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Captive in Dark Leather Ch. 03

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I dream of the taste of her boot as my training begins.
2.9k words

Part 3 of the 9 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 09/16/2021
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The only thing getting me through this ordeal is the woman's kindness in allowing me to lick her boots.

Where I am as I lick: Trussed up naked in a cage on a ship. I have no idea where it's bound for. I only know it set off from the Bahamas, which is the last place I remember being before waking up here.

My wrists: bound together behind me and secured to the top of the cage.

My ankles: bound together and secured to the back of the cage.

My head: encased in a leather hood. The only holes are nose-holes for breathing and a space to insert my dildo-gag. The gag has only been taken out to allow me to feed and lick the woman's boots so far. Rings on the back of the hood and the front of my collar are attached to chains that tightly secure me in this cage.

I am completely immobile in this cage. The only thing I can move is my tongue. Apparently, I have been a good slave during this first day of captivity. I licked when I was commanded to instead of screaming for help. This granted me the reward of only having to listen to the screams of the other women being whipped, instead of being one of them. This granted me the reward of licking the boots of the woman who issues my commands.

I lose myself in licking. The taste of fine leather centers me. I forget all about my panic a moment ago. Or was it a minute? Maybe an hour? I don't know. I forget all about that intense fear that gripped me, waking up in this state, in the darkness of the leather hood. I forget about everything, except her boot, my tongue, and her voice.

The boot is pulled away. There is nothing but air below my tongue now. I feel the panic starting in me again. The dildo gag is roughly shoved back in my mouth. It fills me completely. I feel the clasps tightened around the back of my head. I start to shake again. I'm about to thrash about. I can't control it. Then two hands grip the sides of my head. It's a strong grip. And then I hear that voice again, right in front of me, but muffled by the hood.

"My boot was a special treat. If you're good, you will get to taste it again. Now listen carefully. I am going to beat you within an inch of your life if you do not calm down now. You're here for the rest of the night. It's time for you to go to sleep. When the cage is opened in the morning, you will have such a nice reward: your training will start. "

The woman's voice has accomplished her goal. I stop moving and quiet down. I don't know whether it's from fear or the soothing memory of the feel of her boot on my tongue, and her firm voice. But I close my eyes. I feel her hands let go of my head. I hear the clack of her boots walk away from me. Encased in here, I hear all sorts of other sounds, all muffled by the hood. Eventually, I shut them out. I force myself to shut out my thoughts too. The wondering, of where I am, why I am here, what's going to happen to me, what's happened to my husband...somehow I force myself to shut all that out too. I don't know if I'll ever find my way back to my old life again, back to my husband, our house, our kids, our careers. All I know is the darkness of this hood, the tightness of these bonds, the food and water from the dog dish, and the lingering taste of her boot.

I am not sure if it is the sounds around me or the activity in my cage that wakes me up. I assume it's the next morning. I have no way of knowing, of course. I also have no way of knowing how long I've been asleep. I'm amazed that I dozed off at all. Perhaps my food or water was laced with a sedative. I'm not even sure if I had any dreams this time, since I'm shocked into awareness. I hear her voice again.

"Evacuate, clean and feed her. Then bring her to me. She's going to be my special pet. I'll train her myself."

My bonds are undone, and I am pulled out of my cage. My limbs are stiff and asleep, of course. Two men hold me up while the circulation returns to my legs. A leash is attached to my collar, and I am pulled again. They haven't bothered to chain my ankles together, so it's a little easier to keep up with them. I hear activity all around me. I imagine we're all being woken up simultaneously, the question being: how many of us are there? I wonder how many there are to handle us as well.

I am led a few steps here and there, then stopped and turned around.

"Squat. We will help."

A man guides me down into a squatting position on my feet. I dread what this could mean, but need it so bad.

"Toilet. You won't have another chance for a long time, so take care of everything."

Oh God, I can't possibly do this. Go to the bathroom in front of who knows how many people watching me? But my bladder is full. What choice do I have? It's going to come out anyway.

I really need to go, but of course it's impossible to go when you're being watched. I try to center myself and concentrate. The hood is actually a great help here. It gives me a barrier between the people in the room that I need for this. I hear the sound of water next to me. The hood muffles it, but I can tell: it's a urine stream. Soon I hear another. This helps. My own stream of urine soon joins them. I was right. My bladder was full. It's takes a good few minutes to piss it all away. Once it's over, I think I'm done. But the relief doesn't last.

