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Born Into Darkness Ch. 04

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Dean kept his eyes down as he walked back to his seat.
4.7k words

Part 4 of the 16 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 07/16/2014
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Note to My Readers: Sorry for the mistakes this chapter isn't edited, I just didn't want you guys to wait any longer. Other than that enjoy, vote and comment. Love you guys ♥


Dean kept his eyes down as he walked back to his seat. Their waiter Tony placed down their meal and a bottle of wine, leaving without a word.

Breathing in and out trying to control his inner beasts; he was always in control of his animals, he felt as if he were back in his younger years when he was first learning how to shift into different forms.

"Dean look at me," Sophie asked her small soft hands slipped into his big callous ones trying to get his attention. She brushed the pad of her thumb against his knuckles feeling how rough and manly they were compared to her hands. "Come on Baby Cakes look at me."

That's when Dean's head snapped up showing her her favorite dimpled smile and most importantly his chocolaty eyes that always made her heart skip a beat.

"Baby Cakes?" Dean asked even though he knew what it meant. He just wanted to hear her say it.

"It's your new nickname; I had to distract you somehow." Sophie said shrugging her shoulders innocently. She looked down at her plate and her stomach automatically grumbled she wouldn't be surprised if the whole restaurant heard it.

"Thank you for that and not freaking out. If you don't mind me asking why aren't you running out of here? As a matter of fact why didn't you run the first time you saw me?" He asked as he started cutting up his with this knife and fork then taking a bit.

"Well I work at a hospital and it's like working at a circus, but with people and there are some days where it's calm and then there are others where I come home and bury my head under my pillow. Like this one time when I first started working there was a man who walked in there holding his side because he was stabbed and there was so much blood I froze, I was so scared I didn't know what to do," Sophie said shaking her head she remembered that day clearly she shiver went up her spine giving her goosebumps. "I somehow managed to snap out of it and rushed him into the ER. You can call it a mental slap, but then and there I knew people needed my help and I can't afford to run and hide like a scared little girl especially when I'm doing something I love."

Dean smiled, he knew what she meant. When he was a general in Greece during the Peloponnesian war, Lysander the son of a bitch abandoned him and his closest friends back at Corinth to protect his precious city and by some miracle they had done it, yeah they were pretty fucked up when it was all over but they did it.

Eating her last piece of stake, Sophie sighed at how delicious everything was. She took another look around and everything was perfect, from the food to the restaurant to the godlike man in front of her, with his perfect chiseled features and dimpled smile.

"Dean, thank you."

Dean looked at Sophie confused.

Sophie laughed as she leaned over the table to wipe some stake sauce off Dean's chin. "Thank you for this date, it's been a while since I had a nice date, the last guy wasn't much of a gentleman."

His chocolaty brown eyes softened as her heard the sadness in her voice. He kissed the inside of Sophie's wrist as she gently wiped his chin. "Sophie he's the asshole who messed up because you're an amazing woman, and I'm glad I met you that night, I only wished it we met differently and not with daimons trying to rip our head off."

"Where did those things even come from?"

"From-," Dean bit his lip from blurting out his brother and probably that bitch Eris, but there was some things like his past that should be kept secret. "Actually I have no clue, I wanna say the seven pits of hell, but I have no clue all I know is how to kill them and what they look like."

Sophie nodded and just accepted the answer. She sat back and Tony their waiter coming back and cleared our table only to have it replaced by a big piece of chocolate cake. Squealing she took her spoon and dug in, moaning in delight she licked her spoon with her tongue, she paused and hear Dean growl.

His fingers gripped both sides of the table, making his knuckles turn bone white. Sophie's actions made him was so hard it actually hurt, this woman was the definition of blue balls, it took all his strength not to pick her up placing her on his lap, pulling her panties to the side and dropping her on his raging hard on.

"You are a tease you little vixen even when you don't mean to." Dean couldn't help but chuckle at Sophie's reaction.

Not knowing why, but Dean's words and animalistic actions made her body react, especially in between her thighs where a delicious pulsation began making her squirm. "Sorry, I didn't mean to, really." Sophie said looking up innocently.

After regaining control Dean crossed his arms over his chest and smirked.

That pose made his arms look all yummy, and that pose was sexy as hell. Sophie went back to devouring her slice of chocolate cake.

