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Caleb 82 - Housewarming


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Jane hummed in contentment.

"Thank you," she said. "That was wonderful." She turned and fell to her knees, taking me into her mouth and cleaning me of our combined fluids.

"Can't let you go back stinking of sex," she said with a smile.

When she was done, she pulled up my pants and tucked my cock away, giving a last gentle kiss to the front of my pants as I fastened my belt.

"We need to talk," I said to her, "when we get back."

She looked up at me, a worried expression on her face.

"Is something wrong?" she asked.

I shook my head. "No," I said. "That was wonderful, but even so..."

She nodded, and smiled uncertainly at me.

"You'd better get back." She said. "Tell Chris I'm waiting?" she gave me a more certain grin, as she shuffled back onto her bed, and lay there like a cat basking in the sun.

"I'm sure he'll be home directly," I told her before leaving her bedroom. I looked in on the sleeping Kirsty before making my way downstairs and out of the house, crossing the two yards and re-entering my own house."

I walked over to where Chris was sitting, talking to Danny.

"Chris," I told him. He looked up at me, his face a little flushed. There was no way he didn't know what had just happened over at his house, and he fully approved.

"You're up," I told him, in a parody of what I'd said the last time we'd got together.

He grinned at me, obviously getting the joke.

"Thanks Caleb," he said. "And thanks for the invite. I'd best get back. Jane doesn't like to be on her own for too long."

He excused himself from Danny and made a swift exit.

I went back to the kitchen, strangely hungry again for some unknown reason.

"Tell me," said Arnie coming up behind me, "that you didn't just go and fuck your next door neighbor's wife?"

"Technically they're not married," I said mildly, "And she's my neighbor too. So I'm not sure how your semantics plays out."

"You did?" he said his face a mix of emotions. I could see he wasn't sure how to feel about it.

"You know I need to share too," I said.

"So you made her..."

"No," I snapped at him. "Never!!!"

He stepped back at the vehemence of my response.

I stepped into him.

"Just imagine," I said quietly, "you're a first grade school teacher, and someone comes to you and accuses you of having sex with one of your pupils. What you just said to me is exactly the same. You're accusing me of rape.

"I would never do such a thing, and if I ever caught anyone doing it, I'd strip their powers and hand them over to the police."

"I'm sorry," he said. "I didn't mean..."

"Yes,"I said, "you did. But it's fine. I know everything coming at you right now is overwhelming, and half the time you don't know what's real and what's part of our powers. You can't even trust your own feelings because those can just as easily be manipulated.

"Trust me on two things though. The more you're around powers, the more you'll be able to recognize when people are using them both on you and on others. You'll feel it, and learn to recognize it. Second, NOBODY, not me, Sarah, or anyone else will get away with using powers on you. Yes, we might do things like link your sensations so things are more interesting in the bedroom, and I'm sure you've felt one of us using powers as we go to sleep, to help us all get a good night's rest. But you can rest assured that when it matters, nobody is going to take your, or anyone else's, ability to choose for yourself away from you.

"Even with Danny, I tricked him into going to see the counsellor, I didn't force him. He could easily have ignored the promise he made. I knew he wouldn't, but he still had that choice."

"I'm sorry," he said again.

"Sarah loves you," I said. "We love you. None of us would do anything to hurt you. But, it doesn't mean that we're going to take away your freedom to make your own choices, your own mistakes. We'll try and guide you but, once again, remember that we're all about the same age, so our wisdom probably isn't any better than yours. We'll also try and mitigate any fallout from bad decisions you make. You are, however, free to make them, as many and as often as you like."

Sarah came over, sensing some tension between Arnie and I.

"What's up?" she said looking from him to me.

"We're just talking," I said.

"I'm just being a dick," said Arnie. "I'm sorry."

"I think you two need to talk," I said, "I'll leave you to it."

Taking my plate of food, I moved out of the kitchen and into the living room, joining Ness and her 'posse'

Tiffany immediately brightened up as I went over. Ness, standing beside her, rolled her eyes.

"Hi Caleb," Tiffany chirped a beaming smile on her face.

"Hey," I said. "Sorry, I don't think we've been introduced." I directed this last remark to the two others in the mini party.

"Neil", said one holding out his hand for me to shake,

"I'm Samantha," said the other, also holding out her hand. I shook them both in turn.

