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Breeding Seasons

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Boys should be careful wandering the world beyond the walls.
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A.N. Hey guys, DO NOT WORRY! This story is not going to hinder my progress on updating Something Better. Chapter 3 of that will come very soon :) In the meantime though I figured that I'd upload this here while we're waiting for it.

The following Contains: Dominant Dickgirls fucking Bottom boys. Some of which will be more effeminate than others, a.k.a. Femboys. (Femboi? I don't know which way to spell it xD) The species of both will most likely vary between sections. But for this first chapter we're starting off with an Anthro Wolf Dickgirl on a Human boy. It will also start as non-consent, but will not be entirely rape. If you've read my work before, you know that I'm more of a fan of reluctance at first, and then slowly being coaxed into being a willing fuck toy, rather than just raperaperape. So I guess the best way to label it would be non-consent to consent. If you have a problem with any of this type of content, steer yourself clear. You have been warned. :D

This story takes place in a fantasy world btw not modern day, so expect swords and arrows and shit lol.

(While the first fuck involves an anthro she-wolf, the other creatures that are introduced will be more fantasy-esque. Ex: Nagas, Mermaids, Driders etc. The bottom line is they all will have dicks and will be using them to fuck boys lol, there will also be just human sex as well but for the most part lots of fantasy monsters will be seen)

This story also gets into the action much quicker than my Something Better story which is more build up focused. So if you've been waiting for the third chapter to see Gabbi fuck Casey's brains out, this is to tide you over until then x).

Anyways I hope you guys enjoy, and if you like this story enough there will be more chapters to come! With more magnificent creatures toting raging boners looking for a tight hole to stuff them into. x), on to the show!

Chapter 1: Jessie, Part 1- A Wolf In The Woods


Jessie shivered as a particularly harsh gust of cold wind smacked him in the face. Turns out Jaime was right about the lower temperatures beyond the North wall, much brisker than anything he was accommodated to. "Lucky jerk..." The boy mumbled to himself, long strands of his shoulder length brown hair whipping him in the face forcing him to blink rapidly. "He's probably sipping wine on a beach somewhere by now. And here I am." His slim hands clutched the sides of his worn tunic closer, the minimal warmth it provided the only comfort for him right now.

Only two nights ago he and several of his friends were still locked in a dark cell, chained to the walls around them and about to be sold off to the highest bidders in the slave market. Jessie couldn't recall how long he had been living under that Gods awful roof with his 'Holder.' A person who deals with the lives of others in slavery trading and selling. And his just happened to be a slimy old man with a withered leg and only a few stray lifeless hairs hanging from his wrinkled dome. He was also well known around for trafficking in young boys and had been doing so for the majority of his life. Apparently, he loved to partake in the testing of his merchandise back in his youth, but thankfully in his old age, he was unable to maintain an erection long enough to do anything with it anymore on Jessie or the others. So now he settled with selling the boys he had so that others could either put them to work or use them in ways he wished he could.

For years Jessie and a few other boys with him had been forced to do work around his plantation, they were always kept in chains since one Holder couldn't watch seven boys all working at once. And evidently, the business was booming in the slave trade because that Holder lived on a very large plot of land. Where he made them keep it held together with work while he ate, drank, and shit his way to an old decrepit state of mind and body. And that was Jessie's chance for freedom.

He and eight others had managed to escape after his other friend Arry lifted the key to their shackles off of the Holder while cleaning his desk. Thankfully the old man's eyesight was so far gone he had to hold the scrolls so close to his face just to make out the words of the next shipment and trade deals. That was their chance and they took it.

The land of Gret, better known as 'the rich man's slums' and the poorest of the ten Kingdoms was now miles behind him. Since that night when they were shunted back into their sad squat in the basement cells, Arry revealed he had snatched the key without the Holder even noticing all day. Thank the Gods his mind seemed to become weaker with each passing day.

