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Careful What You Wish For - Day 02

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A wife finally gets what she wished for!
9.2k words

Part 2 of the 11 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 02/10/2021
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This a work of pure fiction, all sprouted from my overactive horny brain. It contains descriptions of explicit sexual acts, that some may find disturbing. So, if you are still going to read it, after having been warned, then enjoy!

I write as a hobby and a distraction in this difficult COVID-19 era. Feel free to comment, but keep it civil please, I'm not trying to win a prize or get published!

Stay safe and share some extra love with those who need it most in these challenging times!


Careful what you wish for -- Day 2: Friday

The sound of her alarm clock penetrated Joan's brain and she opened her eyes. She felt languid. She looked next to her and saw Chris was not there. She didn't hear any sounds coming from downstairs and wondered if anybody was home. Her thoughts drifted back to the scene in the locker room the previous day. Instinctively she stuck her hand between her legs and started rubbing her pussy. She felt she was wet and applied her usual routine to make herself come. Faster and faster, she rubbed her clit and penetrated her pussy with two fingers. Although it felt great, she didn't feel her orgasm building up like it normally did. She decided to use her vibrator. The vibrations of the alternating motors gave her the sensation again of a thrusting cock in her pussy and she tried to recall the images of Ulan's cock pounding Ana's cunt. The images however were misty and faded away after a couple of seconds, being replaced by memories of everyday situations with Allie and Chris. Again, she tried to remember Ulan's big black cock. She focused on the moment when he had filled Ana's mouth with his cum. That image had given Joan such a massive orgasm! Again, the image faded. Joan felt a sense of frustration as her orgasm was only building up ever so slowly. Pumping the vibrator in and out of her pussy she tried to imagine it was Ulan's cock. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, she reached her orgasm, but it was such a small one, that it left her feeling unsatisfied and frustrated. 'Fuck, what is wrong with me', she thought. Yesterday she had two orgasms, one massive one and one pretty satisfying one and now she could barely get herself off! Confused about her own feelings, she got out of bed, put on her bath robe and walked onto the landing to see if anyone was home.

The rest of the day was just a blur. She had found Allie still asleep, but no trace of Chris. 'He probably had gone to the office early', she thought. The feeling that she didn't really care where he was, surprised her. But before she could pay any attention to that feeling, Allie had come down and started a conversation. They had breakfast and after breakfast she had forgotten all about Chris. As she dressed for school, she could only think about that wonderful black dick she had seen yesterday, fucking Ana in the locker room and pumping her mouth full of cum. Shit, just thinking about it got her all hot again! They drove to school, where both had followed their own schedule. Joan wasn't teaching Allie's class today, so Joan didn't have to face Ulan. 'Which was probably for the best', she thought. She had no idea how she would have reacted, if she had come face to face with Ulan. Could she look him in the face, after what she had seen yesterday, or would she just keep staring at his crotch?

After school hours Allie and her drove home. Joan hadn't heard from Chris all day, so she just assumed he was working late again. Again, Joan felt complete indifference. After dinner Allie soon started preparing for the school party. When she came downstairs again, Joan was struck by how beautiful her daughter looked. She wore a plain black cocktail dress with shoulder straps, stockings and pumps with medium sized heels. Her hair was all done up and she wore a fake pearl necklace with matching earrings. Soon afterwards Mia pulled up in the drive way and the girls left for the party.

As Joan only had to be at the party at 10 pm. to chaperone during the last two hours of the party, she had some time to herself. She thought about what to wear. She wanted to look her best, but it had to be appropriate for a chaperone. She went upstairs to her bedroom and stood in front of her wardrobe. She skipped through her clothes until she found what she was looking for. 'That would definitely turn some heads, but wasn't too outrageous at a school party', she thought. She undressed and took a nice long bath. She shaved most of her pubic hair and just left a small trimmed patch above her pussy. Her pussy felt really smooth. She knew from experience that her smooth pussy rubbing against silky smooth panties, would make her pussy juices flow all night long. She got up, rinsed herself off and continued her preparations for the party.