"So," I said. "How's culinary school?"

"It got off to a rocky start," said Neil. "Our lecturer got arrested on our first day. I don't know if Ness told you."

"He was there," said Tiffany. "Don't you remember?"

"Oh," said Samantha. "No, I don't remember seeing him. But that day is a little hazy. Do you actually know what went on?"

I shook my head. "Nope," I said. "I was only there to drop off some stuff to Ness, and saw him get dragged off. I have no idea why."

"It's been good since then though," said Neil. "We were lucky to get put in a group with Ness though. She's brilliant."

"I'm not going to argue," I said. "The first time I met her, she cooked like an angel. She's only got better since then."

Ness, blushed but grinned at me.

"Ness says you cook," gushed Tiffany.

"I can boil water," I said, "without burning it too often."

"Maybe one day you'll show us what you can do?" she asked, arching an eyebrow at me, her meaning more than clear.

I looked at Ness again and she was both rolling her eyes and grinning at the same time.

"Perhaps," I said noncommittally.

The conversation moved onto food, and the types that they liked to cook and eat, and then they brought up the lesson we'd had with Gordon Ramsay.

"Did he shout at you a lot?" asked Neil.

"Not at all," I said. "He swore a couple of times, but not at us. I guess it's just words he's used to saying, like we might say darn or shoot. He's from Scotland and from what I hear that's kind of normal behaviour there.

"He was really really nice," said Ness. "He told Caleb he could get a job in any kitchen in the country."

They all looked at me.

"Wow," said Neil "Are you going to?"

"Nope" I said. "Food is a hobby, not a passion, for me. Ness is the chef in our family."

"What are you going to do?" asked Samantha.

"I'm hopefully joining the FBI," I said.

"So are you jealous," asked Tiffany to Ness, "that he didn't say that to you?"

Ness laughed, as did I.

"He offered Ness a job," I said. "Told her to call him and he'd employ her in any of his restaurants."

The jaws of all three of them dropped.

I caught a little irritation from Ness. Oops...I guess I wasn't supposed to let that one slip.

"Sorry!" I sent to her. She smiled at me.

"It's fine," she returned.

"What are you going to do?" asked Tiffany looking at her friend.

"I'm going to go home and enjoy my vacation," said Ness, neatly closing the door on the subject.

"What are you guys doing for the break?"

The conversation moved on and, after a few minutes, I excused myself and went back into the kitchen. I wanted another drink. I'd been sticking to soda all night. Apart from the almost traditional beer in the evenings, I almost never drank. I couldn't remember the last time I'd been drunk, and I wasn't even sure I could get drunk any more.

Connie and E were still in the kitchen. E was taking another turn at the food, which was starting to get low.

Connie grinned at me as I entered.

"Tell me you just didn't go and do the neighbor?" she said.

"Not just, no," I said looking at my watch. "It was about a half hour ago."

E grinned. "You old dog," he said. "Do your girls not mind?"

"More to the point does her husband not mind?"

"They invited me," I said. "They're kind of swingers."

"Wow," said E. "And your girls?"

"Are happy to see me happy. It's still new, so it counts as sharing."

"Don't you ever get jealous?" asked Connie. "If they 'share?'"

"I did in the beginning," I said, "I got myself tied up in all kinds of knots about it. But things are different now."

"In what way?" asked E

"Look at Connie," I said to him, and he did. "Look into her eyes. Can you see how much love she has for you, how 'in love' she is with you?"

He studied her for a moment, and then blushed.

"I can," he said. "Sometimes I worry I'm not... I don't deserve it."

"And do you feel the same for her?" I asked.

They looked at each other again, and he nodded. Connie smiled at him.

"When you know that," I said, "then the rest becomes easy. You wouldn't get upset if Connie went and played tennis or squash with someone else, or had a meal out. Connie doesn't get upset about you getting hot and sweaty on the field with twenty one other guys, and then going and getting in a group shower or bath afterward. You both know that, no matter what happens, the other is coming home to you, and their love for you is unassailable.

"You also know that we could make it so you," I indicated E, "can't get a girl pregnant until you want to, and you," I indicated Connie, "won't get pregnant until you want to. E is resistant to just about any infection and if Connie caught something then we can cure it without difficulty. So why not go out and enjoy life. If one of you finds something they like with someone new, bring that home, and play with it, so that the other can enjoy it too.

