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Blondes Do Everything Better

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A Photographer has an affair with Kate Upton.
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Author's Note: This story is completely fictional and did not happen. All characters and names are fictional and were made up.


Miami, Florida

Rays of sunlight cast down from the sky, creating a vortex of various reflections over the water's surface. The palm trees gave way for a bit of shade, all from the private swimming pool of a mansion on Star Island. The pool was in a rectangular shape. From the opposite end, a camera was stationed and zoomed in on the star of what was to be an expensive photo shoot. Outside the pool, a few people stood observing the situation to make sure everything was going as planned for today's work. A man sat behind the camera station, capturing every second of the frames moving forward. A figure was in the water, slowly rising up with some splashes. It was a girl wearing a dark blue bikini. The water was above her breasts, until she elevated herself and brought her hands up.

Kate Upton looked into the camera with a smile. She raised her hands up behind her head, running them through her long wet hair as she closed her eyes and raised her neck. The camera focused in, zooming to capture the shot of her body in the water. At this point, the water was just below her waist revealing the strings holding her bottom piece together of the bikini. This was a photo shoot for a magazine in Miami, all with Kate modelling off a new bikini line for an expensive fashion brand in town. Water drops dripped from her arms and over her body. From the sunlight, it cast a perfect hue over her beautiful bikini-clad body. The man sitting behind the camera station couldn't keep his eyes off the image focused solely on her. James had a history of photography sessions with Kate Upton, this was their fourth together since 2013.

"Very good, Kate! That's perfect."

The voice came from a woman standing near the camera station. James left the film rolling, just as he always did. Kate moved closer, dragging her legs in the water to cause splashes as her great big epic tits bounced in the small bikini. She looked into the camera one last time, giving a smug grin before she turned around and splashed away. James shut the camera off, finally. It was time to wrap up the day. They had spent hours filming and taking photos in various swimsuit outfits. As the camera shut off, James stepped away from it. The sunlight beamed down over his tanned face. He ran his hand through his long brown hair, combing it out of the way as a bead of sweat dripped down. His eyes remained focused on watching Kate. She climbed out of the swimming pool and then walked by, water dripping down onto the marble stone floor with each step she made. A crew member offered her a towel in which she gave a smile and nod before stepping away.

For the man, all he could do was sit there and witness her figure walk away. The wind blew across his short black hair, rustling through his mustache. He wore a pair of green cargo shorts and a grey T-shirt. Life had been boring as of late for James. He worked as a photographer and camera man with the modelling company. Every now and then, something interesting happened like with Kate Upton arriving for a photo session. Back home, he had a well made life with a wife and a nice home in South Beach, but it felt empty at times. He would be turning twenty-eight years old in August, and was already feeling as if he had not accomplished much in life despite such a dream job falling in his lap. He got up from the camera station and then walked back into the mansion with the crew. Back inside, Kate was nowhere to be seen. James was approached by a tall older woman, she had been the director of the session. As they engaged into a conversation, he forgot about the blonde model.

Time went on to pass as the session was wrapped up at the mansion. Kate returned wearing a pair of blue jeans and a white shirt underneath a matching blue denim jacket. A couple people waved, some made jokes with her. she had a nice business relationship with the company, having shot multiple sessions in the past before, she never felt like a stranger around the same crew. Now that she was back in Miami, she was ready to have some fun with work finished and over with. As Kate walked around the foyer of the mansion, she spotted James out by the front door as if he were about to leave. With a smug grin, she was ready to approach him. Her sneakers were quite on the tiled floor, shuffling through a few people that were making an exit. Kate looked towards James and then spoke to him.

"Hey James, how are you?"

The man turned around, looking back at her with that cute smile he always made. He acted somewhat shy in Kate's presence, she had that effect on men.

"Oh, hey Kate! Long time no see, you looked beautiful today during the shoot."


She returned that usual grin. Kate was praised so often by men and women alike, she had grown somewhat desensitized to hearing words marvelling at her beauty. Immediately changing the subject, she spoke again.

