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Boy Toy Ch. 01

Story Info
Stephen is dominated by a married couple.
7k words

Part 1 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/12/2023
Created 02/16/2022
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My name is Stephen Skoglund and I'm a writer.

People think that writers live carefree lives. We don't have to do manual labor, we just sit in front of a computer, use our fertile imaginations to write an engaging story and we get oodles of money when people buy our books.

Yeah, well if your name is Stephen King it works like that. Stephen King's first book was published in 1974 and by 1975 it had sold over a million copies.

My first book was published when I was sixteen. Now, I'm eighteen and my first book has sold a grand total of one-hundred-forty-four copies.

My second book is doing a little bit better than my first, but it's obvious that my writing has yet to be a profitable venture.

Since I'm now eighteen and my books sales aren't making any appreciable money, my parents have insisted that I need to find a job out in the mundane world and start bringing home a paycheck. However, when I went out into the mundane world, I discovered that employers are not exactly knocking each other over to hire teenagers with no college degree and zero job experience.

"You may have to lower your standards," my father advised. "My first job was as a janitor at the local elementary school. The work was hard and disgusting and the pay was lousy, but when you're just starting out, that's the way it is."

Even when I lowered my standards, finding a job was still difficult. I put in job applications at every place I could think of, but it seemed that nobody wanted to hire me. My dad acted like I wasn't even trying and kept on hassling me, insisting that he wasn't running a hotel and if I wanted to live in his house, I'd have to start pulling my own weight. He never actually threatened to throw me out of the house, but the threat seemed to be implied.

I hate my dad sometimes.

I was about to despair every finding gainful employment when my mother told me that one of my neighbors needed some work done at her house and was willing to pay good money for a strong, young man, who was willing to do some menial labor.

"What kind of menial labor?" I asked.

"I don't know," my mother replied. "Why don't you go and ask her?"

The neighbor my mother was talking about was named Vanessa Bennet. She was a nice enough lady, although I didn't know her very well. But, if she was willing to pay me money, I would certainly be willing to work for her.

Before she discussed the work that she wanted done, Vanessa invited me into her dining room and offered me something to drink. Her face was flush, and her eyes were wide. She seemed nervous, although I had no idea why. Vanessa was friends with my mother, and she had always been congenial with me. We weren't exactly friends, but we always got along well enough.

"So, I wasn't completely honest with your mother," Vanessa confessed after we were both seated and comfortable. "I don't want to hire you to do chores around the house. I want to hire you to be a sort of sexual surrogate for me and my husband."

"What? Why? And why me?" I exclaimed. I was utterly shocked. I mean, Vanessa was an attractive woman, but she was nearly twice my age. And her husband know...male. I'd never had sex with a guy before and I had no interest in starting now.

Vanessa took a deep breath, rolled her eyes and said, "Cole and I have been married for almost ten years now and our sex life has hit a rough patch. We each want to try new things to spice things up, but Cole isn't willing to try the things I want and I'm not willing to try the things he wants. So, we decided to bring in someone who's young and attractive, who we can both have sex with and who will do all the things that we want."

"So, what sort of things?" I asked. I was appalled at the idea of having sex with Cole. And sex with Vanessa would be awkward, but my curiosity got the better of me and I just had to know more.

Vanessa's blush deepened and she said, "I have a desire to take a cute guy...or even a cute girl and throw them over my lap and spank them until their ass is covered with my handprints. Cole has a very cute butt, but he's made it abundantly clear that he will never let me spank him. He feels that it would be too demeaning and emasculating."

"And you feel that for some reason I would be okay with being spanked?" I asked.

"Cole and I don't expect you would enjoy it," she replied. "That's why we would be willing to pay compensate you for the pain and the humiliation of enduring corporal punishment."

I let out a long exhalation of breath and considered what she was saying. I did need the money, but being spanked by Vanessa and having gay sex with Cole? I wasn't certain if my pride could handle being abused and shamed like that.

Vanessa offered me three hundred dollars and I turned her down. I was desperate for money, but I wasn't going to have sex with her husband for any amount of money!

Or so I thought.

After I turned down her initial offer, she kept offering more and more money. Eventually the money she was offering was so impressive I felt that I would be a fool to turn it down. It was a HUGE amount of money! There was no other way a guy my age with no job skills could make this sort of cash.

