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Black Sheep Boy Ch. 01

Story Info
In a world of futa, one boy has trouble fitting in.
3.8k words

Part 1 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 05/03/2020
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This one is a bit of a slow burn. Be warned, there won't really be any sex in this chapter, but lots of fun stuff is coming up ahead. Also, while this chapter is fairly lighthearted, things will get a little dark in places up ahead. All characters in this story are eighteen.

Alex woke with a start. He looked at his alarm clock and noted with chagrin that it was 6:30, a full hour before his alarm was meant to go off. He hated when this happened. He'd had the nightmare again. The one where the school principal forced him into skimpy lingerie and a short skirt and crop top, made him up all nice and feminine and paraded him around the school so all the students could see him. There was nothing he hated more than the idea of being made to dress like that.

He lay his head back on the pillow. Running his hand down his chest and to the blue cotton boyshorts he was wearing, he found that despite the nightmare he still had raging morning wood. Knowing he likely wouldn't be able fall back asleep, he gave in, pulled his underwear down, and rubbed one out quickly, thinking of nothing in particular. He never bothered watching porn when he masturbated. The only porn that he could find always involved a futa fucking a guy, and he wasn't into that. So he made do on his own.

Having finished and wiped his cum away with some tissues on his bedstand, Alex lay in bed a bit longer, messing around on his phone, checking Twitter and Instagram and the like. Finally it started to get close to 7:30 and he realized he would have to get up and get going soon. Taking off his boyshorts and depositing them in the hamper, he opened his underwear drawer, which was mostly filled with boyshorts similar to the ones he'd just taken off, plain and in muted colors. Besides that there were only a few full coverage bikini panties, and, underneath everything else, a single lacy pink thong with a matching bra, a gift from his aunt for his eighteenth birthday, which he had deliberately never worn. He pulled out a dark red pair of boyshorts and put them on. He stopped then and looked in the full length mirror he had propped up against his wall. He didn't like what he saw. He never did. A slender boy with unkempt neck length brown hair, his five inch penis barely making a bulge in his underwear. He cringed a little. Why couldn't he have muscles? Why couldn't he be more masculine. He tried to shake these thoughts. Sighing, he put on a pair of jeans and a t shirt and went downstairs for breakfast.

He walked into the kitchen and found his father at the stove cooking, wearing an apron over his silky pink nightgown. "Waffles will be ready soon dear," he said, as Alex sat down at the table. Soon the waffles were in front of him, and as he was eating his mother came downstairs to join them. Normally she'd be gone to work by this time but she'd taken the week off to have some time to relax. She was wearing nothing her blue robe, unclasped, showing her large breasts heaving underneath, and her black boxer briefs, her massive cock bulging underneath. As she entered the kitchen she grunted good morning and promptly gave her husband a great smack on his ass, then began fixing herself a cup of coffee. Alex's father gave a little "Ooo!" and smiled. "Someone's frisky this morning!"

His mother leaned over and kissed his father on the cheek and then smacked his ass again. "Always am baby."

Alex gagged a bit. He hated seeing his parents get flirty like this. He quickly finished his food and then ran off to brush his teeth and finish getting ready for school.

The walk to school was, as usual, uneventful. It was a dreary September day, which didn't help the foul mood Alex was in. As he approached his high school he quickly saw his friend Robin, waiting by the flag pole, as usual.

Robin was wearing a short blue skirt with black tights, and a tight black sweater, which left much of shoulders and collar exposed, revealing the straps of the pink bra he had on underneath. Alex didn't really understand Robin. He wasn't a popular boy anymore than Alex was. He was a bit chubby, and on the hairy side too. He was too lazy to do regular upkeep on his appearance so he often had stubble on his face, and Alex knew that under those tights his leg hair was probably starting to grow back in. But unlike Alex, who didn't give a shit about any of that, Robin desperately wanted to be "pretty". He always trying to wear the latest styles of clothing, and get his makeup right. And he was absolutely futa-crazy too. Every week it seemed he was pining after a new one, wishing she would come and sweep him off his feet and make sweet love to him. Sometimes he got a bit too TMI about that last part. Alex didn't understand why he cared so much about stuff that he wasn't likely to achieve anytime soon. But even so, he was Alex's friend. Which meant something, as Alex didn't have many.

