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Blood and Ice Ch. 09

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Part 9 of the 26 part series

Updated 09/28/2022
Created 02/09/2010
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We agreed that I would leave as soon as possible. Father insisted that I leave first thing in the morning. That night I hardly slept. I was so excited, but I was also a little sad as I had to leave flash behind. When I got up in the morning I gave her a cuddle. I dressed in the clothes that father hated, but unfortunately they were necessary as girls my age didn't wear dresses where I used to live. I tried explaining that to father but he wouldn't listen.

"Father it's just until I get back. I have to blend in with the other people my age. I promise that when I get back I will get rid of them.", I said as I strapped my sword to my side.

"Fine, but take this just encase."

He handed me a small dagger that had a wolf engraved in the hilt. "Keep this on you at all times okay?"

"I promise that I will Father, don't worry about me. If things get out of hand we will come back straight away. You have my word."

Father gave me a kiss on the head. "Be safe my daughter"

He helped me onto Spirit. I'll tell you, it still wasn't an easy task in jeans!

Peter, Alexander and Damien rode up beside me. I saw father hand Alexander an envelope. Alexander took it and put it in his cloak pocket. I looked at father.

He said to me, "It's just a letter explaining all of this to James and Sarah."

I nodded.

"Keep her safe!" father said. "we will protect her with our life" Alexander said "very well off you go" father said I nodded and off we went. Father had made me wear a thick cloak so that no one could see me. Knowing that they would attack if they identify me as the princess. On our journey we only stopped once.

Alexander thought it would be best if we reached James' and Sarah's as quickly as possible, but we wanted to arrive at night. It took us a few days. It seemed that the light raiders must have been too busy building up their numbers to care about killing me. Finally after days of forest travel we reached familiar grounds. I knew that James' and Sarah's wasn't far. I dug my heels into Spirit and he took off like the wind. I sped past the graveyard where I was first attacked. Alexander, Peter and Damien weren't far behind me when I reached James' and Sarah's, a little after midnight. I tied Spirit up inside James' and Sara's barn.

Damien called to me, "I'll take care of the horses, Lex."

"Thanks Damien!"

"I'm not sure if there going to be happy that I'm back." I said to Peter.

"Nonsense, they will be glad to see you." Peter said.

I went to the door. I could see the living room light was on so I knocked on the door. There were a few seconds silence, then Sarah opened the door.

"Can I" she stopped me there. "Lex?"

I nodded and she threw her arms round me.

"Oh my god Lex come in out of the cold. Who are your friends?"

I introduced them all, except for Damien who was tending to the horses.

"Where's James?" I asked.

"He's working late tonight, but he will be so glad to see you.", she said as she hugged and kissed me more.

"Sarah I hope you don't think were just using you for a roof. We need somewhere to stay as we try to build up are numbers is that okay?", I asked as Sarah handed us all a hot drink.

" That's fine Lex. I don't mind and am quite sure James won't mind either. He will just be glad to see you. So tell me what have you been doing?", she asked.

I gave her the cliff notes of what had happened since I left. I just left the gory bits out. As I was finishing the front door opened. "Sarah where are you?"

"In the living room, James, we have guests." Sarah said with a smile on her face.

James came in. "Hi, sorry I'm late but..." and he stopped.

"But what James?" I asked.


"In the flesh so to speak." I said with a smile on my face. James grabbed me into a hug. "I'm so glad your okay. We heard that one of the princess's was killed but we didn't know who. My word, you've changed!" he said looking me up and down.

"I haven't changed that much have I?"

"Of course you have. When you left you were a scrawny teenager, but now you've filled out a little and you look like a woman! I wouldn't want to mess with you now with those muscles." he said.

Sarah said, "Oh James stop gibbering will you."

"I'm just glad to see her" James said.

I asked, "Alexander have you given him the letter?"

"No, I almost forgot! Lord Lucifer asked me to give you this.", he said as he handed the letter over to James.

It took him a minute or two to read it.

"We will agree to that." James said putting the letter in his pocket.

"Agree to what?" I asked.

James said, "Allowing you to stay until you build up your army. There is one thing we must ask of you. When you left we had to make up a story. Some people believed us, but we were questioned by the police because Jess went missing at the same time as you. So we need you to go down to the police with us and explain where you've been."

