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Candid Camera

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Candid naked photos prompt an investigation.
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No, this isn't a story about the old TV show; rather it's about what not to do if your wife doesn't know about it.

At the age of 29 I, Van Mitchell, was a reasonably happily married man. My wife Gloria, 28, is an intelligent personable woman who was gifted with a nice set of knockers, large enough not to be missed by even a casual observer. The only consistent sore point in our marriage was my desire to have kids soon, and her desire not to.

Two other characters in my story are Britta ("exalted one" in Gaelic and Norwegian) Thomas nee Nilsen, 32, and her husband Carl, 36. Britta worked at the same company that I did, me as a computer engineer, she as the manager of HR. Britta is the type of woman that if you had the chance to date you'd likely fall in love with her. She is sweet, intelligent, competent in everything that she does, and drop-dead gorgeous. At six feet she might be too tall for some guys; since I'm six feet four inches tall that isn't an issue for me. I fantasized (only) about seeing Britta naked!

While at the inception of this tale Britta and I were not good friends, we definitely were friendly. A group of between 8-12 employees went out for pizza at lunchtime once a month, and she and I were often in that group. We even sat next to each other twice. My only real one-on-one contact with her was when her computer punked out at a very inopportune time.

Normally, someone from IT would immediately help the HR manager with her computer, however that day flu was running rampant through the IT department and the only two employees not out sick were tasked with a system-wide upgrade that could not be delayed because a possible piece of malware was detected in the system. Since Britta and I had been together with the group at lunch two days before, she called me in a panic.

I immediately went to Britta's office. I fixed her problem in ten minutes, ran a diagnostic on her computer since I was there and she was agreeable, and was able to extend a fifteen minute job to a half hour of pleasant interaction with her. The only issue that I had was my uncooperative cock, which decided to tent my pants causing me to hold a computer manual in front of it as I exited so as not to be exposed as a pervert.


While there is no need to go into all of the characters' relationships since elementary school, bust or dick size, or favorite color, I do need to tell you a little about me to make this story realistic (like you will believe it is anyway, lol).

I'm usually intellectually lazy. While I had enough native intelligence to graduate from a decent engineering school I spent most of my time playing basketball, chasing women, working out, and drinking. I no longer do any of those except work out (which I do five days a week). I do my job pretty well -- but I'm not gung ho and don't do much more than I have to.

As a red-blooded male I "sometimes" look at porn on the Internet. My wife knows but her attitude is if you're on a diet (or married) you can still look at the dessert menu (soft porn), just don't order any chocolate cake (put your dick or tongue where you shouldn't).

As I was perusing a new website containing photos and a few videos of amateur wives I saw what to my tastes was the best body that I had ever seen in my life. The woman had long legs with killer thighs, a perfect bubble butt, spectacular round tits with prominent nipples, a flat stomach, and a shaved crotch with conspicuous labia that almost reached out of the screen and said "Fuck Me!" The photos were obviously taken with a candid camera, and the goddess' face was blurred with a computer or phone app. There were about a half dozen photos of her, which I immediately copied and kept in a "Best Photos" file on my home laptop.

The only photo where the goddess' face wasn't blurred was one that didn't show her face. It was my favorite. It was from the rear as she bent over with her legs slightly apart so that her pussy was completely exposed.

While I looked at the goddess' photo several times a week (if I looked at the rear one too long I ended up wanting to fuck Gloria immediately) for a month of course looking was all that I could do -- until...

Our company likes to have family events. On a Saturday near the beginning of July we had a party at a resort where there were all sorts of activities including a pool. After playing a few friendly games of volleyball I was sweaty and needed a swim so I changed into my bathing suit, took a quick shower so as not to pollute the pool water, and went onto the pool deck. I found my wife Gloria -- who looked really hot (not temperature, sexy) in a bikini I considered too small for a company event -- sitting on a lounge chair sipping a Mai Tai and talking to some of the other wives. I gave Gloria a quick kiss, went to the deep end of the pool and did a perfect (in my mind, the splash it caused may contraindicate it) swan dive off of the high dive.

