conversations going on at once.

Ashley and Josh are the first hook up of the cookout. Josh is blushing bright red as Ashley takes his hand and pulls the shy boy to his feet. The girls are all cheering as the teens disappear into the house. I glance over at Sarah, who winks at me and giggles.

"That looks like fun!" Kayla comments as she stands up and walks over to Ian. "What do you say, Baby? Take me to my bedroom?"

"Um, sure, okay." Ian mumbles nervously.

"Don't be shy!" my daughter laughs.

"May I join you?" Stephanie wonders as she confidently stands up.

"Of course!" Kayla exclaims as she walks in the middle of her boyfriend and girlfriend, holding each of them by the hand as the trio makes their way to the house.

"Have fun!" Hazel calls out.

"Oh, we will!" Kayla replies as she sashays into the house. I stare at her ass the entire time. And Stephanie's.

"Make sure you wear him out, girls!" Lexi shouts.

"Aren't you an understanding father!" Sarah observes with wide eyes.

"Why wouldn't I be?" I wonder.

"Most fathers would hate the idea of their little girl having sex!" Sarah explains. "And she's planning on having a threesome!"

"My parents did kick me out for having sex." Lexi rolls her eyes.

"Mine, too." Hazel sighs.

"Kayla is eighteen, she's an adult." I explain. "I don't like thinking about her, ahem, escapades, but she's free to live her life."

"How progressive of you." Sarah says with a nod. "And sorry you girls got thrown out for no real reason."

"It's okay," Lexi replies, "I have my new family now."

"And you still have your sister." Hazel adds.

"Sorry, you don't get to see your brothers." Marcia sighs.

"Your brothers?" Stacey asks.

"Yeah, I have three younger brothers." Hazel answers. "I was texting with one of them when my parents caught him. They took his phone."

"That's horrible!" April exclaims.

"It is what it is." Hazel says sadly.

"We're here for you, Hazel." Nicole insists.

"Any chance of a reconciliation?" Stacey inquires.

"My dad slapped me and called me a whore, so I'm gonna say probably not." Hazel responds.

"Ouch." April winces.

"Did you report him for assault?" Sarah asks.

"No." Hazel shakes her head. "It was one slap, I'm fine."

"Sorry, I'm being a cop." Sarah replies before taking a sip of her wine cooler.

"All good." Hazel smiles softly.

Our afternoon continues. I chat with the seven girls as time passes. Occasionally, a couple of people will take a dip in the pool, only to return to the group. The entire time, Sarah is sitting beside me, looking incredibly sexy in her sunglasses and bikini as we talk.

"Get a room, you two!" Lexi comments at one point.

"What? We're just talking!" I insist.

"And undressing each other with your eyes." Nicole giggles.

"Go for it, we're not judging!" Hazel smirks.

"Don't embarrass her." I say firmly.

"I'm a big girl, Steven." Sarah tells me as she looks at me over her sunglasses. "Eyes aren't all I want to undress you with. And what do you say? What do you say we go be grown ups together?"

A smirk crosses my face as my eyes drop to the detective's delectable cleavage. Before I answer, however, I glance toward my two girlfriends. Lexi and Nicole both smile and incline their heads, granting permission. Lexi actually makes a shooing motion with her hand, indicating for me to go off with Sarah already.

"Um, okay, sure!" I say to Sarah as I stand up and offer the detective my hand.

"Don't sound too happy about it." Sarah rolls her eyes as she takes my hand.

"Sorry, just a little nervous." I lie as I pull Sarah to her feet.

"You should be." Sarah winks as she hip-checks me while walking by me.

"You go, girl!" Lexi chirps.

Sarah just laughs. As I turn to follow Sarah, I notice Stacey has her head down. April is rubbing her back, talking softly to her. Are they arguing about their relationship already? I hope not. I know April is good for Stacey, I want them to stay together, even if I'm slightly jealous.

Wearing our bathing suits, Sarah and I make our way into the house, down the hallways, and to the bedrooms. Kayla's bedroom door is tightly closed, as is one of the guest room doors. Sarah blushes as I lead her into the master bedroom.

"I've never done anything like this before!" Sarah giggles nervously. She clearly can't believe she's letting loose.

"Never hooked up with a guy at a party?" I wonder.

"Well, I didn't say that." she blushes. "I've never announced to a crowd that I was planning to go have sex!"

"Guess I bring out your wild side!" I tease as I shut the door and smile at the beautiful woman.

"I guess you do." Sarah replies while biting her lower lip nervously.

"Nervous?" I ask.

"A little." she blushes.

"We can just talk if you'd like?" I suggest as I walk over to the bed and sit down. Then I pat the spot beside me.

"I'd like that. For now, anyway." Sarah replies as she sits down beside me. Our bathing suits are long dry, so we don't get the bed wet.

"Are you having a good day?" I ask.

"I am, thank you." she nods and smiles. "You?"

"Definitely." I answer. "I'm here with you."

"Aren't you smooth!" Sarah giggles.

"I try." I smirk.

"I guess you think you're some kind of ladies' man?" she wonders.

"Nah, I just think I'm cute." I respond with a shrug.

"You are really hot." Sarah admits as she messes up my hair affectionately.

"So are you." I reply.

"I'm just plain, old Sarah." she sighs.

"You're so much more than that." I answer as I wrap an arm around her bare shoulders and grip her upper arm.

"Thank you." Sarah replies as she melts into my embrace.

"You're welcome." I say as I kiss the top of her head. "So, how has work been for you?"

"Rough." she answers with a sad sigh.

"Oh yeah?" I inquire.

"Yeah." Sarah nods. "A couple of date rapes over the weekend. I worked yesterday."

"Sorry to hear that." I wince.

"I just," she begins sadly, "I just see so many horrible things every day. It gets hard sometimes. Hard to see the good in people."

"I can see that." I say, trying to be supportive.

"That's why I latched on to you." Sarah explains. "You just have the air of a genuinely kind person. After doing this for so long, I can tell."

"Thank you." I whisper. "Have you really been doing this for that long?"

"My entire adult life." she tells me. "I was taken away from my mother when I was really young, she was a drug addict and neglected me. I bounced around foster homes until I aged out. I didn't want to end up drowning in student debt, so I considered the military, but I ultimately decided to take the police exam as soon as I was old enough."

"Do you like it?" I ask.

"I was in uniform for quite awhile." Sarah continues her story. "I did like it, although I liked it a lot more when I earned my detective shield."

"How'd you manage that?" I wonder.

"I scored really highly on the police exam, top one percent, I believe." she says. "And I look really young, so I played decoy to catch a few predators. Eventually, they decided to promote me."

"Smart of them!" I exclaim as I squeeze her upper arm.

"Thank you, Steven." Sarah whispers.

"You're welcome." I state.

"I-I'd like to kiss you." she mumbles nervously.

"I'd like that, too." I reply.

Sarah looks up at me with her beautiful eyes, her kind face full of emotion. She leans up just as I lean in. Our first kiss is soft and tender, beautiful, really. We don't use tongue, we just softly press our lips together as we enjoy each other.

We don't know each other very well yet, but Sarah McLorn is already very special to me. She is such a kind person, who is also very strong. She helps Kayla, Lexi, and Stephanie. Something I will always owe her for. Even more though, she has an incredibly dangerous, often thankless job. Sarah does it well, she does it to genuinely help people.

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