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Brittany's Travels Ch. 05

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She wants revenge for Christmas!
13.5k words

Part 5 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 01/02/2017
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Brittany had long since accepted that her new life meant a lot more people would be seeing her naked than before she'd lost everything. She'd grown used to it in prison, and the perks of her new life were well worth it, but there were still times when it could be a shock to the system.

Watching Angie stroll into the hot tub room in her bathrobe while Brittany was already in the water was one of those. Angie had seen her in the altogether once before, but that had been a fleeting look that had proved to be a final exam of sorts, which Brittany had passed. Spending time together in the hot tub like best friends was very, very different. Brittany didn't feel sure of anything, except that she'd need quite a bit of the wine Angie was carrying.

"Remember, Brittany, you're off duty," Angie said as she set the two glasses on the edge of the tub and poured the chilled chardonnay into each of them. "Don't be afraid to have as much of this as you want, and please try to relax, okay?"

"Easier said than done, Angie. But I'll try."

"I understand." Angie stood up straight and tall, holding the sash of her robe in both hands. "Well. Let's just get the shock over with, shall we?" She pulled the sash and her robe fell open.

Angie looked just as regal naked as clothed, her small breasts standing out proudly and belying their age by years and her small, elegant pubic hair triangle the same striking shade of silvery blonde as her perennially sculpted head hair. Brittany had seen enough new arrivals stripping for the first time in prison to spot the embarrassment and vulnerability behind Angie's determined smile as she stepped into the water, and she longed to put her mentor and friend at ease. "I hope you don't mind my saying so, Angie, but you have a beautiful body," she said.

"Thank you, dear, but I'm under no illusions about being as sexy as you are," Angie said as she held up her glass for a toast.

Brittany clinked her glass. "Well, I did have a lot of help from Winnie, thanks to you!"

"He did a lovely job," Angie agreed. "But let's maybe not tell him you shared his handiwork in that picture, shall we?"

"This wasn't his handiwork anyway!" Brittany declared, proudly patting her ample bush. "He offered to wax me, and I said no thanks. I think the bushy look is really becoming of this Erika gal, don't you?"

"It does give you a certain unique charm," Angie admitted. Another sip of the wine and she was confident and businesslike as ever - until she let a girlish giggle escape. "Believe me, Brittany, this is uncharted waters for me as well," she said. "But given the things I've asked you to do in the line of duty..."

"I don't mind, Angie!" Brittany said. "I've got to confess, it's really been kind of fun. Not as much fun as if I'd brought Mansfield Consulting down and inflicted some serious injuries on Peter Gruber and the rest of those guys, I'll admit, but still."

"You will get there," Angie said. "To bringing Mansfield down, I mean. I can't promise you about the rest." She paused and they each took a long sip of wine. "Brittany, are you comfortable?" she asked.

"I am if you are," Brittany said. "It feels a little weird, but then so does everything since you got me out of that hellhole. And it's worth it, believe me!"

"Thank you," Angie said. "And I'll say it again, you look beautiful. Prison couldn't destroy that."

"Thanks, Angie. "

"Now then," Angie continued. " I promised I'd come clean to you, and since we both literally have nothing to hide here, so I shall. Brittany, I do want you to know I'm very proud of all you've accomplished already, and if I criticized you too much over that, erm, intimate photo of yours, it was only because I've been prone to thinking of you more like I'm your mother than your boss."

"I've noticed," Brittany said. "And I'm flattered, really, especially since my real mother - well, you probably know as much about her as I do."

"I wouldn't be so sure of that," Angie said. "I do know a lot, but only of a certain type of information. Anyway, Brittany, the reason why I've allowed myself to become so attached to you..." She paused and swallowed hard. "My son, Will, he always..."

"You have a son?"

"Please don't interrupt, Brittany. Will always wanted to follow in my footsteps, since he was old enough to know what Mom did for a living. Always. And I made the mistake of letting him."

"Oh my God, Angie!" All at once, Brittany knew all too well what was coming. She scooted around to Angie's side of the tub and put an arm around her.

Angie nodded and blinked back a few tears, but there were more to come. "Right around the time you first came on our radar - in fact, it was Will who found the proof of how you were framed and why. At a brothel in Berlin. He found the information we needed, but he got excited and he got careless, and -" Angie's voice broke off and she dissolved into tears.

