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Born Into Darkness Ch. 08

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The hunt is on...
7k words

Part 8 of the 16 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 07/16/2014
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Sophie couldn't help but feel scared. This... This man? Animal? Laboratory experiment gone wrong? Whatever the hell Dean was was now holding her in a vice grip and sniffing her hair, neck and mumbling words she couldn't even begin to decipher.

"Sophie... Sophie," Kell said from the other side of the counter. His hands were up as if he were surrendering and his voice was low, almost a whisper. "I need you to get a hold of yourself. Try to calm him down."

Calm him down? How the heck is she going to do that, with him groping and growling every three seconds!

Trembling she looked back at Dean; his golden eyes gazed right into hers; breaking eye contact first and lowered his face into the V-neck part of her pink sweater, nuzzling her breasts.

If she wasn't so afraid she'd be moaning at the delicious sensation he's creating with his whiskered jaw, if only he moved a little lower... No! Now was not the time to be a horndog.

"Dean... Dean... Baby Cakes. Look at me," Sophie tried to pull his head up only to have him growl again. "Kell it isn't working. Isn't there something you can do?"

Sophie squeaked when Dean's stubbly chin scraped against her nipple, that single action made her wet, instantly.

This is really bad, even when her life is in danger somehow she manages to find time to be horny. No bueno. Not good.

Kell scoffed. "I am doing something. Putting some distance, if I get near you he'll go all Cujo on my ass, I like my limbs attached to my body very much."

What a chicken. And here she was thinking he was all kinds of badass.

Dean looked over Sophie's shoulder and snarled at Kell. He some sort of freaky voodoo magic shit and flashed them to his room.

"Dean? What did you do? How did we get here? Put me down... I feel funny." Sophie fired questions at Dean only to have them ignored.

Her body felt funky, whatever kind of magic Dean pull played havoc with her body. Her head felt tight, as if a baby elephant decided to use her head as a butt pillow; her stomach wasn't too happy either.

"Mine. Mate." Dean mutters as he nibbles the sweet spot on her neck, where the shoulder and neck meet.

"Oh..." Sophie moaned out as she tilted her head to one side giving Dean access to her neck. "Dean more."

Her body was so hot, as if lava were spreading throughout her entire body; Sophie's breasts felt heavy, her nipples pebbled, and were now rubbing against her bra, making her shudder in need.

Feeling Dean's teeth scrape against her neck; loud moans escaped from Sophie's lips. Not giving a damn anymore she wrapped her legs around his waist and pressed her neck against his mouth, encouraging him to continue.

"More Dean. Please..." Sophie grinds her hot, wet center against Dean's hard, pulsating member, earning more growls and harder bites from him.

Grabbing his face Sophie mashed their lips together, in a scorching kiss; raw and passionate.

She needs him right here, right now. Rough and hard.

Pulling away from Dean, Sophie pulled off her sweater leaving a thin barrier between the two of them.

Boldly Sophie took Dean's hands from her waist; shoved then up her tank top and under her bra. He lightly pinched Sophie's already pebbling nipples causing her to cry out in need.

"Dean." Sophie closed her eyes and moans into his ear; she then wraps her arms around his neck; pushing her chest against his hands for more. Peaking down through the slits of her eyes Sophie was surprised to see Dean supporting the both of their weight against the door of his bedroom using only his hips.


Behind Sophie's back Dean's fingertips morphed into claws; grabbing the back of her tank top and bra strap he ripped the offending material off.

Lowering his mouth, leveling it down to Sophie's mouthwatering mounds Dean growled and latched his mouth to her right nipple while he used his other hand to rip away at her jeans.

Dean retracted his claws before Sophie sees them and flips out.

Sophie's moans and cries were music to his ears. After ripping his mate's jeans away he pulled his mouth and hand away from Sophie's tits and stared at her weeping panty covered mound.

Deeply inhaling Sophie's alluring sweet pea scent he couldn't help but growl again for the millionth time.

Without hesitating Dean set his sexy, feisty minx on her feet he kneeled down and came face to face with what his inner beast craved.

Sensing his mate's sudden stiff posture he looked up at her seeing her look flushed, with her curly hair no longer in a bun but loose and wild; just like he always pictured it to be. Sophie's plump, full lips were red and swollen from the rough kissing and her tits... were perfect caramel tipped beauties; so perfect. They were small and humble and not to over whelming, just how he likes it.

