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Black Man One Ch. 12

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Wimp degraded to learn about The Black Jacques Club.
4.6k words

Part 12 of the 27 part series

Updated 11/01/2022
Created 10/11/2011
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It was eleven-thirty when I woke up again and I heard the sound of Julie in the kitchen. She was pouring herself a glass of orange juice and speaking to someone on her cell phone. At first, it was difficult to make out any of the conversation when I sat up from my laying position on the couch trying to regain consciousness.

At the time, Julie was unaware that I had called off from work, and that I was still in the apartment. She didn't know that I had fallen back to sleep on the couch as I looked over to see her holding the cell phone with one shoulder as she tried managing the juice bottle and glass. She looked like she had just woke up herself.

"Yes, Sir. I can be ready in 15 minutes." her voice rang out.

"Yes, Sir. I showered last night. I don't need to ..." she continued, listening and apparently being interupted by the caller.

"Yes, Sir. Okay. I'll be right down, Sir." Julie replied as she hung up the phone.

I watched as my beautiful blonde wife finished off her glass of juice frantically. She rushed towards the bedroom and began sifting through her drawers as I stood up and followed her in behind.

"Honey? What's going on?" I asked.

My wife was startled by my sudden presence.

"Oh my god, Richard! You scared the hell out of me!" she shouted.

"What are you doing here? Why aren't you at work?" she asked, inquisitively.

"Well, I called off. I was a little tired." I answered.

"Don't ever sneak up behind me like that." she scowled.

"I-I'm sorry. I won't." I apologized.

Julie continued getting ready as she spoke to me, not once breaking her momentum as she readied herself. She slipped on a pair of pink spandex pants and a loose tee white tee shirt as she rushed into the bathroom to apply some makeup.

"Where are you going?" I asked, meekly.

"My boss called. We have to run by the center and then pick up some things." she replied.

Julie put her long blonde hair in a neat ponytail and slipped into a pair of flat sandals.

"Wh-what things?" I asked, curiously.

"I don't have time, Richard. I don't know. I didn't ask. My boss told me to get ready and meet him downstairs." she answered.

Again, I was humiliated by her reference to the young black stud as her "boss." I wasn't feeling the greatest, myself, and it appeared that my beautiful wife was in somewhat of a daze from her fatigue too.

She applied a thick coat of deep red lipstick and began digging in her purse, pulling things out and putting things in, making sure she had her makeup, lipstick and wallet packed away. A typical woman's activity, yet she was noticeably rushed, hurried and frantic about it.

I stood there watching as Julie got ready faster than I had ever seen her before. Actually, it was in less than half the time as I have ever witnessed. A feeling of stress came over me as she seemed uncaring that I was home from a regular work day for the first time in my life.

"I gotta go, honey. I'll call you. We'll have a late lunch, okay?" she said, kissing me on the cheek and scurrying off to meet the young black man.

"Well, okay." I whispered, passively.

I walked over to the side window to see my young blonde wife running out to Tra'mon's black Bentley car. For some unknown reason my gaze lingered.

Tra'mon was standing there on his cell phone in his casual shorts and shades, a light blue muscle shirt over his torso exposed his dark chiseled arms. The black python tattoos were revealed on his sculpted arms for all to see. He wore black sandals and a thin, black shiny thug-looking type of satin "doo-rag" upon his head. He merely stood there on his cell as he leaned against his own black Bentley car.

I was astounded to see him arrogantly hold out his car keys with just two fingers as Julie ran up to him. She took them from his powerful hands and scurried over to open the driver's side door.

My first thought that she was going to drive this man's Bentley, but that was not the case.

Astonishingly, she opened the driver's side door and just stood there as she held it open for him. The black stud slowly and methodically sauntered his way towards her. His cocky stroll couldn't have been obvious as he remained on his cell phone, stood there for another moment and then stepped inside. That is when Julie handed the keys back to him and stood there waiting for him to pull his strong legs inside. As he did, I watched as Julie closed the door for him and scurried around to the other side of his car to get inside herself.

"Wh-what the ...?" I gasped.

They drove off within seconds. I almost could not believe what I had just observed. It was such an obvious display of his authority over her that it made me feel weak in the knees.

