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Blood and Ice Ch. 09


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Her little gang had stopped giggling and were shocked that I'd pulled a knife on Sally.

Sally said, "You have no idea who you're dealing with. I'm a member of the light raiders and I'm a personal friend of the princess."

I couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"What's so funny freak?" she yelled at me.

"Tell me, have you heard from the princess lately?" I asked.

"What's it to you?" she spat at me.

"Just answer the question. Have you heard from the princess or Gabriel recently?" I asked again.

With a surprised look on her face she said, "No I haven't, and how do you know about Gabriel?"

"Well, you never will hear from the princess again; Haven't you heard that she was killed a week ago?"

Sally's face dropped. "How do you know that?" a girl to Sally's right asked.

"Because I was there, that's how!"

Sally seemed to get over the shock. "Are you a light raider?" she asked, her voice softened slightly.

"No, I'm not!"

"Then how could you have been there? Only light raiders could have been there!", she said looking very confused.

"I'm a shadow raider and I was there. Let me guess, you haven't heard that we've reclaimed the castle, right?"

The girls were gob smacked.

"I thought that the shadow raiders were all killed off." Sally said.

"Not all of us, and were back and fighting strong that's for sure. How else would we have been able to take back the castle?"

She looked stunned. I could hear footsteps coming from behind me .I looked around and saw Alexander walking towards us.

Alexander moved so that he stood in front of me. "Stand down, or you will suffer." he said as he drew his sword.

"Fine, but mark my words, this isn't finished!" Sally said as she left with all of her gang.

"Alexander where have you been?"

"Your highness, I'm sorry but your father asked me to find this for you. It belonged to your mother.", he said as he handed me a black cloth.

I opened it and found a necklace. In the middle of the necklace was a sliver the pendant which was a six pointed star with purple jewels round the edge.

"Were did you get this?" I asked.

"I found it where your mother was killed. She had this on her and it must have fallen when she was killed." Alexander said. He opened the clasp and placed it round my neck.

"Thanks Alexander!" I said, and then we all headed back to James' and Sarah's house. Sarah had made supper for us. We ate and then moved into the living room. That evening the only thing I could think of was my mother and how the light raiders tore my family apart.

"Alexander why did the light raiders attack the castle in the first place?" I asked as we were sitting in the living room.

"They wanted to kill you because of the vision that your grandfather had. We had to protect you, above all. It's unfortunate that we couldn't save your mother. You do know that if we could have saved her we would have, right?

"Yeah, I know Alexander. I'm not blaming anyone, apart from the light raiders of course. I just want to know what happened. Had we done anything to annoy them before that?"

"Not that I can think of, but we have a very long history so something could have happened."

"How long have we been fighting them?"

"The records began nearly a thousand years ago but we think that it began before that."

"Is there anyway of stopping it?"

"The only way you will get the fighting to stop is if one of the clans is destroyed!" Alexander said.

"Let's hope it's not us!"

"Lets hope not, but we shouldn't if we can build our army up. And let's not forget we have you as well! You're one of our most accomplished swordsmen. I have good faith that we will win the war." "I'm going to go to bed, it's getting late!" I said. I bid everyone a good night, Peter came up to my room with me.

"Do you think that Lauren will help us?" he asked. " I think she will! She wants to be one of us so she will do anything to join us and if gathering people is what's going to get her in I can assure you that she will!"

Peter slid his arm around me. "It feels like a lifetime since we last had time alone." Peter said as he leaned in to kiss me.

"We defiantly need more time alone!", I said. We kissed some more as we lay down on the bed. As we lay down I felt an all too familiar twinge in my stomach. I saw Gabriel in the castle with flaming torches setting light to the tapestries and carpets. I then saw him punch my father, who then dropped to the floor unconscious. I saw the light raiders stopping the council men from getting to my father then I saw the castle burn down with my father in it. I looked up at the moon it was a full moon.

"Lex?" Peter asked.

I pushed Peter off of me and went to the window to look at the moon it was a crescent it was going to happen soon.

"Lex are you okay?" Peter asked.

"I'm fine Peter." I said.