"And exactly where have I been?" I asked Peter as I started to laugh.

"You've been looking for you real parents, which is true. And, that you've been living with your father the past few months." James said.

"Fair enough! I'll go. Alexander, will you come with me?" I asked.

"Of course your highness." Alexander said.

"Alexander, please while we're here just call me Lex. Also, we're going to have to leave our swords behind. They may search us and the last thing we want is to be arrested."

"Okay Lex. " He laughed.

I handed Peter my sword. With a grin on my face I said, "If you loose this I will kill you okay?"

"Relax Lex I'll take good care of it, I promise.", he said as he leaned in to kiss me.

I gave him a quick kiss before leaving with James and Alexander. Getting Alexander into the car was very funny to watch. I managed to persuade him into the back of the car.

"Why can't we take the horses?" he complained from the back seat.

" Because, Alexander arriving at the police station on horses would seem weird to them. People here go in cars." I said.

James responded, "when we get back you can put the horses in the stables as there isn't any horses in there at the minute."

It took us about thirty minutes to get to the police station.

James drove to the visitor's parking lot.

Alexander asked, "Will this take long?"

"It might, the police aren't known for their speed.", I said to him as James parked the car.

We got out, but Alexander sort of tumbled out of the car and landed on his face . I couldn't help but laugh.

"Oh so you think that's funny?" he said very annoyed.

"Yeah, I do actually." I said giggling.

He got up, straightening himself up a bit. It was nice to see Alexander's reaction, since he was usually very upright and proud.

We were stopped at the front door to the police station.

"What's your business at this hour?" asked a very ratty looking police officer.

"My name is James McAlister. I would like to talk to officer Kitty in regards to my daughter Alexandria." James said.

The officer talked over his mic, then turned to us and said, "You're in luck! He's in tonight. On you go in."

I followed James into the police station. He spoke to the officer at the desk and we were told to sit and wait until we were called. Finally, after waiting nearly an hour, we were called in to one of their interview rooms. Alexander waited outside for us.

It was a small room. After another ten minutes an officer walked in. He was in his late twenties, tall with dark hair and eyes.

"Hello James, what can I do for you at this late hour?"

James responded, "This is my daughter Alexandria. She's just arrived back to our home for a little visit."

The officer said, "Would you mind waiting outside James?".

James nodded, got up, and left me alone with officer Kitty as he was so named on his badge.

"So, Miss McAlister; Where have you been the past eight months?"

I'm adopted and set out to try to locate my birth parents, as I'm sure James told you."

"That he did; did you find your parents?"

"I found my father but, it turns out that my mother died sometime ago." I waited for his reaction.

"I'm sorry to hear that. Are you living with your father now?"

"Yes I am. I'm just visiting James and Sarah's to let them know that I'm okay."

"When did you last see Jessica Glover?" he asked.

"The last time I saw her was the night that James and Sara told me that I was adopted. I'd gone to Jess' house to tell her about being adopted and left her house at about half ten or so. I haven't seen her since. Is she missing?" I said lying through my back teeth of course.

"Yes, she's missing and we found the whole situation very odd. After all, two best friends went missing on the same night and then never seen or heard of again. You're sure that you haven't seen Jessica?"

"No I haven't seen her since I left her house that night. Why? where is she?" I asked, acting concerned.

"We don't know. We thought that you both had been up abducted and we didn't know what had happened, but we feared the worst. I am glad to see you alive and well. Did Jess talk to you about taking a trip of visiting friends that last night you saw her?"

"No. She didn't say a word about anything like that. I hope you're looking for her!"

"Yes we are! We will keep looking for her, until we find her!"

"Good luck" I said to my self knowing only to well that they wouldn't find her. "Please let me know what you find out. Jess is my best, and almost my only, friend from school."

"I will do that. I don't have any more questions for you. We will release a statement to the press that you have been found." he said.

"Is there anything else you need to know?" I asked.

"No that's everything. I'm just glad that you're safe and well. We'll keep looking for Jessica and we will keep you up to date, how long will you be staying at James and Sarah's?" the officer asked.

