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Business & Pleasure Pt. 05


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"Really? You said that?" Leah was still mesmerized by the other woman's soft touch, but suddenly the meaning of the conversation came crashing in.

Leah knew she was probably glowing bright red, but maybe the others couldn't tell in the darkness. She just nodded her head, afraid that if she tried to speak, her voice would come out with a squeak.

"Aww… thanks, Leah. That means a lot, coming from a woman as beautiful as you." That hand slid across Leah's stomach, a thumb brushing her navel as the arm encircled her, pulling her closer into the other woman's lap. "You know, I saw you when you came in. You two make a very attractive couple."

Leah felt Laurie nuzzle her check against her back, the other arm closing around the other side of her to complete the hug. "You feel so warm and soft. I could hold you like this forever," she whispered.

Leah knew she should have freaked. Here she was, in the car of a man she'd only met last week, cuddling in the lap of a beautiful woman who was sending sensations through her body that no woman had ever done before. She should have screamed and thrown herself from the car.

But when she was around Roberto, she found herself doing things she wouldn't normally do. Instead, Leah found herself letting go of any anxieties that would normally have haunted her. She reclined back into the other woman and sighed under Laurie's comfortable embrace.

"I'll leave you two ladies here if you'd like a moment alone," Roberto said, laughing as he stepped from the car.

"Oh, we're here!" Leah blurted, her senses coming alert at last. "I'm sorry, I… guess I lost track of time." Shit, how bad did that sound?

"No, don't be sorry. It was nice," Laurie said, nodding her head as she tucked some hair behind her ear.

Leah's heart was pounding. She got out of the car and refused to meet anyone's eyes. Roberto unlocked the door to a house she vaguely recognized from the party last weekend. The warm flush of alcohol reminded her that she was only slightly more sober tonight than she was that night.

"Leah, please show our guest the living room while I go get our nightcap ready?"

"No problem," the blonde said, wiping her sweaty palms on her skirt. "This way, Laurie."

"Wow, this place is beautiful," the other woman said, her blue eyes large and her head gawking around the expensive home.

"Isn't it? They just had it remodeled." Laurie ignored the mention of a "they" and Leah was grateful for it.

The two women were quiet for a moment, listening to the rain pound against the patio outside and the large-paned windows. Leah was looking out the window, about to say something more, when the lights flickered out and died. No crash of lightning to warn them, no loud bang. One minute they were on, the next, they weren't.

"Uh oh…" Laurie said, somewhere behind her. The lights were out in the backyard, Leah noticed, and the neighboring houses as well. A blackout in DC! It had been so long since something like that had happened. Thoughts of childhood flashed through her head and she began to wonder where the Giuliani's keep their candle-ware when Laurie's slender arms enclosed her from behind.

"Now isn't this cozy?" the taller woman whispered in her ear. A shiver passed down Leah's spine as she guiltily took comfort in Laurie's arms.

The blonde turned her head to say something to the other woman. Whatever it was quickly fled her mind as her hazel eyes locked onto the brunette's clear blues. This woman was beautiful. Her lashes were long, her lips were full and glossy, parted just so. One crooked smile and Leah was closing her eyes as those lips descended on hers.

Leah's first Sapphic kiss was incredibly sensual. Laurie had a soft touch, her mouth warm and yielding. Her silky hair spilled down over Leah's face like perfumed feathers. Maybe it was that warm buzz that had settled over her for the whole evening and the willingness to try new things, but instead of pushing the other woman away, she felt her arms reaching up and back, encircling the slender woman's head in her arms and pulling her down, closer.

As if on queue, they opened their mouths to one another and Leah tasted another woman's lipstick for the first time in her life. That taste and Laurie's wet tongue flooding her mouth sent a thrill tingling down her body. The kiss was slow and romantic, a kiss to close a movie on.

Laurie's hands slowly slipped up across the blonde's body, passing over and cupping the blonde's small tits in a caress that rivaled the gentle eroticism of their feminine kiss. Leah sighed, feeling her nipples grow hard under the other woman's tender touch.

God, she thought, I've never been kissed like this before in my life. Their mouths made love, their lips and tongues dancing with all the teasing passion that normally accompanied a man and a woman in the slow dance of a quiet fuck.

Leah turned into her female friend's arms and their kiss became more playful: soft, short pecks, they took turns sucking and nibbling on one another's lips, nuzzling noses, and giggling excitedly.

