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Candy's Daddy Ch. 03

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On their vacation, Candy & Daddy meet another naughty couple.
3.6k words

Part 3 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 10/19/2013
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Tom Hardison was enjoying the azure beauty of the water and the warm sand under his feet. He looked further down the beach to see his vacation companion talking with a few young couples. A lesser man might be jealous that his young lady companion was obviously engaged with these young people, but that was not Tom's way. He had been assured of Candy's affectionseveral times the previous evening. This was only the third day of their vacation together, her boyfriend's gift to her for passing the bar exam. Tom was so proud of Candy, she had earned her status and there had been absolutely zero nepotism from her Daddy. Not that he wouldn't have interceded on his daughter's behalf, it just had not been necessary. Candy didn't have to ride on anyone's coat tails.

She was a very determined young lady in every facet of her life. The tall, incredible, tanned blonde did not accept failure. Her vacation with Tom had been her way of turning a failure into a triumph. Candy had been going on this vacation with her boyfriend of three years, Elliot Everett. Tom despised the young man on sight, and with good reason. He thought that Elliot was a rich, spoiled, condescending jerk who treated his daughter poorly. Tom's wife shared his opinion of Elliot, although Laurel was wiser than he in not giving voice to it. She preferred to let their daughter discover things for herself. Which Candy eventually did when things came to a boil with Elliot over their upcoming vacation.

Candy wanted to use the vacation as a chance to explore new passion and maybe, if the wind blew in the right direction, get Elliot to propose to her. Laura winced when she heard that piece of news. She did not wantthat young man as her son-in-law and she knew Tom would blow a gasket. Luckily for Mr. and Mrs. Hardison, things had fallen apart -- as usual, due to a selfish act on Elliot's part. Tom was thrilled for his sake that things had not gone according to his daughter's plans.

Elliot had acted in his own best interests, as he usually did. Days before they were to leave for their romantic getaway, a bunch of his friends had invited him away on a sports weekend. He had gone without telling Candy, only leaving her a note which he left with his embarrassed mother and father. To say Candy was incensed was like saying the eruption of Pompeii was a hiccup. She came home in a rage, spewing profanity and with a head of steam that was almost shooting out of her ears.

Laurel was, as always, the picture of calm. Tom always found it amusing that nothing ever seemed to ruffle his wife's feathers. It had been that way for decades, she took things in stride. After learning her daughter was unable to convince a friend to go or sell the tickets, she made a wild suggestion. She told Candy to take her Daddy, as he needed a vacation and he was clearly in need of some sun. Laurel planned on a vacation of her own and this would get him out of the house and not snooping around. She was going to have some fun of her own without her husband being any the wiser. Candy was privy to her mom's naughty little secrets, but she was the only one who was.

Tom had resisted the idea, but only in the slightest. He knew a vacation would be the cure; he had been swamped until last month when his final case had cleared his desk. He only had one reservation. Being alone in a tropical paradise like Bermuda with Candy -- tanned and gorgeous and wearing itsy-bitsy bikinis -- would be a tremendous temptation. He had a little bit of an infatuation with his younger daughter and every year, she seemed to get more alluring and more sexual. He felt that if left alone with her, he might succumb to his incestuous desires.

This of course, was exactly what happened. Just the way that Candy and her mother figured it would after Candy extended the invitation. Candy fully understood what she was doing and schemed right down to the last little detail. Tom's crush was reciprocated and Candy had often told her mom that she thought Daddy was hot. Laurel told her to go for it and hoped that it might lead to a whole new existence for their family.

Laurel didn't know it yet, but that had already happened. On their first night in this magical and beautiful paradise, Candy had pulled out all the stops. She wore one of her sexiest outfits to dinner and flirted shamelessly with her handsome Daddy. Then, she insisted that they go for a walk on the beach and she wore a bikini that might have gotten her arrested in some places back home. She knew that for a fact, because she was now an attorney. In her final act, she tackled her father to the sand and shoved her tongue halfway down his throat. She made it clear to Daddy that she wanted his cock in her pussy, fucking her as if she was his whore. If Tom needed a whore, his daughter intended tobe that slut. She was a sexually adventurous girl and she would fill any need her father needed her to fill.

