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Bully Moves in Next Door Pt. 04

Story Info
Stanley establishes more control in Julie and Kyle's lives.
10.4k words

Part 4 of the 11 part series

Updated 06/15/2023
Created 05/03/2022
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I shift around on the bin underneath me, trying to find a more comfortable position. Checking the clock on my phone, it tells me it's been almost two hours since I had climbed down to the basement. Waiting so long for mom and Stanley to show up had left my butt sore from sitting on the hard plastic of the bin.

It was the first time I'd snuck down to watch them since my driving lesson with Stanley's cousin two days ago. I had been too ashamed and angry with myself over my small part in Stanley's blatant assertion and manipulation of my mom to consider it the previous couple of nights.

In bed, I had tossed and turned replaying the conversation I had with Stanley earlier in his truck, apprehension gripping my chest. He'd already managed to coerce me into making mom think he'd successfully taught me how to drive, so I could only imagine how many other ways he'd exert his growing influence in our home.

I spent most of the next day in my room, playing video games to distract myself from the anxiety that had made my sleep restless. But eventually, hunger got the best of me, and I was forced to venture downstairs for something to eat. I knew Stanley was probably over, so I decided to get in and out of the kitchen as fast as possible.

He and my mom were sitting at the kitchen table as I quietly padded into the room, trying not to disturb their conversation and draw attention to myself.

"Hello, sweetheart, where've you been all day?" Mom turned toward me as I approached the refrigerator.

"Oh, just up in my room," I replied, fishing material for a sandwich out of the fridge.

"Working hard studying for the written portion of the driving test I hope?"

I moved toward the counter, arms full, unsure of how to respond. She definitely wouldn't be happy to hear I've done nothing but play video games all day.

"Your mother asked you a question," Stanley addressed me, making my heart leap.

I slowly turned to face him as I set everything down on the counter in a heap.

"You been studying for the written portion of the test?" We made eye contact as he repeated mom's unanswered question.

"I, uhhh...," I break away from his intense gaze, looking down at the counter before continuing, "I haven't quite gotten to it yet."

"So what have you been doing the whole morning then?"

"Playing video games," I say quietly, still not looking up.

"Are you sure that's the best use of your time?"

I shake my head, briefly forgetting to answer verbally before uttering a quickly, "No."

"Then maybe that's not what you should be doing. Why not get it done now?"

I looked up again, meeting his leveled gaze, the look in eyes a reminder of our discussion.

"Better to get it out of the way, isn't it," he prompted again.

"You're right," I finally told him and a self-satisfied smirk appeared on his face. "I'll go start on it now."

Mom had quietly watched the interaction between us unfold, taking notice of how firmly Stanley handled the situation. This was the first test of what he'd said to me in the car yesterday and both of us had evidently passed; me by complying with Stanley's "suggestion" and him by effectively getting me to comply, earning a look of admiration and approval from mom.

"Well," he said, a bit more friendly now, "you don't have to get started right away. I think there's some time for you to eat your lunch. Need that brain food to study, right?"

He gave a stupid smirk and mom smiled at his banal joke.

"You'll have the rest of the afternoon to study," he continued. "Then you can tell us all about what you covered during dinner tonight."

I stared back at him, his expectations of me crystal clear. For a brief second, anger surged through me and I wanted to tell him to fuck off. But Stanley must've seen the glint of aggravation behind my glare, because his eyes narrowed slightly and his gaze hardened, almost daring me to confront him and find out the consequences of doing so.

Just as quickly as my fury rose, it faltered, and my whole body deflated from his intimidating stare. No matter how much I wanted or tried to stand up to him, part of me knew I'd never be able to, years of his bullying cowing me into being docile. Stanley evidently knew this as well, his lips pulling back in a triumphant, knowing smile before looking toward my mom.

"Speaking of dinner, what's on the menu for tonight, gorgeous?"

I turned back to the counter, quickly assembling my lunch.

"Roast chicken and garlic mashed potatoes," mom told him.

"Excellent. Now about tomorrow night, how about I bring some lamb chops from the shop and you cook it up for us? Sound good?"

"Absolutely, I can do that!"