Leah wasn't at all embarrassed when she realized that they weren't alone. Her nose filled with the sweet smell of a struck match and the two finally pulled their mouths apart, although they kept holding one another.

Roberto had materialized at last and was busy lighting candles about the room. He looked up, realizing the girls were watching him and said, "Please, don't stop on my account," before returning to his chore.

The girls didn't, returning to their deep kissing. "Would you like to sit on the couch?" Laurie asked after a few more minutes of this. Leah simply nodded her head, unsure of where this was going, but also excited by the prospects.

The girls curled up on the plush couch and into each other. Leah sat with her legs crossed; Laurie with hers folded under her as she leaned across and resumed their make out session. The kiss grew more impassioned as tongues dueled boldly for position. Once again, Laurie's hands were unleashed on Leah's tight body. She gasped into the other woman's mouth as she felt hands squeeze her breasts. Laurie's touch was still just as feminine, but more urgent this time. More rushed.

Her hand drifted further south, along her thigh and out to her knee. Leah knew what was coming next. Her heart fluttered. It scared the shit out of her. Yet she couldn't help uncrossing her legs and parting them as those long fingers traced the toned inside of her thigh.

The blonde could no longer kiss, all her energy directed into the sensations between her legs. Her mouth hung open in a persistent gasp. Laurie abandoned her mouth, her lips and tongue seeking out other erogenous zones on this little lady. As she drew her fingers across the soft petals of the blonde's pussy for the first time, she curled her long tongue around the groaning woman's ear, caressing the lobe in a way that drove herself mad with desire.

God, Leah was wet, Laurie noted. Her silky smooth lips felt like they'd been dowsed in baby oil, and Laurie used the lubricant to push two fingers between those folds. Leah arched her back, her gasps mingling with her moans deep in her throat. A thumb found her clit just below her pubic hair. "God, yes…" Leah's voice was hoarse, cracking hysterically. The brunette gave her ear one last slow suck, and moved down along her neck, her tongue tracing over the sensitive skin.

Leah tossed her head to the side to give the young bartender better access to her neck as wave after erotic wave attacked her entire body. Her brain couldn't concentrate on so many wonderful things at once. Laurie was in complete control of her body, knowing exactly where to such, where to rub, and where to penetrate. And God, did that penetrating feel good. This other woman had long fingers, able to curl up into her and rub across her knobby g-spot with each finger-push. The thumb bordered precisely on the knife-like edge of too much stimulation and not enough. The pleasure was so good it threatened to hurt, like a dark, cloudy day, yet she couldn't get enough of it.

When lips returned to her mouth, she was done. The hot breath down her throat accompanied with the knowledgeable fingers at her cunt tipped the scales. How can I be doing this with a woman?!? her brain screamed as she came. How come I never did this before?

She was vaguely aware of something being set on the glass coffee table, of Laurie giggling as she sucked her fingers clean, of candlelit setting the darkness alit with a velvety glow. Her whole body buzzed with pleasure and she leaned back into the couch, closing her eyes and hugging herself.

"Oh, Roberto, you shouldn't have…" Leah heard Laurie say somewhere on the other side of her closed lids. She willed her eyes open, taking in the dreamy glow of the candles and how beautiful her two companions were: Roberto there with his expensive suit on—the jacket having disappeared—and Laurie with her long dark hair and tight black outfit. She was putting her hair back into a ponytail and Leah let her eyes slip lazily away from her first female lover, drifting across the glass table in front of them.

Three flutes of champagne sat there tall and proud, the tiny bubbles mesmerizing as they raced through the cool liquid and popped along the surface. Leah felt giddy. Her eyes slipped away, down along the table. A mirror sat there, a perfect square. Along the reflective surface sat what looked to Leah to be six thinly rolled joints, white and two and a half inches long. She laughed to herself, thinking about the last time she'd smoked a joint—nearly four years ago.

Laurie was sitting on the floor now, between the couch and the coffee table, and turned her head in the blonde's direction, flashing her a wide smile. This wasn't the mischievous, crooked smile Leah had become accustomed to, but one of unmasked excitement. The brunette was so beautiful, those cheekbones high and pronounced, that single dimple cute yet intensely erotic.

She held something in her hand. It looked like a cigarette, maybe, although Leah couldn't smell anything burning besides the scented candles. The women giggled at each other, Laurie winking at her new friend before she turned back to the coffee table.