Daddy was quite possibly the best fuck the dynamic young blonde had ever enjoyed. What she didn't know is that her father was quite literally thinking the same thing. They would have to find a way to keep screwing once they got home. The heat between them was too good for it to stop. Right now, they could enjoy the anonymity of being here together and not have to worry about being recognized.

"Tom? Tom Hardison, is that you?" Tom could not believe it, thousands of miles from home and someone recognized him? He turned around and saw the tall, busty redhead, recognizing her instantly. Her name was Alexandra Taylor and he had represented her company in court on a number of occasions. When they had been in court, she had not looked like THIS!

Alexandra was wearing a black swimsuit that was almost as skimpy as his daughter's. She had a tiny gold chain around her waist and her navel was pierced. He knew that she was almost 45, yet he wouldn't have put her at a day past 35. Her hair was hanging down loose around her shoulders and half way down to her back. Whenever they'd been together, it had been up. He knew that Alexandra was a beautiful woman, but the woman standing there on the beach was HOT!

"Alexandra dear, how nice to see you," he smiled.

"Oh Tom darling, we're old friends," she smiled warmly. "You can call me AJ. Whatever brings you here, so far from home?"

"I'm here on a vacation with my daughter," he smiled again just as Candy came up from behind him and threw her arms around him. AJ smiled at the both of them, she had met Candy on numerous occasions, so he couldn't simply pretend he was with some sweet young thing.

"Oh Candy, my goodness, I barely recognized you," AJ smiled at the younger woman. "That is a very sexy swimsuit; I'm surprised your Daddy lets you wear it."

"I like your suit, too," Candy grinned happily. "Daddy told me that he likes my suita lot. We're here celebrating my passing the bar exam. What are you doing here, Mrs. Taylor?"

"AJ, we're all friends, everyone can call me AJ," she insisted. "Congratulations on such an achievement, I'm sure you'll do your father proud. I'm here with my son, we come here a lot. His father doesn't like to travel. Oh, here comes William now." A tall and very muscular young man came running in their direction, carrying two tropical drinks. He appeared to be a few years younger than Candy, who noticed his body appreciatively. The young man gave his mom a hug as he noticed the two strangers -- one being an incredibly hot blonde. Introductions were made all around.

"We should all have dinner tonight, my treat," AJ insisted. "We girls will put on our sexiest outfits and give these two handsome men some eye candy. Do you have anything like that, Candy dear?" AJ asked and then giggled as she realized her unintentional pun.

"Oh yes," Candy giggled. "In fact, that'sall I brought with me. I was supposed to come here with my boyfriend for a naughty holiday, but he bailed at the last minute to join his friends for a sports weekend."

"Oh, you were dating a blind man?" William commented.

"I beg your pardon?" Candy said.

"I asked if you were dating a blind man, because any man that could leave someone who looks like you for a sports weekend must be blind," he told Candy with a laugh. "Either that or a total asshat."

"It's the latter," Tom grumbled under his breath, although everyone heard him clearly. They chatted briefly for a few minutes and agreed to meet in 90 minutes for an early dinner. Candy and Tom went back to their room, Tom clearly being a bit uncomfortable at being recognized. Candy could see that, but it didn't make an impact on her at all. She was almost certain that AJ Taylor knew exactly the scope of their relationship and that it didn't bother her. It would not have surprised Candy in the slightest to discover that AJ and William shared the same kind of relationship. If she had a son that handsome, she'd be fucking his brains out every chance she got. It had not escaped her eye that William had been flirting with her. Normally, she liked her men older than she was. For someone as gorgeous as William Taylor, she would make an exception. Candy wondered if perhaps they could hook up once they were all back home. She let herself enjoy the image of herself being fucked by William. Candy was sure that he was a terrific fuck.

Candy found her sexiest dress, a tiny silver lame outfit with heels to match. She wore the briefest of thongs and opted to skip a bra; it was tricky finding one to go with the dress. She had already added to her usual shade of bronze from her time here in the sun. She added some silver earrings and a tiny chain around her neck while she watched her father change. Daddy looked good in anything; her mom had always said Daddy "cleaned up well". That he did, although Candy preferred him in his birthday suit most of all.

