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Bound Breasts, Office Toy

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Submissive thrill of tied breasts & double penetration.
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Shannon was excited to be called into her boss's office for a strategic planning session. It was a right she earned; she had busted her ass at the largest bank in the city to get the coveted title of Senior Lending Manager at the age of 30.

Before entering his office, she made a quick stop in the restroom to straighten her suit and tidy her appearance. She also took a moment to adjust the secret she hid underneath her blouse.

Satisfied with her appearance, she left the bathroom and brisked past her boss's attractive young secretary, Penny, with a quick wave.

When the Chief Lending Officer's door closed, Sean Williams stood and made his way around the massive desk to brush his lips against Shannon's, pushing his strong fingers through her hair and giving it a firm tug in greeting. She felt a thrill shiver down her spine.

Their relationship was not romantic in any way, nor was it the reason for her success; it began months after she had accepted her new position. This was purely about sex. She had finally found a man who truly understood and appreciated her submissive needs.

"You look amazing," Williams murmured, releasing her and sitting behind his desk once more, leaning back in his chair.

Shannon sat upright in front of the desk. "Thank you, sir."

"I called you in here because we have important matters to discuss. This comes directly from the top."

She smiled, loving a good challenge. "What do the execs have in mind?"

"I'm not going to beat around the bush. Profits are down. Competition is always one step ahead of us these days and our shareholders are putting on some heavy pressure. If we don't make some drastic changes, we'll be fucked. "

Shannon's eyes turned sharp -- she rarely heard her boss curse. He was normally very controlled. She was also surprised at the apparent state of the company; as far as she knew, they were doing fine.

"That's a blunt way of putting it."

Williams arched an eyebrow. "These are blunt times. We could be looking at big layoffs in the next fiscal year if this trend continues."

Those words made Shannon's heart skip a beat. Her job was secure, of that she had no doubt. The thought of having to fire any of her employees, however, had rattled her nerves. She loved her team and took pride in the individuals she had personally hired and coached to success.

"Oh god," she moaned.

"Don't worry too much yet, we may have a plan to drive up profits. The execs agree that it's a solid idea. The question is, will you?"

This gave Shannon pause. She knew Williams was a direct man; this coyness was unusual for him. Something was up.

"I'll do anything for this company," she finally replied. "What's going on? What tricks do you have up your sleeve?"

"We've decided on a more aggressive lending unit to increase our profit margin. We also think more motivation may be necessary."

Shannon nodded. "Increasing annual bonuses always seems to work."

"Monetary bonuses may be insufficient for the level of motivation we need."

"What do you mean?" she asked.

"Come here. Let me show you something."

Together they stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window which offered a breathtaking view of the downtown skyline. He pointed to a building several blocks down the street.

"You see that building?" he asked. "That's our primary competitor. They're stealing our customers. Do you know how?"

It pained Shannon to answer. "Better customer service? Better rates?"

"Motivated employees," he said. "Those employees get more than just bonuses at the end of the year. They get what every man desires."

Shannon knew that look all too well but couldn't imagine how it related to their discussion.

"How does that work, exactly?" she asked.

"Our intel suggests it was an idea started by a female executive to motivate her subordinates. Whoever has the highest quarterly numbers gets to fuck her. And you know what? It works. Morale and productivity have skyrocketed."

Her eyes widened. "Why on earth would any successful woman allow that?"

"Because she understands what men want. Any guy with a few bucks can get laid in this city, but the real prize is fucking a woman with power. That's every man's dream: fucking their hot, female boss."

Shannon gulped, knowing where this was headed. "You can't be serious with this. Me?! Are you kidding?"

"You've said yourself that employees often lag behind if they're not being pushed. Face it, Shannon, not everyone works as hard as you."

"That can be fixed," she said fiercely, slightly raising her tone because she knew he was right. "With the right coaching and incentives, we can outdo the competition."

He shook his head. "The plan has already been approved."

"Asshole," she muttered under her breath.

Williams knew exactly how to handle Shannon in her feisty little bitch mode. Sure, she was a dominant woman in the workplace, but when he began to unbutton her blouse, that attitude shifted.

