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Brambleton Ch. 03: Frat Gangbang

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A leg up with polo; a notch down with Jocko.
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Part 3 of the 12 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 01/11/2016
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Matt didn't see either Perry or Jocko through the next week, which permitted him to get into the rhythm of school. He had received a second letter from Dashad, and he fully intended to answer the letters soon, letting Dashad know he was settling in and that he missed Dashad—but not telling him, of course, what missing Dashad had made him do with Jocko—and maybe would lead him to do with half of the black players on the UVa football team. He was a little curious on why Dashad's letters talked to him and told him he was missed all without Dashad saying much about what he was doing.

The fourth weekend in September, the polo team had a match with Georgetown University up in Washington, D.C., and Perry decided to go home to Loudon County for a long weekend. He took Sean Campbell with him.

That was the last weekend that Matt was able to devote entirely to his studies—so much so that he didn't even work in time to write a letter to Dashad. He hadn't seen Perry or Jocko, but he felt like one or both of them would be taking up a lot more of his time sometime soon. And as it turned out, Jocko turned up before Perry did.

Virginia won its home football game with North Carolina State that Saturday afternoon. When Matt got back to the dorm from eating at the cafeteria, wolfing his food down as he poured over his textbooks, he received a cell phone call.

"There's a victory party at the DU house tonight. You're invited. Bring rubbers." Although he didn't identify himself, Matt knew it was Jocko. He wasn't given time to answer that of course he wouldn't be there, that he had to study. Jocko hung up on him without giving him a chance to reply.

When Matt arrived at DU house, the party was in full swing. If it was invitation only, there was no sign that anyone was checking invites. Matt wandered through to the dining room, which featured a bar going down the long side of it. There he found Jocko, leaning into a bar stool and loudly reliving key plays from the football game earlier in the day with several of his fraternity brothers. Several of the guys around him were other blacks on the football team, including LeRoy, who gave Matt a leer when Matt appeared. Jocko apparently had made several key plays and he was in celebration mode.

When at last Jocko saw Matt standing there, all he said was, "Did you bring rubbers?"

Matt, who had been determined to go to Alderman Library when he left his dorm room and who had just kept on walking past it and across Main Street at the Rotunda and into the fraternity section, pulled the handful of packets out of his pocket to show them to Jocko—because he, of course, had brought them and of course had known where he really was headed when he left his dorm.

Jocko fucked him on a window seat in the fraternity house's living room, amid the chaos of the victory revelers, most of whom were too busy debauching themselves to watch the black giant crouched between the white guy's thighs, the white guy's legs waving in the air and his back wedged against an eight-paned window, as the black football player, plump buttocks muscles contracting and expanding, balled him hard and deep.

"You're my inspiration and reward goal for the next game," Jocko whispered in Matt's ear when he'd cum inside the rubber deep in Matt's channel. "If we win I get to fuck you that night—or whatever night we get back from a road game victory."

Matt was still gasping and groaning too hard to reply, and, yes, he noticed that Jocko wasn't asking for permission, he was just flatly telling Matt what he was due. Matt wasn't surprised, though. Jocks were so privileged in universities that they just took whatever they wanted, as by right. And others let them do it.

Matt knew he'd let Jocko do it too—but not for the reasons people would think. Not because Jocko was a football star who could command whatever he wanted on the campus or because he was an overpowering black man demanding fear and respect, but because Jocko's size and technique brought Dashad to mind. Matt missed Dashad's fucking. When Jocko fucked him, it almost was like being back in southwest Virginia in Dashad's arms. Both men were thick and could reach deep, and both men knew how to give pleasure as they were getting it with strong, vigorous strokes that set a steady rhythm, but also provided occasional off-rhythm surprises that made Matt jerk and gasp in pleasured surprise.

As Jocko was finishing up, Matt could see LeRoy peering over his shoulder, and a couple of other black guys as well.

"He's all yours for now. I may want him again later," Jocko said as he straightened up and spun back into the milling crowd in the room. With a laugh, LeRoy pulled Matt up out of the window well and slung him over his shoulder. The other black guys trailed along behind him, all joking with dirty talk of what they were going to do with Matt and arguing the order they were going to take among themselves—obviously trying to scare the shit out of their prey for the night—as LeRoy mounted the stairs to the second floor, jostling Matt over his heavily muscled shoulder as if he weighed nothing at all.

