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Wife's cheating makes local news.
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Again, a thank you to blackrandl1958 for her editing skills.

"Fuck me... Fuck me good."

"Oh yeah. Oh yeah."

"Unnnh... Unnnh... Unnnh."

"Rrr... rrr... aarrgghh!"

The extreme tingle the man felt in his groin as he released blast after blast of cum into the small woman underneath him quickly morphed into a searing pain in his chest. He screamed as confusion reigned supreme inside his brain. A 6-3, 245-pound hulk of a man was supposed to be 10-feet tall and bulletproof, not in terrible pain, he thought, his last thought as he collapsed dead on the woman.

"Hey, that hurt, you big idiot!" she yelled as she tried to get him to move.

"That wasn't funny, Fred, and you lasted like maybe 10 minutes.

"Fred? Freeeeeedddd!"

Penelope Mattern's lover, 29-year-old Fred Desmond, lay lifeless, heavy on her body, one of her arms trapped underneath him. She tried mightily to wriggle out from under his bulk, but he was too big for her, especially since he was literally dead weight.

She tried to reach with her free arm for her cellphone, but her reach was too short to get the device. She started to sob from both fear and frustration. It was obvious to her that today was not going to end well.

Three hours later, much of Penny's body was half-numb when she heard the home's back door open and her children enter. She called down to them to call 9-1-1 and not come up to the second floor.

"Should we call Dad, too?" her 15-year-old daughter questioned.

"No! NO!" Penny yelled back quickly. "Just call 9-1-1 and wait for them downstairs."

Paramedics got to the house five minutes later. After checking to make sure the children were okay, they headed up the stairs to find Penny and her dead lover. Penny looked guiltier than a child caught with his hand in the proverbial cookie jar. The paramedics exchanged quick smirks with each other, Penny noticed.

"You probably don't believe this, but this isn't the first time we've seen this, ma'am," said the older of the two paramedics. "Apparently situations like this are very stressful, and heart attacks have been known to happen."

"Yeah, but he was only 29," Penny said barely above a whisper.

"Then the autopsy should tell the coroner something interesting," the younger paramedic said.

Both paramedics gasped when they turned the body over. Fred Desmond was the handsome evening news anchor at the Lansing, MI, CBS affiliate. His star was rising rapidly, and it was known in some circles that he was going to move up to a major-market anchor chair in the near future.

After the paramedics got the dead man on a gurney and covered, they checked over Penny, since she had been lying underneath the man's weight for more than two hours. She seemed to be in good condition physically, although they encouraged her to see a mental health specialist.

"Lying under a dead body is the least of my problems," she said shamefacedly.

Penny had barely put on a fluffy bathrobe when her husband, Dan, burst into the room, panting from having rushed up the stairs.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" he yelled at his wife as she backpedaled away from him.

Both paramedics stood in front of the woman.

"Uh, Mr. Mattern, this might not be the best time and place to do this. Your kids are right downstairs," said the older paramedic.

Dan rolled his eyes. His breathing was erratic, and the two paramedics knew it was not from running up the stairs.

"In our own bed, Penny? Can this get any worse?"

"Look, Mr. Mattern, we can have the police here in a few minutes if we feel your wife needs protection from you," the older paramedic said.

"I'm not going to hit her, although Lord knows she deserves it," Dan said.

Both paramedics nodded agreement. Penny caught the nods.

"Did the kids call you?" Penny asked as the paramedics carried the dead body out of the house.

"No. I've spoken to them and you told them not to call me. Great. Perfect. Asking the kids to cover for you. You suck, you know that?

"No, Janet from down the block called me from work when the ambulance got here," Dan said. "I imagine the whole neighborhood already knows what went down."

Because the call went out over the police scanner, every news organization in Lansing knew about Fred Desmond's death within a half-hour. There was debate in those newsrooms about whether to downplay the death as a professional courtesy or to play up the death because of Desmond's prominence in the Lansing community.

Larry Richards recognized the address of the paramedic call immediately when he was told about Fred Desmond's death. It was the home address of his lover, Penny Mattern. He knew immediately what that meant. He was shocked and hurt. He and Penny had been having an affair for slightly over a year. He didn't hesitate to text the woman, "WTF?"