"Did you have a vision?"

"Yeah, but its not important.", I said.

"Are you sure Lex?"

"Yeah, lets just go to bed."

"As long as you're sure!"

"I'm sure." I said as we got back into bed. Peter dropped off to sleep but I couldn't I knew that if I didn't go to my father he could be killed. When I was sure that Peter was sound as sleep I slipped out of bed and got dressed. I put my black cloak on and silently crept down the stairs. The light in the living room was still on. I looked in quickly and saw that it was Alexander. I went to the front door, I unlocked it as quietly as possible. I slipped out.

"And just were do you think your going?" Damien asked.

"Damien you scared me go back inside and pretend you didn't see me. I have to go!"

"Go where? Do you honestly think that I'm going to let you go anywhere without me or one of the council members?" Damien said.

"Listen, I've had another vision. If I don't go back to the castle my father will die! I don't want anyone to know. If you come with me you better not slow me down or I will go on without you and we have to leave now and no one else can come with us okay?" I said.

Fine, I don't like this but I will come with you." We went back to the barn and saddled our horses. Damien and I both mounted our horses and set off at as fast a pace as we could, without hurting the horses. I knew it would take a few days to get there. Except to let the horses rest and get food and water, we didn't stop all night.

"Lex, you do know that Alexander, Peter and your father will kill you for trying to leave without telling any one, you do know that, right?"

"I know, but father will thank me when the light raiders attack."

"Well let's hope we can get there before they do. When is it going to happen?"

"When the full moon rises, which is soon!"

We made the trip in record time. As we reached the castle I saw the guards talking and one hurried nside. Damien and I slowed down.

"I think they've sent to get your father. There could be trouble!" Damien said.

Then we saw a few people on horses. We stopped and waited for the people to approach us.

"He's going to kill me isn't he?" I asked Damien.

"Most likely."

"Identify yourselves or we will attack." father said.

I lowered my hood. "Father, it's me, Alexandria."

"Alexandria? Why are you here? I thought you were at James and Sarah's?"

Father rode over to me and hugged me.

"It's a long story, father, can we go inside? Then I will explain everything." I said father nodded we went inside. I put Spirit in the stable and followed my father up to the council room. I sat down next to him.

"Now is everything okay? Why did you leave James' house? Were you attacked?" father asked.

"No we weren't attacked. Alexander and Peter didn't even know I had left. The only reason Damien is here is because he followed me and insisted on coming with me."

"But why did you leave if there was no attack?" father asked.

"I had a vision and it wasn't good!"

"What was it Alexandria?"

"I saw the light raiders sneak into the castle and set it on fire. The only thing was that you were trapped inside and the council couldn't get to you and you died."

There was a long silence.

In a subdued voice father asked, "Are you sure?"

"Yes! I wouldn't have came back if I didn't think it was important. I couldn't have stayed there and just let this happen." I said.

"When does it happen?" father asked.

"When the full moon rises they will sneak into the castle and set everything on fire, knock you out, and leave you to die."

"I can't believe they would stoop so low as to do that."

"Very well.... Damien, please go back, immediately, and let everyone know that she's okay!"

"What are you going to do about the light raiders?" I asked.

"We'll set a trap for them and get them before they can set fire to the castle." father said.

"You're not angry that I tried to come back on my own?"

"No I'm glad you came back. I missed you, but please next time take more people with you.", father said as he leaned over and hugged me.

"I missed you to father"

"Are you hungry?"

I nodded and father shouted for someone to come in.

"Yes my lord, may I help you?" Then he saw me, "Your highness this is a pleasant surprise." Michael said to me.

"It's good to see you too Michael."

"Michael could you please bring some food and wolf's blood for my daughter?"

"Yes, my lord." Michael bowed and left.

"Where's flash?"

"She's been sleeping in your bed and snapping at anyone that tries to move her."

I laughed. Michael came in a with a tray of food and a goblet of blood and a little fluff ball yapping at his heels. Flash ran and jumped into my arms licking my face.

"I missed you to flash!" As I put her down I took the tray from Michael. "Thank you, Michael."