After a few more dives as I was cresting the ladder at the deep end while exiting the pool a picture of comeliness walked in front of me. Even though the tall woman had a fairly conservative one-piece suit on there was no hiding how alluring her body was. As I perused her from the rear wishing that I had my sunglasses on she stopped, removed her hat and sunglasses and put them on a lounge chair, and continued toward the diving board. I saw the side of her face when she did that -- it was Britta!

As I watched her ass wiggle some more suddenly I noticed something on her right thigh just below her ass cheek. It looked similar to a mark on my favorite photo in my "Best Photos" folder on my home laptop. On the photo there was a spot that could have been a birthmark or tattoo of something closely resembling a star. It appeared that Britta may have the same mark.

I thought that I was subtle -- I found out later that I was about as subtle as a diesel truck -- following Britta around for the next fifteen minutes or so trying to get a better look. At last when I followed her up the ladder of the pool high dive I got a really good look. It was a birthmark that did resemble a four tipped star. After I got my good look I got dressed, enticed Gloria away from the pool, and we got lunch and ate with several other couples.

When I got home that night I looked at my favorite photo carefully, and enlarged it the most that I could. There was no doubt in my mind that it was Britta's mark on the right thigh on the photo.

My cock immediately inflated. I heard the shower running in the master bath. I quickly turned off the computer, got naked, and accosted Gloria in the shower. My blitzkrieg on her tits and crotch caught her off guard, but apparently also caught her willing. After a cursory attempt to dry us off I carried her to our bed and went after her pussy. If I eat her first Gloria will fuck any way that I want to.

I brought her to two orgasms with my tongue, lips, and fingers, then turned her on her hands and knees so that her pussy was exposed just like in my favorite photo. I hallucinated that the birthmark was on her right thigh and then proceeded to give Gloria the pasting of her life.

Our orgasms were so intense that we both temporarily lost consciousness. When we regained awareness I spooned her tightly while massaging her tits. "What the fuck was that, you animal?" she asked in an appreciative -- not snarky -- voice.

"Your hot body suddenly flashed into my mind and I had to have you," I snarled.

Gloria giggled and we both quickly fell asleep tired from our long day at the party, and our over-the-top sex session.

When we woke up the next morning I remembered not just the fuck the night before, but also dreams about fucking Britta doggy. I forgot my embarrassment once I fucked Gloria again.


Once I knew that Britta was in the nude photos on the Internet I didn't know what to do. I thought about un-blurring her face in the five photos that showed it; I thought about just ignoring it; I thought about telling her anonymously; and I thought about telling her in person. Each action, or inaction, had potential consequences.

I was still thinking about it when I went to the site where I found her original photos two more, and a short video. In the short video her entire face wasn't visible, but her chin and hair were, and she was masturbating with a vibrator. At that point, given what I knew about how conservative Britta always was, I knew for certain that she did not know that the naked photos and video were on the Internet and she would want them off. I knew then that I had to do something.

The first thing that I did was to try to un-blur her face on one of the photos to positively confirm that it was her. At the same time if I could un-blur it that meant that others could too, and Britta sure wouldn't want that -- it was bad enough as it was.

I called up my only fraternity brother from college who also majored in a computer field. Unlike me he was really studious and I know that he had gone on to get a master's degree. After shooting the shit I told him what I wanted to do (without telling him why). He said "You first have to figure out what app was used to do the blurring. Once you find that out contact me and I'll send you the appropriate software tool." He then gave me instructions on how to determine what the blurring app was, warning me that it would be time consuming.

After working about fifteen to twenty minutes a night for a week I finally figured out the right app. That Friday I sent my fraternity brother an encrypted email, got the tool as an attachment to his response, and then needed a time to do the un-blurring.

We had a busy weekend and it wasn't until Sunday night that I used the tool as my fraternity brother instructed. I used the most provocative photo where her face had been blurred. In a few minutes it was un-blurred.

It was Britta.