So after they were sure he was unconscious in his chambers, they freed themselves from their cage and quickly moved to raid and escape the house. Many of them stealing his riches, statuettes of young naked males like themselves adorned many of his shelves and cabinets, all either gilded or crafted from pure silver and gold. His purses and satchels filled with coin and valuables they could sell off and make a living elsewhere. Jessie however, focused more on raiding his pantry for food and drinking water, he didn't care about his riches, all he wanted was enough supplies to get him as far away from here as possible. Although he did make sure to pocket some spending money just in case.

Jessie, Arry, Jaime, Ashley, Taylor, Clare, Gale, Kimberly, and Nysa all fled the house that night long before the sun came up. Each one toting fresh clothes and bags loaded up with coinage and consumables for their trip. But where were they going to go exactly?

Well, that's how Jessie ended up on his own. It was technically illegal to cross the borders between Kingdoms without some form of a decree by whoever held the most power in that sector. Whether it be a King, a Chieftain, or whoever commanded the largest clan. Otherwise slipping through the walls was a crime punishable by death in some regions. This was a law set hundreds of years ago by the Ten rulers of the Old Age, the reason why? Nobody truly knows exactly aside from idle speculation and minor excuses like 'to keep bloodlines between races pure' or, the rumored 'ancient war between breeds' but again. No one knew for sure.

But staying in this shit hole of a Kingdom was definitely not going to happen to this group of Ex-slaves, and they knew the stories of how the walls were only manned in a select few areas while the rest went unguarded. So each gave their piece on which direction they should go, when it became obvious they couldn't agree on which Kingdom to go to, they decided to part ways. It was Jaime's idea to go south instead of north as he said they could handle the warmer weather better.

"Damn it..." Jessie grunted silently wishing that he had listened to him as it was a bit colder up here than he thought it would be, practically half his logic for coming up here was because he preferred the cooler seasons. "Oh well, I can handle the cold better than I can handle the heat." He said squinting his brown eyes to try to see a bit further ahead. It got dark much quicker the further North he went, and the only light he had now was the full moon and stars above. Jessie was the only one to choose to head towards the Northern lands of Woatwul, 'The claws of the world.' "Shouldn't I be there by no-OW!" He yelped as he accidentally stubbed his foot on a rock jutting out from the dirt. "DAMN IT!" He hopped for a few seconds as his toes throbbed, one thing he did not manage to grab from the Holders house was shoes. None of the boys were allowed shoes since they could be used obviously for fighting with. So all he had was his bare dirty feet to trudge forward on and now he felt as if he just stuck it into the point of a blade.

Angrily he threw his satchels and canteen down then plopped onto his tush into the cool dirt, where he crossed his leg into his lap and began to delicately rub the aching area. It had been a rough few days for him, after he made it up North far enough and found the wall, he had to walk along it stealthily for hours until he found a crack large enough for him to slip his petite body through. Thankfully Jessie was very small, one of the shortest in his group, but only by a few inches being about 5'2, so he was able to squeeze through the opening with relative ease. Gret was such a cheap community as most of the riches came from the slave trade, and for obvious reasons, the Holders didn't exactly share their wealth for the betterment of the Kingdom. Which is why so many spots in the wall had weakened over time and not been patched.

But after he crawled through, what came next was a very long hard hike before he made it to his destination. Over a hundred miles of minor villages, fields, and plenty of thick forests before he made it to the Woatwul wall gate. Long story short, Jessie was exhausted.

While he rubbed his feet he couldn't help but notice the cuts on his ankles and wrists where the shackles from before had dug into him; the result of struggling too much against the chains. They hadn't been properly cleaned or bandaged for several days now, so infection was another thing he had to worry about.

He heaved a sigh, "I just have to get to Woatwul if it's everything the stories say it is they'll have everything I need there." Woatwul was rumored to be home to several different species of 'animal people' where their bodies were human like but covered in fur like beasts. The best of both species, intuition, and intelligence of the human race, but the instincts and attributes of animals. Rumor has it that they are secretly more advanced than even the High Fortress of the human kingdom. Jessie had never seen it, but it sounded wonderful, like the perfect place to start a new life. Unfortunately, he must've either taken a wrong turn or misjudged the distance that he had actually traveled because there was no new wall or city in sight. "I can make it, I know I can. I've been through worse than this." He encouraged himself speaking aloud. as far as he knew no one was around to hear his soft voice.