Penny saw the message pop up on her phone, but she had more important things to worry about at that moment.

Larry had been the anchor at Lansing's NBC affiliate for six years. He was well-respected in the community, although he didn't have the juice behind his career that his CBS rival had. He most certainly enjoyed fucking Penny, and was shocked and enraged that she had apparently been doing his rival as well.

Larry knew the station's news crew would be debating how to handle Desmond's death. He called over to the news editor and voiced his opinion: go after the story hard. The news editor was the only person at the station who knew Larry was fucking Penny Mattern. He was not surprised at Larry's opinion. He agreed with it. Those fuckers at CBS were going to be held up to big ridicule. The fact that they had better ratings than his crew was only a part of his decision. Yeah, right, he admitted to himself.

Penny herself had some prominence in the Lansing community, being the executive director of the city's highly-respected arts guild. Two prominent individuals in the community was a no-brainer as far as news coverage was concerned, the news editor noted to himself.

"Get your ass dressed, get downstairs and figure out some way to explain to our children what happened and they're going to be spending the next few days with your parents," Dan said. "Don't be too graphic, but don't try to minimize your mistake. The kids are old enough to understand that you fucked up big time. I'll be listening.

"Call your parents and tell them next. And you might as well tell them the unvarnished truth, because it's going to be on the evening news tonight, I'm guessing."

Penny's green eyes got wide as silver dollars. She hadn't considered the news angle to this story.

In Dan's presence, Penny explained to the couple's children that she had been unfaithful to their father... in the couple's own bed earlier in the day. The man she cheated with was popular news anchor Fred Desmond, and for some unknown reason Desmond had died while they were having sex.

"You mean you killed him with sex, Mom?" the couple's daughter, Ellie, asked in all sincerity. "Wow."

Penny blushed profusely. Dan grimaced and walked into the family room.

Dan waited until Penny and the kids left for her parents' house. He figured in 40 minutes for the round trip, plus another 20 minutes for some discussion with her parents would give him an hour to get some important things done, like lining up a good attorney and separating finances. In his mind, divorce was a given.

Everybody knows somebody who has been divorced. Dan actually knew several, one of whom was a good friend at the national telecommunications firm at which Dan worked. He made that call, among several.

Penny was back about 90 minutes later, looking like someone had punched her in the stomach numerous times. Dan guessed that the discussion with Penny's parents didn't go well. He knew the Fitzmorrises were conservative people and were probably more than a little upset with their daughter's infidelity and how it was about to become public.

Penny flopped down on the sofa opposite's Dan's La-Z-Boy. Upon closer look, he could see she had been crying heavily.

"That went about as well as could be expected, if I expected a shit sandwich served on fire," she moaned. "I suppose I deserved that."

Dan looked impassively at his wife. She took that as her cue to continue.

"I'm sorry, Dan. I'm really sorry," she said. "I'm sorry for the cheating, sorry for hurting you and sorry for blowing up our family in the most public way possible. You have to know that going public was never in my plans... NEVER. I have no idea what happened today. He was only 29."

Penny started sobbing into her hands. Dan never moved from his chair. She cried for several minutes before looking up and seeing blanks in Dan's eyes. It was a look she had never seen from her loving husband before.

"How long was it going on before you fucked him to death?" Dan said calmly.

Penny harrumphed.

"I did not fuck him to death!" she said harshly. "I guess we've been together for about three months."

"Been together. That's a great term. Makes it sound almost loving. Makes it sound so innocent. I still prefer fucking. It says exactly what it means," Dan said.

"He interviewed me for a story," she added. "We flirted, both of us. He was a big, handsome guy, a former college football player who kept himself in shape. We met for a few lunches, and one thing led to another. H-he was very good in bed."

"Good to know," Dan responded. "Did you always fuck him in our bed?"

She dropped her eyes.

"I suppose you know he was married and had two young kids. These will be wonderful memories you and he have left for them," Dan rasped.

"I don't want a divorce, Dan. Please. I'll do whatever you want. Counseling if you want. Please," she whined.