" Probably a month or two, but I haven't decided. After all, I do want to get back to my father. I've been away from him for most of my life."

"Okay, if we hear anything after you go back to your father we will tell James and Sarah. They can pass it on to you."

I stood up to leave.

Officer Kitty asked me, "If you hear or see anything concerning Jessica please contact us.", he said as I opened the door.

"I will tell you if I hear anything about Jess. Good evening officer."

As I got to where James and Alexander were sitting, Alexander stood up.

"Are you okay? Are you free to go?" Alexander asked.

"Yes, they were just asking questions about Jess."

"Who?" Alexander asked.

I signalled Alexander to lean in then I whispered, "The light raider princess."

"Oh right." Alexander said.

We left the police station and headed back home. James quizzed me about what they asked. I told him what I had said.

Alexander started to complain, "Why do we have to use this infernal contraption?"

"Because were not at the castle and this is the type of thing that people use here. We have to blend in, so stop complaining."

Minutes later we pulled up to James' house. We stumbled out of the car. When he exited the car, Alexander fell flat on his face again but this time Peter and Damien saw it and they burst out laughing.

"Stop laughing at me!" he shouted at them.

When we were all back at the house, Peter and I remained outside, enjoying each other's company. Peter slid his arm round my waist and kissed me on the cheek.

"Peter I need to spend some time with just you."

His response was to give me a kiss and he put his arms around me.

"I've missed this closeness Lex."

"I missed it too, Peter."

We kissed some more.

James came back out, "Are a you two coming in?"

"Yes, just a moment, James."

James nodded and went back in. Peter and I went back into the house and sat down in the living room.

"I've fixed up your old room for you Lex. If you want, Peter can stay with you." Sarah said.

"Thanks Sarah that will be lovely."

Alexander said, "I'm glad you're in the clear with the police. That gives us more time to get people together."

Not long after that Peter and I went to bed since it was getting late and I had a lot of work to do the following day. Peter and I cuddled up close. I felt so at home with Peter!

I didn't want to get up the following morning when James came in to wake us. "Morning Lex, Morning Peter! It's time to get up."

We got up, dressed and went down stairs to get something to eat.

"Peter will you come with me to start looking for people? I think I know where to start."

"Okay, but take your sword with you as you could be attacked at any time." Peter said.

As we were talking the door bell rang. James went to answer it. I could hear James talking "Yes she's here, but she doesn't want to see anyone Brian."

"Please James, I need to talk to her!" Brian said. I walked to the door.

"What's going on?" I said.

It was Brian, Jess' step father. "Please, I need to talk to you." Brian said.

"Okay, come into the living room." I said as I walked in and sat down.

Brian came in after me and sat down. Peter and James came in as well.

"Where's Alexander?" I asked.

"He went out this morning, he didn't say what for but he shouldn't be long." Peter said.

"How can I help you Brian?" I asked.

"I need to know. Have you seen Jess? I've been going out of my mind with worry." Brian said.

"No, I wish I could help you but I haven't seen her since the night I left your place to go and see if I could find my birth parents. James and Sarah had just told me that I was adopted and I needed to find out who my parents are. I haven't seen her since that night. If I knew anything I would have told the police last night. I'm dreadfully sorry Brian." I said.

He burst into tears. James comforted him.

"I'm sorry Lex. I just want her home so badly; I was hoping you knew something. she just left and never said anything" he said.

"It's okay Brian, I understand! If I knew anything I would tell you but I honestly don't." I said

I went over and gave him a hug. He stayed for a little and asked me about what I'd been up to. I told him the same things I had told the police, but with a bit more made up detail.

When he left I was very glad.

"Right! Let's go Peter. I want to try and get the people I'm looking for."

"Have you got your sword with you Lex?" Peter asked.

"Yes I do, it's under my jacket and my dagger is in my pocket."

Peter said, "Okay, I'm just trying to protect you Lex."

"James, when Alexander gets back tell him I want a word with him, okay?" I said.

"I'll tell him, Lex."

Peter and I said our goodbyes and set off to find the people I wanted to try to recruit. We went past the graveyard. It sent shivers up my back. I stopped and looked in.

"What's wrong Lex?"

"This is where it all started. Matthew attacked me here. Your father saved my life."

