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Wrestling with Incest

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A brother-sister love story.
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I got the bug to write this story last night and finished it quickly this morning. I don't use an editor so normally I'll put stories away for a period of time and then pull them back up, read them objectively, and correct errors (there always are some). But lately I've tended to put away unfinished stories for a loooong time before finishing them, or put away finished stories and then later decide to write more. So this time I decided to give it a quick once-over and then publish. I apologize in advance for any problems with spelling, grammar, sentence construction, or continuity.

Happy Summer 2015, y'all.


Jesus, I thought, as Brooklyn Decker slowly engulfed my cock into her warm, wet mouth. I ran my fingers through her long blond hair as she bobbed on me and played with my balls. I'd seen her in Sports Illustrated, and of course Battleship. She was at least 10 years older than me and probably rich - with a great house too, I thought as I looked around. I wasn't quite sure how I got here.

"Mmmph," she said as she pushed her head down until her lips touched my pubic hair. God, it felt fantastic. I reached down to play with her nipples just as a man walked into the bedroom.

"What's going on here?" he said. Brooklyn pulled off of me.

"Michael, this is my husband. Andy, this is Michael."

"What's going on here?" he said again.

"What's going on here?" Brooklyn said.

"What's going on here?" my sister Kaitlyn said as I woke up. I panicked as I realized that I'd been playing with myself in my sleep, and now my big sister was staring at my hard cock that was just about to blow. My balls were tightening and my groin was tingling and I realized I was already past the point of no return.

"Oh no," I said. "Oh God... AAAAAGH!!"

My first shot pulsed over my left shoulder. The next two landed on my chest, and the rest just shot out onto my abs. I looked at my sister; she was watching it all with her mouth open in a shocked "O". Nothing, absolutely nothing that could happen for the rest of my life could possibly be more embarrassing than this. I turned away from her and curled into a fetal position. I didn't know what else to do. We teased each other mercilessly, and even though we loved each other and had a pretty open and supportive sibling relationship, Kaitlyn would never, ever let me live this down.

"Go away," I said. "Why are you here?"

She was silent for a moment, then she sat down on the bed.

"Mom sent me up to wake you," she said. "Breakfast is on and you have to get ready for the wrestling meet."

She put her hand on my arm and I curled up tighter into a ball.

"Mike, I'm sorry I walked in on you. I had no idea that you sleep in the nude and I had no idea that... you know. Don't be embarrassed, please."

I chanced a look at her. "Are you kidding? What could possibly be more embarrassing than this? How can I face you after this? How in the fuck can I fix this? What are Mom and Dad going to say?"

She smiled. "Okay, how about I fix it? First, you were asleep and dreaming while you were doing that. It happens. It happens to me. Second, even if you weren't asleep, it's a normal and natural thing to do especially for an 18 year-old man."

I took pause at that. She had never called me a man before.

"Or a 19 year-old woman," she said.

I just stared at her. I suppose I should have figured that she masturbates, but I'd never thought of her in that way. My gaze dropped to her braless breasts, highly visible through a thin white tank top. She just smiled.

"And I promise that Mom and Dad won't hear about this, and neither will anyone else. This is out of bounds for our teasing, okay?"

"Okay," I mumbled. "Thanks Kait."

"Besides," she said as she slapped my ass. "From where I was standing, you have absolutely nothing to be embarrassed about." She stood up and left my room and gently closed the door.


I showered, dressed, got my meet bag together, took a deep breath, and went downstairs not sure what to expect. Mom, Dad, and Kait were all sitting at the breakfast nook eating scrambled eggs, bacon, and toast. I looked at the food and sighed and went to the blender where my mom had made my usual protein and juice smoothie that boosted my energy while helping me make class weight. I poured it into a large glass and sat down at the table. Kaitlyn gave me a smile and went back to her eggs. She was still dressed in her skimpy tank top and boxer shorts, and I couldn't help but notice that her tits were set to serious high-beam. I looked away and took a sip of my smoothie.

"'Morning, Champ," Dad said from behind his paper. "You ready to kick some ass today?"

My high school, Lee, had a wrestling meet this morning with our crosstown rivals Vista. I was all-state in my weight class, 182 pounds, thus the "Champ" from Dad. I'd never lost a competitive match. My coach was good and I'd learned a lot from him, but I'd also been taking judo since I was 10 and aikido since I was 14, so I didn't have much trouble taking down opponents. And once I had them on the mat, they were mine.