"But always remember that you are each other's number one. If they call, no matter what, you drop what, or who, you are doing and go to them. Never disrespect them or allow any of your lovers, if you have any, to do so."

"I don't think it'll be an issue." said E. "I'm not an empath so..."

"Tell me you're not going to be going to away games, on tours, training camps, and the like?" I asked him.

"Well, yes, but..."

"And is Connie going to be coming with you?" I asked him.

"Probably not," he said. "Not to all of them."

"And while you're away, are you going to ban her from eating?" I asked.

"What?" he said.

"And are you also not going to eat?"

"What are you talking about?" asked E, but Connie had taken my meaning almost immediately.

"He's saying," she said, "that sex is just a biological need, like eating. How many footballers and their wives split up because one or other had affairs while he was on the road. You're going to be surrounded by groupies, cheerleaders, vultures. And I'm going to be home alone, potentially with an itch to scratch and probably some vultures of my own too."

"I'm saying," I said, "that most trouble that people get into in those situations is trying to hide that they had sex with someone who wasn't their significant other. Blackmail and threats are used to drive wedges between them. I just went next door and had a good time, and hopefully Jane did too. Now if she were to come over here and demand something from me, using the fact we'd had sex to threaten me, I'd simply point her in the direction of one of my girls, probably Amanda, because she'd get off hearing about it. It wouldn't cause trouble in my family, because in the scheme of things it doesn't matter. My girls are always going to be my number one, and Jane will always be a poor substitute. I'll be as kind and considerate and respectful as I can toward her, but if it's a choice..."

"I see," said E. "I'm not sure I could think about things in that way,"

"It's just something for you to think about," I told them both. "It explains how we do what we do, not necessarily how you should live your lives."

Connie was looking thoughtful.

"We have sex twice a week, minimum," she said. "And I blow you almost every day." E blushed and spluttered, surprised that she'd share such personal information.

"Are you saying that you will be able to go without?" she asked him. "For weeks even months at a time while you are on training camp or on the road? You think your right hand will be enough? Especially when you have all those big titted cheerleaders like Cindy Bimbo throwing themselves at you. What happens when you have a night out, and a few drinks, and wake up with one of them in bed with you?"

"It won't..." he began.

"It might," she said. "And I'd rather you came home and told me all about it than tried to hide it."

"I'm not saying you'll go out looking," she told him, "but we both know what goes on. Also, you're less likely to get caught up in risky behavior, where you party and end up being accused of rape. Better you take a girl out for a nice dinner, and then back to your hotel for a nice night for both of you."

E regarded Connie with wide eyes.

"You're saying..."

"I'm saying we need to discuss this further," she said. "Nothing is getting settled tonight. But you and I have a life to build together. I want to be a part of your life as long as we both shall live and all that. I love you, and if I was going to be by your side every day and in your bed every night, perhaps we wouldn't need to have this conversation, although perhaps we might like a bit of spice occasionally. Since we know that your career is going to mean that we are going to spend significant amounts of time apart, we need to plan for that. To make sure that no matter what happens, we, you and me, are solid, and our love is unassailable.

"I also think that Caleb should do to you, what he did to me, to make you unable to father children until we want them. If you would." She directed that last at me.

"He only has to ask." I told her.

"I need to think about this more," said E, putting his now empty plate down on the table. For once I think he'd lost his appetite.

"That's a good sign," I said. "I'll leave you to discuss this. I'm going to go mingle." I grinned at the pair of them, before standing up, snagging another soda, and moving into the living room.

I spotted Sarah and Arnie having and earnest discussion. Danny was still talking to Dianna. I moved to Dana, who was sitting on one of the sofas, nursing a drink.

"Dance?" I asked. She smiled up at me.

"Love to," she said, and took my outstretched hand.

All the tracks were now slow ones, I noticed that Jules had put a playlist to play on her phone and was busy chatting with the other guests.

Dana pressed up against me as we danced.

"I've missed this," she said, looking up at me.

"Gracie's been away for some time?" I asked.

She nodded. "A couple of weeks," she said.

"Is she undercover?" I asked.

"No," she said. "She's consulting on an investigation. It's your fault."

