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Blue Bloods Meet Castle Pt. 19

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Kate protects Vaughn again and it heats up & much more!
18.7k words

Part 19 of the 35 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 05/14/2016
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One of my readers requested adding pictures of the new characters, but this is not allowed by Literotica. When a new character is introduced, I will put in parenthesis the character's real name so you can look them up on the internet.


Tragedy struck the Reagan family a mere two weeks after everyone returned to work after the incredible 4th of July orgy at Castle's compound in the Hampton's.

Linda Reagan was helping transport a heart patient to another hospital when the Evac helicopter she was flying in went down in the Hudson River. There were no survivors and it hit Danny like nothing ever before. Even the time he spent in Fallujah, Iraq didn't affect him the way losing his partner of nearly twenty-two years.

He went into a serious depression and even thought about leaving the NYPD, but handling a case where Erin's ex-husband was assaulted brought him back. He continued to mourn Linda's death and all of the Reagans passed on attending Castle's Labor Day party.

Rick and Kate, in respect for their good friend Linda, cancelled the Labor Day party. They even cancelled their Halloween Party, Christmas and New Year's Eve party too.

Rick and Kate were a little antsy as the new year began. Castle left to promote his new novel and he took his publisher and ex-wife Gina Cowell (Monet Mazur) along with him seeing she was excellent in setting up promotions for him to attend.

While he was on the road, Kate got a call from Frank Reagan at 1PP. He asked her to come to his office for a meeting.

When she entered, she gave Abigail Baker (Abigail Hawk) a big hug and whispered in her ear. "I really love your shorter hair Abby, how long have you had it this way?"

Abby hugged her back, "I cut it when I got pregnant and after having the baby, I found it a lot easier."

"Well. I really like it, so tell me is the baby Frank's?"

She gave Kate a sly smile, but didn't get her a direct answer.

"I missed you and the all of the Reagans, men and women. Hopefully they'll all get past the loss of Linda."

Abby left the office and Frank came around from his desk and they hugged and before long they were locked in a heated kiss. Frank finally pulled away and offered her a seat on the couch. He sat at the overstuffed arm chair and sat back. "So tell me Kate, what's been happening over the past several months?"

Kate sat back, crossing her legs; she saw Frank's eyes drift down to her exposed legs, "Well Alexis took over Rick's private investigating day to day operations. She really turned into a fine young woman. She let her hair grow even longer and wears business suits on a daily basis. In my opinion she looks hotter than ever. She hired one of your old detectives, Jackie Curatola; she also was at several of our parties."

Frank smiled, "Oh yes, Jackie was Danny's old partner. She had to take a leave of absence due to back issues."

"Yeah, I heard that, but she's better now, not as dangerous and making a lot more money. Do you remember a few years back, the case I was on with a detective from England? The case where we were investigating his sister's murder? It came to a head when we caught a diplomat working at the United Kingdom's embassy selling stinger missiles to a rogue nation in Africa."

"Yeah I remember that, what does that have to do with Alexis and the P.I. agency?"

"Well the detective from England on the case, Colin Hunt (Brett Tucker) butted heads with his superiors at Scotland Yard over the handling of the case. He finally resigned and came back here. Alexis and Hayley hired him; I'm not sure if you are aware of it, but when he was here working on the case, Rick got back with his second wife Gina for a short time. I was close to breaking down and telling him he didn't have to pursue me, I was his. I was devastated and Colin was there to catch me when I fell. We had a brief encounter, but I was still holding out for Castle. He left and returned to England. Now that he's returned, I can see he's still trying to win me over. I'm not going there, even though Castle is out on the road with his publisher, Gina. I just hope when Rick gets back from his book signing trip, he doesn't freak out and want him gone. Enough about me, what's happening on the Danny front, how about Jamie and Erin?"

He rolled his eyes, where do I begin? Danny is still devastated about Linda's death. He finally went out on a date with a nurse he saved from a deranged stalker. He told us, it didn't work out and after the dinner, he dropped her off and told her he still wasn't ready to date. I spoke with his partner, Maria Baez. She has something planned for him for Valentine's Day. She told me if this doesn't turn him around, she's out of ideas on how to have him turn the corner. Erin was dating a guy who turned out to be an art thief. Nicky really liked him too. He disappeared when the criminal theft division was about to arrest him. As for Nicky, she had a job with an activist, but quit when he sexually harassed her. She filed a complaint, and three other women at the same office followed suit and he was indicted. Jamie is still partnered with Eddie Janko; he's still in denial. We all think the two of them were made for one another, but he keeps telling us they are just partners, nothing more. I guess that's all."