As he got closer to the flag Robin noticed Alex and waved to him, then came trotting up to walk alongside him. They said hey and chatted a little. There was going to be a math test that day and Robin wanted to know if Alex would study with him a bit before the bell rang. Alex agreed and went inside to sit at one of the lunch tables, where the students would wait before the bell rang. Once seated and with their study materials out, a question came to Alex. "Hey," he asked, "where's Jamie?"

Robin was absentmindedly chewing on his pen, a bad habit of his that further foiled his attempts at femininity. "Oh, y'know he's probably with Veronica. She's started giving him rides to school, remember?"

Alex sighed. Of course he remembered. Jamie had once been a lot like Alex. He too never dressed feminine, never wore make up or skimpy clothes or lacy panties. But apparently unlike Alex, this wasn't a deliberate choice. Because over the summer he had attended a "femininity summer camp" and learned how to really be a femme. First day of senior year Jamie had walked into school wearing a miniskirt, thigh highs that clung to his lithe legs, a crop top that showed off his new tight stomach. Rumors quickly circulated through the school, spread by the boys who saw him change for gym class, that he was also wearing a lacy navy blue thong, and, the biggest betrayal in Alex's eyes, a matching bra. To top it off he had his usual messy hair styled into a neat fashionable pixie cut, and two pink studs were in his ears. He was like a totally different person.

Thankfully Jamie's change in appearance hadn't extended to his personality, and he'd stayed friends with Alex and Robin. But even so, his new found popularity made it harder to see him, and that became doubly true when he got himself a futafriend, the captain of the track team no less.

"Oh yeah. Veronica," Alex said, bitterly.

"Goddess, Jamie is so lucky. I've begged my parents for years to send me to one of those camps, but they always tell me it'd be too expensive. And goddess, Veronica. She is so hot. I'd love to have her give me a ride, y'know..."

Thankfully Robin couldn't finish his lusty musings as the bell rung just then. The two boys hastily gathered up there stuff and headed to their lockers, which were right next to each other (it's how they met). As they were preparing to go to class, Jamie at last came up to them. He was in his usual attire, a plaid skirt with thigh highs and a cardigan over a scanty t-shirt that ended just above his belly button. "Hey guys!" he said, voice full of cheer. "Wanted to stop by and say hi to make up for not hanging out before the bell. How are you guys doing?"

Alex mumbled that he was fine, and Robin, much more cheerily, said he was doing great. "You look great today Robin!" he exclaimed.

Jamie gave a big smile. "Thanks Robin. You look good too. Hey, I was wondering, since we didn't get time to hang out together before school, do you wanna do something after? The track team is practicing today and Veronica invited me to come watch. Why don't we all go together?"

Alex could practically hear Robin's dick spring to attention under his skirt. "Oh my god. Yes. Jamie yes I would love that, we have to do that." He was practically panting.

Alex just sighed. "Sure, fine. Whatever."

"Awesome!" Jamie replied, all bubbly and bouncy, "well why don't we meet by the bleachers after class? Maybe afterward we could go--"

Jamie was cut off by a loud, "hey, hey!" coming from down the hall. Alex closed his eyes in frustration. He knew what that meant. Ricky, the biggest slut in school, came sauntering up to the three of them. If you hadn't known that Ricky was the biggest slut in school, you could tell just by looking at him. He was wearing a tight black pleather booty shorts, under which were fishnet tights. His crop top was so small it was basically just a bra, and his face was expertly painted with black lip stick and eye liner. It was a look that made him very popular with the futa of the school. He was the queen bee. "Jamie," he said, drawing out the last syllable, "why ever do you spend so much time hanging with these losers?" he said, pointing at Alex and Robin. "C'mere boy, I want to talk to you about something."

"Sorry Ricky, I was just making plans with my friends here. We can talk later," Jamie said. Alex rolled his eyes. Jamie was such an innocent soul.

"Oh, nuh uh, this is a matter of the utmost importance. We talk, now." With that Ricky grabbed Jamie by the arm and attempted to pull him away.

Alex knew he had to intervene. "Hey Ricky, you heard what he said. Leave him alone, you can talk to him later."

Ricky turned his attention to this shabby upstart. "Um. Was I talking to you? I don't think I was. Why don't you go mind your own business, huh caveboy?"

This really got Alex fired. "Yeah, and why don't you fuck off, you dumb slut."

Ricky gasped and put his hand to his chest in exaggerated offense. "Oh! Oh! I did not just hear that! Little man, I will let that one slide this time, but I hear that language out of you again and I will beat your ass!" With that he snapped his fingers and flounced off.

