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Camp Counselor Lara

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Lara is a camp counselor for troubled, inner city teens.
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Hello there! This story is based on a job I had a few years back as a camp counselor - think Friday the 13th style camp. While working there I had this fantasy of some of the dangers that could happen. A friend of mine helped me write the fantasy out into this tale!

Hope you enjoy!

All characters are fictional and over the age of eighteen.

Lara sighed contentedly as the hot water beat on the tired muscles of her back. She had spent the day hiking ten miles through the woods with the teens of Camp Kikicanoe, a summer camp designed for underprivileged, inner-city teenagers of about eighteen or nineteen years of age.

She'd had spent the day running back and forth along the line of rude, complaining boys, more interested at staring at her tight ass in her khaki shorts, than actually enjoying the nature hike she and a few of her coworkers had taken them on..

Now the teens and most of the counselors were back in their bunks at the far end of the camp grounds, hopefully asleep and not causing trouble. Even if they did, she was off the clock.

Most of the boys here were attending the summer camp due to a court order rather than by choice. Some had parents that wanted them out of the dangerous city for a summer and spend some time in nature, like Derrick. One of the rare boys who was well behaved and not a total menace.

The others had committed some kind of offense, while mostly petty, they had gotten leniency from the judge and got community service and other wrist slaps.

One of those wrist slaps the judge handed out was mandatory enrollment in a wilderness camp to help get them out of their environment that some of these judges thought was the cause of their troubles. Nevertheless, they still weren't permitted outside the ten-acre fenced in area of the camp proper.

Lara took this job because he paid well while she had the summer off from teaching. Some of these boys were the same age as her high school students so she thought she knew how to reach them and make it a fun experience for them. But it was exhausting.

Lara was also drop dead gorgeous. A blonde with long legs, an ass that they all drooled over (even her male coworkers at the camp) and her best feature was her perfect breasts that were the source of every males wet dreams every night after the lights went out. She knew she was hot and didn't hesitate to flaunt it. Especially in the hot summer months. She didn't care that it was probably inappropriate to dress certain ways, she wanted to be comfortable. And if caused a few erections among these boys and her coworkers, so be it. They can all go take cold showers.

Being the only female in the camp she had an added bonus, she had the women's shower cabin all to herself as well as her own bunk.

When she leaned back to wet her hair, she heard an excited gasp that was abruptly cut short. Turning her back so that her large, firm breasts were no longer so lewdly displayed, she grunted in exasperation. Time and again she and the other female counselors that she had heard from before had complained about the gaps in the walls of the shower cabin, but management still had done nothing about it.

As she glared at the thin, moisture warped boards that formed the wall from which the sound had come, she could hear several low voices chiding the one who had given them away.

She wondered if all of the "bad kids" were out there, peeking in at her.

As ashamed as she was to admit it, sometimes she got excited thinking about a group of these unruly teens outside of the cabin, peering excitedly through the holes in the hopes of catching a glimpse of her tits over the low walls of the stall, or maybe even a peek at her ass or pussy when she exited the shower to dry off and get dressed.

The thought was fun, but in reality it would be horrifying if one of these thugs saw her naked...

Covering herself she yelled, "Get back to your cabins right now! Lights out was more than an hour ago. If any of you are in sight when I get out there, I'll write up all of you. I bet there's still plenty of room at the juvenile detention center."

She smiled in satisfaction when she heard their exclamations of dismay followed by the sound of scurrying feet. When they faded in the distance, she leaned back into the hot spray and started to wash her hair.

At twenty-nine, she knew she held the authority over even the most unruly and rough teens. Her years of teaching in inner cities gave her the experience she needed to deal with the even the most problematic students. Now, her summer jobs of working at various summer camps was really no different than being in the class room.

She was still rinsing when the door to the shower cabin banged open. Startled, she reached up to cover her breasts with a hand and twisted around to see who had entered.

Deon, an eighteen year old black kid and the leader of the delinquents, stood smirking at her. Behind him, looking decidedly nervous, were the other five boys, ranging in eighteen to nineteen years of age.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing? Get the fuck out of here!" she hollered.