She shook her head, "No, not really Frank, how about you?"

He grimaced, "Well I was seeing a couple of women, but I'm still holding off for you, Kate."

She chuckled, "Sorry Frank, but Castle is stuck with me. Yeah, we may have issues, but we were made for each other. He has his female friends and I have my male friends, like you, but ALWAYS come back to each other. So tell me, why did you call me down here, not that I don't like visiting with you."

He drew in a deep breath and let it out, "I have a very big favor to ask of you Kate. I heard a few years back Capt. Gates gave you an assignment to guard one of our most generous and very influential benefactors. He's one of the largest financiers."

She nodded, "Yes I did, he was almost assassinated, but in the end, we caught the man who was siphoning money from his corporation and was put-away. Why are you bringing this up Frank?"

"Well Kate, he's coming back into town and Mr. Vaughn is once again having security issues. According to him; he is having issues with a new company he brought, it isn't one of the most morally accepted corporations. He can give you the particulars. He wants you to accompany him and more or less be his body guard again."

She sat back and looked to the ceiling and let out a groan, "Frank, I don't think this is a very good idea. You don't know everything that occurred while I was protecting him. He sorta hit on me. He can be very persuasive. Cool heads prevailed and if there wasn't a shot at that exact time, I don't know if I could have avoided his advances. Not only that, but now I'm a captain and run the twelfth."

"Concerning the twelfth, I'm having Victoria Gates coming back to run it while you're on this assignment. You have no idea the power this man wheels and I wanna bend as much as possible for him. You're married now and I know you. You can handle much harder situations and I know you can handle Eric."

She nodded, "Of course Frank, you know I'll do almost anything for you and the department. When is he arriving in town?"

"Not until Monday, that will give you a couple days to get things set at the twelfth and get Gates up to speed. Now with that taken care of..." He reached over and on the table was his phone, he pushed a button and spoke, "Baker, would you please come in here?" She entered and he looked up to her, "Please lock the door, Baker and come over here." He looked back to Kate, "If you have some time, what do you say about a little threesome between Abby, you and me?"

Kate had a huge grin on her face, "I was wondering if we were gonna get to this. With Rick gone, I could use a little distraction. She slipped to her knees and was joined by Abby who knelt on the other side of him.

They quickly had his pants off and his briefs soon followed. Abby worked on his vest and shirt as Kate gripped his already stiff cock and began licking up and down the thick shaft. She pulled back and smiled up at him, "Mmmm, I missed this monster of yours. Abby, you are so lucky to have this at your disposal." She closed her lips over the fat head and began bobbing up and down at a furious pace.

Abby slipped his shirt off and ran a line of wet kisses down his chest till she reached Kate. She tipped Kate's face up and kissed her, running her fingers through her hair. She moved to Kate's ear and whispered, "Let's double team him; I'd love to see his shoot his load over both of our faces. I'd love to lick it from you and feed it back to you."

Kate groaned out and dipped lower, sucking on Frank's swollen nuts and the base of his cock.

Abby worked on the upper portion and slid her lips down his shaft. Her lips met Kate's and their tongue danced against one another's and swabbed his shaft at the same time.

They switched off and Kate learned well over the past year. She managed to take him deep into her throat and her lips brushed against Abby's. Once again they abandoned his cock and kissed each other, even though his cock was still in Kate's mouth.

Frank was close to cumming and knew he was going to blast his creamy load over the two pretty faces kneeling before him. He tightened his grip in Kate's hair and groaned out, "If you don't want my load down your throat Kate, you better pull off of it now."

Kate slid upward, but not quick enough as he erupted and the first rope hit the roof of her mouth and ran down her throat. She managed to pull it out and point it at Abby and she opened her mouth and caught half of it as the other half shot up, across her closed eyes and on to her forehead and into her hair.

