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Brian Meets His Busty Match Ch. 03

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A wild finish to Brian's growing power over three women.
8.8k words

Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/17/2023
Created 05/04/2023
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A quick note: My stories aren't for everyone. If you don't like very petite -- or sizable -- women with really huge breasts, mother-son and mother-daughter incest (or the use of the word "mommy" in a sexual context), totally unrealistic scenarios, they might not be for you. If you like those things, great! But I can't stress this enough: These scenarios are not meant to be realistic. At all. They exist in a fantasy world. If that, or anything else I've mentioned, is not your thing, go elsewhere. If it is, please vote and leave a comment! Thanks. (All characters are over 18 years old.)

(One more note: I believe this is my longest chapter yet, and probably the last one for a while. Hope you enjoy it!)


Rachel and her mother stood at the door of the Pepper household. They had rung the bell and knocked on the door, but had been waiting for a few minutes with no response.

"This is getting ridiculous -- they know we're coming today," Ms. Stockton said. She tried the door and it was unlocked.

"Mommy, I don't know if that's a good idea," Rachel said. She was nervous and held her mother's hand like a girl going trick or treating for the first time.

"Don't worry, sweetheart, it's fine," Ms. Stockton said, looking down at her incredibly petite, gorgeous 18-year-old daughter, whom she towered over. Despite the fact that it was a balmy 80 degrees, they both wore long coats that hid their entire bodies.

Ms. Stockton opened the door and they entered. It was a classically upper-middle class home. "Hello?" Ms. Stockton said. No response. They moved through the tasteful living room and back toward the den. It was then they heard it: grunting. A rhythmic, animalistic noise that could only mean one thing.

They turned the corner into the kitchen and both mother and daughter gasped at the sight: Ms. Pepper was lying on her back on a couch, her legs and heel-clad feet high in the air, as Brian laid on top, thrusting his cock into her. Ms. Pepper was so much bigger than her son that his body lay flat on hers, his legs angled straight back, his face buried in her massive bosom.

"Fuck Mommy, baby!" Ms. Pepper yelled. "Pump your cum into me."

Their bodies were literally dripping with sweat; they had clearly been going at it for a while. Brian's grunts were muffled by the two giant breasts on either side of his head. Brian's cock, when it emerged momentarily from his mother's glistening, swollen pussy, was purple and visibly throbbing. They had still not noticed Rachel or her mother. They were in their own glorious world, rutting like animals. Brian's grunts intensified.

"Oh fuck, Mommy! I'm going to cum! I'm going to flood your pussy with my cum! Tell me how good I am at fucking!"

"Mommy loves you too, sweetie! You're such an amazing lover, baby! Mommy has had so many orgasms -- now it's your turn! Mommy is your plaything! Mommy's body is only good for fucking you!" She was chanting phrases she knew would entice Brian to cum as hard as he had ever cum. "Mommy is a stupid bimbo slut for you! Mommy is your personal fucktoy!"


He roared and his whole body strained as he ejaculated inside his very own mother's vagina, just as he had multiple times a day for the last few weeks. After a full minute of cumming -- a frothy mix of his cum and his mother's juices dripped from her cunt -- he collapsed onto her, his cock still buried deep within it.

"Pull out, baby," she said. He reluctantly withdrew his cock -- still rock-hard -- from her pussy. She scooted his body up so their faces were aligned and kissed him deeply.

"Good job, sweetheart!" she said, cradling his face in her hands. "You did such a good job of fucking Mommy. You're such a little fuck-stud. Mommy is so lucky and she loves you so much." They made out as she wrapped her strong, thick legs around his small but muscular body, pulling him into her.

Not knowing what else to do, Ms. Stockton coughed.

Brian and his mother turned and saw the two women staring at their sweaty bodies.

"Oh goodness!" Brian's mother said. "How long have you been standing there?!"

"A few minutes," Ms. Stockton said. "We, uh, didn't want to disturb you. That was... amazing."

Suddenly, Rachel burst out into tears, turned, and ran out of the room, up the stairs and into Brian's bedroom -- where they had fucked numerous times.

Ms. Pepper and Ms. Stockton exchanged "what's going on?" looks.

"Sweetie, you better go see what's wrong," Brian's mother said to him. He looked down at her, squeezed both of her massive breasts and kissed her, hard, their tongues swirling in their mouths.

"Did I do a good job fucking you, Mommy?" Like Rachel, part of his hypersexuality was a desperate need for sexual affirmation.