Leah's eyes flared wide with shock, yet her body just sat there, numb. Laurie inserted what was now clearly a tightly rolled bill into her right nostril, bent over the mirror, and snorted one of those white lines. She tipped her head back, closed her eyes, and sniffed again, hard, making sure that none of the powdery substance escaped.

Leah's heart pounded like a bass drum. Her mouth was dry. She would have reached out and chugged one of those glasses of champagne had she been able to do anything but sit there.

The brunette turned to her at last, her pale blue eyes sparkling, and held out the makeshift tube.

"No… I think I'll pass…" Leah stuttered, laughing nervously. "Um… but thanks?"

Laurie just smile – that crooked smile once again – and handed it off to Roberto, who was now crouching over the table. When she'd handed it off, she turned back to Leah and crawled up along her body, planting a deep kiss on the woman's lips. Leah heard the sound of Roberto snorting his line, but her mind was now too preoccupied on Laurie's soul-searching kiss to judge or even care.

"We're going to have a wonderful night," the brunette whispered, smoothing some of Leah's blonde hair from her face. "I respect your decision, but if you change your mind…"

And with that, she turned back to the coke, taking the tube from the crouching Italian man and lowering herself to the mirror. Roberto was watching this display with sharp, dark eyes, finally saying, "You two are beautiful. I want to see more. Show me more."

Laurie sighed, gripping the table edge, her eyes shut as the first pick-me-up sensations of the cocaine washed over her. She opened her pale eyes to a much more vivid world. The candles burned brighter, the scented candles smelled more sensuous, and even the thong of her g-string burned pleasure across her sex. While she loved almost everything about this drug, she loved the initial rush most of all.

Roberto was looking at her expectantly and she found herself infinitely happy to oblige him. Pulling off her sleeveless top, her unfettered breasts hit their air and her spectators' eyes for the first time tonight. Her breasts certainly weren't big, but they were round and firm, as tan as the rest of her body, and capped with dark nipples as wide and as circular around as the top of a can of soda.

The high of the coke mingled with the exhibitionistic high she was getting from Leah's innocent face open with shy admiration. The cute little blonde knew she shouldn't be looking, but couldn't help herself. It was irresistible.

Standing now, she looked over her shoulder at Roberto, then back at Leah. She knew exactly the effect her body had on everyone around her, all the time, and she knew precisely how to use it. Her bronzed skin glowed in the soft lighting of the candles, illuminated like some erotically infused painting. She let them drink her long body as she let her skirt fall free of her hips, slipping down to a gossamer pool about her ankles.

Roberto licked his lips, his eyes shifting from the upturned slopes of her breasts to her small buttocks. Laurie ignored him. He was Leah's until the blonde gave him away. But right now, Leah was hers.

Cat-like, she sauntered up to the blonde, draping herself across the still-stunned woman. Leah's lips didn't hesitate to return the kiss and once again, they were involved in a deep, loud lip-lock.

Laurie smiled into the kiss as she felt Leah's first tentative touches on her breasts. She pulled off the other woman long enough to say, "Your fingers feel wonderful. Touch me." She hoped that the blonde saw the passion that seared in her eyes.

Leah couldn't believe she was actually feeling up another woman, but she couldn't deny the lustful feelings that it was bringing. Laurie's dark nipples responded quickly to her touch, growing hard and long under her timid manipulations.

Laurie needed more. She needed to feel more. She pulled her mouth off Leah's, straddled the other woman, and positioned her breasts right in her face. Running her hands through the blonde hair, she pulled Leah gently towards her tits, encouraging her to suckle. She wasn't disappointed.

Leah practically came as she sucked the brunette's nipple into her mouth. The aureole was big enough that she needed to open her mouth wide to cover the engorged flesh, but soon she narrowed her indulgence to the hard nipple alone, amazed that the rubbery tip was so much longer than hers ever got. Her left hand cupped the woman's other breast, her right found the smooth skin of the woman's tight backside. She could feel the toned muscles below the surface as she groped at them, pulling the woman in closer. She could feel the heat of Laurie's sex against her stomach, which only drove her feminine molestation higher.

