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Take Two Pills and ...


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I got a worried look when I felt my limp dick stir, but when I looked down at it I saw my shriveled cock twitch and then fall limp again. Phew!

Mom leaned in and kissed me on my right cheek while Penny kissed my left one, each of them holding my limp dick in their hand. We all hugged and laughed as I thought, 'it is SO good to be home!'

The end.

Thanks for reading my story! Don't forget to vote! God I really want my writer's block to go away so I can finish things quicker and easier!

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AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

All that's missing is knocking them both up and continuing their marathon fuck sessions for years to cum!

DexdareDexdare3 months ago

Great story, very well told. Absolutely loved it

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Your story reminded me of a time I had with two girls that tricked me into taking two blue pills. They thought it was funny until I said I had to go. Then after getting naked and having sex for three hours nostop, I ended up in the emergency room emarrassed as hell. I wouldn't talk tto either of them agan. but did spread the word about how evil the two where. Good luck with your writing. Maybe it will bring back memories in others.

DadiesdreamsDadiesdreams4 months ago

I enjoyed it except for the stupid fact that no one no matter how tired could mistake Viagra for aspirin. I also found it irritating when you were using 3 1/2 inches and 4 inches in and out so often it sounded ridiculous. People just don’t talk or think that way Mention his length once if you must but to keep repeating amounts he was in or out is silly

Apart from these things I did however enjoy the story but brother sister incest is my favourite. Please take this as constructive criticism.

ToughSailorToughSailor7 months ago

The verbiage between mother and son was getting so repetitive that it became trite. One more "I love you mom" and I'll quit reading.

RaulCraceRaulCrace8 months ago

That was wild.

rbloch66rbloch6610 months ago

That was fun!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Keep your writer’s block if you can turn out more stories as hot as this every so often. 5 stars 🌟

Bill S.the 4 hour warning is to prevent blood clots from forming to ehe blood captured in the quiescent blood trapped in the penis.

As an official old fart I take 20 mg of Cialis each morning, but it wears off in a few hours.. $0.37

Through Good Rx.

Bill S.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

A fun situation to imagine thx

BassNutt51BassNutt51over 2 years ago

This was a very good story, quite entertaining and a little funny. As an older man I can relate to using pills to keep me going longer. My male friends all make jokes about the warning about being hard for four hours. They all say if that happens they would all love to experience screwing for that long. We know the perils of it but one can always dream, lolol. Thanks for writing it's much appreciated 😊👍


First, I really enjoy reading your stories...you are a master with words!

Second, I also hope you can get over your writer's block, and churn out the rest of your stories/sequels!! Be patient with yourself, and FOCUS...ONE STORY AT A TIME!!

To the people who make such scrappy comments...Why don't you go somewhere else, or just keep things to yourself. These are not appreciated, and serve no true purpose (unless you count your own self-centered needs!)


AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I can’t fault the story for not being hot as the devil, but I didn’t like him cucking his dad.leaving out mom & just a marathon sister fuck would be better. Just my preference.

One other thing. You use a homophone frequently in your stories. If someone ‘peaks’ it means they reached the top. If someone ‘peeks’ it means they took a quick look.

The reason behind the 4 hour rule is that blood trapped starts to clot which means a potential stroke or heart attack. Going soft for a few minutes should let the trapped blood out & replaced with fresh starting the clock again.

Also, without sexual stimulation viagra doesn’t work.

I know because I’m a regular user now that Good RX let’s me get 100 pills for less than $40.00.

Life isn’t the best but it’s not that bad.

Bill S.

collin4xxxcollin4xxxover 2 years ago

Love to read about him impregnating his sister and his mom too!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

A very cute and fun story. I enjoyed it.

hellhale01hellhale01over 2 years ago

I absolutely love this story this is my second time rereading and i WILL be reading it again in the future. I wish you would do a part 2 where the sister comes off the Pill and has her brothers babies.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Too bad you ruined it with the mom being still married and them both more than happy to cuck his father. I get it, it's a silly, made-up-premise, but still... the cheating skank mom thing is NOT a turn-on.

SatyrDickSatyrDickover 2 years ago

Hawt, Hawt, Hawt!