True to her innate nature, she kept her hands down while he disrobed her. Williams became excited seeing that her breasts were bound by a thick, pink ribbon like the good girl that she was.

Shannon was blessed with an exceptional pair of tits. They were perky and firm, round and slightly upturned with coral-pink nipples. They were also extraordinarily sensitive and her primary erogenous zone. She could orgasm if her breasts were massaged the right way.

"Your nipples are stiff," he noted.

"Of course they are. You're touching me. And this is for you, not anyone in the fucking loan department."

Williams moved behind her and rubbed her shoulders. "You'll be doing us a tremendous service, Shannon. Who knows; if this turns out well, a big promotion may be in your future."

"I'm not a whore."

"I would never associate with a whore. You are a beautiful, desirable woman who inspires others. All I'm asking is that you recognize your abilities. Do you recall telling me you fantasized about being controlled by one of your employees?"

"The keyword is fantasy,," she insisted. "I've worked too hard to have an employee treat me as a... a sex toy!"

Williams tugged at the ribbon, making her squirm with pain and pleasure.

"Nothing will boost the competitive nature of our employees more than having a chance to explore your body."

"This is ridiculous. My reputation will be totally ruined."

"The executives will never tell anyone," he pointed out. "They're tight-lipped and old-school. Remember that they're the ones who approved this."

She gave her boss an incredulous look. "And the men who work for me?"

"Nondisclosure agreements. Every man who works for you will sign an NDA, and only then will they be told of the challenge."

"The things I do for this bank," she sighed.

"You're beautiful and you have authority around here. That's why so many men want to fuck you. I think it's fair to reward a few of them."

"More than one?"

"Three," he said with a dead stare.

The very notion of servicing multiple men at once -- let alone her employees -- seemed so far outside Shannon's comfort zone that she couldn't help but be daunted by it all. Maybe that's why it gave her a little rush of adrenaline just thinking about it.

Her submissive side was listening carefully.

The boss continued, "It's an extremely motivating offer. We wouldn't want to discourage any of the runners-up, would we?"

"I guess not."

"Here, read this," he replied, digging through his desk drawer. "I had Penny write this up. Don't worry, she can be trusted."

A flyer was handed to Shannon and she carefully read it.

A Contest:

We're pleased to announce that this year's contest prize will be extended to THREE lucky winners! However, this year's prize is something never done before in our long history. At our annual party, you can ring in the New Year by having a special night with your boss. You can have your turn with the most beautiful and talented woman in the division.

Are you capable of winning her? Exploring her? Fucking her? Owning her? Yes, you can have it all.

Then there's the matter of Breast Bondage involved. Did you know that she has the most sensitive pair of tits imaginable? Oh yes, she likes them tied, squeezed and played with. The right stimulus on her nipples could make her cum.

All you have to do is your very best work. Your gift awaits!

x Management

Shannon's eyes were glued to the page, as if the whole idea suddenly became real. Images of being ravished flooding her thoughts and she was surprised at how aroused she became.

She was so focused on the flyer that she barely noticed her breasts being fondled, fingers circling her stiff nipples. She closed her eyes at the sensations and allowed her imagination to run wild.

"I know how much the office fantasy turns you on," he said in Shannon's ear. "There's always been a gleam in your eyes whenever you talk about it. I want to see you in action. I want to see how depraved and consumed you'll be when you're bent over the conference table, your employees taking turns with you."

"Fuck," she gasped as he punctuated his statement with a firm pinch to her left tit.

"You'll be the office toy at this year's annual party. We'll sneak into the boardroom while everyone else is having innocent fun. Do you like that?"

"Hmmm..." she moaned as Williams slid a hand between her thighs.

Shannon shook her head, mouth slightly open as she panted with need. Only Williams had ever aroused her so easily, made her so desperate to please. She spread her legs as far as her knee-length skirt would allow, but he continued to avoid the area she needed to be caressed the most.

"Tell me what you want right now, Shannon. I'm not feeling patient today."

"Make me cum," she whispered. "Please!"

Williams smiled. "That's a good girl."

The Secretary Lends a Hand:

The annual party came weeks later. It was always a festive time because the grueling pace of work slowed at the end of the final quarter and everyone was more jovial and relaxed. On top of that, there were the bonuses to look forward to.