"Angie, I'm so sorry!" Brittany exclaimed. Angie lay her head on Brittany's shoulder and wept openly, and Brittany stroked her back and cradled her, skin to skin, breast to breast, until she'd regained control.

"Thank you, Brittany," Angie said with a deep breath, pulling back. "In any event, now you understand why I always tell you to be careful, and why I worry over you the way I do."

"Of course!" Brittany said. "I'm so sorry, but I'm glad you told me. It's a lesson I certainly won't forget when I'm back out there. And another good reason to go after those assholes, isn't it?"

"Well said, my dear," Angie said. "Of course I know you're not Will..." And at that point they both looked down at Brittany's unmistakably female body and burst into laughter "...but I do feel you have a sort of bond with him, and in a way with me, too. Is that okay?"

"Okay?! It's the nicest thing anyone's ever said about me, Angie." She held up her wine glass and they drank to it. "For Will."

"For Will. Let's you and I take down Mansfield."

"Yes, please!" Hoping to steer the conversation into less painful waters for Angie, Brittany asked, "So, any chance the next stop for Erika is someplace warm? After Luxembourg, I'm ready to never see another cloudy day if I can help it!"

Angie's sobs turned to laughter. "Thank you, Brittany, I needed that. As for Erika, officially speaking, Joseph has put the program on hold for the holidays. He thinks things might be a bit too hot after what you did in Athens. But unofficially..."

"Unofficially?" Brittany gave Angie a hopeful smile.

"Unofficially, perhaps Erika would like to accompany her adoptive mother to Hawaii for the holidays?"

"And if there happens to be someone from Mansfield Consulting there..."

"Then Angie and Erika know nothing about it," Angie said, the twinkle in her eye having returned. "But surely they could lend a hand since they're in the neighborhood anyway."

"Is there anything Angie ought to tell Erika about any leads we have in Hawaii?" Brittany asked.

"You know, I just might have been so careless as to leave the file in that Churchill biography you were reading in your room the other night," Angie said, and they clinked glasses and poured another round.

Having not taken a holiday since Will's death, Angie had plenty of frequent flyer points to burn, and they both flew first class. "Try not to be disappointed in it now that you've flown business class to Europe," Angie warned her before boarding. "Even first class on most American lines feels like steerage in comparison."

"Then I'll consider myself lucky to know the difference," Brittany promised. "Remember, I know what it's like to live in steerage."

Angie closed her eyes and sighed. "Yes, of course you do. Silly of me to forget that. I'm sorry, Brittany."

"Don't be. I sure wish I could forget it. But the point is, even the most cramped airplane ride is always going to feel like a magic carpet ride to me, because I'm free." She took Angie by the arm and kissed her cheek, and added, "Even in this silly getup." Rules were still to be obeyed, and no one from her old life was likely to recognize Brittany the Tomboy in a full skirt and pastel sweater. Luckily, she was finally coming to like it. But she still felt like an impostor, and she still envied Angie's ability to wear slacks, as she was today.

"That silly getup is beautiful and you know it," Angie said. "Don't worry, you won't be the only one in a skirt when we get there."

The file had been right where Angie had told her it would be - along with a note saying not to talk about it with Angie at any time, even in a secure location, so they would both be able to say they hadn't talked about it. So Angie spent the six hours on the plane and their overnight layover in San Francisco going over the details she'd memorized about what they knew of Mansfield Consulting in the islands. Strictly high-class, no back-alley dealing here, but probably with reaches deep into the staffs of some high-end resorts. The bigwig was a blond Englishman known only as Brian to date, of whom there wasn't even a confirmed picture yet. Peter Gruber himself, the man who had landed Brittany in prison, had been sighted at the bar of a beachfront resort called the Nawahani Suites. But to Brittany's disappointment, that had been nearly a year before with no sightings since then. So any opportunity to get any personal revenge would just have to wait a little longer.

On the bright side, the Nawahani Suites looked absolutely palatial, and Brittany had little doubt Angie had seen fit to get a suite in the hotel that featured the hottest clue they had. Without having discussed the matter just as she'd been ordered, Brittany could hear her clear as a bell saying it was the right choice precisely because it looked like such a foolish thing to do on paper.

She was right. When Angie told the airport limo driver in Honolulu to take them to Nawahani, Brittany couldn't resist a knowing grin.