"My fault?" I asked.

"If you hadn't given her all that accountancy knowledge..." she said smiling up at me.

"Ah," I said. "Sorry about that."

Dana laughed lightly. "I'm just pulling your chain. She's doing really well and in line for a promotion. I'm really proud of her."

"But that doesn't keep your bed warm at night," I said. "Or give you someone to talk to."

"She calls every night," she said. "But no, its not the same."

"Well you're staying here tonight," I said. "So you won't be alone."

"Can I sleep in with you guys?" she asked. "I miss holding someone in bed."

I did a quick poll of the girls. Unsurprisingly none objected.

"Of course," I said after a moment. She smiled up at me and then reached up and kissed me. It was a long, sweet kiss, and she seemed to have no regard for the others in the room, some of whom were taking notice.

Tiffany's eyes were wide as she watched. I saw her turn to Ness and ask her something. Ness looked in our direction and smiled. I didn't hear what she said, but I could guess.

"I'm sorry," said Dana, breaking the kiss. "Sometimes I just can't resist you."

I smiled at her. "Nothing to be sorry for. I enjoy your kisses. You have no idea how good it is for my ego when girls say things like that to me to."

She grinned.

Dianna approached me and tapped me on the shoulder.

"I'm heading out," she said when I turned to face her.

"Okay," I said, "Thanks for coming."

She grinned at me. "I'll see you when you get back," she said. "I've also heard that you're going to be invited in for the next stage sometime before Christmas.

"All ready?" I asked. "I thought it took longer than that?"

"Maggie and Frank are, shall we say, greasing the wheels," she said. "It's not going to be any easier for you to get in, but the process will probably take less time. You won't be invited to the Portland office though, you'll have to go to a different office. Since we're related and know you, it needs to be an impartial assessment."

"No problem," I said. "Thanks."

"Night Dana," said Dianna, surprising the younger girl with a hug.

While Dianna was occupying Dana, Sue took the opportunity to grab me.

"Dance with me?" she asked. I glanced in Dana's direction and she smiled and nodded stepping back. We'd danced a couple of tracks and she didn't want to monopolize me.

Sue gathered me up and we started to dance, or rather sway to the music while she pressed against me.

"You're an amazing guy," she said. "You know that?"

"Yes." I said with a grin.

She laughed at me.

"How's things with you and George?"

"Amazing," she said. "We've set a date, after we graduate. He's already got a job offer, and I'm have several interviews in the pipeline. As long as we both get the grades we want, we're golden."

"Do we get an invite?" I asked. She looked into my eyes.

"I was going to ask you," she said. "To give me away."

"What?" I said surprised. "Isn't that supposed to be the father of the bride?"

"My stepdad is an asshole," she said. "He's not even invited to the wedding. When I was big, he was always calling me names and belittling me, and the last time I went home, after I lost the weight, he tried to get into my pants."

"Wow," I said surprised.

"So," she said. "Will you?"

"If I can be there," I said. "I will. You'll have to give me the date as soon as you can."

"July 4th," she said grinning.

"Really?" I said surprised.

"I'm having my own 'Independence Day'," she said. "Getting away from that asshole."

I laughed. "Good for you," I said. "I'll make sure I keep it free."

"Of course all your girls are invited," she said. "No matter how many you have by then."

I laughed at her again. "I think I'm about maxed out," I said.

"Well whatever. However many you want to bring, its an open invite. Just let us know the numbers before the time. Okay?"

"I will, thanks."

The track finished and Sue turned and beckoned to her fiancé. He came over.

"We're going to head off," she said. "I know you're not a fan of late nights and, to be honest, I have an appointment with a large slab of man which I'm looking forward to."

I grinned at George.

"And what are you going to be doing?" I asked. Sue slapped my arm.

"Asshole," she laughed. George just grinned at me.

Sue leaned in and kissed my cheek.

"See you in a couple of weeks," she said. George shook my hand, and they both left.

I turned and almost bumped into Tiffany.

"Would you like to dance?" she asked rather nervously.

"Sure," I said, and she plastered herself against me.

I could feel her nerves and knew that after what she'd seen Dana do, she was building up the nerve to try a kiss too. Ness had told her that I was a great kisser and nobody would mind, least of all me.

I glanced over at Ness who grinned at me.

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