"So how are things back at home? How's the wife?"

"Things are good, just got a new boat that I've been enjoying."

"Ah, that's nice."

He was lying to her. Kate could read him so easily. He didn't smile when speaking of his wife, simply describing his situation at home as 'good'. Kate thought for a second about teasing him. It wasn't like she had better things to do in town, men like him were easy.

"That sounds fun, I like to go out on a nice boat and work on my sun tan. Don't you think I look good in a bikini?"

"You were born to wear that bikini if you're asking me!"

"Well, maybe I can go out on your boat with you. That's if you're wife don't mind, or if you want to. You've got my number, text me tomorrow."

She winked at him and then stepped away, walking out the door. James was bewildered at how Kate had simply asked to go out on his new boat. She had known before that he had a love for speed boats and mini yachts. The company had used one for a photo session a few years ago. He recently had sunk himself into some debt to pay off with his latest toy, but it wouldn't be a problem. The true puzzle was the one back home with a failing marriage. James had to wonder as he stood to himself, did Kate catch him in a lie? Why would she invite herself out on his boat for fun? He would be spending the night thinking about her question, daring himself to go ahead and text her number later on.



Back home, a quiet house felt like an abandoned place. From the bedroom, James' wife Emma lay asleep in their large king sized bed alone. The distance had been made a long time back between their relationship. The marriage was slowly falling to pieces, every day leaving new examples of just how far they had gone. While she slept away upstairs, he found himself back in the living room watching television. The house was big enough for a family of four or five but only contained two people. Much of Emma's frustrations with James was that she wanted to raise a family. They had been married for six years now and here she was, still waiting on the day that he would say yes. She had given up, it was never going to happen.

Their marriage established him with a full time job at a high paying company. Emma's father was the owner of the business. The marriage turned James from being an indie photographer to an overnight success with an amazing job that could pay for a luxurious life. It seemed funny to him how living with money could be so lonely. Is this the price of love? He often asked himself this question. Buying things and indulging in gifts were never a problem, it was always the human contact and emotionally strain between them. The marriage was not going to last at this point, but here they were still trying to get through. While sitting in front of the television, he wondered about Kate and how she had teased him before.

Was it a dare? Could she really be serious? It was hard to question when it was Kate Upton herself, of all the women in the world tempting you. They had been 'friends' in loose terms. Exchanging phone numbers years ago and having a quiet dinner date some time back with his wife. By friends, they rarely ever communicated unless Kate was in town for a photo session. Many, countless numbers of men in the country fantasized about a chance with Kate Upton. James had never once cheated on his wife before, even when times were bad and he couldn't get his rocks off in the bedroom. But right now, he had considered becoming the unfaithful husband if it gave him a chance with Kate Upton. Finally, he had the courage to reach his phone and text Kate. Though he almost stopped himself, he made sure to pull up a new message and type it in. After he was done, he didn't feel any fear hitting the 'send' button.

'Thought about what you said today. I'll be taking the boat out tomorrow afternoon, let me know if you're still interested.'

After sending the text, he sat back on the couch and let out a sigh of relief. It wasn't an easy thing to do. In just an hour, he would have to lay in bed next to his wife who he would be cheating on the next day. Within seconds, his phone vibrated in an alert that a new text message had arrived. James picked it back up, reading the new message from Kate.

'Great. What time?'

There was no beating around the bush. Absolutely no dragging time, her three word short text went straight to the point. James punched in the numbers before hitting the send button.

'2 PM.'

Taking in another sigh, he sat cradling the phone in his hands. Kate texted back not even a minute later.

'That's good. I'll call you around then. Nite James, XOXO.'