"Everything. You're not done yet."

Oh God, please. I need to shit for these people? I really do? This takes me longer. I don't even think I can go at first. But I concentrate. I try to relax. I work my anal muscles. And then I finally feel something in there that needs to come out. When I feel it strong enough, I push. And then I shit for these people. I shit until I have no more shit to push out. When I'm done, and I'm breathing hard from the effort, my leash is pulled up as a pair of hands also help me back up.

I am led until I am placed against a smooth wall. It feels like shower tile. One man presses my forehead against it. Another man gets to work on my restraints. My ankle cuffs are removed, than my thumb cuffs, and finally my wrists. My arms are rubbed, again to get the circulation moving. My collar is removed, and then the dildo gag is pulled out of my mouth. My hood is unzipped.

"Keep your eyes straight ahead."

He doesn't need to follow that with a threat. It's more than implied. I know what happens when you don't listen here. To underscore that, I hear the sudden striking of flesh, a crying out, and then sobs. The hood is removed. This is the most freedom I've had since I woke up on what I think was yesterday. But I don't know what I could possibly do with it. The first man keeps his solid grip on the back of my head, pressing my forehead to the wall. My eyes struggle to focus, especially right up against this wall. But I can see that it is shower tile.

The water starts up on cue. I am assaulted by cold water. It quickly warms up. Now it's scalding. It's too hot for me. But no one turns it down. While the first man keeps his grip on me, the second scrubs. He starts at the bottom, and works his way up. The first man is given a sponge, and he also scrubs me where he can reach with his free hand. They are rough, uncaring. They have no concern for my comfort...or my dignity. My cunt and ass are worked over as if I am their animal. My ass was not wiped after I took my shit. Instead it is cleaned thoroughly here. Strangely, there is no penetration. I can't figure out why anyone would go to all this trouble, and not fuck me yet.

I try and focus my hearing out while I'm being cleaned. I hear other showers, and other women being cleaned, but I have no sense of how many it could be. After being scrubbed and rinsed, I am dried roughly. There is no concern shown for my hair. I understand why when the hood is put back over my head and zipped up in back. I'm in darkness again. The wrist and ankle cuffs are put back on, but not chained together this time. But the dildo gag is left out for my morning feeding.

"Clean both bowls. Ten minutes."

I eat. It's a double dog dish again, with food and water. I have no idea what I'm eating. It's soft and warm, unlike the hard dog food from last night. I pray it isn't dog food as well, but it doesn't smell or taste like I imagine soft dog food would taste like. It's meat, whatever it is, mixed with something else, possibly in a gravy or thick sauce. I do my best not to make a mess, and to finish these bowls as fast as I can. Once again, I am yanked up on my last bite. My mouth is wiped clean and the dildo gag goes back in.

I am led somewhere else after feeding. When we get there, I am ordered down on my hands and knees. I hear my handlers leave. I am alone in a room now, I believe. I'm not sure how long I stay there on my hands and knees. Then I hear it, the distant clack of her boots. It's the woman. She sounds like she's outside the room. She enters, closing a door, and then walks right up to me. I can feel her, standing over me now.

"There are only three words to your world now: crawl, heel, and lick. We will practice them until you have them down to my satisfaction. If you do not master them in the time I have set aside for your training today, then I will have you beaten for the night, and we will begin all over again in the morning."

Crawl, heel, and lick. Crawl, heel and lick. Crawl, heel and lick.

My leash is pulled taut.


I start crawling.


I stop.


I don't wait for the leash to go taut this time. I crawl.


I stop.

This routine goes on for quite awhile. I get a feel for the size of the room as I am led around in circles. The pace picks up. If I don't keep up, and am pulled by the leash, then I feel a sharp crack on my bottom. I don't like it. I do want to please her. But I'm not sure if doing my best is what pleases her. She varies the pace and tries to trip me up with commands. At one point, as I'm confused, being led around in a circle and made to crawl and heel and crawl and heel, I almost think that what she really wants is to punish me with her tool of pain. But that can't be true. She's training me. She wants me to be good at this.