Sophie looked up to see Dean staring at her while she was eating her cake making her stop and look at him. "What?"

"How can someone make eating cake look so adorable?"

"It's a skill." Sophie said giggling.

After dessert, Dean paid the bill and left our waiter Tony a very generous tip. Leading Sophie out, he tipped and took his car keys from the valet and opened the passenger side than walked over to his side and sped off.

"It's still early; you want to come over by my place?" Dean asked.

"I'd love that," Sophie agreed to Dean's offer was because she knew he wasn't like other men, well except for the glowing eyes and growling, and a mysterious past he wasn't willing to share, but it was ok because she was the same way with her; she left safe with him. But there was one question she's been dying to ask since the beginning of their date. "Hey Dean?"

"Nai prinkípissa? That means yes princess in Greek." Dean smiled.

"Why did you ask me on a date?"

Thinking about it, he than replied. "Because there is something about you that attracts you, like a magnet, you make me feel more relaxed and I would really have to know someone to feel that way towards them, but you're different Sophie."

"I know... I feel the same way."

"Were here." Dean announced.

Sophie looked out the window and gasped at the giant mansion as Dean opened the main gates to his house. The mansion was tan with matching bricks and stairs, his gates remained black; lights surrounded the house making the house appeared all shiny and knew.

Hearing Dean laugh, she turned to look at him. "You have a very beautiful home. I've only seen these houses on TV or in magazines, but never up close."

Dean didn't say a word he got out and opened the passenger side of his car and led her inside.

Flicking on all the lights, he saw Sophie's eye widen in amazement, to him it was just a house, but to Sophie it seemed like paradise.

Looking at the grand staircase that was illuminated by the elegant chandelier above their heads making it appear as if it were made out of pure gold and pearls. The floors were made out of dark cherry wood giving the house a homey feel, to her right was a giant kitchen, looked as if no one stepped foot in it, the island counter was made out of obsidian and had a built in electric stove, cutting board and dishwasher. To her left was a huge theater with games littered everywhere and game controllers.

Sophie yelped when she saw a huge brown dog head in their direction, she literally jumped into Dean's arms and hid her face on crook of his neck and used the collar of his shirt as a shield.

Dean bellowed with laughter, Sophie's reaction to Munchy was hilarious. "Sophie it's just Munchy, he doesn't bite at all, he's a harmless pup.

"That's a big puppy Dean. A very big puppy." Sophie mumbled, sending shivers down Dean's neck as her lips brushed his neck when she spoke.

"You can stay in my arms all night Cupcake I don't mind, but you're gonna have to face your fears sooner or later. Why does Munchy scare you so much?"

"When I was seven my neighbor's dog went loose because they forgot to close the gate and when I was walking home their dog chased me home I climbed a tree but the dog bit my ankle and I had to get stiches."

Wincing Dean had to ask. "What kind of dog was it?"

"An abnormally large Chihuahua, with very sharp teeth."

Dean laugh even harder to the brink of tears, he never thought he's be able to laugh or smile again, but with Sophie he was constantly laughing and smiling.

Sophie slapped his chest, it didn't even faze him. He did sober up and kissed her on the forehead.

"I'm sorry baby, I couldn't help it."

Sophie loved all the nicknames Dean gave her especially when he said them in Greek; it was so sexy yet cute at the same time. "It's ok; at least you got a laugh out of it. Put me down so I can face this pup of yours."

"Ok." Dean lowered Sophie down, but couldn't help inhaling her sweet pea scent that instantly made him hard as a rock and it didn't help now that she was now bending down to pet Munchy.

But the feeling instantly died and went back to laughing, Munchy jumped on Sophie making her fall on her that delicious heart shaped ass.

"You weren't kidding he is harmless." Sophie said while laughing as Munchy nuzzled her neck demanding for her attention.

"Come one mutt, get off the pretty lady." Dean said pulling Munchy by the collar. He held his hand out and Sophie took it and was hoisted up from the floor.

Munchy stood by Sophie's side at all times, making Dean smiled, he knew those two were going to be inseparable. He led Sophie into the theater room, this was room was one of his favorite, he would get lost for hours on a new project or a new video game.