"And I care about what you want; why?" Dan snarked. "You had a three-month affair with that prick. You fucked him in our bed. He died in our bed! That's probably going to be all over the news tonight. Damn, woman! The kids and I will be getting ridiculed forever because you couldn't keep your damn legs closed."

Fred Desmond's death from an apparent heart attack while in bed with a woman not his wife led the news on three of the four main television stations in Lansing. Desmond's own station just made note of the fact that the 29-year-old died from an apparent heart attack.

Dan moved into the guest room that night. He would never sleep in that bed again.

Penny was fired from her job because of the negative publicity surrounding her affair with Desmond and his subsequent death. She knew the board had no other options if they wanted to keep their funding.

In addition, her longtime lover, Larry Richards, called her to end their relationship, calling her every invective he could think of to impugn her integrity, among other things.

"You goddamn slut! How many other guys were fucking your skank-ass pussy! We're done, bitch!" was just one of the things he said during the five-minute call.

Penny didn't say too much during the call.

She was served the next week at her job. Dan had asked for full custody of his children, and had written requests from them to stay with their father. He told the judge that while he could afford to pay the mortgage on the house, he and his children would be moving in the future, due to what he anticipated would be an overwhelming negative reaction from the public.

Penny seemed despondent when she got home that night, but neither her husband nor her children tried to cheer her. They had been getting ridiculed every day since the news broadcast of Desmond's death.

With everything going on in her life, Penny didn't pay too much attention to the fact that she missed her next period. By the next time it happened, she was also experiencing nausea and knew she was pregnant. A home test confirmed it.

"Do you really hate me that much, God?" she said out loud to herself in the confines of the bathroom.

She waited until the family was eating dinner before she told them about her pregnancy. She cringed when Dan choked on the food in his mouth when she made her announcement. She knew he was thinking that the baby could be his, and he would probably have to stay married to her if that was the case. She would consider that a windfall, but Dan certainly would not.

"I don't believe for a minute that child's mine. We'll get the DNA test next month," Dan said as Penny's hopeful expression disappeared.

"Y-you don't trust me?" she asked incredulously.

"Have you shown me I can trust you any time recently?" he dished back.

Fred Desmond's widow was not happy when Dan Mattern's attorney called requesting some DNA from her late husband to match against the baby Penny was carrying. The attorney explained to Mrs. Desmond that if the child was indeed Fred's, his estate would have to pay something for child support. Dan Mattern was adamant that he would not pay support for another man's child. Maggie Desmond totally understood where Dan was coming from, but she still didn't have to be happy about that.

"Stupid fucking bitch!" she thought to herself.

The testing was done at the three-month mark. Much to everyone's surprise, neither Dan nor the late Fred was a DNA match.

"Really, Penny?" Dan screamed at her when the test results came back. "How many guys were you cheating on me with, you slut?"

Penny's attorney had to get a subpoena before Larry Richards would give what turned out to be the matching sample of his DNA. Needless to say, Mrs. Larry Richards was not exactly overjoyed to find out her husband was fucking Lansing's number one slut, and would be paying for the privilege for the next 18 years or so.

Penny's pregnancy by Larry made Dan's request for being the custodial parent of his two kids a slam dunk.

"I know I've sort of asked this before, but how long was this affair going on, Penny?" Dan asked one evening while the two were working out some details of splitting assets.

On cue, Penny blushed and apologized again.

"What else is new?" Dan thought to himself.

"Larry and I were... lovers for over a year. We would get together once or twice every two weeks or so. You know, since I only worked part time, it was always fairly easy to get away during the day. You worked all day long and you always trusted me, completely... I so abused your trust, Dan. I'm so sorry," Penny said.

"But not sorry enough to stop, or not take on a second lover. Geez, Penny, two lovers. Am I that bad in bed that you had to take on two?" Dan said.

Penny could see the pain in Dan's eyes. She was well aware that she was the cause of that.

"You're a great lover, Dan," she responded. "This had nothing to do with you, and everything to do with me... my weakness. I found Larry engaging, and that led to my sleeping with him. And, honestly, the sex was very good. But it was just... recreational, fun. It had nothing to do with love. And in my mind, I was able to separate it from what you and I had. After the first few times, I stopped feeling guilty, because I never took anything from you. I was always there for you, whenever you wanted..."

