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Blood of the Clans Ch. 19

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Therese is given a title, Garreth close to death, Murder.
3.1k words

Part 19 of the 50 part series

Updated 11/02/2022
Created 08/16/2013
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It was getting close to mid-day the following day, when Therese first caught a glimpse of the coast of France. The confirmation of seeing it made her heart jump with excitement. The entire trip was made in thought and now it held in her heart, if those thoughts would come to pass. The hazy line of mist finally gave way to the coastal splendour of St. Brieuc, the same place she left from in misery, but now returning to in joy. Even the brightly painted buildings took on a cheerier complexion.

As the ship was docked and being unloaded, Therese made sure her belongings were kept together and secure. It was the familiar voice of Marie, that made her heart leap with joy when she heard it. She turned to look down the pier and saw Marie, standing by a carriage, smiling and waving to her.

The women came to each other and met in a warm, loving embrace. To Therese, Marie was the only thing close to a mother left in her life. They kissed each other on the cheek and held each other at arms length. Tears of happiness filled both their eyes, as rejoining brought an end to a separation neither had wanted to happen. The carriage was brought up and Therese's belongings were stacked on the tail section and tied securely to it. The driver helped Therese and Marie into the carriage, then climbed up to his seat, before giving the command to go and Therese was excitedly on her way back to Chateau de Trecesson, home.

The trip was spent telling Marie, of Douglas Wallace, how horrid a man he was and her refusal to commit to the agreement and then about Garreth. She told Marie everything that happened from being knocked over, to her final farewell kiss. Marie hugged her in happiness, feeling Therese had had enough misery in her life already and this was a much needed change to it.

As Trecesson came into view between the line of oaks, Therese felt a lump come to her throat, the heart-felt joy becoming over-whelming and tears trailed from her eyes. Once the carriage stopped in the courtyard, Therese alit on her own ground for the first time. The feeling of being the Lady of the Chateau hadn't quite sunk in yet, but the servantry treated her with all the graces of her title. She turned full-circle, taking in everything, as if for the first time.

Once unpacked and settled, she made her way to the small chapel in the Chateau and prayed for her parents souls. She had a couple of the young girls gather flowers and had them brought to her parents graves and placed carefully, on the now grassy mounds. It would be one of her first duties to do, the commissioning of their portraits done, to hang in prominence in the great hall. Of the several smaller ones of them, she wanted grand masterpieces to commemorate them by. She walked back inside and stood in the hall, imagining them hanging there in front of her. She turned to her right and imagined two more portraits adorning the wall. One of her and one of Garreth.

Her first night was spent with Marie and several of the female servants, telling them stories of what Scotland and the men were like and they told her everything that had happened since she was gone. Now that Therese was back, the Chateau and estate would be put back in her hands and no longer under the Sheriff's, his appointment by the King now over. They discussed everything about the imposter who killed her parents and how the plot to take over the Chateau almost worked.

It was the imposter's fake seal of the real Henri de Trecesson, that was his undoing. The papers were identified as fakes, after they were compared to others by the Sheriff. The imposter Leon St. Gilbert, had been caught with other forged documents, implicating him in other crimes of murder and fraud. In two days, she would be in Paris and face the man who nearly took her life away.

The joy of riding through the estate the next morning and seeing everyone again, made Therese happier than she could remember. Seeing people who had worked for her parents and now working for her, stopping to greet her and welcome her back, made everything seem right again in her world. She spent time with each and every person she came across, sharing their lives and getting to know them all over again. Many expressed their sorrow at her parent's passing, letting her know they missed them and prayed for their souls regularly.

The next day found her nervous with anticipation and dread, as she prepared to attend the sentencing of her parent's killer. Her conscience weighed heavy on her mind, wanting justice for her parents death, but dreading having to see him face to face, as was required of her to bring her charges to a close, as the accuser.

Her carriage ride to Paris, took her along the same roads she had travelled with Arabella. What seemed like a lifetime ago now, brought back happy memories of their time together. She hoped Garreth asked Grayson and soon she word hear word from Arabella again. She imagined her now with several children and enjoying the life of a Lady with Logan. She imagined the day Garreth and her would be together, raising a family, the two life-long friends, bringing their families together even closer.

The splendour of Paris, compared to the primitive, bleakness of Scotland she had just left, had her feeling more like the lady she was. The beautiful buildings being constructed, along with a magnificent new bridge, Pont Neuf, had her staring at the dawn of the Renaissance era. As she approached the Office of the Sheriff, her stomach started feeling queasy and unsettled, the thought of seeing that murderous man and what he had done, made her weak in her resolve and she did her best to steady and calm herself.