I brought my lunch up to my room, wanting to be in Stanley's presence as little as possible. Sure enough, at dinner, he made sure to inquire about how my studying had gone and I answered hoping to have read enough to satisfy him.

He seemed appeased, which relieved me until he said, "We'll see how far you've gotten by dinner tomorrow," making it clear that he not only expected regular updates on my progress but that he'd be around to ask for it.

I ate in silence, thinking that I could quietly escape back to my room once I was done, but Stanley made another show of his authority as I thanked mom for dinner and prepared to leave the table.

"How often do you do the dishes, Kyle?"

I paused, looking from my phone up to him. He raised his eyebrows in a questioning manner as he stared at me.

"Um, sometimes," I answered, looking away.

"Really? Because I don't think I've seen you clean up the table more than once in all the time I've had dinner over here."

I shrugged my shoulders, tentatively looking at him.

"Don't you think your mom deserves some help? After all, she does so much for you, doesn't she?"

"She does," I agreed.

"Good, it's nice of you to finally help her out then," he said as he stood up.

He led mom into the living room, leaving me to clean up the table and the cookware.

"Thank you, sweetheart," she called me to, a cheerful expression on her face.

I saw her squeeze his bicep in appreciation as she leaned into him. He smirked back at her, pleased with himself.

My cheeks burned red in humiliation as I gathered up plates and utensils from the table. I hated how guilty he made me feel for not helping mom to clean up more often and how he coerced me into doing so, especially because of how obvious of a move it was to establish control. Yet mom ate it up.

I ground my teeth as I rinsed and washed at the sink, sulking up to my room when I was finished and ignoring Stanley's mockingly cheerful call of "Goodnight, bud," as I passed him and mom on the couch. She had her hand on his arm, lightly stroking along his bicep.

The next night at dinner was the same. I gave a recount of my study session while we ate, explaining what I had read about that morning. Satisfied, Stanley took a swig from his wine glass before tearing back into the lamb.

When he was finished, he let out a belch and clasped his hands behind his head, spreading his long legs out wide as he relaxed back in Tim's chair.

"Fuck yeah," he said. "What a great dinner. You outdid yourself, gorgeous."

Mom smiled back at him. "I'm glad you liked it. The meat turned out so tender."

"Wait until you taste the duck I'm bringing for you to cook tomorrow. Best you'll ever taste."

I frowned at the way he had declared for us what we were having for dinner tomorrow instead of asking like he had yesterday. Mom saw no problem in it apparently.

"That sounds wonderful," she enthused. "I haven't had duck in so long. Tim's not much of an adventurous eater."

"Color me surprised," Stanley deadpanned, rolling his eyes. "You like exotic meat though, right, gorgeous?"

He smirked at her and she blushed, bashfully smiling up at him.

"I do, and lucky for me that my neighbor has the best kind," she told him confidently.

His smirk grew wider. "The best kind for sure. You can get your fill anytime, we're always happy to provide."

I squirmed in my chair as I felt my dick begin to harden at their veiled comments about her taking his dick, a swift reminder of the several days that had elapsed since I last watched them fuck.

Mom finished off her wine, briefly breaking her intense eye contact with Stanley to swallow what was left at the bottom of her glass.

"Why don't we move to the couch and crack open another bottle," Stanley suggested as he stood up.

"That sounds great," mom agreed.

"Take care of the dishes for your mom, all right, bud," he said to me as he moved toward his left. He didn't even wait for a response this time. Snatching another bottle off the wine rack and the opener from the counter, he guides mom out of the kitchen.

"Oh, and there's still some laundry that needs finishing up too, when you're done with that."

"Thank you so much, sweetheart," mom told me, a light glaze over her eyes as she clutches the glasses in one hand while Stanley leads her by the other.

While washing the dishes, my mind couldn't help but wander to what they'd be doing later on tonight. Despite my misgivings about Stanley's newfound authority around our house, I felt myself become aroused as I imagined the new ways he'd probably managed to sexually dominate my mother since announcing his intention to claim her a few days ago.

I turned my head slightly, watching them out of the corner of my eye. They sat facing each other on the couch in the living room. Mom leaned toward him, a sly smile on her face as her right arm extended down and out in front of her, blocked from the elbow down by the back of the couch. Based on the look on Stanley's face, it wasn't hard to guess where her hand was or what it was doing there.