After we'd settled on my fee, I stood up and asked, "So, how does this work? Do I come back when your husband is home?"

"Oh no," Vanessa replied, a triumphant smile spreading across her face. "Now that you've agreed to be our sexual surrogate, I want to start enjoying you right away. Now, take off your clothes. I want to see what it is that my money is buying."

"What? Right here? Now?" I exclaimed. I hadn't taken off a single item of clothing, but I could already feel my face going hot with embarrassment.

She seemed to consider my question for a few moments and finally replied, "Go to the living room. You can strip there."

I wasn't sure if she was serious, but she just kept staring at me with an anticipatory look on her face. Eventually I ambled into the living room and stopped when I was standing in front of the couch.

Vanessa stared at me impatiently and spoke to me with a firm voice of authority, saying, "I'm waiting, Stephen."

I felt awkward, stripping in front of one of my mother's friends, but I'd made a deal with her so, I was resolved to follow through with it.

First, I pulled off my t-shirt. Then I removed my shoes and socks. When I got down to my pants, I hesitated. Stripping naked for Vanessa was going to have a huge emotional impact on me. It was going to feel shameful and humbling, and yet I knew I had to do it

I unzipped my jeans, pulled them down and stepped out of them. And when I pulled down my Calvin Klein briefs, my cock was immediately hard. When I stood naked in front of Mrs. Bennett, I didn't want my cock to be embarrassingly erect, however, I was eighteen years old and guys my age can't control their cocks. It's like they have a mind of their own. Any random stimulus will make my cock get hard and erect. Quite often being naked is all it takes.

She grabbed my ass, marveling at the firmness of my buttocks. She then proceeded to touch me all over, feeling the smoothness of my skin and enjoying the feel of my toned muscles, especially my glutes, my abs and my lats.

"I just love this young, tight butt," she proclaimed as she ran her hands up and down the curves of my ass. "Cole has a nice butt, but yours is nicer. You have the most beautiful and pertly shaped buttocks I've ever seen."

Being naked and intently examined by my fully clothed neighbor was a humbling experience, but the compliments she doled out made the experience seem slightly less shameful and humiliating. Then, she pointed out one of my physical attributes that displeased her.

She grabbed a handful of my pubic hair and tugged hard enough to be mildly painful, and then she said, "This needs to be shaved. You have a very nice cock and balls. I don't want all that pubic hair obscuring them from my view."

"You want me to shave my pubes?" I asked. "What if somebody sees me naked? How do I explain being hairless down there?"

"I'm paying an awful lot of money for this body," Vanessa stated firmly as she yanked even harder on my pubes. "I don't think that I'm out of line to demand that it be smooth and hairless."

I tried to protest, but my objections were feeble, and Vanessa ended up marching me to the bathroom to remove the offending hair from my pubis.

Once we got there, Mrs. Bennet decided that she may as well remove all my body hair. She felt I would look sexier if I were smooth all over.

She had me stand and spread my legs wide, so she could get all angles all around my cock and balls. She squeezed my scrotum tightly between her thumb and forefinger to force my balls low in their sack, then ran the electric razor lightly over my balls.

She was incredibly thorough when it came to removing all my body hair, even ordering me to bend over and spread my buttocks apart so she could remove the small hairs around my anus. She even shaved my legs and my armpits.

"Now, get in the shower," she ordered with a playful slap to my ass. "I need to make certain that we've got it all."

I got in and Mrs. Bennet stood just outside the confines of the shower and turned the water on. Once it was warm enough, she sprayed me down with the removable shower head.

She lathered me up and removed all the stubble the electric razor left behind. She used a safety razor to scrape away any stubble or small, delicate hairs she could locate on my underarms, my belly, my legs and my genitals. Then she sprayed me down from head to foot with the shower head again.

It was awkward. felt like some sort of naked prisoner or a sex slave being prepared for the market as she told me to spread my legs and place my hands flat on the shower wall, well above my head as I was shaved.

"Don't move," she admonished me. "Hold that position until I say otherwise. Shaving you completely smooth and hairless is fine detail work and the move you move, the longer this is going to take."