"You're very welcome, your highness." Michael bowed and left.

"So when will you go back?" father asked.

"I'm not going back until I know that you're safe."

"But you have to go back Alexandria!"

"I will father, but not until I know you're okay!"

"I don't want you here when they attack."

"That's too bad, I'm staying and fighting whether you like it or not."

Father laughed; "I can see that there's no arguing with you, but if things get out of hand I'm insisting that you leave with a member of the council, okay?"

"Very well father, I will." I said thinking to my self that there's no way I was leaving no matter what happened!

Flash was yapping at me to pick her up. I did and she started licking my face again.

"So, has anything happened while I was away?"

"No, nothing in particular. Is there anything else you saw in the vision?"

"Not that I can remember father. Can you excuse me so I can get changed into something more appropriate?"

"Oh, yes you're excused."

I went to my room and changed clothes. I went back to the council room, Michael and John had joined my father.

"Your highness, this is a pleasant surprise! Is everything okay?" John asked.

"Everything is fine. Father did you tell them what I saw?"

"Not yet, Alexandria."

I sat down next to my father. I told them what I had seen. They were shocked.

"My lord, what should we do?" John asked.

"We will set a trap for them. At least we have an advantage. They don't know that we know what their plan is. Also, if they change their plan, we have my daughter!"

Father and I smiled at each other. Michael, John and I spent the rest of the day in the council room discussing plans. When it got late, I excused my self and went to my room. I was just about to drop off to sleep when father came into my room. He sat down on my bed.

"Is everything okay father?"

"Yes, everything's fine Alexandria. I just wanted to thank you, again, for coming back to help us. But, I want you to go back to James' and Sarah's place."

"You haven't got a chance of me leaving; so don't start father. I saw that vision for a reason."

"I understand that, but you need to gather and then train the new recruits. Please go Alexandria. Our clan depends upon your work." As Father gave me a hug, he said; "If anything happened to you, I would never forgive myself. We know that their going to attack, so we will be extra careful."

When father broke away I got an all too familiar twinge. I saw the same vision of the light raiders setting the castle on fire only it had changed slightly. It wasn't father that they punched, it was me!

"Alexandria? Are you okay?"

"Yes I'm fine it was the same vision again."

"Was there anything different?"

"No, there wasn't father." I didn't tell him that it had changed because if I had told him he would have insisted on keeping me away from the castle.

"Will you go back to James and Sarah's tomorrow morning?", father asked.

I nodded. It obviously wasn't to happen until I was back in the castle.

"Thank you Alexandria!" Father he gave me a kiss on the cheek, said goodnight, and left me. That night I couldn't sleep. I tossed and turned all night. When the sun rose I got up and dressed. Flash followed me down to the food hall. Michael was the only person there.

"Good morning your highness. How did you sleep?"

"I slept well, but I don't want to go back when I know there's going to be an attack on the castle."

"I know that it's difficult for you, but your father's just thinking of your safety. You can't blame him for wanting you out of the way."

"I don't blame him, but I want to be here to help."

Michael nodded. "I understand. But If you die the clan will be lost because you're the last remaining member of the royal family."

I nodded. I didn't like the idea of hiding but he had made me see the sense in leaving. I stayed in the food hall until father came in. He would be escorting me back as Damien was still gone. We both mounted our horses and set off at a fast pace. Father seemed a little on edge.

"Father, are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm just keeping a close eye out for light raiders. Are you armed?"

"Yes, I always am."

A couple of days had passed and we were nearing James' house. We were still in woodland, with open fields ahead of us.

Father had us stop for a moment. "If we're attacked, do not hesitate to strike.", father said.

I nodded. We moved at a slow pace. I heard rustling coming from behind us. Father whispered "When I give the signal, run!"

I nodded. I didn't argue with him on this! Something jumped out from behind us, father yelled at me to run, I dug my heels into Spirit and bolted. I heard the clashing of swords I pulled my sword out and was ready for anyone that attacked. There was a thunder of hoofs. I looked around and I was surrounded by men on horses. The next thing I knew the wind was knocked out of me and I landed with a thud on the ground. I stood up and ran. I didn't know ware I was going but I ran anyway. I could hear Gabriel laughing.