"Don't act surprised, Erika," Angie said. "You know I'd only get the very best for us.

"Of course I do, Mom," Brittany said. "I just hope we can afford it."

"Never you mind that, dear."

And through her practiced poker face, Brittany could see Angie was delighted with what she had called her. Brittany found she enjoyed it, too.

The Nawahani Suites was just as opulent as the website had made it look. It was also just as exclusive as Brittany had imagined it, judging from the prevalence of designer clothing she now recognized readily thanks to Winnie. The twinkling lights and the bright MELE KALIKIMAKA banner in the lobby didn't do much in the way of adding a feeling of Christmas for a New England girl in 80-degree weather, but Brittany appreciated the effort and was glad to be out of the snow.

She also remembered her unofficial mission and kept her ears pricked for British accents. There were several that floated by while she sat in the lounge and waited for Angie to get their room sorted out, but none that she was able to identify with a blond man.

"We could only get a room with two queen size beds, not a suite," Angie told her. "I hope that's all right with you."

"Well, we are here to bond, aren't we?" Brittany's only regret was it likely meant she couldn't masturbate. But there was always the shower.

They both agreed in the elevator that there was time for a dip at the beach before dinner. After a few minutes to savor the elegant Polynesian décor in their room, it was down to business with changing into their swimsuits. Brittany felt a lot less self-conscious after that day in the hot tub, but she was acutely aware that Angie would know all too well why she'd chosen a bikini with a corset bottom that reached up to her navel.

"Oh, that color is perfect on you," was all Angie said as she watched Brittany pull the sparkly royal blue fabric up over her hips.

"No joking about how I need the coverage?" Brittany quipped as she checked to make sure there were no stray hairs peeking out of the leg-holes; there were a few and she tucked them back in as discreetly as she could.

"No, I admire you for sticking to your guns about that," Angie said, pulling on her own white floral print one-piece suit. "Besides, if that picture of yours has anyone suspicious, they'll have expected you to get a waxing by now. So you'll throw them off the scent."

"You don't really think anyone's going to recognize my bush, do you?!" Brittany was incredulous as ever about that.

"Shhh!" Angie rushed over and whispered in her ear, "That was my mistake, dear. We shouldn't even be talking about this without sweeping the room first. And no, I don't think anyone will recognize you as a spy because of that picture, but it was risky and there is a way to deal with the fallout, and you're doing a good job of it!" She hugged Brittany, and then said in a normal tone of voice, "Come on, we both need that water after all that time on the plane!"

On the beach, Brittany wasn't surprised to find she was one of the most modestly-dressed women in sight - although Angie was even more so - but that only comforted her. Back in her tomboy days, she'd mostly stuck to wearing gym shorts and a t-shirt at the pool if she could get away with it, and it felt good to know she hadn't had to change everything.

That thought must have put a wistful look on her face as she took in the view of paradise before her, for Angie took her by the arm and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Every time things get this pleasant, I remember how I got here," Brittany said. "Come on, let's get in the water. It'll look suspicious if I cry here."

She was off like a shot into the surf, and was pleased to look over her shoulder and find Angie right behind her. When they were both up to their breasts in the warm water, Angie asked, "Thinking of what you lost again, are you?"

"I had what it took to make it in soccer. I just know it. And my mom, well, we had our issues, but she's my mom! She doesn't still think I'm in prison in Virginia, does she?"

"She knows you're out but she doesn't know anything else. It wouldn't be safe to tell her. I can tell you she's very glad to know you're not rotting in prison anymore. She misses you too, but it's got to be this way."

"I think of prison, too. Yvonne. I wonder how she is?"

"I'm sure she doesn't want you feeling sorry for yourself now that you're out," Angie said. "Besides, didn't you say she never believed you were innocent?"

"No matter how many times I told her," Brittany said. "But still, we had - I guess you couldn't call it love, but we had something anyway, that was still pretty precious in that place."

"My advice? Stay angry," Angie said, putting an arm around Brittany's back as they gazed out at the horizon where the sun was starting to set. "Keep it in perspective, don't let it rule your life, but keep it. That's what'll keep you going until we destroy Mansfield."

"Can you promise we will destroy it?"

"With my experience and your resolve?" Angie asked. "We just might. Now let's enjoy this water already."

And for half an hour or so, they did. Once again Brittany was free to exult in her freedom and the promise of revenge, and it tasted as sweet as the water was salty.