My grades were good, a condition that my parents had laid down if I were to compete in athletics. And I needed to compete - it was the only way I knew to burn off nervous energy, anger, and... sexual frustration. I stood 6 feet even and my body was strong, a lot of muscle and not much fat. Mom said I was handsome; I wasn't sure about that. She's biased. Girls at school were nice and sometimes a little flirty with me, but while I had brains and brawn, I had absolutely no clue how to proceed with a woman. No experience, and no clue. Thus the frustration. I burned all the testosterone off in the gym and on the mat.

"Yeah, Dad," I said. "I hope so."

"Hope, nothing," Kaitlyn said. "He's strong as hell - I have empirical evidence of that."

I put my glass down on the table and hung my head, waiting for it. When she was silent for some time I looked up to see her making strong eye contact with me and shaking her head quickly.

"Sorry," she mouthed silently.

This was new. We always took every opportunity to poke fun at each other and make each other uncomfortable including in front of our parents. It had always been that way between us. Kait had apparently fallen back into that habit but had pulled up short, not going in for the kill.

"What do you mean, dear?" Mom said.

"Nothing, Mom," Kait said. "He helped me move some stuff in the backyard, and he's like The Hulk! I wouldn't want to be a Vista wrestler today."

"Damn straight," said Dad, turning the page.

I had wrestling scholarship offers from four colleges. Not that I needed them; Dad was rich before he hit 30 and had taught me enough about the stock market for me to build a pretty good nest egg of my own. Big enough that I could go to any school I wanted to - if I wanted to. I actually kind of wanted to open a gym and teach judo. I had floated that idea.

Mom and Dad had not been amused. If I wanted to keep peace in the family, I was going to college.

I stood up from the table and rinsed my glass out in the sink. "I'm going to hit the road," I said. The Vista meet was at our school, so I could just drive there. We wouldn't have to pile the team onto a school bus and watch each other spit into cups to make weight.

"Are you guys going to come?" I said.

"Sorry sweetie, we can't this time," Mom said. "Your dad and I have to go to a work thing at 10:00." 'Work thing' these days meant something having to do with the foundation that Mom was part of, a non-profit that tried to keep kids and homeless people from going hungry. A good cause. I'd served up a lot of food for that cause, and felt good about it. There's nothing like seeing a hungry person get well-fed. It's good for the soul.

I don't know how rich we are, but from the things I've heard I figure it's a lot. But we live in a standard tract house and don't have fancy cars or lots of material goods and my folks don't belong to country clubs or parade around with high-society types. Unless they're trying to woo them for money for the foundation.

"Okay," I said. "Good luck."

"You too, son, although we know you don't need it."

"You never know," I said.

"Kick ass, Michael," Kaitlyn said.


I drove my truck to Lee High School and parked my pickup as close to the gym as I could get. It being Saturday morning, there was plenty of parking available. There was a push on to get the school district to change my school's name. Who knew that it had been named after Robert E. Lee? The political climate was such that "Lee High School" was somehow inflammatory now. I thought it was silly, but maybe that was my white privilege talking.

"Mikey!" Dave Reynolds came up to me and we did the usual high-five, low-five, fist grab thing. We'd been best friends for years. Dave wrestled at 160 and he was pretty good.

"Are we going to kick some Vista butt today, Mikey?"

"Hope so," I said.

He just stared at me. "What the fuck do you mean, 'Hope so'? That doesn't sound like the Mike Thomas I know!"

"Well... there's this guy..."

"Mark Wade, right? In your weight class."

I sighed. "I've watched him. He's good."

"You're better," Dave said. "And you're going to prove it. Dude: you're the Hulk!"

Which made me think of what Kait had said at breakfast. Why hadn't she nailed me about what had happened this morning? She could have had a field day. I shook it off.

"Right," I said. "Let's go get 'em."

I sat on the bench and watched Dave slowly lose. I was sorry for him, but I was distracted as I saw my sister walk into the gym and over towards our bench, all 5'2" of her. Damned if she wasn't wearing the same thin tank top, over white short-shorts and sandals. With her tan and her long blond hair framing her lovely face, she looked like a beach bunny taking a quick detour from the ocean.

"Hi Mike," she said. "Did I miss you?"