"Do you honestly think that you will survive this princess?"

I didn't retaliate. I just ran. In the distance I could see the village that James and Sarah lived in. I knew that if I got to the graveyard they couldn't touch me. However, it wasn't long before Gabriel caught up to me. The rest of his council formed a circle round us. I knew then that I would have to fight him. I looked around and I couldn't see my father.

"Where is my father?" I shouted at them.

"He ran off like a scared little boy, not much of a father is he?", Gabriel said.

"He's better than you could ever be!" I spat back at him.

"You know, if you join us we would pardon everything that you've done. It's simple, you just need to share a little blood.", Gabriel said.

"I would never join you and anyway I couldn't even if I wanted to."

"What do you mean?", Gabriel asked. He didn't realise that I was just buying time.

"I'm already a full shadow raider."

"No! That's not possible they don't turn people until there twenty one." He was in shock.

"You're wrong! We turn at nineteen."

"Prove it!"

I pulled out my small dagger and cut my dress away at the stomach to revile my scar. Gabriel looked like he was about to faint.

"Believe me now?"

Gabriel lunged at me with his sword. I managed to block him. Just as we were about to clash again there was a thunder of hoofs. Unknown to me, father had arranged for most of the council to follow us, just out of sight, on this trip. Father and the rest of the council came charging up.

"Get the hell away from my daughter!", father yelled.

Gabriel turned around. "Ah, Lucifer! I'm glad you're here to see your daughters demise." As he said

He lunged in again. I swung my sword up caught his sword by the hilt and twisted. He yelled in pain as I wrenched the sword from his grip.

"I think it is your demise that I will be witnessing today Gabriel.", father said.

Gabriel yelled and lunged with all his strength I only had a split second. I plunged my sword deep in to him. I didn't have time to look as father pulled me away and up onto a horse and we rode away from the fighting. It didn't take long to get to James' and Sarah's place. Father pulled me into the house. He burst through the door and scared James and Sarah.

"My god Lex! what happened? And, who are you?" James asked.

"I'm her father. We've corresponded. You received my letter yes?" father said.

Ashen faced, James said, "Yes my lord, we did but what happened?"

"We were attacked. Where are Alexander and Peter? We need them!" father said.

"I will go and get them for you my lord.", Sarah said as she left. A few seconds later Peter came in.

"My lord, what happened? Sarah said that you were attacked." Then Peter saw me covered in Gabriel's blood with a ripped dress.

"Lex, what happened to you?", Peter asked. "We don't have time to explain. We need Damien to stay and protect Alexandria. I need you and Alexander to help me fight!"

Peter nodded.

Sarah handed me a cloth to wash the blood from my face. Father left with Alexander and Peter. Damien came in and asked, "Lex, tell me what happened?"

"We were attacked by light raiders. I wounded Gabriel that's why am covered in blood. I'm okay but father needs help."

Damien said, "Yeah, Peter and Alexander left with him.

James suggested, "Why don't you go and take a shower since your father may need some time to finish this fight."

I nodded and took a shower. I had to change into the clothes that father hated. When I went back down into the living room father still wasn't back.

"Here, take this, it should help.", Sarah said.

"Thanks! Is there any sign of my father?"

Damien said, "Not yet, but they shouldn't be much longer."

I drank the mug of hot liquid that Sarah handed me. I kept looking out of the window looking for my father. Dawn was starting break and I could see horses in the distance. I ran out to meet them. Alexander dismounted first.

"Your highness, we need to talk!" he said. I noticed that my father wasn't with them.

"Where's my father?", I asked, starting to panic.

"Can we just go inside, I will explain everything.", Alexander said.

"No!, Tell me right now where he is!"

"He was taken captive by the light raiders."

"What?", I shouted.

"We went after them, but they got away." Alexander said.

"What about Gabriel? Is he alive?"

"Yes you badly injured him; but he is alive." Alexander said.

I knew then that to get my father back we would need to fight Gabriel and the light raider council. It was a fight for which we would needed everyone that we could possibly get!

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