Sophie laughed at a of huge camouflage bean bag chairs he had in front of a blank wall. "Why are they facing a blank wall?" pointing to the bean bag chairs.

"Oh, cause' I have a projector, its way better than a TV; especially when I'm watching movies."

As Dean was explaining what he did in this room he liked to call the 'gaming room' she could help, but smile at how childlike he was; his chocolaty eyes turned all dreamy and he would run over to something whether it be his Xbox or the four laptops he was working on at the same time and point to it.

Sophie walked over to a bean bag chair and plopped down taking off her pumps and rubbed her feet and Dean kept talking, he walked over to turn on his projector to show me his movie collection, she opened her mouth to tell him to out but it was already too late, he tripped over and extension cord and fell on his back, Munchy ran over to him and barked and sniffed him to see if he was ok, than sat on his chest making her laugh.

"You fat mutt, get your smelly ass off me." Dean said as he pushed Munchy off his stomach.

Dean groaned at the amount of dog hair that Munchy left on his black suit. He took off his leather jacket, black tie and rolled up his sleeves up to his forearms revealing his tattoos on his arms.

Looking at his tattoos Sophie has the urge to trace them with her finger, or better yet her tongue while they were both naked, bodies intertwined.

He walked over to the other bean bag chair and took Sophie's feet and started massaging them; she threw her head back and moaned at how amazing it felt having Dean's fingers digging into her foot.

If only he would do that right after her shift at the hospital; every day when she gets home and takes off her convers her feet would be pulsating and all sore from standing all day and running around the whole building from one patient to another.

"Oh my goodness, can I take you home with me? When i come home from a day at the hospital my feet would literally pulsate from standing all day." Sophie said with her eyes closed.

"You can take me home with you any day sweetness." Dean said as he looked her adorable toes which were painted a pale pink, the same color that matched with her dress and nails. He loved how Sophie was all natural, she hardly wore any makeup, her hair is all natural and she doesn't even wear perfume. Her sweet pea scent makes him want to pull her into his body and inhale her scent till he was drunk from it and permanently stay stuck to his body.

It was quite for a moment till Dean decided to break the silence and asked. "Tell me about your family Sophie, I want to know everything about you."

Sophie's head lifted up from the bean bag chair and looked into Dean's eyes. If she wanted some of her questions answered she might as well open up to him, he just right do the same.

Sighing she spoke. "Well... I'm 5'2, I wear glasses when I have to read, I'm half Costa Rican from my dad and half Colombian from my mom, I have scars on both my knees from multiple roller blading accidents, but I still roller blade anyways because it's too much fun. I am clumsy and have a bad habit of braking things, my plates and cups are made of unbreakable material they were a gift from Mandy...what else? My favorite color is pink, I love 80's music to no end, and my favorite junk foods are mini marshmallows, gummy worms, gummy bears and ice cream sandwiches. I read romance novels when I have spare time in my hands, I've never drank and I hate smokers."

Dean smiled. "What's-"

"No no," Sophie said putting her index finger over Dean's lips to silence him. "It's my turn to ask you a question," pulling her finger away she leaned back on the chair and wrinkled her nose as she was thinking. "Ok, what's your-"

Dean covered her mouth with his hand. "I'm Greek, 6'3, my favorite color is leather, and my favorite kind of music is rock, but none of that heavy metal junk but something like the Red Hot Chili Peppers and Pink Floyd, somewhere along those lines. I have broken bones in the past but they weren't mine," Dean darkly smirked. "I don't smoke, but I do drink, not all the times only once and a while. I have the bad habit of sleeping with a gun, and I collect hot wheel cars as a hobby." He then removed his hand from her mouth.

"Leather isn't a color genius. And hot wheel cars, really? Can I see them?" Sophie said. She couldn't believe this big tough guy collects children cars, it was too cute.

He reached over behind him where his latest project was and took a remote from the table. He pressed a couple buttons and the black wall they were facing opened and revealed every kind of hot wheel car.

"Whoa when you mean collect you weren't kidding. What made you collect them?"

Dean rubbed the back of his neck and was actually blushing. "I almost ate one when I was eating a bowl of cereal."

Sophie pressed her lips together from keeping herself from laughing. "Oh sweetie it's ok." She said cupping his whiskered cheek.