She looked sexy as hell.

I got Gloria to go to bed early and after eating her to two orgasms fucked her brains out!


By noon of Wednesday of the next week after soul-searching I determined that the best approach was to give the naked media information to Britta in person. An anonymous email, even if sent to her personal email address and not her company one, could be problematic. I really liked Britta and if she killed the messenger I would be very sorry -- but it was the right thing to do.

As luck would have it that Wednesday was one of our pizza days. Both she and I attended, but didn't sit next to each other. During out three block walk back to our office I cut her out of the herd and after some quick chit chat I took a deep breath. "Britta, there is something really important that I need to talk to you about. Is there some time this weekend we could meet privately for twenty minutes at the most."

"I guess Van -- what's it about?"

"I'm sorry, but I don't feel comfortable about revealing anything about it until we're in a private setting. I guarantee that it's something you need to know."

Apparently she saw the serious look on my face and beads of sweat forming on my forehead because after a delay she said "OK; I work out at the Planet Fitness on Chesterfield Saturday morning. I'll be done at 9:30 and we can go to the park in back of the facility and talk. If you want you can join me at 8:00 a. m. as a guest."

While I have my own, different, workout facility that I regularly go to Saturday morning, I accepted. By that time we were back at our office building.

Saturday morning Britta and I worked out at Planet Fitness, although it was not really "together" since we used different equipment at different times except that we used side-by-side ellipticals for cardio. She was a real workout fiend, which explained in part how toned her body was. She was the object of desire by about every male there, although she didn't show even the slightest indication of awareness, let alone interest. I did get some jealous looks when we were on the elllipticals and occasionally chatted.

We didn't shower after working out, but about 9:40 dried off and went outside on a gorgeous morning. I got an envelope from my car before we sat down on an isolated park bench, each with a bottle of water.

"So, what's the big secret?" Britta smiled.

I decided that the blunt, direct, approach was best. "In perusing an Internet soft porn site I came across naked photos, and a video, of you. It appears from the photos and video that they were taken with a candid camera -- that you didn't know about them. There are eight photos and one video. In the photos your face is blurred but when I suspected that they were of you I un-blurred one and it clearly is. In this envelope is a copy of each of the photos, including the one with your face un-blurred, and the website where they and the video can be found."

At first it was clear that Britta thought that I was kidding.

Then when I handed her the envelope her face got serious.

When she opened it up she gasped, was visibly shaken, and put her hand to her mouth.

Without turning the photos toward me, and with me looking anywhere else except at her, she let out little yelps and then a curse "That fucking bastard, I'll cut his balls off!"

One photo she looked at much longer than the others -- she hit me on the arm, showed it to me, and said "Is this the one that caused you to figure out that it was me?"

Of course it was the one from the rear where her birthmark was visible. I nodded my head in the affirmative.

"Is that why you were sniffing my butt at the company party?" she asked. Her tone was not really accusatory but wasn't friendly either.

"Uh...yes...uh...but I didn't...uh...know that you...uh...noticed," I stammered, feeling my face flush and sweat -- not from working out -- forming on my forehead.

"I don't know if that makes you more or less of a pervert, but at least it explains it," she snipped, causing me to flush more.

As she was obviously contemplating what to do I felt the urge to explain myself. "Look, Britta; I thought long and hard about providing you with this information. I did it only because from the photos it seems that you didn't know -- and I'd bet a million bucks that you didn't know about the video. If you need my assistance in getting these removed from the website I might be able to help -- but the demand has to come from you."

Britta stared at me for a long time as I flushed and sweated more. Finally her expression softened and she said "I knew nothing about these photos and video. It's clear to me that my husband Carl took and posted them, and he's going to fucking pay for it. I recognize that it was a difficult thing for you to do and despite my initial reaction, and my embarrassment at you seeing these photos, I truly thank you for it."

With that she gave me a quick kiss on the lips, which startled me.

Then, without further ado she put everything back in the envelope, stood up and said "I will contact you if I need your help. Do you have copies of these photos?"