A shudder ripped through me and my dick pulsed in my pants as I faced the sink again, eyes widening. I couldn't believe how brazen she was being, touching him like that with me right in the next room. The wine had clearly emboldened her, which excited me and enflamed my fantasies of what they would get up to when they were alone tonight, while at the same time making me feel ashamed of her trampy behavior.

When I passed by them on the couch while carrying the folded laundry upstairs, her hand had been removed from his crotch, but I could still see a hard lump in Stanley's mesh shorts, residual evidence of where it had been minutes before. It was then that I had decided on a nightly viewing of their carnal exploits, my pent up arousal once again overriding the shame and humiliation I felt from watching them as well as agitation over Stanley's growing dominion within our house.

Which is what led me here, seated in my usual spot in the basement waiting in vain for them to show up. So much time had elapsed that I finally gave up. Rising from the bin, I maneuver my way out from behind the stacked boxes, a strange mix of relief and disappointment rolling around inside me.

I wondered what had kept them from meeting up as I climbed the stairs to the kitchen. Maybe he couldn't make it tonight? Or had she gone over to his house this time?

Passing quietly through the first floor, I was so lost in thought over all the possible reasons they hadn't come down to the basement that I almost missed the actual reason they hadn't. As I reached the landing at the top of the stairs to the second floor, I paused, finally noticing a small, squeaking noises coming from behind mom's closed bedroom door just to my left.

I stepped toward her room, leaning in close to listen carefully, and recognized the squeaking as coming from her box spring just as I was able to discern the heavy, low pants accompanying it.

Realization startled me. They're having sex in her room! That's why they hadn't come down to the basement, she brought him upstairs to fuck in her bed.

My dick began to inflate like a balloon as I tried to process this bold new step they had taken. Was she so confident that they wouldn't be heard that she decided to risk it or was this Stanley's way of asserting more dominance and control over her?

The thought that Stanley might have impelled her into fucking in her room and that she had relented excited me unexpectedly, causing my dick to throb against the fabric constraining.

Just then, I heard a small, quiet moan come from within the room.

"Fuck yeah, here's that meat you enjoy so much, slut," Stanley whispered quietly.

"Oh, yes. Stuff me with it, fill me up with your thick meat, Stanley," mom responded in kind.

I yank down the top of my pajama bottoms, freeing my stiff cock. Quickly, I began to jerk it, closing my eyes and using the sounds of Stanley and mom fucking to illustrate in my mind what I desperately wished to see in person.

The soft, wet slapping noises of their bodies colliding repeatedly joined the sounds of low grunts and pants uttered with carnal pleasure and the small squeals of a bed put to good use as they gave in to the deep sexual desire for one another that they had built between them over the course of the day.

I imagined their bodies writhing furiously on the bed as they fucked each other's brains out, their attempts to keep their sex quiet thrilling them only in the way that depraved fornication can.

"God damn, bitch, your pussy is so hot. I'm about to fill you with my seed," whispered Stanley.

I heard them begin to kiss, muffling mom's squeals as the thwapping of their bodies clashing against one another became heavier.

Jerking my cock rapidly, I orgasms to the soft sounds of my mom being fucked by my bully. My cum shoots onto the hardwood floor of the hallway as I release a two day pent up load.

The squeaking of the box spring becomes temporarily erratic and a few low, guttural grunts indicate Stanley is releasing deep inside my mother.

Taking off my shirt, I use it to wipe my cum off the floor as the soft sounds of kissing can be heard from inside mom's room. Quietly creeping down the hall, I leave them to bask in their post-coitus afterglow, silently shutting my bedroom door behind me.

I toss my sticky shirt into the hamper before pulling on a fresh one. Climbing into bed, I ponder my new discovery as I slowly begin to drift off.

Have they been fucking in her room these past two nights? I don't recall hearing anything. But then again, her room is down the hall and they did make an effort to be quiet.

Shutting my eyes, I recalled how aroused I had became with the idea that Stanley had managed to get mom to let him into her bed at night to fuck her. He was beginning to assert himself over her in other ways now, and the idea of him taking control over my mom like that aroused and frightened me. They're quickly moving beyond just a sexual relationship, Stanley making good on his promise to claim her.

