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Booth Babe Pt. 02

Story Info
CD Discovered, then helps out a friend at a conference.
8.4k words
Story does not have any rosa-blanca.ru

Part 2 of the 4 part series

Updated 02/27/2024
Created 02/23/2024
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I woke up the next morning and my mouth was dry, and I had a decent headache, the result of Casie and I drinking two bottles of wine last night. I forced myself out of bed and into the bathroom to pee and brush my teeth. I looked in the mirror and as I saw my pink girly PJs a part of me smiled seeing them, another felt a slight panic.

I had confirmed to my daughter that I was crossdresser last night and even admitted that I found some men attractive and was curious about what it would be like to have sex with them. Casie had been encouraging and supportive about both of those revelations but she had now had a chance to sleep on them so she may have changed her mind.

I considered changing into my boy, lounging around the house, clothes but she had specifically said she would stay for breakfast if she could have it with Casie, my female name. I didn't have any casual girls clothing, my collection of female clothing was all dresses, skirts, and tops along with half dozen pairs of heels, so I kept my pink PJs on and headed out of the room.

I walked by the guest room and didn't hear any movement, so I assumed she was still asleep. As soon as I got to the kitchen, I pulled out a water bottle and chugged it down, I got a second one out and downed four Advil as I started to drink it. I left the Advil on the counter assuming Casie would be feeling similar to how I felt.

After starting some coffee, I decided that pancakes and bacon would be a good breakfast for the mild hangover I had and started cooking. When I heard the movement upstairs, I poured the batter on the griddle and had just put the food on some plates when my daughter stepped into the kitchen.

"That smells amazing, and I need some of these, a big glass of water, coffee, and orange juice." Casie announced while picking up the Advil.

I poured her a cup of coffee, and a glass of both orange juice and water and did the same for myself and brought all of it plus our plates to the table. We both dug heartily into our breakfast and didn't say anything. I was surprised at how comfortable I was sitting in girly pajamas at the table with her.

"So... last night, before I feel asleep, I confirmed my earlier thought." Casie said as she was close to finishing her breakfast. "I really do think you need to come visit me and my roommate, bring some of your clothes and heels, and we would have a girl day. Kenzie could give you some makeup lessons and then we would all get dressed up to go out for dinner. What do you think?"

"I uh... I think that sounds wonderful and I also think I don't have the guts to do that. What if someone figured out that I was guy." I told her honestly and took another sip of my coffee.

"Here is a little secret that girls know, there is strength in numbers. First, I am sure that with Kenzie's makeup skills no one would figure it out. Second, nothing will happen if you are with a group of girls plus people are a little more tolerable up there then they are in North Carolina." Casie smiled at me.

"I will think about it, okay. No promises." I told her as I stood up and took our plates to the sink.

"Okay... but think hard. Last night when I complemented you on how pretty you looked, your face lit up. Just imagine hearing a hot guy tell you that you are beautiful and how that would feel." Casie smiled at me as she brought the glasses over.

Instead of responding, I didn't say anything and cleaned up the kitchen. I felt a little sad knowing that she was leaving this morning, mostly because I enjoyed spending time with her. I also knew that I had enjoyed being able to spend time with her as a girl.

We both headed up stairs to shower and get ready for the day. When I was done, I changed into some gym shorts and a t-shirt thinking I would go for a run after Casie left. She was still in the hall bath when I headed down stairs. I was sitting on the couch surfing my phone when she came down later carrying her suitcase.

"Do you want a water bottle or anything for the drive?" I asked.

"No... I need to stop and get gas before I get on the interstate so I will get something then."

"Thank you... I appreciate you taking care of mom's things. You were right, I am not sure I would have ever been ready to do that." I stepped over and hugged her.

"You are welcome. I left some things of hers I had set aside for you on your bed, some leggings and tops, they should fit, and I thought Andrea should have a couple of casual outfits. I am sure mom would be glad you had them." She smiled as she stepped back from the hug.

"Um... thanks. And thanks for last night... all of it..." I said looking at the ground.

"Of course... I loved meeting Andrea... I am serious about her coming to visit. Look, you only live once, life is short, follow your dreams... all those cliches are true. It is obvious that you dressing up isn't some fetish or sexual thing... if you have ever wanted to do more than walk around the house is a dress and heels this is a great chance." She stepped forward and hugged me again.