As I turned back to the bedroom I realized that it was left a mess, which was never Julie's style. She had always straightened things up before she left to go anywhere.

Defeatedly, I decided to straighten things up myself. I picked up the things from the floor of the bedroom and the bathroom before heading for the messy bed to fix it. That is when I noticed the matchbook laying on the carpeted floor of our bedroom. It must have come from Julie's purse and had fallen from the comforter when I was making the bed.

I picked it up the black matchbook and noticed that it had the same black spade symbol on the front cover. The name of the club was on there too.

"Black Jacques Club" was the name of the club, the word "Black" being on the left side of the spade symbol and the word "Jacques" being on the right side of it with the word "club" at the bottom. I turned the matchbook over and saw the printed name of the club, along with the address and website in white letters.

"This must be where Julie went last night?" I thought.

"Geez! This has to be 50 miles away." I gasped, noticing the town it was located in.

Nervously, I went to the computer and looked it up. It was 47 miles away, just as I had suspected and seemed to be almost in the middle of nowhere set off to the end of a larger town. I wondered if it was some sort of casino since the ace of spades type symbol on the cover of this black matchbook resembled what they represented. I wanted to look up their website, but I thought better of it for the tiime being and didn't want to know. Not then. I simply put the matchbook down and continued cleaning our apartment.

About two hours later Julie texted me.

"We're picking up chinese and gonna eat by the pool. Want to join us?" she texted.

"I guess so." I texted back.

"Ok. Meet ya' down there in 20." her returned text message read.

I was just sitting around feeling sorry for myself on my rare day off. My pretty blonde wife had spent all night with the young black man, and now she had the spent the better part of the early day with him too. Her invitation was to join them rather than her and I having lunch together, alone, which I had joped for. Defeatedly, I put my swim trunks on and headed down to the pool area.

I slid one of the lower wooden and padded chaise lounge beach styled chairs over to a table. It had been there already and I simply moved it to that table in the shade and positioned the high backing straight upright. The small, circular white table had three chairs surrounding it, and I moved 2 onto the other side and as far away from the one I reserved for my wife.

I now sat in the lower chaise lounge to the right side of what would be her sitting position and as close to her as possible. My conscious thought was to make the black stud sit further away from Julie while I sat next to her.

There was little time to make any other adjustments with these chairs.

My back was to the glass entry doors leading to the pool area while Julie's chair was only a few inches to my right facing out towards the same door. I felt a small sense of accomplishment in forcing the young black stud to sit on the other side of the table away from us. I even scooteed my lower chair to within six or eight inches of hers.

As I sat and waited for them to arrive, my nerves were causing my hands to tremble. I tried to stop their noticeable shaking. It didn't feel comfortable thinking about having lunch, or any other meal for that matter, with my wife and this black man. I reasoned that at least I would be with Julie, and I knew this would be better than them having lunch all by themselves.

Julie arrived 10 minutes later and she was wearing a solid black bikini that had a small, half dollar sized symbol of a marijuana leaf on the front. It was set at the top of her bikini line and off to the left. Apparently, she had run upstairs to our condo apartment to change first before heading down to the pool.

Julie had never owned a solid black bikini before and, although she looked amazing in it, I just had to ask her about it.

"Oh, yeah. I just got it today. When we were out grabbing some things for the workout center. Trey said it would look cute on me." she said.

"It's a Bob Marley bikini." she laughed.

"Isn't it cute?" she asked, naively.

It was probably the sexist and skimpiest full cut bikini I had ever seen in my life, yet the thought of the black man picking out a swimsuit for my own blonde wife felt demeaning and somewhat rude of him.

"I-I guess, honey. S-sure." I nervously answered.

Julie had the small cartons of chinese food in bags and she began taking them out. She set them down and reapplied a fresh, thicker coat of the deep red lipstick. She then looked at the brown paper bags with the takeout food inside.

With them, there were a few sets on plastic chopsticks that came with these meals. She set them all up onto the small table along with several dozen little fortune cookies individually wrapped in plastic.

"Trey went to change. He'll be out soon." Julie stated, as she began playing with one set of those chopsticks between her fingers.

I noticed the barely faded black spade symbols on the tops of her hands, once again. It really bothered me that they were still there and I asked her why they hadn't washed off by now.