My pink anus wasn't exempt from her attentions. She had me bend over with my legs spread wide and she spread my buttocks far apart so she could inspect my asshole and shave away and errant hairs she found there. Then she washed me all over and rinsed me off again. By the time she was finished, my cock was so hard and erect that it ached.

While I stood in the shower, Mrs. Bennet reached down with one hand and cupped my balls, then stroked her fingertips across the recently shaved flesh just above my cock. I somehow felt more vulnerable and exposed now that I was bereft of pubic hair. It was like I was somehow more naked than naked.

I was ordered out of the shower and then Vanessa rubbed a towel all over my body, getting me dry. When she was done, I asked if I could get dressed, but she insisted that I should remain naked.

"As the submissive in this relationship, you can expect to be naked most of the time, while much of the time, Cole and I will be fully clothed," Vanessa explained. "The contrast will help to keep you in the proper mindset."

"Yes, ma'am," I said submissively. Then, she ordered me out into the living room.

"Get your cute butt out there so I can spank it," she ordered. "When my husband gets home, I want you to show him your ass and I want it to be red and stinging with my handprints."

Mrs. Bennet's words stunned me and left me feeling defeated and afraid. Strangely, they also left me feeling aroused. It was like the fear was some sort of dark, ominous aphrodisiac.

In the living room, Mrs. Bennet sat down on a leather-upholstered ottoman. Then she looked me over, and said, "Now Stephen, I need you to lie across my lap, face down. I'm going to spank that firm, boyish bottom of yours."

For a few seconds I was so stunned that I was unable to react. I was still adjusting to this new dynamic with Mrs. Bennet, where she was stern and dominating, and I was servile and obedient. I had already shown her a great willingness to submit, but willingly going over her lap for corporal punishment was a big step. It would leave me feeling shamed and humiliated much more intensely than being stripped naked and shaved.

As I lay across her lap, Vanessa's hands explored my naked body. She touched me all over, gliding her hands across the muscles in my back, my shoulders, my obliques and then she moved on to stroking her fingertips across the curves of my ass.

"You're a very beautiful boy, Stephen," she assured me, "but your ass is by far your best feature. It's so tempting I can't keep my hands off it."

I mumbled some sort of words of thanks as she enthusiastically kneaded my buttocks and then she said, "You may soon wish that you didn't have such a mesmerizing, perfectly shaped bottom. All I can think about is spanking it. And now that you're my boy toy you can expect to have an ass that's constantly sore. I intend to spank your charming backside every chance I get."

My bottom was raised up and indecently on display. This was a very intimate position, something I'm sure Mrs. Bennet was very aware of.

"I'm loving this," Mrs. Bennet said as her fingertips explored my buttocks. Her fingertips began at the divide where the bottom of my buttocks met the tops of my thighs. She traced lines across that area, caressing the undersides of my buttocks before probing the tight furrow between my bare cheeks. Lying naked across her lap, making my bottom vulnerable to her was a very debasing and humiliating pose, but I found myself getting a wicked sort of sexual thrill from being so vulnerable.

"Arch your back and flex your legs," Mrs. Bennet said, "Lift your buttocks up higher. It will look sexier that way."

I did exactly what she asked, flexing my legs and arching my back. I wondered exactly what my ass looked like from her perspective. Then I wondered how much longer I would have to wait until she began to spank my innocent, bare bottom. I didn't have long to wonder.

The first stinging slap of my spanking cracked across my bottom and my whole body stiffened at the pain. Before I was able to recover from the pain of the first blow, Mrs. Bennet brought her hand down across the innocent curves a second time.


I begged her for a short break to give me a chance to adjust to the pain, but Mrs. Bennet insisted that she had no intention of stopping until my whole backside was red.

"Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ooooow!" I cried out as Mrs. Bennet brutally assaulted my buttocks. Reflexively, I squirmed across her lap and kicked my legs. Tears welled up in my eyes and droplets of sweat began to bead on my torso as she inflected red-hot torment on my innocent buttocks.

I felt utterly without composure or dignity as I sobbed and writhed across Vanessa Bennet's lap. I was squirming so much that there was danger of me falling onto the floor. Several times Mrs. Bennet had to grab me around the waist and pull me tightly towards her to keep me from falling. And then she began to spank the backs of my thighs, which hurt even worse than when she spanked my buttocks.