The end of her text made him blush a little bit. He now had to climb in bed, trying not to think about the woman he would be sleeping next to. Before making the walk upstairs, he deleted the text messages just in case Emma went through his phone. He never had before, but he was adopting a paranoia at this hour. By the time he did make it upstairs into the bedroom, he set his phone down on the night stand and looked at his wife sleeping between the blankets. Her long black hair was a mess over the white pillow. Taking a deep breath, he buried his thoughts back before climbing in bed with her. Tomorrow would be just a normal day as usual, at least he tried to convinced himself upon falling into a slumber.



Drum beats could be heard pumping out of the speakers during the afternoon. Kate was in her hotel, listening to some music while she made herself ready to go out with James. She previously had done work with a photo shoot on one of his boats, so she knew what to expect from his newer toy. It would be something like a mini-yacht or a speed boat, perfect for going out in a bikini. After taking a shower and using the blow dryer to fix her hair, she had to pick out her bikini for today. Kate went with a gold piece one, figuring it would drive him crazy to match her new gold sunglasses. Over her body, she had a jacket she would be wearing to cover everything up.

In the back of her mind, she feared he would not call her. It would be something of a foolish thing for him to do, for this would be the only he ever had to take her while being a married man. Kate had been bored since returning to Miami and figured that James would make an easy toy for her to play with right now. She didn't care at all over the fact that he was married. The woman was average at best, at least when compared to her. It may have been an egotistical thing to do, but Kate didn't care. She knew that the man would rather think about her body rather than his wife. There was a history with her and married men, let alone knowing that millions of horny men fantasized about her every day of the week. To James, she knew that he didn't think highly of his wife. Kate had met her and shared a dinner with her. While pinning her hair up in a pony tail, the phone began to ring. Kate smirked to herself while stepping out of the bathroom and grabbing her cellphone off the bed. She answered it after seeing James' name on the screen.

"Hey James!"

"Hey Kate, I thought I would call you to let you know that I'm ready. I've got the boat out by a pier, I'm going to text you the location. It's in South Beach, not far where I live."

"Alright, that sounds good. I should be there in a few hours, my hotel is down Ocean Drive."

"Great, I'll be seeing you soon."

His voice resonated in excitement. Kate smiled to herself while hanging the phone up. She had told him last night that she would call, but he seemed to be quite enthusiastic about this date to make the call himself. She grabbed her white jacket and slipped her arms through it, just before zipping it up to hide her skimpy-clad body. The final accessories to her outfit was the gold pair of sunglasses and some white high heels. After slipping her heels on, the phone rang alerting her that a new text message had been sent. Kate picked up the phone, reading over the location of the pier that James had sent. It wasn't far, she could easily leave the hotel and call a taxi for a short ride to meet him.

Not far from where Kate was, James walked the pier in his flip flops and while wearing a pair of swim trunks and a white T-shirt. He had told his wife during the morning that he would be going out, not that she had really paid him much attention. He had called off work today, but didn't bother to inform her of that. Not one single thought went through his mind about being caught with Kate. For some reason, he just didn't care today. He was ready to get out and to have a good time with a beautiful girl. At the docks, he had his boat situated where he paid a fee to keep it on the pier. The mini yacht was painted white, with a small deck and a covered roof over the cockpit. It had a cabin underneath the deck, fit with a bed and a lounge area that made useful for an overnight trip. As he waited for Kate, the sound of loud heels stomping over the wooden docks could be heard before a familiar voice called to him from behind.

"Hi James!"

He turned around, smiling at Kate.

"Hey, glad to see you made it."

"I wouldn't turn down a day to go out on a boat with you. So this is it, huh? Looks pretty."

"Thanks Kate, just bought it back in December."

"Oh, your Christmas present, huh?"

"Bought and paid for by myself! Come on, babe. I'll get us ready."

Kate didn't wait for him to tell her, she went on and climbed into the yacht from the back side. For a yacht, it looked like a cabin cruiser power boat. James followed behind her and climbed in, just before he untied the ropes to move off from the docks. He planned to take the boat out for a cruise, south east of Miami Beach, opposite of Fisher Island. They would have some privacy out in the open waters during a hot day. After a couple minutes of getting the boat ready, James climbed up the stairs to the small cockpit. Kate watched him, waiting until she heard the motor begin loudly running. Once the boat began to slowly move off from the docks, she unbuttoned her jacket and let it fall, revealing her famous voluptuous body in the small gold bikini. Once Kate was settled, she climbed up the stairs to join him.