Peter gave me a hug. "Its over now. I promise you that I will never let anyone get near you."

"We better get going so we don't miss them."

"Miss who?" Peter asked.

"The people I'm going to ask to join us; and I think they will."

"Yeah, but who?"

"You'll see." I said with a wink; and off we went. I took him to the school I had gone to.

There was a small bike shed just off the soccer field. And there they were! The Goths, the weird ones of the school. The ones the "good people" rejected. There were only a few of them that I recognised. I picked the one I most recognized. Her name was Lauren, she was slightly smaller than me with black hair and heavy black make up. I walked up to her.

"Can I help you?" she asked.

"Yeah actually you can."

"Aren't you Alexandria McAlister, the one that went missing?"

"Yeah and your Lauren Dracon."

"So, what do you want?"

"Tell me, were the rumours about you true?" I asked.

"What if they were? What's it to you?" she said.

I moved closer to her. In a quiet voice I said, "If they are true, I have a proposition for you."

"What sort?"

"One you wouldn't want to refuse." Peter said.

"Have you ever heard of my real father, a man named Lucifer?" I asked.

"I've heard of him. He was locked up years ago, but there's no way that he has a daughter!."

"What makes you say that?" I asked.

"I know these things better than you okay."

She was getting pissed off now.

"Do you know how you can tell if someone's one of Lucifer's clan?" I asked.

"Of course I do; I'm not stupid you know." she said.

I lifted up my top and showed her my scar. When I did she saw my sword.

"Where did you get that sword? Only the royal family can carry that kind of sword.", she said starting to back away from me.

"I told you, I'm Lucifer's daughter if you're interested I have a proposition for you. How would you like to be one of us?" I asked.

She was stunned! "Are you sure? I'd be honoured, but what's the catch?"

"It's simple, we need to get more people like you that we can trust to join us. Our enemies, the light raiders plan on wiping out our clan. To join us, and we need them soon. I'll give you one month to get people together that you and we can trust. It would be even better if they knew how to fight. We must leave after that, and if you don't get them you can't come with us. Do you agree with that?"

"That's fine. Where can I find you?"

I gave her my address. She thanked me.

Peter and I left her and went to the local park.

"Do you think we can trust her?" Peter asked me.

"She can be trusted. She's too weird that regular people won't believe anything that she might tell them. They already think that she's mad so they wouldn't think anything of it. So, I wouldn't worry."

I said this as I sat down on a swing. "Okay they can be trusted, but can they fight?"

"Their the best scrappers in the school so I wouldn't worry about them not being able to fight Peter; would you relax? It's fine!"

"I can't help but worry; after all it was someone we knew that betrayed us."

"I know Peter but if we don't get the people, we will loose the battle!"

I heard foot steps coming from behind us. I turned around, it was the core group of "in crowd" girls from my school. You know the type, the "snooty" ones with blond hair, blue eyes, and big chests. Sally, their leader, was among them.

"Hey freak what you doing alive? I thought you and Jess were kidnapped." It was Sally I wasn't in the mood for her and her little followers.

Peter got up but I said "Let me deal with her it won't take long."

"Are you sure? I would take care of her if you want me to."

"No its okay, I've been waiting for this for a while." I said as I turned to face her.

"What do you want?"

"Oh, and here I thought that you'd be pleased to see me freak. I have seen you in months." Sally said.

I stepped forward her little gang closed a circle around me cutting me off from Peter. I knew that if it went bad he could break through them with little effort.

"You're right. I haven't seen you in a long time and guess what Sally, I've changed a lot." I said finally standing up for my self.

"Really and how's that? You still look like the freak to me." Sally said and her little gang started to giggle.

"Why don't you just try me Sally?"

I slid my hand to the back of my jeans and grabbed hold of the dagger that lay concealed in them. Sally lunged forward and tried to grab my throat, I took hold of her wrist swung her arm round and up her back and pulled out my dagger and pushed it to her throat.

"Still think I'm a freak?" I said into her ear.

She started to scream at me "Let me go you freak, you'll pay for this!"

I laughed. "Really, you think so do you? Its going to be you that pays Sally for all the crap you gave me over the years." I said into her ear, then I let her go.


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