When the four of them arrived for dinner all at once, they made quite the impression. AJ had worn a very sexy evening gown and her son was in a dark suit. Most of the other patrons were dressed casually. AJ insisted on ordering drinks for all of them. She and Tom sat together while allowing the younger ones to sit together and talk. AJ had not missed the chemistry between her son and the vibrant young blonde. After some idle chitchat, but before the meal, AJ leaned over to Tom and asked "So Tom, how is she in bed?" Tom sputtered a bit, but AJ just put her hand on top of his. "Don't bother to deny it, I saw the way that she hugged you earlier and the way that she looks at you. I don't blame you one bit, she's lovely. I find her appealing myself. I'll share my secret -- I fuck Williamall of the time. He's been his mother's little fuck boy since the day he turned eighteen."

Tom's face must have registered his shock, because AJ laughed. "Surely you didn't think that you were the only one? Lover, I have an outlandish idea. Let's finish our meal and then we'll go back to my luxury suite. I think William would love to fuck your daughter and I've always wanted to fuck you, I just never knew you were quite so -- liberal. We can all have some fun and if you're a good boy, I might even let you watch me seduce yourdaughter as well. What do you say, does that sound like fun?"

Tom couldn't find the words, so he just nodded. "Yes, I thought as much," AJ laughed as their server approached the table. She ordered another round of drinks for everyone, figuring it would loosen them all up. It succeeded and when she whispered her proposition to the two younger members of their party, they were all smiles.

"This is the craziest thing I've ever done," Candy whispered to William as they walked back to AJ's lavish suite. "I've never seen my Daddy fuck anyone else."

"Same here," William grinned. "I've always wanted to watch mom have sex with one of my girlfriends. I'm really looking forward to ..."

Candy silenced him with a kiss. "You don't have to say it baby, I'm going to be the best fuck you ever had. I plan on giving your mom a run for her money. Believe me lover, once you've had this pussy, you want more and more of it."

"God, I wonder if mom will get hooked on you, too?" William grinned as they neared the suite. "That would be awesome, fucking the two of you!"

Candy didn't get too far ahead of herself, but she did like the idea of screwing the handsome, slightly-younger stud. He had more charm than Elliot and his family had even more money -- plus, as added perks, his mom was hot and she was cool with everything. They all scrambled to get inside the suite and get the real purpose of the evening underway. It was AJ who led things off by grabbing Tom and leading him into the lush bedroom. "Order us more drinks for later, kids," she told them. "We'll have something to celebrate and we might very well be parched," she chuckled.

AJ had half of Tom's clothing off by the time their kids joined them in the bedroom. If either parent expected their children to be reluctant, they were wrong. The two young people started kissing heatedly while stripping each other as fast as they could. Tom didn't miss the look that AJ gave his daughter. She wanted Candy almost as much as she wanted him. He was fine with that. This vacation had been an eye opener and he was sure that Candy would succumb to the redhead's sexual advances. That was later. The two of them got the bed first while the kids used the couch. Candy was already on her knees, sucking William's cock. Tom felt a little sense of satisfaction when he saw that the younger man was not quite as big as he was.

AJ was now wearing sexy black lingerie, heels and a smile. Tom was buck naked. "You hold up nicely, handsome," she smiled. "Oh baby, do I want that cock!"

"All in good time," Tom smiled. He was never one to leave a lady wanting. The handsome barrister took his time and showed AJ that he was in no hurry. He used his hands and his lips to appreciate her body. He could be like a stallion when need be, but that came later. He wanted his new paramour craving more. AJ Taylor was not the kind of woman who would be a one-night stand and everyone knew that. He would be fucking her again, at least, he would if he made her want him as much as he wanted her.

William was stunned at the oral talents of the lovely, suntanned blonde who was eagerly sucking him off. He had fucked his share of girls and believed that his mom was the best, most likely from experience. He also believed that AJ was a bit of an aberration, with talents far exceeding any of the pretty young things he had fucked since turning 18. Now his mom had met her match, Candy was amazing. He shivered as the thought of his mom and Candy giving him a double BJ passed through his mind. He shouldn't have done that because it caused his cum to bubble up and shoot down her throat. Candy didn't miss a drop and the grin on her face let him know that she didn't mind. She started to suck him again, but he stopped her and suggested that they could take care of each other. He was a bit taller than she was, but they were close enough so that it worked fine.