Jamie sighed. "I'm sorry about that guys, Ricky's not that bad a guy, it's just--" But he couldn't finish what he was saying. Just then the bell rung and the three of them scampered off to their classes.

School was, as usual, dull as hell. Alex was so bored during history class that he almost fell asleep during a lecture on Georgina Washington ("And no, by the way, it's not true she had a wooden dick," his teacher said, while students snickered, "that's just a myth."). But somehow he made it through the day, and despite his reservations he duly headed to the bleachers when classes had ended. He had no illusions that he'd have a good time watching a bunch of futas run around a track, but he enjoyed being with his friends enough that he didn't care. When he arrived there he found Robin and Jamie already waiting for him. The bleachers went up seven rows and they decided to sit in the middle of them at the third step. Before long the futas came out in their red tracksuits and huddled together in the middle of the track, some sitting on the ground and other standing. Their coach, a tall, muscular, blonde futa stood in front of them. Beside her stood an athletic looking black futa, her hair in braids.

"That's Veronica there!" Jamie exclaimed with glee. Alex and Robin both knew that, but it was obvious Jamie was just excited to see his futafriend in her element.

"Goddess, I wish it was spring right now. This would be so much better watching them in their shorts," Robin said, practically drooling. Alex rolled his eyes. He didn't get what difference it made. Even in their track pants the futas' crotches bulged obscenely, and their asses were hardly invisible. He supposed Robin really wouldn't be satisfied unless they started running around in their jock straps.

After awhile the team started running laps. When Veronica made her first lap past the bleachers, Jamie stood up and waved at her crying, "Veronica, baby! Over here!" The lithe futa glanced over at shot a coy wink at her. Seeing this, Jamie almost swooned. He sat back down, clutching his hands in front of his chest saying, "I love her so much." For the second time that day Alex almost gagged. This shit was unbearable. Turning his attention away from the track he looked to the side at another set of bleachers to their left. It was then he noticed, sitting at the top of some a few yards down, Ricky, all alone watching the futas.

"Oh fuck," Alex groaned, "that bitch is here too."

His two friends turned to look. When they saw what Alex was referring to, Jamie chastised him. "C'mon Alex, I know Ricky can be a bit prickly, but he's nice when you get to know him."

"When did you get to know him?" Alex shot back.

"Well, at this party I went to last week."

"You went to a party last week!?" Robin interjected, shocked. "Like a popular kids party?"

Jamie suddenly became demure. "Veronica invited me," he said, quietly. "I'm sorry, I would've invited you guys, but it's the first party I've ever been too. I didn't know if I was allowed."

Alex didn't care about any of that. He was just worried Ricky would come over and start more shit. Thankfully that didn't happen. Robin and Jamie continued blabbing about the party, Robin pressing the more femme boy for details, and forcing him to promise to invite them to the next one, and finally the practice was over. Alex was ready to go right then, but Jamie held them up. "I wanna go talk to Veronica!" he said. So they obliged him, climbing down off the bleachers and waiting down by the track while Veronica finished chatting with a few of her friends. When she finished her and another futa, similarly athletic, her long brunette hair in a pony tail, came over to them. Robin was almost having a panic attack. He had never been so close to the objects of his lust before. Thankfully, he was able to keep up a calm demeanor when they got closer, although he was conspicuously quiet.

"Hey, babe, c'mere," Veronica said, and she swept Jamie into her arms and gave him a big kiss on the lips. Jamie giggled under her ministrations, his face turning bright red.

"Stop it Veronica, you're embarrassing me!"

The tall futa looked down on him with an affectionate and cocky smile. "Oh, but you're so sexy when you're embarassed babe," she said. Then she turned her attention to Alex and Robin. "These your friends?"

"Oh yeah, these are Alex and Robin! I've told you about them."

Alex gave a quick "hey," and Robin managed to meep out a short "nice to meet you." Veronica in turn motioned to her own friend beside her.

"This is Erica," she said. "I think you met her, didn't you babe?"

"Yeah, at the party. I remember."

Erica gave a little wave, and said, "hey." Her face was blank. She seemed utterly disinterested.

It wasn't long before Veronica announced that she was going to take Jamie out to get a quick bite to eat, and after some token protests that he had planned to hang out with Alex and Robin some more, Jamie relented, and off they went. Leaving his two friends with this Erica person. She watched the two lovebirds leave, then turned to the boys in front of her. "So," she said, with the same bored look on her face, "you two are Jamie's friends?"

"Yeah," Alex answered.