He was dying to see her ass... her round, bubble butt ass. Just thinking about how they look with just her lacy pinky panties covering them made his dick pulsate. The fates were really on his side; giving him the perfect mate.

His beast pushed his humanity and reminded him about his mate's delicious overflowing ass. Dean may not be a tits guy, but he sure as hell was an ass guy; all day every day.

Throwing Sophie over his shoulder he marched to his bed; but not without spanking her on the cheeks a couple times earning a surprised yelp then changed to... delicious moans that made his beast growl in desire; yearned to have her on her stomach with her heavenly, freshly spanked ass up in the air, as he snakes an arm around her small waist and thrust into her sweet, hot pussy.

"Dean! Put me down!" Sophie demanded as she pounds her small fists against his muscular back. Her hits felt as if a baby kitten was pawing at his back.

Chuckling Dean swatted Sophie on the ass making her squirm; her scent grew stronger than ever invading his nostrils.

Dean slipped a hand between Sophie's soft tanned thighs and cupped her moist mound. The pounding on his back turned to clawing; it stung but the sensation felt delicious.

So... his mate wants to play rough... two can play at that game. Dean sat down at the edge of his bed and placed Sophie on his lap, laying on her stomach, facedown.

"Dean... please." His mate begged. He really wasn't playing attention considering his beast and himself were right about Sophie's ass. It was fucking amazing!

He placed a hand on each cheek and started groping and massaging. Dean couldn't get enough. Lowering is mouth he bit her cheek causing Sophie to shudder; as he held her down an idea occurred to him.

Dropping his mouth lowering and lower he was right on top of her juicy mound. Without hesitancy Dean licked Sophie's juices through her panties causing her to breathlessly moan out his name.

Her nails now clawed away at his calves. He could care less; he needed more of her sweet nectar in his mouth, now.

Ripping her panties away Dean ran a finger up and down her slit causing her to buck.

As if Sophie read his mind, her legs slightly separated, giving him better access to her sweet; fuck that; her sweet, honey tasting pussy.

His tongue replaced his finger and ran up and down her slit. Sophie was now begging and crying out his name. Dean couldn't stop the grin from forming in his lips.

Hearing a knock on the door Dean's beast roared at the intruder. It didn't care who was at the door; they were going to die.

No one can touch his mate. Sophie was his. His ass, his pussy, his tits. His fucking everything.

"Mine." Dean pulled Sophie to his chest and wrapped his arms around her waist; nuzzling her hair.



She tried to speak but Dean shook his head fiercely; then petted her on the head only to be placed right on the center of his bed and in minutes was in a cocoon of pillows and blankets.

Sweat started accumulating on her forehead; it was getting hot and hard to breath. She pawed her way out of the shell of blankets merely to be buried again.

Groaning in frustration Sophie jumped off the bed, placed her hands on her hips and glared at Dean. "Listen Dean. You better knock it off."

Crossing her finger she hoped talking in her serious voice works. But of course it didn't.

Dean wasn't listening; instead he paced back and forth with his arms crossed over his chest.

Looking down Sophie forgot she was naked. She quickly took one of the many blankets on Dean's bed and wrapped it around her body.

"Dean you have to get a grip, you can do it." Sophie softly spoke. She has no clue on what do to, but can say that she was beyond scared and angry with all the secrets and the man handling as of right now.

"Sophie go downstairs with Kell." Dean growled.

No she was not about to let him yell at her like that. Not after what was just going on.

"You did not just-"

"No, go now!" Dean fell to his hands and knees.



Dean saw Sophie run out the door; he had no choice. He shouldn't have yelled at her, but had no choice. He was no longer in control.

Bones snapped and hair sprouted all over his body.

Pure ecstasy.

Sprinting to his balcony he inhaled deeply trying to get drunk off the remainder of Sophie's sweet pea scent; he beast desperately wanted to pin his mate down and fuck her till they were both mated and content.

He was so close. He still tastes her on his tongue. Dean shook his head, trying to get rid of the image of her body over his lap and her ass...

No! Now was not that time. Actually; what just happened will never happen again.

He's leaving.

Sophie isn't ready for the truth; she isn't safe; he needs to keep her pure and far away from his world. He never asked for this, for her; for a fucking mate. He was better off alone, forever.