I squeezed her tight and felt some tears form in my eyes. I knew I had a wonderful daughter, but I was feeling overwhelmed with emotion right now. We slowly stepped away from each other and I saw her eyes were watery too and we both lightly chuckled.

I picked her suit case up and followed her out the door to her car. She motioned for me to put it on the back seat which I did.

"Drive carefully, text me when you get home okay." I told her.

"Of course, Dad." She smiled.

I stood in the drive way and watched her back out and then headed up the street giving her a wave as she went.

That week I quickly settled back into the routine I had been in since Mary's death. I would spend my mornings working out, playing golf, or running errands. The early afternoon would be chores in and around the house, cleaning, mowing, weeding. In the late afternoon I would enjoy a shower or bubble bath that included shaving my legs and under my arms.

I would then pull out my girl stuff and get dressed. I was working a little more with the makeup and had gotten better at doing eyeliner from watching YouTube videos. I still struggled with blending foundation and doing eyeshadow. When I was done with that, I would cook myself dinner while sipping a glass of wine and enjoying the sound of my heels on the tile floor as I moved around.

Casie would facetime me in the evening every few days, she would always compliment me on what I was wearing, which made me feel good. She had also started to send memes with hot guys in it and teased me about that. Some of those memes I would use for visual stimulation when I would get out my toys.

She also routinely texted me to remind me of her offer for me to visit her and spend time as Andrea. I was starting to seriously consider it. Especially on the evenings when we didn't Facetime. While I loved being able to wear a dress, I was lonely being trapped in my house. Two weeks after Casie had left, I got a text from John in the afternoon.

'Hey... are you still interested in helping me out in Baltimore next week? I honestly could use the help if you are available.' He wrote.

'What days are they?' I sent back knowing it really didn't matter since I had no plans.

'I am going to drive up on Wednesday. Will set the booth up on Thursday morning. The exhibit floor is open Thursday and Friday afternoon and all-day Saturday. Will head home right after I tear it down and load it up.' He quickly responded.

'Yea. I can do that. Let me know what time you are going to leave on Wednesday.' I quickly responded.

'Great. All the expenses will be covered. Room and meals. Can't charge drinks but I will owe you a couple drinks for your help. The only thing I will need from you is some help with setting up and packing up the booth and manning it when I need a pee break or something. Oh, and probably a couple blow jobs.' He sent back.

'Okay... I can do that.' I replied, purposefully not mention his blow job comment specifically.

'ALL of it? Great, I just have to make sure I ask nicely, right. You are all talk and no action.' He responded with a wide-eyed emoji.

'Yea... yea. Let me know what time on Wednesday.' I responded quickly.

I wanted to end the conversation before I wrote something that I couldn't laugh off as a joke. The truth was I was getting turned on as we were texting. Once again, I found myself hoping that he would actually do something on this trip to make it obvious that he wasn't just joking.

When I got dressed that evening, I set my toys on the bed knowing that I was horny and would be using them later. I pulled out one of my sexier dresses, a dark purple midi wrap dress that showed a lot of leg along with a pair of four-inch silver sparkle platform pumps. When I did my makeup, I went a little heavier on the mascara and tried to add a touch of purple to my eye shadow.

I had just finished dinner and was drinking some wine when Cassie Facetimed me. I saw her smile grow as my video showed on her screen.

"Still working on your eye makeup, I see. The mascara looks great. What are you wearing, I haven't seen that dress before have I." She said.

"Thanks. Hold on. Let me set this on the table." I sat my phone on the table and then stepped back so she could see my whole outfit.

"Wow... you are hot as fuck in that dress. Again, another reason you need to get out of the house. And not to be a downer but you need help with doing your eye shadow and foundation." She said as I moved back to the table and picked up my phone.

"I know... Maybe in a couple weeks. Next week I am going to help John at a conference so possibly the week after that." I told her.

"John Singer? They guy you used to work with and went on the golf trip with? If I remember he is pretty easy on the eyes. He has been divorced like three times and had multiple live-in girlfriends also, right?" Casie laughed.