It was an informal affair but people still liked to dress up, showing off their best "non-work" clothes. Drinks were flowing and the formerly staunch office had morphed into a relaxed, party atmosphere.

Shannon was in a much different mood, however. While people were laughing, socializing, and having fun, Shannon stood by the makeshift bar downing champagne like it was her lifeline. Everyone was beautifully dressed for the occasion and Shannon wore a sleek black dress which showcased her slender, yet womanly figure.

All Shannon could think about was which of her employees she'd be fucking. This new experience would be life-changing. The men had been patiently waiting for this, giving sly glances here and there. Work would certainly not be the same, either... not when she'd be fucking three of her top employees, with the upper-level executives knowing all about it.

Her thoughts were interrupted when Williams approached her, dressed in a sharp suit and carrying a drink for each of them.

"You look gorgeous tonight," he smiled, handing her a vodka martini.

She gulped it down and placed it on a nearby table. "My stomach is cramping."

"Not a good thing for a gangbang."

"A gangbang," she muttered. "That's a scary word."

He patted her shoulder. "You can always back out. No one is forcing you to do this. My secretary can always take your place, and we'll compensate the employees with larger financial bonuses."

She looked at him sharply. She had always accepted her duties. And the thought of leaving something unfulfilled was simply unacceptable to her, the perfectionist and diligent worker.

"No, I want this."

"Are you sure?"

Shannon nodded, straightening her shoulders. "I've never been a quitter."

"And?" he asked, eyebrow arched.

She smiled. "You already know."

"Tell me."

"I find the idea... oddly exciting."

Williams smiled back, "I wish I could slip my hand underneath your dress and feel how wet you are."


"I believe you," he nodded. "I'll be there when it starts. Until then, I have several people I need to greet and socialize with. All part of my job."

Shannon stood dumbfounded. "What about the preparations?"

"Don't worry, Penny will take care of everything. I'll see you soon."

Before Shannon could inquire further about the secretary and arrangements, Williams patted her shoulder and disappeared in the festive atmosphere of the party.

As if on cue, the pretty secretary came over and stood in front of her. Penny was petite with big, thick-framed glasses and a notebook in her hands. She appeared so proper that she had the aura of an elderly librarian, even though she was young and gorgeous.

"Good evening, Shannon," Penny chirped in a professional tone. "If you'll follow me to the boardroom, we'll get you all set up."

Shannon was baffled and amused as they made their way to the top floor. She had known Penny for a couple of years and knew the secretary to be meek and efficient. Now here she was, arranging an office fuck party like it was business as usual.

Once they entered the long room with the overstretched conference table, Penny closed the blinds so they had total privacy.

"Remove your dress," Penny ordered.

"Wait, you want me to strip now?"

Penny nodded. "Mr. Williams has requested that I do your breast binding on this occasion. I am highly effective with the female anatomy."

"Fine. If you insist."

Shannon removed her dress while the stoic secretary just stood there, watching. It was like undressing for a doctor with a specific purpose in mind.

After placing her dress on the table, Shannon undid her bra to reveal her tits, standing only in her stilettos and lacy black panties.

No time was wasted as Penny picked up a long, red ribbon. Shannon lifted her arms while the secretary expertly tied the ribbon around her upper body and the sensitive globes of her breasts. When Penny soon finished, Shannon relished the feeling of her ample breasts being squeezed together, the pressure creating a delicious swelling of her nipples.

Penny tweaked each nipple and nodded as they hardened, as if satisfied by her own work. She held up a mirror and Shannon gasped -- she looked like the perfect gift. A festive bow was tied beneath her breasts.

"Is this comfortable for you?" the secretary asked, tightening the final knot in the ribbon.

Shannon looked again at her reflection. "It feels fine. You did a great job."

"Thank you."

"Have you done this before?" Shannon inquired.

"I've done many things like this before. My job is whatever Mr. Williams tells me to do."

Shannon nodded in understanding; Penny was the perfect secretary.

"Speaking of which," the secretary continued, "it's my job to facilitate this group session. Think of me as the referee."