"You were amazing, sweetheart." She reached down and gently squeezed his turgid penis. "Now go see what's going on with your girlfriend."

Brian ran up the stairs, his large cock bouncing up and down. Ms. Stockton sat down next to Ms. Pepper, and began to grope her enormous breasts. "Teenagers," she said.


Upstairs, Brian found Rachel in his room. She was still in her long coat, sitting on his bed, holding her head in her hand, crying.

Brian, completely naked, sat down next to her.

"What's wrong, Rachel? Are you angry at me?"

Through sniffles, Rachel mumbled, "No, of course not. I'm just... Seeing you fuck your Mommy so hard like you were downstairs... I know you love her and that she's your Mommy and so sexy... But how can I compete with that? She's... incredible."

"Oh god, Rachel. I'm so sorry. It's not a competition, I promise. I love Mommy, and I... I love you too."

"You do?"

"I know we only met a month or so ago but... yes. I love being around you. And I LOVE fucking you. I think about it all the time."

"Then why you haven't fucked me in over a week!" Rachel said, wiping a tear from her face. "We were fucking multiple times a day. I just feel... inadequate. I know I'll never be as sexy as your mom."

"You're an amazing girlfriend! I mean, I had a crush on you forever before you agreed to be my girlfriend -- and now I can't believe that you are. Fucking you makes me so happy. Fucking you is an amazing experience."


"Of course! I'm really sorry we haven't fucked in a week. That was selfish of me. It's just that Mommy has been wearing me out. Six, seven times a day. I promise that I'll ration myself." He paused. "God that sounds weird."

"OK," said Rachel with a laugh. "I love you too." She had stopped crying and wiped her nose on the sleeve of her coat. She looked down and giggled. "You must be wondering why my Mommy and I are wearing these ridiculous coats. I'll show you..."

She got up and stood in front of Brian, then unbuttoned the coat and let it fall to the ground, revealing the tiniest babydoll lingerie with a built-in push-up bra. It was a deep red satin color and too small for her already incredibly petite body: her GG-cup tits were spilling out of the top, her nipples threatening to pop out at any moment. The bottom barely covered her little pussy. And around her neck, she wore a black choker with a tiny locket on it.

"Wow. You look... incredible," Brian said, his voice shaking and his cock hardening even more than it already was.

Rachel twisted her body slightly, like an ashamed schoolgirl, making her completely out-of-proportion breasts sway in front of Brian's face. She smiled and blushed.

"Thanks. We just wanted to make you happy. Do you like this?" she asked, stroking the choker.

"God, do I ever. It's incredibly sexy."

"The locket says 'Owned by Brian.' See?" She bent down to show him the inscription, but his eyes went straight to her massive cleavage -- her tits were bursting out of her lingerie.

She sat back down next to Brian and put her hand on his chest. "You and your Mommy both seem... more muscular. Bigger."

"Yeah, we've been working out a lot. We work out in the basement gym and Mommy insists on wearing the skimpiest outfits -- sports bras that are too tight, short-shorts, that sort of thing. We work out for about an hour, and at a certain point, we're both dripping with sweat and she just jumps me and -- sorry, I don't mean to rub it in, ut -- we fuck. Sometimes she pulls off her shorts and straddles me on a bench. I suckle on her breasts for a while and then she guides my cock inside of her. Other times, we... get more creative. Sorry, I don't mean to make you feel bad. I know you and I haven't fucked in too long. Trust me, you are the sexiest girl I've ever met."

She smiled, and instinctively reached out and started to jerk him off, his cock already lubricated with his mother's juices. "I love being sexy for you," she said quietly.

"I'm getting so horny, Rachel." He slowly reached out toward her. "Can I...?"

"Feel me up?" She said, suddenly perking up. "Of course!" She thrust out her huge bosom to give him easier access. "What did your Mommy say? I want to be a stupid bimbo slut for you! I want you to own and control my body. It's all for you." She reached and caressed his face as he slowly began to squeeze and caress her tits. "Do you really love me?" she moaned.

"I love you so much," he said, staring directly at her tits -- again amazed at the round, pillowy yet firm globes set high on her tiny torso. "And... I really want to fuck you. I'm sorry if I seem one-minded. I just can't help it when I'm around you."

"A But I told you," she said, stroking his cock with one hand and running a finger on the other up and down her pussy, which, thanks to her hiked-up babydoll, was now entirely visible. "You own my body. You can fuck me whenever you want."

He suddenly had a surge of confidence. He got up, his cock bouncing up and down, and settling just a few inches from her face. She knew what to do. Staring up at him, she said, "Do you want to put your big penis in my mouth?"