"Yes... divorced two times but yea... the reason he asked me to go is the latest live-in girlfriend just left him and she used to help him at his booth at these events. It will give me something to do."

"Where is it? Some place fun I hope." She smiled.

"Uh... Baltimore, so no not really but it is a good conference." I responded.

"Baltimore? You will be like an hour and half away. You need to visit me while you are on this trip. You could come here on your way there or on the way back." She said with a little excitement.

"Uh... I think he was looking for company for the drive?" I said quickly, suddenly nervous about visiting her.

"Hmm... sounds like an excuse. I won't nag you about it, just seems like you are going to be close, and it would be a great opportunity to see me and have Kenzie teach you some makeup tips." Casie said.

I gave a halfhearted response and steered the conversation to her work and dating life. Work was good and her dating life was currently pretty much non-existent. She made a joke about us both relying on our battery-operated boyfriends right now. She asked me one more time to think about visiting either before or after I went to Baltimore and then we hung up.

That night I tossed and turned unable to get to sleep even after I had used my toys to get myself off. I knew that Casie's idea was a good one and I wanted to agree to it, but I couldn't seem to get the courage to do it. Sometime after midnight I fell asleep but slept fitfully and finally gave up a little after six in the morning. I waited until eight to send a text to John.

'Hey. Would it be okay if I met you in Baltimore on Wednesday? Thinking about stopping and visiting Casie on the way there.' I sent.

He responded about twenty minutes later. 'Sure. I was hoping for some road head from you on the way there. Will just have to wait until you get to Baltimore for you to suck me off.'

'Okay. Thanks. And only if you say please.' I sent back.

After I forced my nerves to settle down, I texted Casie. 'If it works for you and Kenzie I will come on Tuesday, should be there around noon. Will head to Baltimore sometime after lunch the next day.'

It was an hour later that Casie responded. 'OMG. Yes. That is perfect, we are both off Tuesday. Kenzie is really excited about this just like me. Please bring several outfits. It is going to be so fun!'

I sent back a smiling face emoji. I was really happy to see her enthusiasm and was hopeful that would help keep me motivated and excited and push away my nervousness over the next few days. I thought about her comment about bringing several outfits and decided I would bring the dress I wore the first time with Cassie, the purple wrap around dress I had worn the last time we Facetimed, my pink and black houndstooth skirt and pink blouse, along with a royal blue skater dress.

Those were all favorites, and they would also allow me to bring my favorite heels. I was going to bring my laciest lingerie and favorite hosiery also. I figured that this may be a one-time thing so I should make sure I went as girly as I possibly could.

The next two days dragged by and were filled with mundane choirs in the yard and inside the house. On Monday afternoon I started to pack. I first packed my guy stuff in a carry-on suitcase, basically a half dozen pairs of boxer briefs, socks, two pairs of khaki pants, polo shirts, and a couple t-shirts and a pair of jeans. I added my shaving kit, a belt and a pair of brown loafers and was done.

I got out a garment bag and carefully hung my dresses and the skirt and blouse inside of it. Then I got out Mary's carry-on bag and started to pack it. I packed the heels first and then began to lay my lingerie in it. I added a small bag of jewelry including some pearl clip on earrings, along with a matching necklace, bracelet and two rings. At the last second, I threw in a pair of black leggings and a casual top.

After a long deliberation I went with my strawberry blonde page boy wig and when I saw my black purse, I added it. Right before I zipped it up, I threw my new Victoria's Secret pink sleep shorts and a spaghetti strap matching sleep shirt. I laughed a little thinking I had two bags of girl's stuff for an afternoon and evening and one bag of boy's stuff for four days.

Getting to sleep that night was tough, and I slept fitfully through the night. Casie had texted me around dinner time to again say how excited she was and how much she was looking forward to seeing me the next day. I am not sure if that helped or increased my nervousness. John had texted also and said he planned to arrive in Baltimore around three o'clock and hoped we would be able to check in and get registered for the conference right after that.

I was surprised that I wasn't awake when the alarm on my phone went off at seven. I climbed out of bed and headed to the shower. I took a little time making sure I shaved everywhere and then shaved my face when I got out. I decided I would get coffee and a couple of donuts when I stopped for gas and after loading my suitcases in the trunk, I walked out the door just before eight.