He kissed her palm and went back to massaging her feet. "So tell me more about your life, like your parents, what do your parents do? Do you have any siblings? Ex-boyfriends I should go beat up? " Dean said giving her a devilish look.

She smiled, but it didn't reach her eyes. Keeping her eyes down she knew if she told Dean about her past he would see me differently and treat my different too. But here went nothing.

"My mother and father died when I was 13 years old in a car accident, it was a quick death for the both of them and I wouldn't have it any other way. After their death I went into the foster care system, I had no other family members because when my parents were young they eloped and moved to New Orleans, my grandparents were so mad they wanted nothing to do with them; anyways no one would adopt me and when I turned 18 I was kicked out and had to fend for myself. It was hard being independent and being in high school at the same time so I had to work and study really hard. I met Mandy when I was working at the Café Du Monde as a waitress, she and I connected and were best friends ever since. I graduated from high school top of my class, got a scholarship to go to UNO for free."

Sophie started playing with her dress as she continued talking. "As for the ex-boyfriends there was only one and his name was Danny we were high school sweethearts. He changed when he moved in with me. He turned very demanding and was a smoker and a drunk. One night when he came home..."

"Sophie please don't say what I think you're going to say..." Dean said through clenched teeth.

She took a deep breath. "He beat me pretty bad. He collected his things and ran thinking I was dead. Luckily Mandy stopped by and I was rushed to the hospital. I had a broken leg, a couple cracked ribs and a broken arm. The worst was the internal bleeding but it was stopped in time. The police asked me if I wanted to press charges and I don't know what made me say no, but I did," Sophie looked up and Dean who looked horrified, heartbroken and pissed off at the same time, she had no clue how he did it, but he managed to. "I guess it felt bad for him."

"Where is he now?" Dean said as he got up to pace.

"I-I don't know, and I don' want to know cause he's something from my past I don't like re-living my past I just think ahead." Sophie said with an innocent shrug and sad smile.

Dean kneeled down onto his knees and cupped her face in his hands. "Sophie Valentine, you have me now, I will protect you; you have my word."

Sophie smiled and placed her hands where Dean's were and kissed him softly the lips and pulled away. "Thank you. And it's time for me to get back to Mandy's; she and Aaron are leaving at three in the morning to catch their flight to Texas. And I have to look after her kids who are my lovely godchildren." She said as she smiled picturing the whole weekend with her godkids, she love those little nuggets to death.

He nodded and kissed her nose as he got up and pulled Sophie up, reached over to grab his leather jacket placing it on her shoulders and carried her bridal style with Munchy trailing behind them.

"Wait! My shoes..." Sophie said giggling.

Dean placed her down by the doorway and jogged back into the game room and jogged back carrying her pumps in by the straps, he swooped Sophie back into his arms and headed to his back Chevrolet Tahoe. He opened the passenger side, placed Sophie on the seat and Munchy jumped into her lap and nuzzled her neck with his wet nose. "You mutt, are you trying to steal my woman?" Munchy barked and wagged his tail.

Playfully growling he lightly tugged on Munchy's ears and closed the car down and headed to the drives side, put the key into the ignition and sped off with Munchy's head out the window and his woman by his side.

He never thought he would ever have feeling towards a human. It wasn't because of his past it was the fact that even though she know a taste of what he is and she's still here, by his side; even though he had Mandy to thank for.

Sophie is different than the other woman he's been with, yes some were human but he would make sure he was always gone by morning, but with Sophie, he wouldn't even think twice leaving her like that. She deserves better.

She was perfect, from her sexy features to her adorable quirks. She probably doesn't even know she does it, but he loves the way she wrinkles her nose when in thought, or bits her bottom lip, squints her warm brown eye and pouts.

"You ok?"

Dean smiled and nodded, he reached out and took her hand and placed a kiss on her knuckles.

Sophie pulled had hand away and blushed. Munchy moved away from the window and cuddled up with Sophie, she ended up holding his large body against her chest like an infant making her heart melt.

Looking at Dean from the corner of her eye she smiled, he still wore that sweet smile he had since he had her face in his hands. Sophie repeated his promise to her over and over again in her mind. Danny had said something similar to her before the beats came into place, but Dean wasn't Danny.


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