"I'll bring the lucky contest winners in here separately. Two of the winners have requested a threesome session. They're arranged in order of the contest placement. I'll make sure everyone is respectful and orderly. I'm also responsible for making sure each guy cums in a timely fashion."

Shannon barely suppressed a giggle at that.

"After all," the secretary added. "What girl wants to screw four guys all night long? If anyone crosses boundaries, they'll be punished."

"Wait -- what? Four?!"

"Yes, didn't Mr. Williams tell you? Two people tied for third place."

Shannon's mind was reeling. Four guys!? I'll be fucking four guys?! But she reasoned with herself, she had come this far. She felt oddly comforted at the thought that this young woman would be watching over everything, protecting her in a way.

Penny helped Shannon back into her dress. "Are you ready?"

Taking a moment to smooth over her dress, Shannon accepted her fate.

"I'm nervous."

The secretary winked and smiled, breaking the stoic demeanor. "Don't be nervous. It'll be fantastic."

Having said that, Penny gave Shannon a good luck kiss on the cheek, then left to go bring the winners. Shannon shuddered at the thought that, very soon, her employees would be fucking her. She also couldn't remember the last time she had been so wet.

Lost in thought, she jumped when the door to the boardroom opened some time later. She let out a sigh of relief when she saw it was just Williams entering; his presence immediately calmed her. She was feeling a little tipsy from the liquid courage she had consumed downstairs, but it clearly wasn't enough to settle her current level of nerves.

Williams gave her a big smile as he made his way to where she was sitting. Without warning, he pulled her in for a kiss, and her pussy clenched in response. It was over as quickly as it began. Williams set her back and straightened her dress, brushing his thumb across her now-swollen bottom lip.

"I know I wasn't part of this competition, but I had to be the first to taste you."

Shannon smiled at him, brushing her hair back into place. "I'm glad."

"I also couldn't miss the start of the show," he further clarified. "It'll be a sight to behold. You on your knees, on your back, or maybe on your stomach over the table. All for your employees. It'll be heaven for a sub like you, won't it?"

The reminder made Shannon squirm. "Yes. I'm sure this will be quite the experience."

Penny stepped back into the boardroom with a big smile on her face, which gave Shannon a feeling that time had slowed down. Behind the pretty young secretary was the winner.

Shannon felt nervous at his presence. Frankly, she wasn't exactly thrilled by Mike as he was rather arrogant -- an attribute which helped him become the winner of the contest, ironically enough.

Her top performer shot her a wolfish smile as he looked her up and down, licking his lips. His bold, open expression of lust caused an unexpected tingle in Shannon's lower belly, and she shifted where she stood, unsure of what would happen.

Fortunately Williams, taking charge in his usual manner, walked over to Mike to shake his hand, congratulating him on being the first winner of the competition.

"And now your prize, as promised," he said, waving a hand in Shannon's direction. "You may take her in any way you please; she's yours to command."

The boss stepped back and took a seat placed in a corner of the room.

Penny came forward, giving Shannon another wink as she moved behind her, sliding the straps of her dress down her shoulders, slowly pushing it down until it was a pile on the floor. Instinctively, Shannon stepped out of it, bared and bound in such an intimate way before her subordinate.

Mike whistled as her body was revealed to him for the first time. He often thought about what his boss looked like under her clothes, but the sight before him put his imagination to shame. He often fantasized about walking into her office, locking her door, and ripping her neatly pressed suit from her, watching her strong, assertive expression twist into one of surprise and then lust as he bent her the desk. He had cum several times to this and other fantasies of overpowering her, and now that he had this opportunity, he wasn't going to waste another moment.

Most surprisingly of all for Mike, he was thrilled to see the bound breasts of Shannon; exactly as advertised.

He approached her, growing harder at the look of apprehension she was trying desperately to hide. He brought his hand to cup her breast, teasing her distended nipple. Shannon gasped, as her breasts were so sensitive from the bondage. Liquid pooled between her legs and Mike's hand left her breast and plunged low as he shoved two large fingers deep inside her.

"Wet already, little darling?" he murmured in her ear, removing his hand. He lifted his fingers to her lips.

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