It was a four-hour drive to Casie's townhouse and after my stop for gas, I punched her address into my GPS so I would have a time to beat. I was surprised at how good of time I was making as I went through Richmond and had was ahead of the original arrival time by almost twenty minutes. I lost all of that in Fredericksburg and arrived at her house right at twelve fifteen.

"Dad... come in. How was the drive? Are you hungry we were getting ready to make some BLT's." Casie said as she opened the door.

"Those sound great for lunch and the drive was fine." I said stepping forward and giving her a hug.

We broke the hug and headed up the stairs to the kitchen. The smell of cooking bacon hit my nose and I was instantly hungry. At the top of the stairs, I saw Kenzie standing at the stove. She turned and gave me a huge smile and wave and then removed the bacon from the pain and set it the side.

"Hi Mr.... Opps... sorry hi Andrew. How are you? Was the drive good? Did Casie offer you some lunch?" She asked as she moved over to and sliced some tomatoes.

"She did and the bacon smells amazing. The drive was fine." I said.

The BLTs were perfect, and I spent lunch catching up on what was going on in the girls' lives. They mostly talked about work, they worked at the same ER and often on the same shift. They had worked yesterday and would work again on Thursday and Saturday this week.

Kenzie slipped up a couple of times and called me Mr. Spector even though I had told her when I met her last year to use my first name. They both confirmed what Casie had told me a few weeks ago about their dating lives, although Kenzie didn't make it sound like the cop she was dating was real serious.

We all cleaned up the kitchen together and when it was done, they were both looking at me with a strange smile. I watched as they exchanged looks between each other and there was sudden weirdness in the room. Finally, Kenzie broke the silence that had developed.

"So... when do I get to meet Andrea? I can't tell you how excited I am about this. I heard she is a bit of a clothes horse like me and has some fantastic shoes. I hope she brought several outfits and heels." She blurted out.

I felt my face turn red and looked over at Casie, maybe hoping for some help. She just winked at me and smiled.

"Uh... well let me get some stuff out of the car... and I uh... I guess change. I heard you were going to provide some makeup lessons." I said nervously and headed down the stairs and out to my car.

When I came back in my daughter smiled at me and led me to the guest room. I set my suitcase on the bed and hung the garment bag in the closet. Casie told me to pick an outfit and when I was dressed to come out so Kenzie could meet the girly me and then start on my makeup.

After a couple minutes of consideration, I decided to go with the houndstooth skirt and pink blouse. It seemed more appropriate for an early afternoon than the other outfits. I chose my light pink matching bra and panty before I rolled on a pair of black tights. After I fixed my wig on my head, I stepped into a pair of closed toed black leather pumps with about a three-and-a-half-inch heel.

"Uh... Casie... should I come down there? I am... ready." I called from the top of the stairs.

I heard some scrambling from the family room and then Casie told me to come down stairs. I took a deep breath and started down the stairs. When I hit the bottom of the steps, I looked up to see both my daughter and Kenzie with big smiles on their faces. That helped ease my nerves some.

"Wow... like fuck wow... I love that outfit it makes you look ten years younger. And Casie said you moved in heels like you spent every day in them, but I guess I had to see it to believe it." Kenzie gushed.

My cheeks reddened and I looked over at my daughter who winked at me. I was surprised that it felt like I was quickly getting comfortable being dressed as a girl in front of her and how her compliment about how I walked in heels made me happy.

"Okay... back upstairs. Casie is going to make us some Bloody Mary's and I am going to give you a makeup tutorial. I bet I can take another ten years off, pretty soon you will look like a college coed." Kenzie joked.

"Back upstairs? I just came down." I said confused.

"Yea... I just wanted to see if what Casie said about how you move in heels was true." She laughed.

I turned and headed back up the stairs as she followed me.

"She also said you had a great ass and legs in heels, and she was right about that also. I am not really into girls anymore, but I might make an exception." She giggled.

I was glad she couldn't see the shock on my face. I stopped in the hallway and looked back at her, and she pointed to one of the doors and I headed in. There were clothes strewn about, shoes scattered on the floor and a general disarray everywhere but the large makeup table against one wall.

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