As far as he knew...

What he did know however was that at this particular moment, his stomach growled. He actually jumped at the sound of it, being hungry was something you get use to when you live as a slave to an old man who likes to watch you beg for your share of supper. But Jessie had been so preoccupied with traveling as fast and as far as possible that he had completely ignored the fact that his tummy was whining. When was the last time he had eaten?

"Two days ago? No more than that...three days?" He realized as his hand came to rest on his empty belly. The rumble could be felt through his worn shirt and tunic together. "Well, I suppose I could just rest here for the night. I'll have better luck finding the city in the daylight anyways." He concluded glancing over his dark surroundings. If he scooted a bit further back he could nestle under a tall tree and just bundle up for the night. It'd be cold, but he didn't have the materials to make a fire, and he certainly didn't feel like hunting through the forest looking for the appropriate twigs and tinder. Besides, he was only good at starting fires in a hearth, not the wilderness.

He shrugged, what else was there for him to do? So not getting up from the ground, Jessie scooted backward on his rear end until he felt the bark of the tree touch his back. Definitely not the most comfortable of places to sleep, but in comparison to a cold stone cellar, this tree might as well have been a luxurious feather bed. His hands then began fishing around inside the two full satchels he'd been lugging with him this whole way in search of something to eat.

Tugging out a bright red apple, Jessie immediately sank his teeth into the hard exterior savoring both the sweet juicy taste and the audible crisp crunch. It had been so long since he'd enjoyed fresh fruit, he and his cellmates were living off of bread and water for who knows how long. "Mmmm..." A quiet moan vibrated in his throat while he chewed, quickly going for another bite before even swallowing his first. It might be a very brisk temperature out here and his toe was still throbbing a bit, but in this moment Jessie was happier than he had ever been in that damn Holders house.

It felt good to finally be free.

He shifted again to try and find a more comfortable position, his tunic riding up in the process exposing the ratty undergarments barely covering his pale bottom. Another cool breeze just so happened to be passing by at this moment and lightly kissed the boys skin.

Jessie jumped at the sudden shock of the cold and let out a tiny squeak, quickly moving to cover himself back up. Goosebumps arose on his legs quickly spreading up his body, he and his cellmates were only allowed small clothing to cover their upper chests and lower regions, maybe at one time the clothes were pure white but now after seeing so much use they were dirty and flimsy. New garments were definitely on his list of things to get when he arrived at Woatwul. "But that's another job for tomorrow." He thought taking another bite.

If only he knew he would be arriving at Woatwul, but he wasn't going to be getting new clothing anytime soon.

A few yards back hiding behind a neighboring tree, someone was watching the small human boy. Two eyes glowed brightly in the dark, staring hungrily at her prey. She had been pursuing this target for about a mile now, anticipation making her want to pounce every second but she managed to hold back on her instincts. This season was particularly difficult for her and her tribe, it had been sooooo long since they had the means to satiate the curse of hunger within them. But now that he was settling in, unsuspecting, and vulnerable, it was time to make her move.

Plus that single glance at the human's cute heart shaped ass was more than enough to cause her she-cock to press up beneath the loincloth and begin steadily throbbing.

"You're all mine..." She whispered hunching over and licking her lips.

Suddenly Jessie's world was spinning, in the blink of an eye, a heavy mass smacked into his side sending him whirling until he landed face down prone in the dirt. His satchels and half eaten apple flying away from his possession and thudding to the ground, their contents spilling out around him. "Wh-Wha..?" He was dazed from the force of the hit, but before he could get a grasp on what exactly had happened a weight was then dropped onto his back, which he managed to decipher that it was indeed a humanoid form as two hands grabbed hold of his wrists pinning them to the earth on both sides of his head and a pair of legs hooked around his own keeping them splayed out and down. Becoming aware that there was somebody attacking him Jessie finally caught his second wind and started to struggle. "Hey! Hey! Let me go!"