"Yes," he said. "I want to fuck your face, Rachel."

She smiled as if he had said the sweetest thing she had ever heard. She kissed his penis lightly on the head, then cupped her mouth into an O shape and ran her luscious lips along one side, then the other. Her skills were improving daily -- proof, no doubt, of practice that she and her mother were doing at home.

Suddenly, she plunged her mouth over the mass of his thick cock, startling Brian. She looked up into his eyes, and wiggled her mouth down around his penis until she was fully deep-throating him. He'd been deep-throated by his more sizable slut of a mother, but he didn't think it was possible with Rachel, given her petite size. And yet, his entire cock was buried in her mouth and throat.

"Holy shit, Rachel," Brian exclaimed. "That feels amazing."

Rachel could only moan, maintaining eye contact. She then withdrew his cock from her mouth, a string of saliva connected her plush lips with the tip of his throbbing cock. "Do you like that, sir?"

It was the first time she had called him "sir" and... he loved it. She was really embracing her bimbo-slut role. He decided to play along.

"I do, little mouth-whore. Are you going to keep sucking?"

"Yes sir," she said, as she again engulfed his cock with her mouth. This time, she moved her mouth up and down on his prick, dragging her tongue across it as she did. She used one hand to twist around the bottom of it, then managed to consume its entire length once again. The sensation was exquisite. With the other hand, she grabbed and squeezed one of her huge tits. He had already been staring at them -- from his vantage point, the view of her deep cleavage was astounding -- and wondered how long it would take for --

Sure enough, one huge tit popped out of the top of her babydoll, its heaviness and impressive forward projection evident from the way it bounced once freed.

"Whoops," she said with a giggle, before again going at his now purple and visibly swollen cock while she tweaked her little nipple.

"Uhhhhh..." Even though he had had one of the most intense orgasms of his life just minutes before, he felt his balls swelling with semen. Being around these incredibly beautiful, insanely busty women all the time had only increased the virility and desirous aspects of his hypersexuality -- and it so happened that he had access to two women who were always ready to be fucked, his increasingly thick, muscular and wildly top-heavy mother, and his tiny but incredibly stacked girlfriend. Who was, at the moment, giving him the blowjob of his life.

"Rachel... I..."

Rachel again looked up at him with pleading, innocent eyes, her mouth now moving quicker up and down his big penis. She moaned just as her other huge tit popped out of her too-small lingerie.

"Uhhhh, fuuuck... Rachel, you should probably..."

She pulled her face off his cock. "Suck harder? Yes sir! I promise I'll suck as hard as I can." With that, she plunged the prick deep into her mouth.

"No... I... UHHHHH.... FUCK, RACHEL... I..."

It was all too much. With a loud popping sound, his cock detached from his now-topless girlfriend's face and he began to ejaculate. The first few ropes criss-crossed her gorgeous, petite face -- "Ahhhh!" she yelped in surprise, though she had trained herself not to flinch when her face was being painted with her boyfriend's cum. He continued to spurt, coating her neck and tits. The ejaculate just kept coming, rope after rope of thick, hot cum. Soon, he finally slowed down -- but she was now coated from the waist up with his cum.

"Oh god, I'm so sorry, Rachel. I tried to warn you, but --"

"It's OK, Brian," she said, licking cum off her lips and wiping it from her eyes. "I love it when you glaze me like that."

"'I love it when you glaze me' -- certainly not words I expected to hear from my 18-year-old daughter." Brian and Rachel wheeled around to see their mothers standing at the doorway. Ms. Stockton had apparently shed her coat, and Ms. Pepper had gotten dressed -- sort of: Both were now wearing their massive, custom-made bras (sky blue in Ms. Stockton's case; black in Ms. Pepper's) and matching panties. Their arms were folded under their giant chests, pushing their epic tits up so they bulged out of their lacy containers.

"I'm sorry, Mommy," Rachel said, a worried look on her cum-covered face. "I just wanted to be a good fuckslut for Brian and, well..."

"It's OK, baby, Mommy's not mad. But it does look like you need to clean up," she said, tossing her daughter a towel.

"I'd say both of you need to clean up. Time for a shower," Brian's mother said. As he looked the two towering beauties up and down, Brian realized that once again, unbelievably, his cock was hardening.

After cleaning most, but not all, of the cum off her face, Rachel headed out of the bedroom; Brian followed, watching her bubble butt jiggle and her GG-cup tits, which he could see poking out from either side of her little torso, bounce obscenely. As he passed his mother -- his face right at the level of her, and Ms. Stockton's, gigantic, bra-encased tits -- she reached out and grabbed his cock.