His smirk grew broader. "We're not going anywhere. We got tired of peeking in at you through those tiny holes, so we thought we'd just come in and get the full show." He paused to brazenly leer at her exposed body. "And let me say that the show is fine!"

Lara was too pissed off to be frightened. "I'll tell the judge about this. He'll not only send you to juvie hall where you belong, but maybe even prison this time."

"Nah. You're not going to tell anyone anything, 'cause if you do there's six of us who will say that you seduced us. That you wanted some dark meat between your lily-white thighs. I doubt your fellow counselor David will support your story. Without anyone to back you up, who do you think they'll believe?"

She was taken aback by his words. Why did he sound so certain that David wouldn't help her? His conviction on the subject sent a shiver down Lara's spine. With all the stories in the media about teachers seducing their students, management might well believe the boys over her. It would certainly mean the loss of this job and maybe even her full time teaching job in the fall.

She grabbed her towel and hurriedly wrapped it around her body, trying her best not to let the group see much of her naked body as she did. Her clothes were in a locker at the other end of the cabin. They might as well have been miles away for all the good they did her. She needed to get out of there, and she needed to do it quickly. David should be in counselors' meeting shack, a small cabin at the center of the camp. If she could get there, she should be safe, although Deon's earlier statement concerning the other counselor still had her worried.

"Fine," she said. "I won't tell anyone. But the show's over now, you sick perverts. Get to your beds." Holding the towel tightly to her, she marched determinedly toward the door, expecting them to get out of her way.

They didn't. As she tried to push her way through them, she realized that the towel was short enough that they were certainly getting glimpses of the bottom curves of her ass cheeks and maybe even a few brief peeks at her pussy. She blushed in mortification.

Deon grabbed her shoulder and brought her to a stop. "Where do you think you're going. We barely got to see that body. You're the hottest of the counselors, even if you do act like a bitch towards us."

Her blush deepened. "Well this is all you're going to get to see. Let me pass." Although she tried to speak with calm authority, her voice broke and quavered. She was losing her authority and her confidence over these thug teens.

Deon didn't bother responding to her. "Grab her arms," he ordered his cohorts.

Lara tried to fight off the hands that reached for her with one hand while holding the towel up with the other. She was the same height or even taller than most of the boys, but there were just too many of them. Moments later at least two boys were holding each of her arms as she squirmed between them.

She desperately tried to get her arms free knowing that how she was completely naked under her towel and it could slip off at any moments. But she was also aware of the double edge knife situation that her struggles to free her arms would probably result in her towel falling sooner. She decided to stop struggling which at least would keep her nakedness covered and hope that they'd just taunt her a bit before letting her go... but that hope lasted only seconds.

Deon stepped directly in front of her. Taking the top edge of the towel in both of his hands. She looked at him wide eyed and terrified, "Please don't, Deon! I'm naked under my towel. You can't... you can't see me naked!" She pleaded on the verge of tears.

Deon ignored her. The idea that telling him that she was naked underneath that thin and loose material would make him stop was laughable. He laughed and then pulled... the towel was whipped off of her. Her naked body was now on display for the boys she was in charge of. They could see everything now.

Lara let out a gasp as the realization that they were seeing every inch of her perfect naked body. Her C cup tits, her cleanly shaven pussy, all on display for these teen thugs. She heard the boys gasp with excitement at the sight of her heaving breasts. She had never been more humiliated in her entire life.

"Nice. Very nice," Deon said as he stared at her tits.

"Please... Please cover me up! Don't look at me! It's not right! Oh My God, Deon, I'm naked! Don't look! HELP! SOMEBODY HELP!"

She knew the cries for help were useless. Her co-workers were on the completely opposite side of camp and even still, if they came to help her, they too would get to see her naked, and they would probably get beat up by these boys and then get a front row seat at whatever was about to happen to her. Or her screams might attract more of the teen campers who would die to see her naked like this.

She saw his hands rising towards her tits and renewed her struggles but she couldn't break free. She cried out in shock as he squeezed them roughly.