James immediately turned his head to look at her after the boat moved out of the pier. His eyes became enlarged when he realized that she was standing to him wearing nothing but a small bikini. Kate smirked, looking into his eyes after pushing the sunglasses up into her hair. She watched James' eye sight glance all around her titanic-sized natural breasts. Kate knew that she was teasing him, just as she had planned. When he looked back through the windshield, he had the cutest smile on his face. Her job was done, she proceeded to step back down the stairs and rest by sitting in one of the seats off to the side of the boat. James' yacht was slow, passing through a couple sail boats and power boats along the way.



Waves of water splashed back and forth against the walls of the yacht, yet it never tumbled. The ride out from the pier had taken some time, all due to the slow motor to the boat. Kate sat silent downstairs, enjoying the sunshine for a bit until James had finally got the boat situated far out to the east. From the distance, they could see Miami Beach looking small like a flat island from so far away. All while he sat in the cockpit, all he could think about was her body. James had witnessed Kate's amazing form many times over the years. He was usually behind a camera station filming or shooting snaps of her body, yet he never was this close to possibly experiencing her voluptuous form. After the motor was turned off, James joined Kate down on the deck. They shared a few conversations about the weather and music, but Kate was ready to get hot and heavy with him once he was sitting across from her.

"This is a nice boat, James. What did you name it?"

"It don't have a name, at least not yet."

"Maybe you could name it after me..."

She gave him a wink. The man dropped his lower lip, starring back at her. Kate could read him so easily. It wouldn't take long to have him worshiping her lovely body. She wanted to toy with his emotions for a bit, all while the true seduction was underway.

"You know Kate, that's not a bad idea at all."

It was time for her to change the subject. With a soft grin, she spoke once more.

"So, how are things back home with your wife? I mean, really. I could tell by the look on your face yesterday that you weren't being honest."


James looked down, Kate's eyes were locked on his face. It took him a few seconds to think of what to tell her. He was beginning to realize that lying and playing the lines of everything being fine was not going to work. After all, they were alone on a boat together, so they were far past that point. James took a deep breath and then spoke a bit of truth back to her.

"Things are shit, to be exact. I love Emma, she's the reason I get to enjoy the high life. If it weren't for marrying the daughter of a rich business man, I wouldn't be able to sit behind cameras and photograph and film women like you. So, I can't really complain, but things have been nothing but shit lately."

Kate nodded her head.

"I see."

He tried to change the subject quickly back to her.

"You know, how are things with you? I imagine you've got all kinds of men begging for a date with you."

She giggled, shaking her head.

"Let's not change the subject, please? I find this interesting hearing about you."

James looked back at her puzzled.

"But how!? How is talking about my shitty marriage 'interesting' to you?"

From that question, Kate knew it was time to stroke his ego and go further into the art of seduction. She offered him a smile and then replied back.

"Because I know men like you and what you need in life. Look at you James, I bet you haven't had fun in a long while. You're miserable, I could tell by looking at you yesterday at work. Your eyes lit up when you seen me come in. I'm sure your day would've sucked had I not walked into the door for a photo shoot. Did you hear yourself over the phone earlier today? You sounded ecstatic to spend time with me. We're friends, even though it's been a while since we talked. I think you deserve better than Emma, you know it too. Deep down, you know that there are better women out there. Women that can truly blow your mind."

James sat there, listening and pondering his thoughts on her words. Kate smirked and continued speaking.

"Let me ask you something James, and be honest to me. Are you honest with Emma? I mean, have you ever went behind her back and fucked another woman?"

He shook his head.

"No, never. We've been married for six years now and I've never been unfaithful to her. I don't think she would do that to me either."

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