Kate turned it back and was rewarded with the next two blast; coating her cheek and chin and across her pretty hazel eyes.

Abby grabbed it and closed her lips over the head and sucking hard, accepted the last of his load. She released it and turning to Kate, she kissed her open-mouthed and fed her his cum.

Kate swallowed it all and licked the cum dripping from Abby's face. She kissed Abby the same way, feeding her what she collected. They did this back and forth till it was all gone. By the time they finished Frank managed to dress and was ready to continue his duties.

Abby chuckled, "Isn't he something, we look like two cheap whores and he sits there looking like the NYPD Commissioner."

Kate kissed them both, "Thanks for the great afternoon, we have to do this again, really, really soon." She left and headed back to the twelfth to inform her detectives about the return of Gates, for the time being.

She entered the elevator and held onto the rail. Her legs were weak from the sexual activities she just experienced with Frank and Abigail. She recovered enough by the time the elevator reached the ground floor. She headed back to the twelfth precinct and saw Jamie and Eddie getting into their cruiser. She stopped and spoke with them for a couple of minutes.

Both Jamie and Eddie were hoping Danny would snap out of his funk and hopefully be ready to join the group again, at least by Memorial Day, if not then, maybe the Fourth of July.

She headed up to the squad and found Capt. Gates there already, "Good afternoon Capt. Gates (Penny Johnson), I see you're already hitting the ground running."

She nodded, "No need to call me captain Kate, we're both captains now and on the same level. I'm not officially back here till Monday, but I wanted to get familiar with my detectives again."

"That's fine; just to let you know, Commissioner Reagan is allowing me to take two detectives with me for his special detail. I'll be pegging Esposito and Ryan. I thought it would be good for you to know that, just in case you wanted to divvy up any new cases. Shall we go to my or your office, and review the open cases?"

She looked back and saw Esposito and Ryan smile at her, knowing there wasn't any love lost between them and her.

Over at Castle investigations, Hayley Shipton (Toks Olagundoye) picked the short straw and was stuck at the front desk. It wasn't busy, but that could change at the drop of a hat.

In the inner office, Alexis Castle (Molly Quinn) was going over the open cases with Jackie Curatola (Jennifer Esposito). She had a thing for the lovely Hispanic investigator. She never really got together with Jackie over the past long week-end get together. She knew she had to keep office professional, but it still didn't keep her from lusting for her and sneak-a-peak from time to time.

Colin Hunt (Brett Tucker), their newest hire, came in early that morning and Alexis gave Jackie the job to get him up to speed with the office, how things were divvied out and where the codes were for the secret panic room and the layout of the office.

Jackie knew he was low-man on the totem pole, but still, just like Alexis lusted after her, she felt the same way about Colin. Jackie punched in the code to the keypad on the wall and a hidden door popped open on the wall. They walked in and Colin was surprised how plush and completely furnished with all of the comforts of home. "Come this way Colin, I'll show you the best part."

He followed her through the doorway and there was a huge bedroom. Off to one side was a large bathroom and a large closet. "Why the closet, Jackie?"

She melted just hearing him speak in that sexy English accent. She flashed him a big smile, "We all keep a couple change of clothes here. While investigating a case, sometimes we spend a lot more time here than we expect too. We all have use of the bedroom, shower and closet, so I'd advise you to bring in a couple changes of clothes. It isn't like we live here, but occasionally, during a tough case; we all pitch in and switch off using the bed."

He smiled and looked from the bed to her, "Why the code for this room?"

"It's a panic room too. From what Alexis told me, there were a couple times where during their investigations, Alexis and Hayley were confronted by some very unsavory criminals. The panic room saved them. The room was a dedicated phone line separate from the rest of the office, same goes for electricity, heating and cooling. Alexis told me, the response time from the police is incredible."

He chuckled, "If we're all former law enforcement, why would we need a panic room?"

She shook her head, "Neither Alexis or Rick are former law enforcement personal. It's mainly for them, but I can't complain, if one of us are working late alone and we see a number of unsavory people of the monitors, why not come in here and avoid a serious situation. Also, even though I've only been here a couple of months, I've used the bedroom a couple evenings where I found it easier to stay here, sleep, shower, change and get back on the case early and fresh to go."