He bounced them up and down and tugged on her nipples to the delight of his friends, who were gazing at her exposed flesh with hungry eyes. "Holy shit these tits are amazing! Firm, too," he commented. "You've got great tits, Miss Lara." He smirked again.

Staring into her eyes with a malicious look twisting his dark features, he kept one hand on a tit and trailed the other down the center of her stomach. Another camper immediately reached in to grope the breast that Deon had left unattended.

Deon's fingers lingered on her mound for a moment before tracing along her slit. "I like nice smooth pussies," Lara closed her eyes and whimpered as the thing teen traced her naked pussy lips.

She again tried to take control of the situation. Taking a deep breath she said as calmly as she could with her tits and pussy being fingered and groped, "Boys, please! Don't touch me there! This has gone far enough. David will be doing his rounds soon. Despite what you seem to think, he will call the police when he catches you committing a felony."

Deon grunted in exasperation. Releasing her, he told his cronies to keep hold of her and then headed for the door. He returned moments later dragging David by the hair. The other counselor, a stern, older man with strong religious convictions, looked decidedly the worse for wear: his eyes were blackened, his nose bloodied, and another thin dribble of blood ran from the corner of his mouth.

Pushing David down near one of the walls, Deon said grimly, "There's your big hope of rescue."

Lara looked at the other counselor with open mouthed astonishment. "You're insane! There's no way you can get away with beating him up and... and..."

"And raping you?" Deon finished for her. That was it. Her worst fears that she didn't even let herself think of. They were going to rape her, probably in every hole, over and over. These little thugs who should never even get a chance to see her naked were going to gang rape her tight pussy and there was nothing she could do about it.

Her small hope of rescue from David was short lived, and as she feared, David was now going to be an audience member to this. David had hit on her like every other co-worker did, but she shot him down because he was a loser and an ass hole. Now he was a few fee from her, gawking at her naked tits and pussy and was going to watch her get gang raped by the campers they were in charge of.

By the look of his pants tenting in the front, Lara was so degraded by the thought that he will probably enjoy the show. She had turned him down, thought she was better than him, almost laughed in his face when he asked her out. Now he was having the last laugh by staring at her nakedness.

She screamed out, "David, don't look at me, you pervert! They're going to rape me! Either try to save me or look away! Please, please, please don't watch!"

The boys laughed at her scolding her co-worker. Deon turned his attention to David and taunted him "Well, I think rescuing the hot camp counselor will be hard in your condition, so you might as well just enjoy the show. Don't worry, we ain't judging you that your pecker is hard. She's fucking hot as hell and probably teased you more than she teased us!"

David nodded his head. Deon continues, "You're going to be good and not try to play hero?"

David nodded again. "Good, now sit back and watch this bitch's pussy get the pounding it deserves"

A roar of cheers from Deon's friends filled the room. Lara's head sank down. She couldn't take the words he was saying, what they were going to do to her. She couldn't handle standing here in front of them all completely naked. The shame was so overwhelming she could barely stand on her feet.

Deon turned away form David and back to Lara, "I mean, do you remember the bikini you wore for lake activities two days ago!" Lara's shame mounted as he talked. She knew that bikini was going to get every male in the camp to jerk off over her later on, and she loved that idea at the time. She loved torturing males around her with her perfect body. She loved being in control and giving them all, both her coworkers and the campers, a taste of what none of them would ever get to have.

"Why did I tease them so much!" she cursed herself in her head.

Deon went on, "it took all our strength not to rip off your little bikini right there! But there were too many of your fellow counselors around, not all of them such pussy's as David here, so you would've probably been saved on that day... but not today. Today you're getting the fucking you deserve!"

Deon looked back at David and around the room "We decided that we've had enough of the bullshit here. We're leaving tonight and heading to a place where no one will look for us. Before we go, though, we decided to get a little payback. Speaking of which..."

Held by four boys, Lara could do nothing but squirm impotently as Deon pressed his body against hers. She squealed as his mouth mashed roughly against her lips, and one of his fingers slid into her pussy. He finger fucked her hard for a minute before pulling her away from his friends.