AJ was pounding her fists on the bed and moaning loudly. Only her gorgeous son had ever come close to making her feel this way. She was fond of her husband, but he was older and didn't have Tom's stamina or William's muscles. As Tom moved up her body, AJ grabbed for his cock. It was a monster, so much bigger than William's. She let her mouth engulf it while his hands continued to manipulate her body. She had found herself a very skilled lover, easily one of the best she had encountered in her life. How lucky was Tom's wife and his gorgeous daughter that they could enjoy this beautiful prick whenever they wanted it? She wanted to taste his cum and doubled her efforts, yet he was able to hold out a lot longer than William would have. What an impressive man he was. AJ and Tom got into a position to fuck. She turned her head to see that the kids were already fucking, with gorgeous Candy riding William for all that she was worth. Before the night was over, she wanted to partner up with the luscious blonde and show her all that a woman could do for her as well, if she didn't already know.

William felt as if he was hanging on for dear life as gorgeous Candy fucked him. His experience with his hot and kinky mom had given him enough experience to know what to do, but Candy was in a class all by herself. She was fucking him as though it was a contact sport and she wanted to score the winning points. Her body twisted and writhed and she was going to wring him dry, he just knew it. Fine with him, William was almost as much a sex fiend as his horny mother.

AJ usually rode her son the way that Candy was riding him, as she liked the deeper penetration and the control. Still, Tom was no slouch when it came to fucking a woman doggy style. He was in about as deep as a man could go and he had already made her cum once. He had remarkable stamina, he was like a stallion in heat. AJ wasn't at all shy about using the lewd words to encourage him and she heard similar language from hot, young Candy. AJ wasn't really sure who turned her on most, the father or the daughter. Luckily, she didn't have to make that choice. She was going to have them both.

Candy and AJ almost came at the same time and then both of them went down on their men to make them cum. "I guess they're out of action for a little while," Candy sighed. "Although my Daddy recovers quickly."

"So does William, the benefits of youth," AJ smiled and patted the bed. "Come here baby, I've got to have that gorgeous cunt of yours. Have you ever been with a woman before?"

Candy had not, although offers had been extended her way. She shook her head and saw AJ smile. Evidently, she had given the response AJ was hoping for.

"Good, I'll get to be your first," AJ smiled happily. "Straddle my face at first baby and when you're ready, move your body over and you and I can do each other at the same time. I'm sure a smart and sexy little bitch like you knows aboutsixty-nine, right?" Candy nodded and before she knew what hit her, AJ's tongue was snaking deep into her pussy. Her Daddy was good at oral and so was William, but they were both rank amateurs compared to Mrs. Taylor -- AJ. Candy's body was on fire with all new sexy feelings and she just had to return them. She dropped over so that she was now face- down in AJ's neatly-trimmed red thatch. Without hesitation, the young woman began eating her first pussy. She liked it from the very first taste and wondered why she had not done this sooner. She was going to be making up for this in the future, she had some cute girlfriends and a few of the law clerks at Daddy's firm might be up for some fun, Candy believed. She and AJ were hunching and writhing and both women could feel the eyes of their men upon them as they made each other climax.

"Fuck her!" AJ demanded. "I've never seen a father and daughter fuck, do it Tom, screw your daughter, do the little whore! William, come over here and show them how well you fuck your mommy! Let's all fuck in the same bed!" The two younger people each moved to their own parent and both women got on top. They were able to position themselves so that they could kiss each other while fucking the men. Candy thought rightly that this was the hottest thing she had ever done. So far, her vacation with Daddy had exceeded even her wildest of dreams. Boy, would she have some great stories to share with her mom when they returned home the following week. She wondered how much Laurel might be enjoying her vacation with her Aunt Marcia and Uncle Edward.

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kennyboy82kennyboy82over 11 years ago

Just plain fucking awesome - an absolute fucking killer of a story. I loved it to bits! There's got to be some more though, surely!

RoguesladyRoguesladyover 11 years ago

Fuck every story I read of yours seems to hit the spot on what I am wanting to read at the time. As well as how well you write it just simply amazes me.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Well Done

This 3 chapter story deserves more.

The BEST story I have read.

Great Job.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

you might just become a great contender for J Scouries title

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Wow fucking wow

You have done it again Brett, complete and utterly depraved fucking sucking orgy. So fucking hot, everyone drunk on cock cream and cunt juice and totally fucked up, more and more of these gorgeous fuckers please and soon. I am going act out some of this chapter with a MILF and her best friend, they are both bi and sexy as fuck. Cunt lapping sex maniac Lanc's uk

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