"I don't know." she answered.

"It's just a club stamp. They use really dark and thick ink I guess." she added.

I complained about them, telling her that I didn't like that they should be putting more than one stamp on her like that. I told her that they looked ridiculously and if they're going to use such dark ink then maybe she shouldn't let them stamp her at all.

"I don't see what the big deal is. It's their rules ya' know." she answered.

"Don't make such a big deal about them." she added.

"Don't be ridiculous." she said, annoyed.

"I guess I just don't think it's a nice thing to do, that's all. I didn't mean anything." I muttered.

As our little disagreement about the ink stamps on the tops of her hands lingered more than it should, I noticed Julie looking up every few seconds.

"Oh, hey Trey." she said, turning the conversation.

"Hungry?" she asked.

"Hey, girl. Yeah I am." Tra'mon replied.

Feeling the sudden presence of this young black stud behind me made me even more nervous. I had not seen him yet and I wondered how long he had been standing there behind me. Deep down, I was hoping he had not heard our little exchange and our slight disagreement about her club ink stamps. When he stepped in closer to us he was barely off to my left side and in my peripheral vision.

Timidly, I turned ever so slightly to my left as my face beamed red. I became silent and my cheeks burned even more red asa I noticed him. With complete arrogance, the young black man was wearing another one of the flimsiest and skimpiest little nylon speedoes bikinis he owned.

This obnoxious bikini was a bright neon orange color that resembled the color of the Hooters Girl's shorts. The fabric was so digustingly thin and flimsy that it made the astonishingly enormous bulge in the front pouch protrude like I had never seen it before.

"Geezuz. Oh g-god. Wh-what the hell?!" I mumbled almost in silence.

The young stud was so damned flagrant about his massive cock protruding out with such overwhelming arrogance. He stood there off to my side with cockiness. My face turned 10 shades of red as I looked at Julie to see her staring directly at it. Her more than noticeable stare was grotesquely obvious, and it lingered for more than a few seconds as he spoke.

"What up, gurl?" he asked.

"Oh, nothing Trey. I was trying to figure out these stupid chopsticks, that's all." she said in n over the top giddy tone of voice.

The black stud laughed as I sat there in silence, intimidated by his powerful presence. I felt like I should be "cowering" under the table at this time as the tension in the air thickened.

Julie and I had couldn't have been sitting more than six or seven inches apart, her regular chair higher than my very low chaise lounge beach chair. Yet, our eyes were fairly close to being on the same level due to my much taller height.

"Nonsense, girl! Lemme see those." Tra'mon suddenly shouted.

"The're easy." he continued as my wife fumbled around with the chopsticks between her fingers.

"Here, lemme show ya the right way." the black man stated determinedly.

That is when the young black stud took his arrogance to another level.

With complete and utter disdain, he cruelly stepped right in between us in the boldest manner possible. He literally had to "nudge" and "wedge" his way in between our sitting positions, putting his feet firmly on the tops of mine to anchor me in place. I was too afraid to mention the discomfort as the young black stud just moved right in.

Degradingly, this left his powerful and well-muscled asscheeks in that flimsy neon orange bikini directly in front of my face. Rudely, his asscheeks were by no more than a mere inch in front of my flustered face. I began to think that his standing position also had to leave his mammoth sized bikini-covered cock bulge no more than a few inches before my wife's beautiful face, and it did. It was now hanging down to her eye level and the bridge of her nose.

But, I could not see Julie yet. The black man's rude gesture had all but blocked my view of my pretty young blonde wife.

"Here, like this!" he said, taking her delicate pale hands in his and showing her how to use chopsticks.

"Hold'em like this." he repeated.

"Oh, okay." Julie whispered.

I could only hear their words as my vision was completely "cut off" by the young black's bikini-clad asscheeks in those skimpy orange biknis. I sat there demoralized beyond comprehension and unable to speak, frozen by the intimidation I felt by this much younger man. His unprecedented arrogance turned my face a fire engine red.

I could hardly move an inch because I was so afraid, and I tried backing my face off a little to avoid his asscheeks bumping my face from beiing in such close proximity. But, his sandaled feet stepping onto the tops of my own feet grew firmer and more uncomfortable for me.