"I can't believe this thing," she said, turning to Ms. Stockton.

"It really is something. Let's all head to the shower and see if we can take advantage."

Brian gulped.

The quartet gathered in the bathroom. The Peppers had a large shower encased entirely in glass; Brian had jerked off many times to the sight of his mother washing her incredibly curvy body through them.

Ms. Pepper turned on the water, while Ms. Stockton looked her daughter up and down.

"Sadly, I think that lingerie has seen its last days."

"That's OK," Rachel said perkily. "I only wore it to turn on Brian, and that obviously worked." She giggled and did that thing that drove Brian crazy where she twisted her body back and forth like a schoolgirl, making her huge tits sway back and forth. She pulled the babydoll up over her head, revealing her full, glorious naked body.

It never failed to astonish Brian: Her skin was smooth and youthful, and a slightly darker, more olive shade than her mother. Her facial features were delicate, framed by her light brown hair that cascaded in waves down to her shoulders; she reminded Brian a little of Natalie Portman -- from the neck up only, of course.

Below that slim neck, she had the petite, lithe body of a typical teenager -- except for her bubble butt and her truly amazing, extremely large GG-cup breasts.

That butt and chest jiggled as she entered the shower and let the water stream over her. Brian quickly followed.

She handed him a soapy loofah. "Will you clean my busty little body, Brian?"

He ran the loofah gently over her arms, her shoulders, her sides, down to her legs, then back up to her magnificent breasts. He cupped them and caressed them with the loofah. Then he moved it down her tummy to her cunt. As he began to tease it, she moaned and bent over in horniness, pushing out her large buttocks.

"Don't forget my butt, Brian," she said, clearly incredibly turned on.

Brian moved the loofah to her ass, worked first on the cheeks, then the little puckered star of her asshole, which he gave special attention to. She loved that.

She turned her head and looked back at him. "Brian, please fuck me. I want to service your big penis. Please use my body? I love it so much."

In one motion, he dropped the loofah, wheeled her around, then pinned her against the wall. Both of their mothers, who had been watching, rapt, gasped.

"Wrap your legs around me," he said. She did as she was told. He cupped her full buttocks and lifted her up, still pinning her against the wall, his rock-hard penis pressing against her pussy. He stared at her huge tits, then looked her in the eyes.

"What else do you want?" he said.

"Brian... Will you choke me? Like, just to... control..."

Brian grabbed her throat with one hand -- not hurting her, but asserting himself as dominant.

"That is impressive," Ms. Stocken, who was now openly masturbating, said to Ms. Pepper, who also had her hand down her panties.

Brian's mother paused, then said, "I want him to do that to me."

Ms. Stockton looked at her fellow mother and said, "I think I do too."

Meanwhile, Brian was rubbing his cock along the length of Rachel's pussy, and could feel her swollen clit. Every time his penis touched it, she let out a guttural groan. He slightly tightened his grip on her neck -- not hurting her, but making it clear who was in charge.

"Oh god, Brian, please, please, please fuck me. I need it so bad. Please choke and fuck your busty little fucktoy girlfriend -- while both of our Mommies watch."

Having their mothers watching -- and masturbating to -- what he was doing, and about to do, to Rachel, was turning on Brian just as much as it apparently was turning on her.

He looked over at the duo: two stunning, towering, muscular, pornographically curvy MILFs, wearing only their massive bras and matching panties, currently masturbating to the sight of one small, fit, big-dicked son teasing a short-and-wildly-stacked daughter who had pinned against the wall. It was all surreal and incredibly erotic.

"Mommies, do you think it's time for me to fuck my 'busty little fucktoy girlfriend' again?" he asked, quoting Rachel, who was squirming with horniness.

The mothers exchanged glances before Ms. Pepper said, "I think it is, sweetheart. I think it's time to give her the fucking she needs."

"Oh god, please Brian! Please choke and fuck me! Fuck your little sextoy!"

"Guide my cock into your pussy, Rachel," Brian said, staring at her huge tits (his gaze just wandered naturally to them) as he held her against the wall, one hand cupped around a huge ass cheek and the other around her neck.

Rachel did as she was told, taking his cock and popping the head inside of her dripping wet vagina. The duo moaned deeply as Brian slid his cock inside her. Soon he was slowly pumping into her; with each pump, she let out a deep groan. "Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me" she began to chant. She then turned to look at her mother.

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