Still no bra, I thought. She looked incredibly hot. Damn, what a weird fucking day. I'd spent 18 years not thinking of my sister this way and now this it was all I could think about.

"I'm next," I said.

"Good! I'll be in the stands cheering for you." She caressed my cheek and I watched as she climbed the seats, her ass moving hypnotically under those skimpy shorts.

I shook my head to clear it and focused on Dave, just as he was pinned.

"Dammit!" Coach Thomas said. "Okay Mike, you're up."

I was already warmed up so I just did some leg stretches as Dave walked dejectedly back to the bench.

"Sorry, Coach," he said as he sat down.

"No problem, Dave, you did your best. Just wasn't your day." Coach paused. "He's probably on fucking steroids," he said quietly.

I love Coach.

Mark Wade and I squared off and pretty much just slapped at each other for the first minutes, looking for a good opening.

I heard Kaitlyn yell, "Go, Mike!" Which distracted me. Which was, I told myself, why Mark was able to take me down with a simple single leg lock. Instantly he was ahead on points. Luckily I'd managed to pivot and land on all fours and he was going to have to fight pretty hard to get me on my back. I traded time for leverage and fought him with everything I had, but couldn't break out. I was sweating out all of my energy. He was unshakable and his head was right next to my ear.

"Your sister's a fucking whore," he said.

I saw red, and adrenaline pumped into my veins. I straightened my arms, pushing myself and Mark up off the floor. The crowd gasped as I stood up and held him above me, ready to throw him to the floor.

"Mike!" Coach Thomas yelled.

It broke through. Instead of throwing him, I took a knee and dropped Mark to the floor held his legs up and laid on top of him for a quick pin. I started to get up but Mark grabbed my hand.

"I'm sorry," he said. "I'm really sorry. Coach told me to try that. No other way he knew to beat you."

I stared at him, still pissed but now mostly not at Mark. My own coach didn't have to give me too many pointers but I listened to him and tried everything he suggested, so I had to give Mark the benefit of the doubt. I helped him stand up.

"I was about to break you in two, Wade," I said.

"I could tell. Thanks for not killing me."

"I really love my sister," I said. "You might want to think about not listening to everything your coach tells you to try."

"I get that," Mark said. "I love my sister, too. It was a stupid thing to do. It won't happen again." He turned and headed for his bench, and I did the same. My teammates all high-fived me, but Coach looked angry.

"What the hell was that out there?" he said quietly. "I was sure you were about to throw him down!"

"I was," I said, and told him what Mark had said to me.

Coach Thomas looked across the gym at Mark's coach. "That son of a bitch," he said, throwing down his clipboard. "That's over the top. I'm going to report him."

I didn't know what to say about that. I had already calmed most of the way down, enough to notice that the inside of my right leg was starting to hurt. I rubbed it.

"What's wrong?" Coach said.

"I think I pulled something," I said.

"I'm not surprised, the moves you made holding that kind of weight in that kind of position. From where you're rubbing, it looks like a groin pull. Not good." He went to the cooler and came back with a cold pack.

"Ice it," he said. "Off and on for 24 hours. Stay off of it and keep it elevated. Come to school early on Monday and we'll evaluate it."

I took the cold pack and slowly made my way into the stands past Lee students and family who were all clapping and congratulating me. Kaitlyn was standing and smiling and clapping with them. There was a small wet spot on the crotch of her white shorts. I hugged her and sat her down quickly, not wanting her to be embarrassed. I pressed the cold pack to my leg.

"Are you hurt?" she said.

"Just a little muscle pull," I said.

"I've never seen you make a move like that," she said. "I've never seen anybody do that in all the time I've watched your meets. How could you lift him like that? You made it look like he weighed nothing."

"I was pissed," I said.

"Because he took you down?"

"No." I was silent for a moment, then decided to tell her. "He insulted you."

She just looked at me. "What did he say?"

"Something not very nice."

"What was it?"

I looked into her eyes. "He called you a 'fucking whore'."

Kait's face showed her shock. "I don't even know him. I don't know anybody at Vista. Why would he say something like that?"

"Psychological warfare," I said. "He was trying to find a way to beat me. It had the opposite effect."

She smiled and hugged me again. "My hero," she said.

I moved to return the hug and winced a little.

"You okay?" she said.

"It's starting to hurt more when I move," I said. "I'm going to tell Coach that I'm heading home to lie down and rest it."