"Aaaaahhhhhhh," I cried out and continued to bounce and writhe across her thighs. I could see why Cole was opposed to being spanked by his wife. The pain was excruciating

My ass felt cooked by the time she was finished, and I was sobbing uncontrollably. Then Mrs. Bennet ordered me to get up off her lap. My breathing was coming in small chest-heaving gulps and my arms and legs were wobbly at that point, but I obediently stood up and attempted to sooth my tender ass by gently rubbing it with my hands.

"Don't touch yourself," Mrs. Bennet admonished me sharply and I took my hands away from my poor, abused bottom.

"You didn't have to spank me so hard!" I said petulantly.

"It's no fun unless it's hard," Vanessa countered. "I enjoyed watching you squirm. The way you writhed and moved your hips wouldn't have been half as entertaining if you weren't legitimately in pain. Now go stand in the corner. Stand there until I give permission to turn around. If you touch yourself or break the pose, I'll have to spank you again."

I was made to stand there and look at the wall for a considerable time. My abused bottom throbbed with seething pain, and I desperately wanted to ease some of the pain away with my hands, but I was obedient and refrained from touching myself.

When Vanessa's husband came home, he was overjoyed to see me naked and standing in the corner with my wounded ass on display.

"Vanessa, my darling, I didn't think you'd be able to pull it off, but there he stands, naked as the day he was born!"

Cole approached me from behind, grabbed my ass and squeezed. Which was quite painful, as you can imagine, given the brutal spanking I'd received less than an hour before. I gritted my teeth and tried not to cry out in pain.

"I knew you'd be pleased," Mrs. Bennet said to her husband. "His body is lean, toned and sculpted. He's absolutely perfect for us."

Her husband squeezed one of my tender ass-cheeks and then the other, before commenting, "He's adorable. His buttocks are nice and firm. And the way he squirms and gasps when he's fondled is adorable."

My feelings of helplessness and embarrassment intensified when Cole pried my buttocks apart and examined my anus. I felt my legs go weak as Cole worked a finger forcefully into my asshole and I failed to stifle a grunting cry as I was penetrated.

"Spread your legs, Stephen," Cole said sternly.

Then Vanessa approached and stood next to her husband. She got a good look at my humiliating stance and said, "Wider than that. I want you to feel the strain in those exquisite thigh muscles."

With Cole and Vanessa watching, I spread my legs pornographically wide. I was ordered to remain in that awkward pose indefinitely. I felt helpless and exposed with my legs wide open and Cole's finger worked into my ass, but that was likely what they wanted in the first place.

Vanessa brought over a box of latex gloves and some sex lube. It didn't take a genius to figure out what came next.

The lubricant was cold and made me gasp. Before I could adapt to the coldness of the greasy substance smeared across my delicate, pink flesh, Cole's fingers were thrusting into me again. This time he probed deep and explored my sensitive interior with a disturbing amount of enthusiasm.

I whimpered as Cole's fingers explored and forced my tight anus to open wider for him.

"He's very tight," Cole commented to his wife. "Practically a virgin."

"I am a virgin," I said, my voice sounding shaky and fearful." So, please go easy on me!"

My pleas fell on deaf ears. My tender buttocks were smacked again, and I was reminded of just how much money they were paying for my ass.

"So, we don't want to hear any complaints from you," Mrs. Bennet said sternly.

I felt traumatized. I'm sure I looked like some sort of shameless slut as I was anally violated by two of my neighbors. And then Cole located my prostate gland and pumped his fingertips across it repeatedly, causing my cock to become harder and embarrassingly erect. The shaft of my cock was like marble and the swollen head had a dollop of precum seeping out. My tears came in a flood, and I was convinced at that moment that I could not possibly sink any lower.

_ _

It turns out I was wrong about that.

Being anally penetrated by Cole's fingers left me feeling helpless and degraded, however, getting anally raped by his hard cock was worse.

Later that evening, Cole stripped naked and ordered me into the bathroom. His plan was to fuck me in the shower. For a few seconds I was frozen in fear and couldn't move. Cole was hard and erect before he got his clothes off and the size of his cock was imposing.

"The shower is my favorite place to have sex," he explained as he turned the water on. "It's so easy to clean up afterwards."


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