As the guard led her into the building and then to the office, Therese looked at the splendour of the architecture and the artwork adorning the hall. After being bade entry, the guard bowed and left, closing the door and putting a beginning to an closure, to a sad part of her life. Therese looked at the man standing before her and knew him from several visits he had made to the chateau to see her father. Some seemed like friendly visits, while others sounded like serious trouble was going to, or did happen.

The Sheriff showed Therese all the investigations that were carried out and the evidence found of a plot to kill her. Therese was satisfied that they had done a thorough job and signed the Royal papers, closing that chapter. It was the next chapter, Therese wasn't sure she wanted to know about. As was the law, Therese was required to watch sentencing and the punishment. For the crimes against her parents and those of others, he was to hang, later that morning.

Ormand brought out the charter and decree by King Henri III, titling Chateau de Trecesson and all its holdings to Therese. Her heart skipped a beat, seeing her new title for the first time, Lady Therese de Mornay de Trecesson. The decree came with instructions to have a new seal made, denoting her new title and have it registered with him to confirm authenticity.

The up and down day plummeted a final time, as Therese was led by Moreau to the cell, where Leon St. Gilbert was being held. It was her chance to make peace with her feelings, to know if he was repentant for his crimes. Standing in the horrific stench of unwashed criminals, Therese held a scented, linen handkerchief to her face, to ward off the foulness as best she could, as she looked at the man in the cell before her.

"What do you have to say for yourself? Speak up." Moreau shouted at him.

Leon raised his head and looked at Therese standing before him. He looked into her eyes and she could see they held no remorse for his crime against her.

"So you've seen me, now go. I have nothing to say to you, carry out my punishment."

Therese turned away and ran from the cell area and made it to fresh air. Her tears flowed, in hearing her parents lives weren't worth an apology, that her life wasn't worth anything either. Moreau came to her and held her, doing his best to comfort her. He led her back to his office and sat her down, offering her a glass of water. She took it and sipped it, being away from the source of such a misery, diminishing the impact of her distress.

The sound of footsteps marching outside, had their attention turn to look out the window. A small troop of soldiers led Leon from the cell, to the gallows in the courtyard. Silently, Therese watched, as he was bound and hooded, before a noose was placed around his neck, the knot to the side. Therese watched unattached, never witnessing a death before. A priest gave Leon St. Gilbert his last rites and in the suddenness of gravity taking over, the platform fell away and Therese was given an end. A place to begin from now and re-build her life. She turned away from the scene, but felt her heart ease at his passing.

Grayson arose in the morning, weary from little sleep. Since their escape from Inverlochy and the ride to Tioram, he had prepared his men and rode to the clans to warn them of a possible attack by the Earl's men. After dressing, he made his way to Arabella's chambers and knocked quietly on the door. He stood with all hope his friend had made it through the night, beating the odds and cheating death.

The door opened and Arabella ushered him in and bade him to be quiet. He went to her bed and saw Garreth lying there, ashen, yet the faint rise in the covers told of his breathing and his life.

"He looks bad, Arabella. Do ye think he's going tae make it?" Grayson's thoughts were echoing her own. She had kept a hand on Garreth and made sure of him breathing, while she had rested.

"He's made it this far, I'm praying God can help him make it all the way."

Arabella's worries were evident on her face. The lack of sleep and constant dread, had brought a sallowness to her. Grayson faired no better, the stress of the past day taking its toll on him as well. He placed a hand on her arm and looked in her eyes, confirming their hopes, dreading their fears. He left and went to the courtyard and assembled the men, while Arabella lay on the bed beside Garreth and gently stroked his hair back from his face, placing a loving kiss on his forehead. She looked at him for a while longer, before placing her head down and closing her eyes, her hand resting lightly against Garreth's body.

After sending the men out to scout the area for the Earl's men, Grayson stood looking at the ground, struggling with the thoughts of his command. With Garreth hovering between life and death, it fell upon him to designate someone to lead the forces Garreth led. His brother, Peadair, had proven himself earlier, when they took the MacRae's at Donan, and felt he would be the best one of all to head the force.

He was lost in thought and wasn't aware of Heather MacDonnell, coming up to him from the keep. Her touch on his shoulder startled him and made him turn quickly, startling her and shortly they were confounding each other with apologizes and embarrassment.

"M'Lady Heather, I'm sorry tae ha'e startled ye like that, ye took me off my guard." Grayson said in overly-caring concern, doing his best to apologize, holding on to her elbows gently.

"I must apologize myself fer coming upon ye as I did, Laird Grayson. I was coming tae let ye know how truly thankful I am fer yer rescue, of me and my tae cousins. I would'ne be standing here before ye noo, had it no been fer yer bravery. I am eternally in yer debit, Grayson."