He's a warrior. A god; born of Night and Darkness.

Sophie is a weakness; his weakness. This has to be put to an end.

Kell take her here. Make sure she doesn't come back looking for me. Dean telepathically gave Kell an address to an apartment located by the French Quarter. Take Munchy with you.


Sophie backed up into the hallways; her hand over her mouth. She had just witnessed the impossible.

"He's a wolf. I thought that only happens in book or movies!"

Shaking her head in denial she ran back into Dean's room and took a pair of drawstring sweatpants, a pair of socks and a thick sweater from his closet and ran downstairs to find Kell. He wasn't in the kitchen or the gaming room.

He's a wolf. Dean's a wolf.

"Kell? Where are you?" Sophie walked into the living room spotting Kell leaning against the bar drinking straight from a bottle.

He was mumbling to himself as he took swing after swing.

Sophie put her hand on his shoulder. Kell shrugged it off then took another swing only to find it empty. He cursed in a language she didn't know, it was strangely beautiful.

"Kell. Dean he's a w-"

Kell raised a hand to silence her, surprisingly she did. "Get your shit and get out of this house. Now!"

What got into him? What did she ever do to him?


Kell jerked up from his seat flinging the stool back causing Sophie to flinch. He marched up to her and grabbed her by her arm and pulled her to the front door where her bags were left. "Fuck women, fuck this, I'm too old for this shit."

"Kell please you're hurting me." Sophie tried pulling her arm out of his grasp, only made it worse his grip tightened making her wince.

She fought back tears, even though Kell is nothing like her ex-boyfriend Kell is still intimidating and strong. He could snap her into with his fucking pinky.

Kell seized Sophie by the shoulders and shook her getting her attention. "Tell me slut. Why are here? Did you pay that low life to hit you? Are you here for money?" He spat each word as he glared up and down her body as if she were the most repulsive person living on this earth. Kell released her and shoved his hand into his pocket and roughly slapped bills into her hands.

She didn't want any money. Who said she wanted money? Where was this all coming from?

Confused Sophie tried handing it back only to have Kell step back. "Get the fuck out before I kill you with my bare hands you manipulative bitch, and here thinking you were my boy's savior; I thought you were the one to actually give him hope that there are good things in this world," Kell laughed bitterly. "Boy was I wrong."

Sophie was beyond confused. The last time her and Kell were in the same room was when Dean started acting up. Other than that she hasn't spoken to him since.

"I don't know what you're talking about Kell," She said trying to reach out to him only to have him shove her out the door making her land on her butt. He chucked her bags onto the driveway and slammed the door. "Kell! Open the door!" Sophie yelled. She got up and dusted herself off.

"Well well well... What do I have here?" Sophie froze when she heard her own voice behind her. She whipped around and saw her clone standing right in front of her; same clothes, same body, face and the same freaking bruises.

Don't freak out. Don't freak out. She mentally said to herself.

"You can't be me." Sophie said pressing her back against the door. If she thought she was scared before she was freaking terrified now. She was starting to get a very bad migraine from all this bullshit.

Her replica transformed into a beautiful red haired woman with vivid blue eyes and flawless, pale, porcelain skin. She made a sound of discus before she spoke. "God no, and thank Zeus I'm not. But you are rather cute I'll give you that. I can now see why Kyros is attracted to you, let alone his mate."

Kyros? Did she mean Dean? Sophie was so confused. She froze. Did she just insult her? Oh man the bitch is going down. But now was not the time.

"Who are you?" Sophie questioned.

"I don't know how much you know about Greek Myth, but I'm Eris. The one and only; and silly me I forgot Kyros goes by Dean now." Eris said pushing up her breasts and flipping her red hair behind her shoulder.

Sophie shook her head. She had had enough and walked around the goddess to pick up her duffle bags. "Well it was nice meeting you 'Eris'-"

Eris flashed herself in front of Sophie and cocked her head to one side. This human was very ballsy, she thought the human was going to run and scream home, but she was very well wrong. "Human, how does it feel to be alone now that Kyros is gone? Oh and I impersonated you and now Philotes hates the very air you breath."

Philotes must be Kell then. Wait the bitch did what?!