I fell asleep as these thoughts settled into my mind. Several hours later, I awoke with a start. Confused, I noticed the sun was just beginning to rise as I tried to discern if the small noise that had woken me up was real or had been dreamt.

Laying still, I heard the slight creak of the steps as someone climbed them, realization it was most likely Stanley creeping out and back over to his place. A minute later I heard the front door open and shut lightly, confirming it was him.


The next day had played out just as the other ones preceding it had. Mom gave no indication that Stanley had spent the night and neither did he. No smirk or veiled references.

He had brought a duck for her to cook for dinner, just like he said he would and I was asked about what I had studied that day before being tasked with cleaning up.

That night, I laid awake in bed listening for sounds that indicated Stanley was back for another night of fervent fucking in mom's bed. Finally, I heard the slight creak of mom's door opening before she quietly descended the stairs. I had expected her to at least check to see if I was asleep, and I had been prepared to quickly close my eyes if I heard my door beginning to open, but to my surprise, she hadn't bothered.

A few minutes later, I heard the squeaking of heavy feet on the stairs. I knew it was Stanley, his large frame making more noise than mom's smaller one had.

They quickly and quietly shut themselves in her room and I waited until I was sure that they were in the throes of sex so they wouldn't hear me creep down the hallway to listen.

While not as stimulating as watching them, I beat my meat to the sounds of their hushed, lustful mating, cumming all over the floor outside her bedroom just as I had the night before. After cleaning up, I fell asleep, waking up to the soft thuds of Stanley climbing down the stairs some odd hours later.

All of the next day I dedicated myself to studying for my driving test the following morning. I was anxious, more about what would happen if I failed rather than failing itself. Despite needing a good night's rest, I still waited up to listen to mom and Stanley have sex, silently wanking outside her bedroom door for the third night in a row.

My alarm woke me up at nine in the morning. I ambled down the stairs, thinking that I had missed Stanley sneaking out earlier when the scent of pancake batter caught my attention. Heading to the kitchen, I quickly realized why I hadn't heard Stanley sneaking out.

He sat at the kitchen table, in Tim's seat of course, finishing off a pancake as mom stood at the stove in her bathrobe, her hair piled high on top of her head. She noticed me standing in the doorway and smiled.

"Good morning, sweetheart. Would you like some pancakes?"

"Yeah..." I watched as she took the frying pan with a finished pancake on top over to Stanley and plopped it down on his empty plate.

"I wanted to make a special breakfast for your driving test and figured I'd invite Stanley over since he helped teach you and all," mom offered in explanation.

Stanley gave me a shit eating grin before taking a bite of his pancake. He was dressed like he normally was, tank top, mesh shorts, and those fucking white slides. There was no indication he had spent the night, but I knew that she had just lied to me, making it seem like he'd just come from his place when I knew he'd really come from her bed after fucking her last night.

"S'more coffee, gorgeous?"

He held his cup out to her and she set the pan down on the stove before fetching the pot for his refill. I sat down at the other end of the table as she filled his cup for him. He flashed her a smile when she finished and she beamed back at him.

Watching them, it seemed obvious what was happening. Taking charge of dinner, supervising my studying, directing me to complete chores, spending the night in mom's bed, his appearance at breakfast this morning; Stanley was establishing himself as the man of the house. And mom was letting him. In fact, she seemed to relish in it. Doting on him during meals, letting him into the bed she shares with Tim. It's clear that she's developed romantic feelings for him, I can tell by the way she acts in his presence, by the way she gazes at him adoringly.

I think Stanley knew this too, taking advantage of it by asserting more dominance and control over her and in their growing relationship.

I sat there, turning over all this in my mind before mom places a plate of pancakes in front of me and sits down next to Stanley at the opposite end of the table, who had just finished with his breakfast.

"Eat up, sweetheart. You'll need it for the test today."

"What time does it start?" Stanley asked.


"We should probably leave here around 10 o'clock, then," he replied.

"We?" I asked hesitantly.

"Stanley's coming with us," mom said to me. "He told me how happy and proud he was of you, so of course I told him he should be there when you pass."

My gaze shifted from her to Stanley, who smirked back at me.


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