"Oh, I-I th-think I got it now, Trey." I heard Julie mumble quietly.

That is when the black stud grabbed one of the cartons of chinese food from the table and, without even turning his body, he handed it to me from behind his back.

"Here ya' go, boy." he said, not moving another inch.

I just put the carton of rice down to my lap and sat there degraded, humiliated and humbled. Tra'mon's bikinied asscheeks remained an inch before my face and I had no idea what to do. Cerainly, I could not have eaten if I wanted to. His backside was just too close to my face.

I could hear Tra'mon and his actions grabbing another carton and handing it to Julie before taking his own. She thanked him as her voice seemed to fade to a passive whisper.

"Yeah. I like shrimp fried rice. Don't you, girl?" he asked.

"Y-Yes, Sir. I do." Julie answered, quietly.

He rudely stood there and ate by holding the carton in his hands. Cruelly, he stayed standing in this position and refused to move an inch while he continued demonstrating to my wife how to hold the chopsticks. He was totally ignoring me and it seemed as if Julie was no longer aware of my presence either.

For just one moment, I strained my neck around in an attempt to see my wife. I had to peek around the black stud's lowewr torso and hips to catch a mere glimpse of my beautiful blonde wife, Julie.

It was even more insulting than I had envisioned.

The young stud's monstrously bulged crotch in the thin spandex orange bikini was literally half erect and not even an inch from her nose and perfectly painted lips. It was as if the stud was forcing her to take in the demoralizingly musky aroma of his elephantine sized cock in that speedoes bikini suit.

Julie's eyes simply looked up to him in awe as he spoke non-chalantly and unconcerned. His bulging cock and balls were rudely on the same level as her delicate nostrils and lipstick covered lips. Julie had taken only a few small nibbles of her food but then she suddenly stopped.

She dropped her arms to her lap and simply looked up to him and listened attentively. She was now as quiet as a mouse as the stud continued to speak.

It was degrading to see this for that brief moment, but I was unable to keep my neck stretched out like that to see her face from around his body again. I sat there nervously as the young black stud demeaned me in this revolting manner.

My head and face desperately tried to move away from his muscular bikini asscheeks, but he kept moving them back and forth to "purposely" bump my face with the flimsy spandex material on his cheeks. I was so humiliated and now getting upset by the cockiness of this black stud. Yet, I was terrified of saying anything to him. I couldn't have imagined that he would be so rude as to stick his backside in my face like that, and I had thought maybe this could possibly be some sort of simple accident.

Defeatedly, I sat there unable to find the courage to move. I was petrified to anger him in any way if I tried to get up or just walk away.

Julie's sudden silence began to concern me more asa I had no idea what was happening in front of him.

All of a sudden, Tra'mon reached back with his one hand and grabbed the top of my head by the hair. He did so in mid stream of his conversation and non chalantly as not to alert my wife of his actions. Uncanningly, He pulled my reddened and embarrassed face into the middle of his bikini-clad asscheeks and held it there with a firmness that made me helpless. He did so with such great force that I could not move, and my weaker arms remained down in my lap passively clutching the carton of rice.

I couldn't believe what he was doing. I was shocked into submission by this black stud's total arrogance as I now struggled to breathe.

When he finally released my hair a few minutes later, I tried backing my face away abruptly as I began breathing heavier. But, backing my face up did not work at all. The tall backing of the lounge chair prevented me from moving my head back more than a few inches as I sat back utterly degraded looking at his bikini asscheeks before me.

Seconds later, the arrogant young black stud put his hands in front of him and continued eating. He continued speaking to Julie, yet he continued backing up those few inches so his backside would hit my wimpish face fully and flushly. Cowardly, I sat there in this form of hell with my arms down at my sides as Tra'mon continued to repeat this act of degrading me. He "bumped" his bikini clad backside in my face over and over again, and for the next 20 minutes. His butt cheeks must have been shoved into my face and "bumped" it every 20 or 30 seconds during this entire time. He feigned the "accidental" bumping by standing there as if nothing was happening. I wasn't sure if Julie noticed anything.

My arms remained weak and down at my sides as Tra'mon repeated this act. When he moved his backside away from me for those brief moments he seemed to be getting closer to Julie, if that was at all possible.


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