"That's cool. He's a pretty nice guy."

"Yeah. He is," Alex again answered. Robin had seemingly gone mute beside him. He was just staring at the futa in front of him, like a deer in headlights.

Erica herself also had gone quiet. She seemed to be fixing her attention on Alex, looking him up and down. This made Alex uncomfortable. What the hell was she doing? Why was she even talking to them at all? At last he decided to intervene. "So..." he said, "we gotta get going."

"Hmmm," was Erica's response. "Okay. See ya around." Then she turned and walked off.

The two boys watched her go. As soon as she was out of earshot Robin burst into speech. "Oh my goddess! Oh my goddess! Alex do you know who that was?"

"She said her name was Erica."

"Oh my goddess. You don't know. That was Erica Lambowski! Everyone knows she has the biggest cock on the track team! And probably in the entire school! And she was just talking to us!"

Alex scoffed. "Well she was more talking to me really."

"Shut up! She was talking to both of us! Just cuz I didn't say anything doesn't make that any less true!"

Robin continued on like this for a bit, extolling how incredible it was that such a prime specimen of futa beauty, when a loud, obnoxious, "excuuuuuse me," came from behind them. The two boys turned to find Ricky glaring daggers at them. "Why. The. Fuck. Were you two loser talking to Erica?"

Alex returned his glare in kind. "That's none of your fucking business, Ricky?"

"None of my business? None of my business? My business is getting laid, and when two caveboys like you are getting chatted up by the biggest cock in school when I'm not even a mile away, that's absolutely my business. Now are you going to tell me everything she said to you, and then you are gonna get the fuck out of here and never let me catch you talking to her again, you understand bitch?"

Alex gritted his teeth and clenched his fist. "Fuck you," was all he said. Then, almost automatically, he brought his arm back, and propelled that fist right into Ricky's face. It happened so fast Alex barely even registered that it happened at all, until the more feminine boy was sprawled out in the dirt in front of him.

Ricky gripped his face like he was grievously injured, and started screaming, "fuck you! Fuck you! You'll pay for this caveboy!" Then he ran off toward the school building.

Alex turned to Robin. Robin's jaw had dropped. For a moment they just looked at each other. Then Robin broke the silence. "That was awesome," he said, "but you should run."

Alex didn't have to be told twice. As fast as he could he set off away from the school, toward home. He didn't stop running till he was about half way there. He stood in the sidewalk, panting, bent over and gripping his sides. It took him a moment to catch his breath, and then he set off again, walking the rest of the way. "Shit," he said to himself, "fuck." He knew he was screwed. Ricky had probably ran straight to the principal's office. Alex was gonna have the hammer dropped on him.

When Alex approached home, he found his mother seated on the porch, drinking a beer. She was wearing a loose t shirt and jeans. "Hey, son. Good day at school?"

"Yeah," Alex answered meekly. Evidently they hadn't find out what happened yet. He hurried past his mother, rushed inside, received the same question from his father, who was dusting some shelves in the living room, gave the same answer, and then went right upstairs to his room. He barely even heard his father tell him his sister was coming to visit over the weekend.

He lay down on his bed and stared at the ceiling. He was fucked. Probably suspended at the very least. Maybe worse. And of course his parents would punish him too. But oh well. Whatever was gonna happen was gonna happen. He decided to give himself a little enjoyment before the shit came down on him. He reached into his nightstand and took out the butt plug his parents had gotten him for his birthday. He always felt a bit uneasy about how much he liked playing with his ass. It made him feel feminine. It didn't help that the plug had a shiny pink jewel on the bottom. But he couldn't deny how good it felt. His parents had given him a nice, six inch glass dildo too, but he rarely used it. That was a little too girly for him.

He lubed the plug up and pressed it into his ass. He felt his sensitive hole expand to accommodate it, then squeeze shut as it finally took in the widest part. He pressed it in all the way, and sat there for a moment, just enjoying the feeling of fullness it gave him. Then he started stroking his five inch cock. In his head he imagined a big, muscular futa on his knees in front of him. Maybe that futa actor everyone liked, Chrissy Hemsworth. Yeah her. She was in front of him, on her knees, begging to suck his dick. As he started stroking faster and faster, she was goading him on, talking about how much he wanted to taste his cum, how she would do anything for it. As he got closer to orgasm, he felt his ass spasm around the plug. It was happening. He gave a few stifled groans and then burst, his cum splattering his chest and some even landing on his neck and chin.


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