It was just before Angie suggested they go back and get ready for dinner that Brittany saw her - or thought she saw her. A familiar face in the crowd on the beach. Could it be? Absolutely, and she was tempted to rush over to Angie, who was doing the backstroke a few yards behind her. But she'd already been warned off talking about it once, and it was only a fleeting glimpse. Just to be safe, Brittany whipped around and dunked herself in the water, and reminded herself that her hair had grown a little longer since Luxembourg - surely she wasn't recognizable from the back!

"All set to go, dear?" Angie asked a moment later.

"Sure am," Brittany said, thanking her lucky stars Angie hadn't called her Erika. Angie put her arm around Brittany as they strolled out of the surf, which made Brittany chuckle. "Are we going to play it as mother and daughter, or as a couple?" she asked.

"Let's leave it in the eye of the beholder," Angie said. And they clung affectionately to one another all the way back up the sand to the hotel.

Feeling itchy with the sand under her bathrobe, Brittany already had the idea before the elevator was halfway up to their floor, and it made her grin nervously.

As usual, Angie caught the idea before Brittany could say it. "I don't want to wait either. Let's shower together."

"So glad you think so too!" Brittany said with a sigh of relief.

She was utterly accustomed to their being naked together by now, and lost no time in taking off her damp swimsuit and tossing it in the bathroom sink to soak. As they soaped one another up most playfully a few minutes later, Brittany asked, "I don't suppose you ever did this with your mother?"

"Heavens, no!" Angie said. "She was much too prim and proper for that sort of thing. She even left explaining the facts of life up to my nanny." She gave Brittany an almost-envious look. How about your mother?"

"Well, with my dad gone, it was just us girls in the house. So I saw everything plenty of times. But we were never close enough for...for this." Brittany sighed. "I hope she's okay, Angie."

"She is."

"You've been in touch with her?"

"No. Keeping tab is all. It's standard procedure, and that's all I'm cleared to tell you."

"Well, okay, Mom," Brittany quipped, and then burst into giggles.

"What's so funny, dear?"

"This kind of thing, a mother and daughter showering together, it's just the sort of thing most guys I've been with have loved to imagine. But it probably never really happens the way they think it does."

"Not to mention I'm your boss," Angie said. "I wouldn't want to create a hostile working environment by ordering you to get me off or anything."

"No, and even if I wanted to," Brittany said.

"Then it would only be fair if I returned the favor, wouldn't it?" Angie replied, gazing at Brittany's full, wild bush. Even when wet, it was still big and mysterious and fascinating.

"I should say so!" Brittany said. With that she took the bull by the horns and, standing with her legs slightly spread, she took Angie's hand and placed it on her triangle. With a naughty gleam in her eye, she then returned the favor on her boss.

Brittany had learned to enjoy another woman's body well enough in prison to wonder if she might be bisexual. Though she was now quite sure she wasn't, Angie's slender fingers and gentle touch in her pussy were still a welcome change of pace. "Oh, Angie!" she exclaimed as the older woman found her sweet spot almost effortlessly. "You've done this before, haven't you?"

"You're not the only one with a sordid past, my dear," Angie said. Then she gasped and had to grab onto Brittany's shoulder with her free hand as Brittany's thumb found her clit. "Ohhh, lovely!" she exhaled. "Don't stop!"

"Yes, boss," Brittany giggled, her own voice thick with arousal as she felt Angie's delicious rubbing within. She'd almost been afraid to try to finger Angie - what if she was too old to get wet? - but when she finally tried, her finger slipped in effortlessly and brought a joyous gasp from Angie.

"Oh, heavens, Erika!" Angie gushed, throwing her free arm tightly around Brittany. "Make me come! That's an order!"

"Do it to me too!" Brittany replied, already stroking hard and circling with her thumb and loving the intense response it was getting.

"So much fun to play in your garden!" Angie said, tickling Brittany's well-hidden vulva with her spare fingers while also fingering her into a foam.

"How long've you wanted to do it?"

"Since that morning with Winnie!" Angie said. "You were so majestic...OH!" Brittany was surprised to learn she hadn't lost her touch with women in all these months, and she looked on proudly as Angela closed her eyes and yelped with joy as she came. "Now you!" she declared breathlessly as soon as she had regained control.

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