He nodded, "Sounds like a pretty good perk, who's responsible for the changing of linen and towels? Just wondering?"

She chuckled, "Good question, "Rick has a bonded housekeeping service that come here on a regular schedule to clean this room, and the outer office. Just to let you know, if you're here when they arrive, you'll have to use your code to open this room. Rick doesn't trust anyone but the employees of the Castle Investigations with the code." She gave him the code and they left the room. She showed him around the office, giving him the lowdown on everything she was given a few months ago.

By the end of the day, Colin was up to speed and seeing it was quitting time, Hayley locked the front door and entered the inner office. She plopped down on the chair before Alexis, "What do you say we head out to the local watering hole. I could use a couple stiff drinks. Sitting out in that outer office all alone, that's a real pain in the ass. What do you say you speak to Rick and see if we can hire a receptionist?

Alexis shut down her computer and locked her desk, "I'd love that, but we hired Colin without his okay. If we hire yet another person to handle the outer office, he will go ballistic."

Hayley threw her long slender legs up onto the desk and she noticed Colin checking them out, even though she was wearing jeans. "We could tell him the new person would be an office manager, fancy name for receptionist and coffee maker. Do you think he's gonna have a problem with...?" She motioned towards Colin?" Alexis turned red, "He might, but Kate told me she'd take the flack if he finds out he's the guy who tried hitting on her a few years back." She said it quiet enough so Colin couldn't hear.

Jackie came into the office, "Hey, slow week, what do you say we all go out and initiate Colin here at the bar, or as he would say, pub."

Alexis shook her head, "Kate called and asked me to get home, she's going to have a stint where she's gonna be protecting some VIP. She was wondering if I could be there. She hates the place being vacant, especially now that grandma, Martha, has got a role on Broadway."

Hayley dropped her feet from the desk and stood up, "Great, instead of going to the bar, or pub as Colin would say, why don't we all head over to your place. The food is better and the drinks are free."

Jackie added, "Yeah, that's even better, what do you say Alexis?"

Alexis stood up and got her jacket, it was still cold in New York the first week of February, "Yeah, let's go, we can all share a cab."

Colin chuckled, "I call shotgun."

They went crosstown to Rick's loft and found it deserted. Alexis headed upstairs to her room and yelled down, "Make yourselves comfortable, Hayley get everyone drinks, I'm changing out of this straight-jacket." She was wearing a two piece suit, with a fashionable blouse and heels.

Luckily for Hayley and Jackie, they were dressed for work in the field. They were in jeans and shirts with blazers over them.

Hayley poured out drinks and Alexis came down and raided the refrigerator. She pulled out a bunch of cold cuts, and made sandwiches. She found a few appetizers in the freezer and popped them in the oven and headed out the living room.

Everyone was already on their second or third drink and Jackie found the pod and popped her I-phone into it and she started to sway to the music that came out of the speakers around the room.

They sat around and devoured the sandwiches and appetizers. The drinks continued to flow and Jackie lost her jacket, so did Hayley. Jackie was up again swaying to the music and she reached down and pulled Colin to his feet, "Come on Colin, I hate to dance alone, dance with me."

He stood, even though he had more than enough to drink and didn't wanna dance. He was the new man and figured he'd dance. It was easier than arguing with the loud swaying woman before him. He got into it after a couple of minutes, grabbing Jackie's shapely hips and allowed her to sway in his hands.

Jackie turned around and pressed her shapely ass to his crotch. She continued to sway about, but she giggled when she felt his stiffening cock poke at her firm butt contained in her tight black jeans.

Hayley was watching and hopping up; she closed her hot dark body against the back of Colin's tall form. Her hands were on his hips and ran down his legs and back up. She slid them around and ran her long slim fingers on his tight belly and even higher along his well-muscled chest.

Colin was getting excited and with all of the alcohol they all consumed their inhabitions were lowered. His hands left Jackie's hips and moved to her taut belly. He tickled her belly and when he heard a tiny moan, he took that as a sign to continue. His hands slowly moved upward and when he reached the underside of her breasts, he found the fastened buttons. He plucked at them one at a time until he reached her jeans. He snuck his hand in the opening and using his nails, he again teased the bare skin of her belly.

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