I hear my last command to heel after what is probably an hour. It feels like it's been much longer, but I'm sure it actually wasn't. I'm sure my poor elbows and knees couldn't have taken much more.

"You are such a good slave so far. I think we'll give you an extra nice reward, and work on that last command now. What do you say?"

I'm sure she hears me moan through my gag. Then I just about wiggle with excitement as I feel the clasps for it being untightened. The gag is pulled out of my mouth. I can't help it. I drool.

"You drooled on my boot."

Oh my God! I had no idea her boot was already under my mouth. I couldn't help it. The dildo gag is so big in my mouth. The drool just builds up, especially when I get excited about being able to use my tongue again.


I hear the swish and feel that sharp pain on my bottom again. Is it a cane she is using to discipline me? A flogger?

"If you ever do that again, the only thing you ever feel from me in the future will be the riding crop in my hand. And you will feel it until you cannot feel anything else anymore. Now..."

I feel such shame now, and such pain.


Oh yes! I plunge my head down until I find that lovely boot with my tongue. Then I start licking with more enthusiasm than I'm sure any slave has ever shown this woman before. I am the best at this. I love this boot more than any other possibly could. And, I am mortified by defiling it with my drool. I need to make amends. She will see that no one is worthier of her boot than me. I start licking the drool up. I search her boot with my tongue, trying to catch it before it drips on the floor. I swallow it all back for her and polish her boot with my tongue as much as I can.

I happily lose myself in my licking. I barely even notice the chain being attached to the ring on the top of my hood. Then it goes taut. I steel myself for the yank upward, and keep licking to get that last lick in. I am pulled up, and stop licking.


Her riding crop strikes me again. I am confused by this. What is happening? What have I done wrong? I tentatively stick my tongue out again, and find the ankle of her boot. I lick. The chain pulls me up again, and I stop licking. I am whipped for that. Please, I need to figure this out. I don't want the pain. I don't want the shame of having to be punished. I just want to show how good I can be for her with my tongue.

Again, I stick out my tongue. I find leather, and I lick. Again the chain is pulled. But this time I don't stop licking. I keep it up as the chain gradually pulls me up. And then I get it. She is rewarding me with the full boot! I keep licking as I am pulled up. It seems endless, this leather boot. I can't see it, but I know it's the darkest color imaginable. It's pitch black, shiny too. It tastes that way. She would wear nothing else.

Oh, it tastes so good as I am pulled up her leg. Past the shin, and then over her knee. They are thigh-highs! I had no idea before, no idea they rose so high over her leg. I get to the top, having lovingly licked every step of the way. My tongue grazes over the cuff now. I am just about to feel her skin. Maybe I'll even be allowed to...


I freeze, before I even know I'm doing it. My tongue rests on the very top of her boot. I realize in this instant, this is training. To do without thinking, to obey. I am left that way for a moment, with my tongue resting on the top of her lovely boot. I savor this, knowing it is about to end. Sure enough, I am pulled away from her. I stay there on my knees, as motionless as I can be, waiting for my next command. I am rewarded for this obedience. Her hand is suddenly under my chin. She caresses me there.

"That was your reward, for being such a good slave."

I have pleased her with my training! I lick my lips while she lovingly caresses my chin, and then my cheek. The taste of the leather all up her leg is still on my tongue. I want to feel it on my lips too.

"You're my special pet now. I have such wonderful plans for you."

I feel a sense of euphoria like I've never felt before. As I bask in this supreme happiness, her hand let's go of my chin. Next thing I know, my dildo gag is shoved back in my mouth and strapped around my head again. I am pushed down to all fours. The chain is removed from my hood. The leash on my collar goes taut.


I crawl.

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Prof_MasterProf_Masterover 1 year ago

Yes, 'just' more bondage scenes, but I see the story developing too: her breaking down. Still remarkable, this narration from a sightless narrator.

*Love slave-training. Even hotter.

docmagnusdocmagnusover 2 years agoAuthor

Thank you, Anonymous! Stick around. Some of those questions will be answered.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Well, OMG this is a fantastic story. You can feel her world shrink down to almost nothing. Her purpose is to serve blindly and without hesitation. Please continue with her shrinking world. Will she and/or her husband survive? Will she be able to see her kids again? Will she ever think again?

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