They put Matt on a string. Five or six big, bruising black guys gang fucked him, one after the other after LeRoy took the first cocking on one of the beds in an upstairs bedroom. Matt had the presence of mind to note, with irony, that he could see through to another bedroom across the hall, where white guys were standing in line to have their turn with a black girl.

LeRoy was the most brutal of the lot, pushing Matt on the small of his back, directing a black hulk to stand on either side and lift and spread his legs out, lifting his buttocks up in the air to the level of LeRoy's pelvis and each supporting one of Matt's butt cheeks with a broad, callused palm. During this process Matt had tried to raise his head and chest, but LeRoy had backhand him across the cheeks twice, snapping his head back and forth, and Matt had fallen back on the bed, thumping his head on the wall as he went down. He was dazed through much of the first fuck, except for when LeRoy started jerking on his cock and balls as he reared back and thrust forward, laughing at the little cry Matt gave with each brutal, deep thrust.

The black teammates apparently expected LeRoy's treatment to take all the energy out of Matt and for him to just lay there, semiconscous as the rest used him and got their rocks off. But they were surprised—pleasantly, for the most part—that he stayed with each one and moved and revolved his hips as each one took him, squeezing his channel on their dicks—of various sizes and curves, but all respectable—whispered encouragement and expressions of pleasure to each, and gave each one an extra good time. Matt realized that, starting with the one after LeRoy, they had arranged themselves in ascending cock size, so that he was increasingly filled and internally challenged as they came to the last, biggest one of all.

The second was a puncher and prodder, wanting to bunch his fists and give Matt little jabs to the chest and torso—not too hard but hard enough to make Matt gasp and grunt with each jab. It was a muffled sound, though, as LeRoy was at his head, making him clean his cock off with his mouth. The next men turned him on his belly and took him from behind, a couple needing no more body contact other than the connection of hole and cock. One of these was a biter, though, covering Matt close from behind and latching onto the side of his neck with his teeth.

When they were done with the first round, they left Matt panting and moaning while they argued on a reordering and possible use of new positions for the next round. One kept saying they should get beer and drive him out to the lakeside and do him again there on the banks of the lake and maybe leave him naked to make his own way back. This was vetoed by a couple of others who said that Matt had been so good that they'd want to keep him on the string for future sessions. Another, more solicitously, asked Matt if he wanted a bottle of water, which he accepted gratefully, and then that guy, obviously one of the meatiest defensive guards on the team, sat beside Matt and glided his hands over his body sootheningly. Matt responded by turning toward him and taking the man's only averaged-length, but thick cock in his mouth and sucking gently on the bulb. The big bruiser whispered to Matt that he'd like to be with him one on one sometime off the string—that he could show Matt a real good time.

As if Matt wasn't already having a real good time.

Another of the guys told Matt he was the best team lay they'd ever had, and yet another marveled that he was still conscious. They were discussing doubling him and speculating who should be involved, none of them consulting with Matt on how he felt about that, and Matt was moaning at the prospect, not real sure what he wanted himself, when Jocko came upstairs and asserted command again. He pulled Matt up off the bed and told Matt to climb his hips with his knees, and when Matt docilely responded, Jocko set him on the cock and, hunching down, stood in the middle of the room and raised and lowered Matt on the cock while they both swayed, looking for and finding a mutual rhythm. Weak as he was, Matt managed to vocalize how much he loved the fucking he was getting. The rest of the guys stood around, a black, shuffling ring encircling the centerpiece, leering, licking their lips, and pulling on their cocks. Enjoying the show, throwing out ideas and requests, and some still talking about wanting another go at Matt.

Matt could hear the sounds of taking and giving from the hetero room across the hall. The black girl was claiming she was having a good time in some of the earthiest language Matt had ever heard from a woman. Matt wondered if she really was having as good a time as he was. He'd had no idea how arousing and totally satisfying being on a string with a bunch of black football players could be.