Laurie tore at Leah's blond tresses, raking her fingernails across her scalp as an orgasm built up harder and harder. Her whole body was buzzing hard from her narcotic high. The mouth at her nipple was impossibly wet and soft. She slammed her lips hard against Leah's as she came, her mouth fucking the other woman, their teeth and gums grinding against one another, their tongues diving down throats that were filled with the high pitched, high intensity groan of orgasm.

"Fuck, that was awesome," Laurie said, resting her head against Leah's shoulder. Her brow was sweaty, her body shook with energy, and her skin felt warm with sensation. Shit, she felt good! "Time to return the favor, sweetheart." With a kiss, she helped Leah out of her clothes.

The night was moving so fast. Leah watched Roberto as she was disrobed. The guy really did know what he was doing. He smiled warmly at her, held up a glass of champagne, and winked. She knew she was going to be in for something when she accepted this date – especially after the fucking he'd given her at the office – but never in a million years would she have thought that she'd be sitting back as another woman – dressed only in a tiny black g-string – pulled her blouse off and unhooked her bra. Never did she think she'd ever look down and see that same woman lowering herself to the floor and coaxing open her legs. Never would she have thought she'd have complied.

Now, Laurie's mouth couldn't cover her pussy fast enough.

"I'm going to taste you now. I'm going to eat your pussy until you scream. She slowly licked her top lip as she stared up at Leah through half closed lids.

The blonde shivered as she saw Laurie's pink tongue run along her upper lip. Her face was still bathed in the golden light of the room, her cheeks flushed from the passion she had experienced at Leah's own mouth. Her brown hair lay over one shoulder and she impatiently flipped it away as she blew cool air over Leah's hot mound.

Leah moaned as the air cooled her hot sex. "Do it. Lick my pussy," she wanted to say, but could only manage and quiet whine.

Laurie bent down, her lips scant centimeters from the blonde's wet pussy. She licked up one smooth lip then the other, her tongue flat, coating every inch of Leah's hairless labia with saliva. Leah struggled to drag in breath after breath. Laurie's tongue was painfully, teasingly, wonderfully slow. She began to lick in the insides of Leah's thighs, dipping her tongue into the hollow valleys, electrifying her already electrified skin. Leah was on the edge of a huge orgasm and the other woman hadn't even touched her clit yet.

Laurie ran her hands up Leah's splayed thighs, her thumbs trailing where her tongue had just been. "Are you ready for me? Are you ready for me to lick your pussy, honey?" Laurie questioned as her thumbs gently massaged the fat, wet, bald lips.

Leah was panting. "Oh… God… ohgod… YES!" The last word was a keening wail as Laurie bent her head to the task. Her thumbs pushed Leah's wet pussy lips apart and her tongue snaked out to lightly touch the reclining woman's clit. Leah's hips pumped once as Laurie began to make small circles around the exposed clit. Leah began to shake, her fingers laced in Laurie's thick, dark hair.

Leah's hands felt wonderful in her hair, Laurie thought with cocaine-fueled alertness. She ran the flat of her tongue from Leah's perineum to her clit, savoring the dew-covered softness of that puffy skin. Armed with the knowledge that her female friend would be cumming on her tongue, she pushed her tongue inside Leah's wetness, anxious to get every drop of honey out of her. She dragged her tongue out of the sweet honeyed hole and began to add pressure to her small circles on Leah's clit.

"Oh god" became the only thing Leah could utter as she felt her orgasm coming. Laurie curled two fingers inside Leah's cunt as the smaller woman let out a wail, the walls of her pussy pulsed and clamped around the invading woman's fingers. Laurie kept sucking on Leah's clit, her fingers squeezed to the point of breaking by the tight pussy.

"Cum for me again, baby, cum again," Laurie whispered as she began to finger fuck her friend. Leah's hips moved of their own accord. She couldn't focus on anything, just the raw burning need concentrated between her legs. "I can't," she rasped. Then she felt teeth tugging on her nipple. Stunned, she opened her eyes to find Roberto sucking on her nipple, his teeth playing with the hard nub. Laurie twisted her fingers, searching for that rough patch that would send Leah flying. Finding it, she began to stroke Leah's g-spot repeatedly as Roberto played with her tits. "Oh shit, oh my God!" Leah screamed as she came again, her legs shaking and her pussy clamping down on Laurie's fingers.

Laurie let her come down slowly from her second orgasm as Roberto slid up to kiss her deeply. He loved watching women come. He loved the palpable bliss that enveloped them afterwards. He hoped to see it many times this evening.

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