11/10 'Little Blue Pills'!!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Fantastic fantasy! Keep committing this imaginative stuff to print. I love it!

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Funny as hell. A teenager + 3× Viagra = a lot of trouble.

However, you won't run "dry" after two ejaculations in a hour, or four, or even six (not attainable for the vast majority of males due to the 15 to 30 minute refractory period). The volume will certainly be a lot smaller, but since only 2% to 5% of semen is sperm and the average male produces ~1500 per second, the supply is basically unlimited. 15 million is considered to be the minimum normal sperm count in a full ejaculation (the normal range is 15 to 200 million) and that can be produced in just 2.8 hours. The average male stores enough sperm for 3 full ejaculations, but those with larger testicles can make and store more, obviously.

Clancy31015Clancy31015over 3 years ago

More? Maybe a spinoff involving a quarantine and neighbors involved?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

Why is it considered erotic for an idiot guy to cum all over himself??? It's like a 13 yr old learning to cum for the first time. Seems more stupid than erotic. Literotica stories are about as fake as porn.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Wonderful Story

I hope there's more chapter coming after this. Beautiful story from start

To end. Keep coming please.

RazzakelRazzakelover 4 years ago

This is an amazing story and it makes me want an continuation of it because of how fucking great it is!!!!

RazzakelRazzakelover 4 years ago

That was an amazing story and it made me want a continuation of it because of how fucking great it is!!!!

photokenphotokenalmost 5 years ago
Great story

I would say your writers block came up with a very creative solution! Thank you I enjoyed it !

MrBill36MrBill36over 5 years ago
Viagra Good?

I was given three Viagra pills by my Dr and didn’t experience any help. When I picked up my Rx, they did work but not as I had hoped for. Then a young lady I was friends with tried to talk me into messing around with her. I refused and we remained friends but not with benefits. That was about thirty years ago, now I’d like to have some pills again just to give them another try.

gregglidergreggliderover 5 years ago
Fuck yes

Just read this story with a bottle of Rush. Holy shit. Nice job

ExperienceCountsExperienceCountsalmost 6 years ago
Loved it

great story... good pace and well written.

peter1934peter1934almost 6 years ago
Made mum pregnant

Sister OK on the pill mum had no protection

Omart57Omart57about 6 years ago
Great story,Dawg!

Loved it ,really got my blood pumping!

Firmhands5Firmhands5over 6 years ago
Pacemakers are great

I also had an adulation done and that has stabilized me and my cock! With your stories - DAMN good!!! Keep up the great work and take care of yourself! I am enjoying your stories

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Not dead yet

dezurtdawg here!

Hi guys n gals, just a quick note to let all of you know a few things.

First of all, I AM NOT DEAD........YET!

Besides my writer's block, my ticker started acting up a few years back and after way too many trips to the doctor they figured it out and prescribed meds to help with it. (My arteries are clean, just a non-correctable low expulsion factor. IF you know what that means you have my sympathy.) So I bounced from good days to bad days and the doctor helped to exacerbate that problem with constant changes to my meds. Shit!

Finally had a pacemaker implanted and, that, along with different meds seems to have stabilized things for me. So I've been slowly working on my long dormant stories. Unfortunately, while all of this went on I have forgotten my password to get onto my author's page to upload new stories that I have ready. Every time I ask for the reset password code it turns out that it won't work and thus far the help people here have been NO HELP!

So anyway, wish me luck at getting that fixed. I will try to add this note to all of my stories, or at least the last part for those that are series. Take care, all of you, and don't forget to vote!


jtw0978jtw0978almost 7 years ago

You must say how you did with out the Viagra

TreeTopCharlieTreeTopCharlieabout 7 years ago

Not a bad story. Maybe Mom and Penny could get pregnant in chapter 2, and the siblings live together with mom's pregnancy blamed on dad.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Hulk Hogan

Love me, brother

courtjester369courtjester369almost 8 years ago
More please

Can't wait to see how the rest turns out

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Great story

Please another chapter. Penny likes how mom tastes. How about mom and penny getting together? Dad can find out somehow and join in on the fun.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Well done

I liked this story. An enjoyable read. And no anal in it to mess it up. Well done.