Matt lost count of how many ejaculations he took. But he took them all and gave the black dudes what they wanted—and more than they had expected. They were rough and straightforward, most treating him like a convenient sheath just to get themselves off, but one or two being more in awe of what he would and could take and almost worshipping his body as they got their rocks off. For some reason, Matt found the rough treatment extra arousing, and, in the end, he was wondering how a double penetration experience with these guys would have gone. Afterward, Jocko having declared that they had him enough for now, they gave him a ride back to his dorm, with LeRoy saying they'd want to do him again soon and maybe he should rush for the DU fraternity. Matt felt a little ashamed that he was looking forward to another encounter.

* * * *

When Perry and Sean came back from northern Virginia, Matt was sitting in the common living room. Perry went straight to the dorm room and came out naked, with a towel around his waist and slipped into the communal bathroom. Sean went directly to his room, looking mad as a hornet. He slammed the door, and Matt could hear him throwing things around inside. Shortly after that he came back out, still carrying the suitcase he'd entered the suite with but now carrying another one as well. He hurried out of the suite and down along the exterior balcony of the dorm, headed for the stairs. Matt never saw him in the suite again.

When Perry came out of the bathroom, he was toweling off, but he was naked and was showing a half erection.

"You need to shower too, and then I'm going to do you," he said to Matt, and then went in their shared room.

Perry fucked Matt on Matt's bed for what seemed like hours in positions Matt had never before known existed. When he was finished, Matt was purring and willing to do anything Perry wanted him to.

What Perry wanted him to do was to ride a polo horse. He said that when they visited the family estate in Loudon County over Thanksgiving, they would be riding to the hunt. "A polo pony isn't the same as a hunter, of course," Perry said. "But it's a beginning. Once you have learned to ride Lucky Seven, I'm sure you can hold your own when we go for the hunt."

There had been no asking by Perry if Matt wanted to go to Loudon County for Thanksgiving; Perry had just asserted his First Families of Virginia privileges. For his part, Matt was being won over. It wasn't just that Perry was a master cocker. It also was because of Perry's world. The more of Perry's world that Matt saw, the more attractive it was and the more he wanted that for himself.

Matt was being bought. He was beyond worrying about that, though. After being gang banged by half of the black players on a university football team and enjoying it, there wasn't much modesty left. And Perry had something they didn't have that Matt wanted—sophistication, position, and privilege.

Perry spent quite a lot of time with him, teaching him to ride Lucky Seven—and then one of the more sturdy horses in the stable, which was more like the hunters Matt would have to ride at Thanksgiving. He also was buying things for Matt. Clothes, which he initially said were ones he didn't want anymore. But Matt wasn't fooled. He was shorter and had a broader chest than Perry. And the clothes fit him like a glove. And Perry was taking him to expensive restaurants and subtly teaching him how they conducted themselves at table in his world. He even took Matt to his hairstylist and made sure that he got the perfect cut.

During their intimate moments, Perry even shaved Matt's arm pits and trimmed his pubes to a short-curls V. And he taught him what soaps and scents suited him best—all of which were expensive, of course, and bought by Perry.

"William Henry likes Jean Paul Gaultier's Le Male," Perry had said as he handed a bottle of it to Matt.

Matt had no idea why this should mean anything to him, but Perry fucked him particularly well after he'd put it on, and Matt hadn't had to buy it, so it was good enough for him.

Perry even did some work with Matt's vocabulary and pronunciation, pestering him into talking with more refinement and what he said was a better southern accent than the Appalachian brand.

In turn, Matt fell into whatever Perry wanted, whenever he wanted it. If he showed the least bit of resistance, Perry took him to bed and fucked him into compliance. Matt once, and only once had a tantrum—when Perry wanted him to cut an exam for a riding lesson. LeRoy appeared in his room the night before the exam, berating him for avoiding the guys on the football team, which Matt only had done because Perry was monopolizing his time. Yelling that both he and Jocko were pissed at Matt, LeRoy slammed him around the room and was choking him while fucking him hard when Perry came into the room and broke the attack up. Perry held Matt afterward and stroked him and soothed him and slow-fucked away his trembling and sobbing. And Matt cut his exam the next day and went to the riding lesson. After that, he was doing more grooming with Perry than studying for his architecture classes. Matt didn't even think to ask what he was being groomed for.