He dragged her over to the bench in front of the row of lockers and sat down. He then pulled her face-down over his thighs. Looking up at the group of boys who had dutifully followed, he picked one out. "Pedro, she always looking down her nose at you. Want to get even?"

Lara felt the rough cloth of the Hispanic boy's t-shirt rub against her hip as he got down on his knees next to her. A callused hand groped her ass for a moment before smacking it hard.

A second blow soon followed the first. Pedro LOVED her ass. He had worshipped her ass since his first day at camp. Wanted nothing more than to touch it. Now her perfect ass was naked in front of him. Spanking it, rubbing it, spanking it again was all he could think to do.

As the spanking picked up speed and ferocity, Lara twisted and shook on Deon's lap. It wasn't only the pain that was making her squirm - although the slaps did sting. Rather, the thought of these delinquents - these teens that she was supposed to be keeping out of trouble - leering at her naked ass and pussy while one of their friends disciplined her like a child was causing a heat to grow within her loins that had nothing to do with her reddened buttocks.

She had never felt such humiliation, such shame. Yet the humiliation was making her wet.

Her ass bounced with every spank Pedro landed on her firm cheeks. She knew Pedro was another problem teen that constantly undressed her with his eyes all summer.

She knew spanking her while she was naked and helpless was probably a fantasy he'd jerked off to many times late at night in his bunk. He was getting to live it out to her extreme shame and humiliation.

"Pedro, please! I'm sorry if I was ever mean to you. Please don't do this! don't spank me! I'm... I'm supposed to be in charge!" She said the last part mostly to herself. Most of them just laughed at her, Pedro included. She didn't think she was ever mean to him.

She remembered actually trying to help him, mentor him a bit like a big sister. She never thought in a million years that she'd be bent over in front of him with her naked ass and pussy on display while he spanked her. She thought she might faint from the humiliation.

She had treated them all well. Yes, she was well aware they all ogled her, eye raped her every second of the day, but she was paid to be their counselor and she tried her hardest to engage them, show them what a positive, older mentor could be in their lives.

She actually thought she was starting to reach some of them, but knew too many of them were always falling back into their thuggish ways. But even the ones she thought were good at heart, were now lustfully enjoying her nakedness on display and probably eager to raper her tight little pussy. She whimpered and turned deep red as these degrading thoughts ran through her head.

Deon easily held her in place with an arm across her back while fondling her heaving breasts with his other hand. After a few minutes, he said, "Hold on a second, Pedro." Nodding toward the other boys, he continued, "Grab her legs and spread them wide." Lara struggled fiercely as they hurried to comply, but her efforts were futile.

Her face grew even hotter and redder as everything she had was lewdly exposed to the gaze of the young boys.

When she was spread out before them, Deon said, "Ok, Pedro. Now you can spank her cunt and asshole."

Lara's eyes widened in shock. "No! Not..."

Before she could complete her protest, Pedro's hand slapped down on her defenseless pussy. She squealed, screamed and shivered as the young boy's hand rained down on her clit, labia and asshole. Over the sounds of her torment, she could hear the heavy, lustful breathing of the other boys as they looked on.

To her disgust, soon each of those smacks was accompanied by a wet, splashing sound as her excitement grew no matter how she tried to quell it.

After a few minutes, Pedro came to a sudden stop, his hand cupping and squeezing her sex. To Lara's mortification, he then commented, "She's all wet down here."

She could hear the amusement in Deon's voice. "Really? Hold her down for a second, I want to check this out.". Lara wanted to die. Her embarrassment just got worse and worse.

Deon's finger sought out her opening and pushed inside. He sawed it back and forth within her a few times before pulling it free. She heard his inhalation as he sniffed it and then his laughter.

"Nah, it's not piss. The bitch is getting turned on by this."

Grabbing a handful of her long, blonde hair, he pulled her head back and leaned over to the side to look into her eyes. In a hoarse whisper he said, "I always knew you were a teasing bitch, but I never would have guessed that you were such a kinky slut. Do you actually like having us spank you and look at your tits, ass and wet cunt?"

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