Chris had been in the office early to finish up the work that was left from the previous day. At 8:30 am. Jenny had arrived and they had started preparations on the documents they were to present later that week to a client. Jenny looked lovely as always, but not so extravagant as yesterday. Chris realized he actually was kind of disappointed she didn't look like she had yesterday.

At 6 pm. he got ready to leave the office. He wanted to surprise Joan and be home early. He wished Jenny a nice evening and walked towards the lobby. Most offices were already empty. He took the elevator down to the parking garage. When he walked up to his car, he wanted to take his car key out, but couldn't find it. Then he remembered he had left it on the corner of his desk. Damm, now he had to get back up to get it. He walked back and took the elevator back up. As he walked up to his office, he saw that all lights were out in his and Jenny's office. Jenny had apparently left just after him. As he opened his office door, he heard a sound coming from Jenny's office through the ajar door between their offices. He was about to call her name, when he heard distinct moaning. He peeked around the door and saw a shape sitting in Jennies chair behind the desk. It was too dark to clearly see who it was, but from the shape of the head and hair he knew it was Jenny.

"ohhh yessss....owww fuck, that feels so good.....keep rubbing it, don't stop now, keep going....oowww fuck, yeah, right there, rub my clit.....ohhhh shit, that feels so fucking good".

Chris froze. Clearly Jenny was either masturbating, or had someone with her Chris couldn't see in the dark. He didn't know what to do without giving Jenny either a heart attack or a very embarrassing moment. He stood behind the door listening and decided to walk back out and then approach the office again, making enough noise for Jenny to realize he had come back and get decent before he walked in. As he was about to turn and walk out of the office, he heard Jenny talking again. What she said made his cock instantly go hard!

"Ohhh Chris, please fuck me, put that nice hard cock in my pussy and fuck my wet slutty secretary pussy....ohhh yesss, get that hard dick out baby, I want to suck it till it's hard and wet."

For a second Chris thought that Jenny had heard him enter the office or seen him peek around the door and he almost panicked. But Jenny just kept moaning and panting and it was obvious she had spoken those words as part of her masturbation fantasy.

Chris hesitated and almost walked into Jenny's office to make her fantasy come true. But he knew he couldn't do that; it just was not him to cheat on Joan. He always had taken the vows they had taken very seriously. And although they were going through a rough patch at the moment, he still loved Joan with all his heart. That's why he intended to be home early today. He quietly walked past the ajar door and took his car keys from the corner of his desk where he had left them. He tiptoed back out the office and closed the door without a sound. 'Thank god the firm had installed quality doors and hinges', he thought. With a grin on his face, he quickly walked back to the elevator. 'What a shame I can't use anything of what I have heard to tease Jenny tomorrow', he thought. She would have a heart attack from embarrassment, once she realized he had heard what she had said. Her secret was safe with him. He didn't feel guilty about what had happened either. He didn't come back to spy on her and could certainly not have foreseen she would have been masturbating in her dark office. 'I've handled the situation the best I could', he thought. Poor Jenny, she was such a nice person and he felt sad for her that she was wishing for something he couldn't give her. When he came back in the garage he quickly got in his car and drove towards the exit of the garage. He was steering with one hand and with the other was still fastening his seatbelt. With his mind still partly on Jenny, he took the righthand turn out of the garage. Distracted by too many things and not paying enough attention to the traffic coming from his left, he never saw the delivery van that was speeding and rammed into the left frontside of his car. His car violently jolted to the right and the impact tossed him aside towards the passenger seat. The window of the left side front door shattered on impact and covered him in glass. He felt temporarily dizzy and it took a couple of seconds to clear his head. Luckily his door still opened and he got out of his car. People were gathering on the pavement and some were taking pictures with their telephones. His first concern was the other driver, was he ok? The driver was getting out of his van and shaking his head.

"Are you ok sir?", Chris asked concerned.

"Yes, I'm ok...I think", he replied.