Other than Perry, no one was fucking Matt—except one more session with Jocko and his brothers. UVa only won one more football game before the Thanksgiving break. Feeling he was getting behind in his studies, Matt told Perry he wasn't sure he could make it for Thanksgiving weekend. Perry obviously wasn't pleased. He took Matt to the Delta Upsilon victory party that night and handed him off to Jocko to take Matt to his bedroom in the fraternity house and fuck him hard. A half dozen other black football player fraternity brothers, including LeRoy, appeared. With one guy at Matt's head feeding his cock in Matt's mouth, two others holding Matt's legs raised and spread, and another guy grunting and pumping Matt's channel, all in rotation, they were rougher with him this time than the last. Perry stood by and watched the whole session, until he stepped in to suggest that they had used Matt enough.

Afterward, as Matt lay there moaning, a small smile mixing with the grimace on his lips, Perry said, "They'll be closing the dorms for Thanksgiving. Do you want to come to Loudon with me, or stay here in the DU house with these guys? Think about it."

On the way back to Perry's duplex, Perry told Matt that Jocko and his friends wanted him to stay at the DU house but that Perry was just trying to protect Matt from what he suggested was more of a good thing than Matt would be able to take. Matt then decided that maybe it would be best for him to go home with Perry for the vacation.

Matt fully intended to answer Dashad's letters before he went to northern Virginia with Perry for Thanksgiving week—but he couldn't find a way to explain to Dashad why he wasn't coming home to Dashad for Thanksgiving. Dashad had assumed in what he'd written in his letters that Matt would. But Dashad's world now seemed a universe away from the one Perry was introducing him to—as well as the one that Jocko and his brothers wanted Matt to service.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Why I clicked 'I didn't like it much'

Matt is starting to piss me off. I know. I know. Blah blah blah...but what about Dashad?

Matt didn't seem like he would be so wishy washy at the start...

lonelyandfrustratedlonelyandfrustratedover 8 years ago
Perfectly clear

Fantastic story so far, can't wait to finish it. Thanks for finishing it first and making it perfectly clear that you have! As for for the title I am glad I don't know the reason for it yet crickey you can't give away everything by chapter 3 out of 12! The are Crystal clear even on a tablet. Back to my reading....... have fun Sr71plt x

MuscleaddictMuscleaddictover 8 years ago
First class

Nobody could describe a gang bang more naturally. Pure animalistic lust and great sex!

LordHimerosLordHimerosover 8 years ago

Relax buddy c'mere let me give you a hug. No one here is saying the story is bad, or at least I'm not. The story is good, i'm enjoying it and I'm looking forward to it's continuation not just it's conclusion.

So no I'm not asking you to rush to the ending that's pretty much the opposite of what i'm asking for. I want you to get to the ending in your own time and in your own way because I like the way you write.

No I didn't know the were at the side. Though in my defense I do mostly read on my mobile and that doesn't have the side-menus.

sr71pltsr71pltover 8 years agoAuthor
Yes, the Readers WERE told

1. This note is on the top of chapter one: "Note that this GM novel is completed and will post in twelve chapters by the middle of February 2016." So, yes the readers have been told it's in 12 parts. And they've been told it will be completed and by when it will be completed.

2. There's a block at the lower right of every page of the story entitled " for This Story." The first tag for this story, given on every page of the story, is "gay romance."

3. Brambleton comes into the story and becomes a focal point. Once again, this is only chapter three of a twelve-chapter story. Who puts all of the goodies in the first three chapters of a twelve-chapter story?

4. I'm beginning to wonder about the comprehension of the readers here.

mrjackbearmrjackbearover 8 years ago
12 part

You are the King if Gay Erotica. Always love your writing.

However I see nothing that says 12 part story nor Gay Romance.

Finally, the title is Brambleton but in 3 chapters I find no ratonal for

the title.

sr71pltsr71pltover 8 years agoAuthor
Did you Read the

The first tag for this story is "gay romance," so, yes, it will have a sweet ending. But this is a twelve-chapter story. A whole hell of a lot of dilemma should be in a twelve-chapter story before you get to the ending. Authors can't win here--readers call for both longer stories and "hurry up and give me a sweet ending." You can't have it both ways.

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