Sophie saw red, fuck that she saw black, she swung her elbow back and hit the goddess square in the jaw. The goddess actually fell on the floor holding her jaw.

She never struck anyone before! Sophie mentally gave herself a pat on the back.

Eris' eyes flashed red. Slowly rising she stalked the human and wrapped a hand around her throat. "Dean is mine for the taking."

"The fuck he is!" Sophie kicked the goddess in the stomach making her double over in pain, she laughed at the fact she was able to hurt her again, but sobered up quickly and ran to the door. She clenched her hand into a fist and pounded on the door, hopefully getting Kell's attention.

Eris tackled the bitch to the floor and was about to backhand her just as the front door swung open.

Sophie pushed Eris off her and ran to Kell.

Eris stuck her hand out and flashed the human into the underworld, keeping her out of Kyro's and Philotes' reach.

Smiling up at Philotes she innocently shrugged "oopsy."


Sophie screamed as she pushed another ghost away from her. Not only was it petrifying but they could actually touch her! This one weeping woman clung to her begging for her baby back.

Never in her life had Sophie felt so helpless; her job is all about helping people, even though these people... ghost that used to be people...? Asked for her help there was nothing she could do.

Do I just pray for them? She asked herself.

Feeling a gentle tug on her jeans Sophie looked down to see a pale little boy about the same age as Madison. The poor boy had tears streaming down his pale chubby cheeks and a wooden horse in one hand.

Tears started forming in Sophie's eyes.

"I'm lost." The little boy sniffled.

Sophie inhaled and crouched down to the little boy's level and took his small hands into hers. "No you're not because I'm going to help you find a way home."

The boy's bottom lip poked out. "How?"

Smiling Sophie picked him up and balanced him on her hip while she wiped away his tears. "I don't know we'll think of something."

"Ok." The boy placed his small head on her shoulder and started playing with her curly hair.

Looking around at her surroundings there was no longer a river on her left or the wall of flat rock on her right, there was really no place to go, except walk onward; everything changed every time she turned around to look back; there is even a never ending fog that grows thicker and thicker; like a really bad maze.

Was that barking? Sophie's head whipped around to see a giant three headed dog running after them. Sophie pressed the little boy's head down to her shoulder and ran.

Her lungs were on fire, her legs screamed for her to stop, but she didn't care.

Spotting an opening Sophie took it. She slid on her knees and squeezed inside a small cavity big enough for them both. She released a breath she didn't even know she was holding and rubbed the trembling boy's back in soft circles.

"We're safe. Look, see. No one is here."

The boy viciously shook his head, he refused to look. Not that there was much to look at considering everything was dark, their only source of light was the glowing slime above their heads.

Leaning against the cave wall Sophie sighed and continued to rub the little boys back. She unconsciously started humming. The boy squirmed in her arms and wrapped both tiny arms around her neck, in seconds she knew he was sleeping from the slow rising and falling of his chest.

Who was this little boy? And what was he doing in a place like this? Did he die like the rest of them? Sophie was so confused. Everything was normal before Dean came into the picture. She had a good job and no one turned into animals or had glowing eyes. Everyone was fucking human!

Was this her destiny? Fate? She has no clue, but she was willing to try to understand; willing to give all this a try; if it meant getting Dean back.

Did she really just think that? Yeah she did. She missed Dean even though she just met the guy not that long ago. When he left her... her heart screamed for him to come back; if it weren't for her brain trying to cope with him turning into a big dog she would've run to him.

Dog and all.

Why did he run away? Why didn't he just tell me? Sophie shook her head; if Dean told her about him being a dog she would've laughed in his face, that or raced him to the hospital.

Sophie Kamille Valentine get a grip! Worry about the boy then the bitch goddess then Dean.

Wow her inner voice was determined today. But it was right, she had to somehow get the boy to where he's supposed to be... then cut Eris.

"Did I just think about cutting her? Oh, my gosh... I'm so ghetto!" Sophie giggled only to quickly sober up. Eris was number one on her hit list.

Fucking bitch fucked everything up. She put me here!

The three things keeping her sane right now were finding a way back home, getting Dean back and planning out her revenge; when she gets her hands on Eris she was going to show her no mercy.

She's Valentine, and Valentines don't let other people push them around without a fight.

Poking her head out she noticed the dog was gone and... the boy vanished into thin air?


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