"I promise that I'll destroy them," I nervously replied.

"Wait until they're removed, then do so," was her surprising response.


The days after the Saturday revelation lots happened. In no particular order:

--Britta had a blowup with her husband Carl. From what I heard through the grapevine, and later directly from her, she threatened him with divorce.

--Gloria started acting squirrely. She wasn't normally moody but she went from normal to belligerent to sexually provocative to distant to bubbly, sometimes all within the same hour.

--Several days after our meeting Britta took me to lunch. There she told me that despite her and Carl's best efforts the site, which was located in Eastern Europe, refused to remove the photos and video since "They are the most viewed content we have."

--Britta seemed really down, not her normal friendly self.

The night after our lunch I went to see a guy who was rumored to be a black hat hacker, although he thought of himself as a gray hat. I told him about the site that wouldn't take down the photos. He said he could help for $5,000, and for $10,000 he could guarantee that the photos and video were gone for good. I gulped.

That night I called Britta when she was at home -- a first. I told her what the black hat could do, and the cost. I assured her that I could work as a go-between. I also -- why I went out on a limb like that I don't know, maybe I was thinking with my little head instead of my big one -- guaranteed that if they weren't taken down I'd pay half of the cost.

She sweetly declined my offer, "It's not your fault -- it's all on Carl and he'll pay or else," but accepted my offer to be a go-between.

I got the money from Britta and on Saturday morning I sought out Damon, the black/gray hat. When I gave him the money I really laid it on thick. I told him that despite my degree I could never hold a candle to him when it came to computers, how wonderful the woman who had been wronged was, how thankful that we were, and I even shed a tear. He ate it up.

Damon called me on Thursday night of the next week using a burner phone. "Check the website," he said with a chuckle.

"You're a fucking genius," I effused.

"Things went a little better than planned," he continued. "The assholes running the site had a big hole in their security which they were thankful," the "thankful" delivered with a laugh, "that I brought to their attention so since I'm $100,000 richer I'll refund your $10,000 if you and your lady friend come to pick it up."

I again gushed all over. I checked the site and the photos and video were gone. I immediately called Britta at home and told her what he said. She was confused. "You mean that because he found their security hole they gave him $100,000 and took down my photos and video?"

I chuckled. "That's what he implied but I know that isn't what happened. It was ransomware. He took down the site and wouldn't give them the key to unlocking it unless they paid him $100,000 in bitcoin. When he unlocked the site it was with the offending material removed."

"No shit," was her response.

We went together Saturday morning to see Damon. I knew damn well that he just wanted to see her in the flesh and I prepped her on how to act. "We want on this guy's good side," I smiled.

Britta played it just right, complimenting Damon and giving him two long hugs. Since she was 10 times better looking than any other woman who had ever touched him his entire life he had a smile as big as the Mississippi is wide. When we left she told me "There's no way in hell that I'm telling my asshole husband that I got the money back; this is going into a lock box in the company's safe in HR."

When I dropped her off at her house there was a tear in her eye as she said "You have no idea how grateful I am," and then gave me a quick, and then a longer, kiss on the lips. I vowed never to wash my face again.


So by now you've concluded that this is a happy story all around.

Don't be fooled.

If you've lived long enough you know that no good deed goes unpunished.


I was feeling really good on Saturday. I was still perplexed by Gloria's mood changes, however, as she went through about ten different ones during the day and night Saturday. We had a great time at a dance club with friends despite her mood changes, and had a nice energetic fuck when we got home. As I was falling asleep, however, the observation did cross my mind that although Gloria and I had fucked often since her moodiness began we hadn't actually made love -- which is usually what we did half the time.

Gloria was out of the house before I got up Sunday morning, which was a little strange. She left a cryptic note "Need to run some errands."

She got back about two o'clock and immediately took off her top and shoved her titties in my face. I, of course, loved it. After she encouraged me to suck on her honkers for a good ten minutes while she stroked my body, including my cock through my pants, she moaned "Take me to bed and eat and fuck me!"

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