"Okay, I'll meet you at home," she said, and started to stand.

"Uh, Kait?"

"What is it?"

I subtly pointed to her shorts. She looked down and her face turned red. The wet spot had grown a bit. She quickly sat down again.

"Oh, my God," she said. "I can't walk out of here like this."

"I have a solution," I said. "Don't hit me."

I 'accidently' spilled my entire cup of cold water on her lap.

Kait let out a yelp and stood up, brushing at the water. People looked over at us and laughed as I apologized and handed her my hoodie to dry off with.

"I'm sorry, Sis," I yelled, so everyone would hear.

"You'd better be," she yelled back, then put her mouth next to my ear and whispered, "Thank you." She walked down the steps and headed towards the women's locker room.

"For a jock, you're kind of a klutz, Wilson!" my friend Tony yelled, grinning. I just smiled and shrugged and walked down the steps, limping a little.


When I got home I stripped, showered, put on boxer shorts, got an ice pack from the kitchen freezer, and laid down on my bed with my right leg propped up on a couple of pillows. I thought about the TV, but elected to find something to read on my iPad instead.

Mom and Dad would be at their foundation event all day, so when I heard the garage door open I knew it was Kaitlyn. She came to my open door and knocked anyway.

"Come on in," I said. "Pardon me if I don't stand."

She sat down on the bed next to me.

"Does it hurt much?" she said.

"Some," I said. "More when I move.

"Let me change out of these shorts, then I'll be back. I have an idea that might help." She got up to leave, then turned back to me. "I want to thank you for spilling that water," she said. "That was quick thinking."

"No problem," I said. "Umm... if you don't mind my asking, what happened?"

Her face turned red. "It's... a woman thing," she said, and turned to walk away.

"Okay," I said.

When she left I shifted around to try and get more comfortable. Kait came back in just as I had picked up my iPad to start reading. She still had the thin white tank top on but had put on boxer shorts like me.

Her tits jiggled temptingly as she walked. I tried not to stare.

She took my iPad and put it on the night stand, then took the ice pack and set it on the floor. She sat next to me and opened a small bottle of baby oil.

"What are you going to do with that, Kait?"

She smiled at me. "Just a little massage, to see if it will help. Pull your underwear up on that side."

I stared at her. "Are you sure this is a good idea?"

"Mike, remember when I did gymnastics in middle school and high school?"


"I used to get massages all the time. There's nothing like it. It's good for sore muscles and sometimes it can help an injury, too."

"Okay, Kait, but... this injury is in kind of a sensitive area, you know?"

She smiled as she opened the baby oil and poured a little into her hand. "I'll try to be careful," she said. Besides, if you can't trust your sister, who can you trust?" She placed the flat of her hand on my inner leg and began lightly rubbing the oil into my skin.

"Cold," she said. "I'm going to warm you up." When she got to the leg of my boxers she just pushed it up until my whole leg was exposed. She poured more oil and rubbed it on the upper part of my inner leg.

"Coach said to ice it," I said.

"That's the right thing to do, but you need to take breaks with it." She began massaging in earnest, adding some pressure and working my muscles."

"Tell me if I hurt you," she said.

"Okay, but..."

"But what?"

The massage actually felt pretty good, and I knew she'd stop if I told her, but I told her anyway.

"It's actually higher than you're rubbing."

Her hand stopped and she looked at me.

"Not a problem," she said. She poured a little more oil and then her hand went up the leg of my boxers, right into my groin. I groaned as her fingers pushed into my crotch and the back of her hand made contact with my balls.



I looked down at her as she worked her fingers deep into my leg muscles, her hand making constant contact with my balls. Her nipples were trying hard to poke right through the fabric of her tank top. I could even make out the slight swelling of her areolae. She was aroused.

Meanwhile, my cock was throbbing and tenting my boxers.


"Does it feel good?"

"Yes, but..."

"No 'buts'. Just relax and enjoy. Oh, my." She was staring at the tent. "I see you're already enjoying it."

"Shit, Kait."

She smiled. "Don't worry about it. It's natural. I know I'm touching a sensitive area for you. But you need this."

"It's embarrassing."

She stopped her massage but didn't move her hand from my balls.

"Don't be embarrassed. You're a healthy male and this just means that everything's working as it should be."

"But you're my sister."

That made her lean back away from me.


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