"It was my honour tae be of service tae ye and yer clan. I only wish we could ha'e been there earlier and stopped them." Grayson hinted at the abuse she endured, while at the hands of the MacRae's. The echoes of her screaming nightmares still paying in his mind. "I have decided it is best tae join the convent in Iona and allow God tae mend my soul and I wanted tae express my gratitude tae ye before I left."

Grayson felt the tearing of her statement in his heart, like cloth being torn apart, as his face went sullen and sad, the happiness fleeing from his eyes, replaced with the reality of his secret thoughts never coming to fruition.

"Grayson, what troubles ye? " Her concern making his despair all the worse.

"I... I... I just wish ye'd stay, Lady Heather." was all Grayson could manage.

"I would stay fer ye, Grayson, if it was yer wish." Heather spoke to his heart, as her hand gently touched him.

Heather's words and touch, rode into Grayson's heart like a horse at full gallop. For all his life, he had watched Heather grow and mature, holding a spot secretly in his heart for her. Hearing her state her reason to stay, made his chest swell with pride, as a smile played happily about his face. Heather could see the effect of her words on him and blushed, knowing she had evoked deeper feelings in him than she had intended, but ones that brought a much-needed happiness to her as well.

Grayson stood grinning, feeling his heart fill with his feelings for Heather and no idea how to express them to her. Heather knew Grayson to be a good man and had always enjoyed his company since they were young. Looking at him now before her, she could see he held a great depth of feeling for her. It had been her hope as well, that they could grow together and possibly wed.

"Lady Heather, it would do my heart a blessing if ye did stay." Grayson's smile blazed, as he saw a dawning of loving hope pass between them.

Grayson took Heather's hand on his arm, as he led her back into the keep. Lady Anne was sitting with Arabella in the hall, discussing the arrangements for things to be taken back to Donan. The couple walked in and Anne's face took a quick, happy smile, seeing the joy in her daughter's eyes, while Arabella's took a look of surprised happiness, seeing her younger brother experiencing love for the first time. The sounds in the hall became mirthful and happy, a much needed change from the wailing moans of despair and anguish that filled it not too long ago.

"I'm going tae stay at Donan wi' Lady Anne and Lady Heather, tae make sure everything is okay for noo. I'll be there a week and be back. I've left orders wi' Glenn tae watch Camus and go up tae Dunvegan and gi'e Peadair my instructions. Let me know if there's any change in Garreth, as soon as ye can." Grayson told Arabella his plans and she could see there was more to his going, than protection of them.

The day turned brighter than the sun could make it, the smiling faces of the four, filling the room with their own brightness.

At Inverlochy, Douglas Wallace was taking things in hand with every evil intent. He had two of his lieutenants ordered to his office and had them listen to his plans of revenge. Their part was to travel to France and bring Lady Therese back to him. He gave them the papers needed to verify his claim and money for travel. An English galley would be made available to them, to carry out what they needed to do. Two hours after being dismissed, the soldiers were packed and getting ready to sail on the next tide.

Douglas called in his Captain and ordered him to ride for Ballachulish and have James return with him. The next part of his revenge was against the MacDonald's and MacLeod's, for interfering in his plans to take over Donan and the surrounding lands. Their clans and lands would be under his rule, whether they liked it, or not. He was still contemplating another fate for Laird MacLeod, one that he felt was befitting a man, who stole another man's bride to be away, while accepting his hospitality. Yes, something of like worth in kind, was what Douglas was wanting to do.

Sloan sat with Blain, along the shores of Loch Linnhe, talking of the days to come, when clans would be spilling the blood of each other, while their clan would sit and wait, until a castle was ripe for their taking. They looked up the loch towards Castle Stalker, taking in the vast coastal waters they would control and then they looked inland and discussed how the area would be divided between their clan and any others that joined them. Blain was happy to have Dunollie as his own and Sloan would rule the Seat from Stalker. Their story to MacRae and the others about what happened to the Douglas boys, had played out just as they hoped it would.

Harlan Douglas, a distraught man, did his best to accept the deaths of his son's and kin, listening to the story and understanding the dangers they faced stealing the birlinns. As much as the loss of his kin tore at him, he was also without a birlinn to join in the battle ahead.

With their birlinns safely stashed in the bushes on their tiny dot of land in the Garvellachs and the one just down the coast from them now, the Fraser's felt assured that victory was theirs to enjoy. The only snag to their plans they hadn't counted on, was the bodies of three Douglas clan members being given up by the An Cailleach, carried by the currents and ending up floating off the coast of Seil. As Fate played a hand with them, the cards were dealt, and they were not in the Fraser's favour. The blackened and bloated bodies of the boys were unrecognizable, but their black and grey tartans told of what clan they were from, the bindings around their feet, told the fishermen, it hadn't been an accidental drowning.

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