He tried to kick his legs and wring his arms free, but whoever it was holding him down was much stronger than him, bigger too, their own legs reached far passed his own seeming to make them much taller. The wrestling caused his tunic to ride up revealing his underwear again and allowing the person to settle onto the exposed skin of his back. That's when Jessie realized something as he continued fighting to break free, the legs straddling his lower back just above his buttocks and wrapped around his own bare limbs didn't feel like normal human legs. Not clothed or bare, they almost felt...furry. In fact, the hands felt fuzzy too, and each finger felt like they were pricking him lightly. Like each one had a tiny claw...

A low sultry giggle suddenly sang out into the cool night air. "Mmmm that's right, squirm for me..."

Jessie tried to turn his head out of the dirt to get a better look at the face of his attacker, whom he now knew was a woman. But she was most certainly not an ordinary human woman. Finally, he realized he was in the claws of the world territory, for out of the corner of his eye he was able to look at the first She-wolf he had ever seen. Her fur was pitch black, all along her arms, legs and even at the top of her head where hair seemed to cascade down over her pointed ears. It, just like the rest of her was a dark ink black color. She almost perfectly blended in with the darkness of night. Covering her breasts was what seemed to be a wrap of simple white rags not that different from Jessie's own garbs beneath his tunic, and down at her waist was a loin cloth sitting just below a bushy tail on her lower back. Strangely enough, her face didn't have as much of a muzzle as Jessie thought they would have. It looked more human rather than dog like, but the eyes that glowed down on her captured prey with fiendish delight were much like an actual wolf as it's victim stammered below her.

"You''re wolf folk?" He asked practically answering his own question. The she-wolf's smirk seemed to grow as she nodded slowly in response. "I don't want any trouble I swear!" Jessie shook his head, his cheek still pressed into the ground. "I'm just looking for a new home, please!"

Another sultry chuckle came out of hiss assailants chest, "Oh? A new home huh?" Her voice was alto, mature, womanly. "I think I have the perfect place in mind for a cute little boy like you..." She then dipped her head low and buried it into the crook of Jessie's neck, inhaling the boy's scent deeply. He actually gasped at the sudden odd sensation, her fur felt silky smooth against him and glided along the very sensitive area on his neck. She drew in several gulps of his smell before her tongue suddenly lapped out and began to taste her catch. That caused Jessie to jump, her tongue was warm and left a moist trail where it touched. He could feel his pulse begin to quicken the more she licked. "You taste even better than you smell." She said in between quick taste tests of her soon-to-be play toy.

"Why is she doing this? Is it a breeding season or something?" The trapped teen's mind was warped with confusion. Why did she attack and tackle him, only to start molesting him? Did she want to eat him? Mustering up the will to speak he managed to ask, "Wh-what are you doing?" She ignored him as her licks evolved into light nips, her pointed teeth beginning to nibble on his vulnerable neck drawing out another shaky gasp from the boy. There were definitely going to be some marks there tomorrow as she began to bite down hard enough to make Jessie squirm a bit more, but not hard enough to be painful. His hands opened and closed as the warm feeling began to spread up and down his body all the way to the tips of his toes. If he had to be mugged out in the wilderness, he had to admit that this was probably the best way it could happen. A beautiful busty wolf girl tackling him and having her way with him, Jessie had never been around girls much except very early on in his childhood. But as for encounters with women, this was his first. And he was liking it. Still shocked and confused, but liking it. "I...I..." He tried to speak but couldn't get any other words out, his mind hazy and weak, and his face starting to heat up and blush.

Apparently, she was enjoying this too as she began to let out quiet groans against his flesh and lowered her body down to press up against his. The weight of her breasts squishing into his back, involuntarily this caused Jessie to let out a light moan, feeling her against him was getting him extremely excited. He could feel his boyhood starting to strain against his undergarments.

The she-wolf then ground her hips down into Jessie's barely covered butt. The loin cloth she wore bared an odd large bulge, threatening to rip the fabric, and it slid right up against his pliable ass cheek.

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