The old fart

WmsraubWmsraubabout 8 years ago
Yes seqal !

Don't stop please! You got the sister committed

Tony StrokesTony Strokesover 8 years ago
Sequel anyone?!

You're going to give us a sequel right? I'd definitely be interested in knowing if the Mom and Sister ever got pregnant from their marathon sex with the Son/Brother.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Anonymous is a frustrated video gamer

Dude, that story was so hot my lady sucked it the whole time and made me read it out loud. Your a stud man. I loved that kinda shit

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Great story yet again.

In the back of my head while reading it all I could hear was Cheap Meds playing.

1lobo11lobo1over 9 years ago
Where's the rest

What happened to the other gfs of sis. Damn I was looking forward to the orgy maybe even with aunts and cousins

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

Unnecessary adultery? Rofl! That was too damn funny! The distaste for cuckold I get, but I had to laugh at someone being ok with incest but offended with adultery, heh. Hell I don't consider incest adultery anyway, its just family! ;) I think the irony being that most people seem to find incest a much worse offense than adultery. Lol.

...for this story its a nonstart since I'd never have any interest in fucking my mom anyway, lol. ...now a sister....

txcrackertxcrackerover 9 years ago

Well done ! I liked it really different approach .

Thanks for the read .

tx cracker

manimal51manimal51over 9 years ago
Thank you!

Dawg all I can say is that it is good to have you submitting stories again. I've been off the site for awhile and was pleased when I found your new submissions. Excellent as always. Still waiting for the next Stacy Brown installment. No pressure just saying. Thanks again.



AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
part 2

please give us part 2 soon my email

dezurtdawgdezurtdawgover 9 years agoAuthor
To: Anonymous Why?

Pet peeves not withstanding, because I prefer to think most families still have two parents. However, amongst the jumbled mess in my brain are a couple of stories that will meet your requirements. When they will be finished is any body's guess.

Also, I tried that cut n paste idea but found that A: it didn't always fit with what had been written previously, and B: sometimes I didn't really know what it went to, just that it didn't go with what I was trying to write. SUCKS!!!


AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Unnecessary adultery (why couldn't the mother be a widow, or divorced? why?)

As such, I read all the way through the story in order to be able to give an honest review, and sadly the story did not end up being good enough (in my opinion) to make me ignore that pet peeve. To any who ask "why did you read it if you hated it!?" ...because I didn't *know* I would hate it, my thickheaded, reading-comprehension challenged friend. Then, upon learning that I probably wouldn't like it, I continued reading in order to ensure I could honestly review it, also in hopes that it would be good enough to defy my newly lowered expectations. Clear enough for ya?

Anyway, dezurtdawg, I sympathize with your problem...I struggle in a similar way. All I can say is, when you realize you've written part of another story whilst intending to write a different story, copy and paste the misplaced/absentmindedly written text onto the draft of the story it was originally for. Then just edit it to fit. Less wasted time that way...possibly. Either way, best of luck reigning that problem in! As an aside, maybe your next incest venture could be cuckolding/cuckoldry free? Just a tongue in cheek suggestion. :-P

PS: don't take this negative review to mean I won't still be following you...heck no. You might have (or appear to have, from my perspective) an odd preference for including adultery and cuckolding in your stories, but you can still write an excellent yarn, when I'm not driven to distraction by the inclusion of that particular pet peeve of mine. I hope you have success again, sometime soon, in conquering that beast known as "writers block"!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

please write a second story to this it was great!

dezurtdawgdezurtdawgover 9 years agoAuthor
re: some comments

To Tony S., thanks!

To: Anonymous Part 2: Okay, since I didn't kill them off in the last sentence, I guess we all know the fun will continue for the three of them. But after considering how long it took to get that story done I can't fathom the idea of a part 2. So just let your mind fill in the continuing blanks.

To 'rightbank', re: ADWD. I guess that would be a whole lot better than calling it "dezurtdawg syndrome".


P.S., Depending on how cooperative my muddled brain is, I hope to have another story posted soon. ('soon' is a time period of indeterminate duration.)

Tony StrokesTony Strokesover 9 years ago
Excellet work

I'm glad to see you're back with a new story, and this one a fresh idea from the previous ones.

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