"Does that mean you gave me sloppy seconds sometimes?" Dan blurted out, suddenly feeling queasy.

Penny hesitated and looked away. She didn't have to answer. Dan jumped up from his chair, ran into the bathroom and threw up violently. Penny followed him, stopping in the doorway.

"Does that mean that sometimes I ate cum out of your pussy?" he said in between heaves.

"Maybe... a little," Penny rasped. "But I always cleaned myself up as good as I could before you came home, and I never forced anything on you. It was always when you were insistent. I told you I never turned you down."

Dan heaved again into the stool. When she was pretty sure he was done, Penny handed him a wet washcloth.

As he cleaned himself up, Dan wondered how his life could have veered so far to this current course. He met Penny at a party at Michigan State when both were juniors. She was a munchkin of a girl with small, pert boobs, long blond hair and vibrant green eyes. He was a tall, thin math geek who had curly brown hair and an easy smile. Both had a modicum of sexual experience before meeting.

One date eventually turned into a marriage. The pair was compatible in every way, especially sexually. Especially before the children were born, nothing seemed to be off the table sexually for them. Penny seemed to have a large sexual appetite, and Dan made it his mission in life to try to give her everything she wanted.

Sex slowed down and got tamer as the marriage progressed and the kids grew. To keep things "fun" though, the pair made sure to have a special date night once every month.

Dan thought hard about his marriage for the past couple of years. Did he miss Penny indicating that she needed more sex? Could she truly love him, yet engage in not one, but two affairs? How could she think of that as acceptable, separate from their marriage? It was a lot to think about, but it wouldn't change anything. An 18-year marriage had become another statistic.

Dan's children completely understood their father's desire to move to another town. Their fellow classmates were pretty brutal in their comments in the final weeks before the school year ended. Social media sites were also unkind, and had given their mother the unflattering, but maybe accurate, nickname of "Sexkiller MILF."

Although his children protested, Dan had them take several sessions with a psychologist that his attorney recommended. For different reasons, both of his children liked the 30-something Dr. Charlotte Puhakka.

"She's pretty cool for a type of shrink," his daughter commented.

"And she's not too bad to look at either, Dad," his now-teenaged son opined while waggling his eyebrows.

"I'm paying good money for you to talk to her, not drool over her," Dan said to his son.

Dan had just dropped off his kids for their first session, so he didn't actually meet Dr. Puhakka until their second session. He had to admit his son was a good judge of beauty. Dr. Puhakka seemed to be of Scandinavian descent with her long blonde hair, deep blue eyes, alabaster skin and long legs. Thor himself would have liked the looks of the good doctor, Dan thought.

Dan and the psychologist had their own meeting for a few minutes after the session with the children. He agreed with her assessment that he, too, could use several sessions. He knew he had severe trust issues, and wasn't sure if he could ever overcome them.

Dan attended 12 sessions, the same number as his kids. He hoped that the resiliency of youth would enable his children to overcome any problems they had much faster than he would get past his. He expressed that thought to the psychologist, who told him he could continue to see her as he thought he needed.

"But then we won't be able to date if I'm a patient of yours," he said with a smirk.

"While that would be true, you are making quite an assumption," the doctor said, her manner not unfriendly.

Dan didn't rush into the dating scene, not with Dr. Puhakka or anybody else, despite the fact that several women acquaintances let him know of their interest.

Even with alimony from Dan, half of the couple's assets, her half of the proceeds from the sale of the house and child support, Penny needed to find at least a part-time job after the birth of her second son to be able to support herself. She, too, moved out of town, but she made sure to stay out of the town in which the rest of her family was now living. She also took back her maiden name and started using her full formal name, going by the moniker of Penelope Rhoads.

She was proud of the fact that she had kept her weight down during the pregnancy and was soon back to her pre-pregnancy weight. Still, she also didn't hit the dating scene although she had plenty of chances. Some came from men who recognized her as Sexkiller MILF despite the fact that she colored her hair brunette, and told her they would be up for the challenge of a roll in the hay with her. She broke into tears the first time it happened and ran away from the man the second time.


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