Chris felt relieved there was only material damage. He then realized he wasn't going to make it in time for dinner with Joan. Damn, but there was nothing he could do about that now, he would first have to wait for the police to arrive and fill out the necessary paperwork for the insurance companies. And he would also have to arrange for his car to be towed away to a repair shop. Shit, his carelessness had completely screwed up his whole plan of trying to have a romantic evening with Joan! He sighed and reached for his phone to call Joan to explain what had happened and that he would still be late, despite his best intentions. From the corner of his eye, he suddenly saw the van driver coming towards him, waving his arms and accusing him of causing the accident. He was yelling that he was probably going to lose his job because of Chris. Chris put his phone away and tried to calm the man down, saying it was all going to be ok. Within seconds a police patrol car arrived and one of the cops took the man back to his van. The other cop asked Chris if he was ok and if he could answer some questions about the events of the accident. Chris started telling what had happened and completely forgot to call Joan.


Joan parked her car in the parking lot of the school and walked to the gym building. She took her usual short cut through the swimming pool building, hoping that Ulan was maybe entertaining another girl with his big dick. However, the locker room corridor was dark and there was no sound except the clicking of the high heels under her boots. She left the building and crossed the short distance to the gym entrance. As she entered the building, she could hear the loud music coming from the gym hall. She walked through the main lobby of the building and pushed one of the double doors open that gave access to the gym hall. The loud music hit her like a brick wall. The hall was packed with students. In the middle of the hall dozens of students were dancing, while along the other side of the hall a bar had been placed for the party, where people could hang out and talk. 'Well, with this music volume there wasn't going to be much talking possible', Joan thought. She moved along the side of the dance floor and saw several, mostly male, students getting the attention of their dance or drink buddy and nod their heads towards Joan. She smiled. That was exactly the reaction she had aimed for, when she picked her attire. She saw two of the teachers she was to relieve and walked towards them.


Joan had to put her mouth next to the teacher's ear and yell the words in order to be heard.



Joan just turned her eyes upward in a frivolous gesture and laughed. She knew exactly how she looked in the clothes she had selected for the party. She wore a blue leather skirt just above the knees with a matching pair of blue stockings and metallic blue leather boots up to her knees. The shafts of the boots were folded. She wore a blue satin blouse that was tucked into her leather skirt and fitted tight around her body. He breasts were filling out the blouse perfectly. And no one could see that her blue stockings were held up by a garter belt that was part of a super flimsy, sexy, lacy, blue lingerie set. She had blue makeup applied above her eyes and her hair was flowing over her shoulders. With her athletic body she knew she looked superhot in these clothes! 'Seeing my firm ass in this leather skirt will give every straight boy in this gym a solid boner', she thought and laughed. She thanked the other teachers for their chaperone service and told them they could go home now. She walked towards the bar and met some of the other teachers who had the last shift of the evening. As they tried to have a conversation and have a drink, her eyes scanned the hall. She saw Allie dancing with Mia and two boys. They were laughing and yelling words into each other's ears and were clearly having a good time. Further to the side she spotted Ulan and Ana dancing close together. Joan's eyes followed every movement of Ulan's body as he moved in unison with Ana. They were both clearly good dancers and Joan felt a little jealous of Ana, who clearly had Ulan's attention without having to dress up for it. She just wore a pair of jeans with a white T-shirt and a pair of low black pumps. Together with another teacher, Joan circled the hall twice in the last two hours of the party, without having to intervene in any of the ongoing activities. When they reached Ulan and Ana, Joan made sure they walked right into them. At the last moment she changed direction and walked behind Ana, so she was facing Ulan. Because of her maneuver, the other teacher had to change direction the other way and walked behind Ulan and faced Ana. Joan made sure she lightly touched Ana as if she had lost her balance avoiding other students around her. She stopped and apologized to Ana and asked her if she was ok. Ana just turned her head around and seemed annoyed by Joan's interruption. Joan then pretended to notice Ulan and stepped towards him. As she bent forward to yell into Ulan's ear, she made sure her breasts touched Ulan's chest. She placed her hands on his hips as if she wanted to steady herself and yelled in his ear.


She held her head back and looked into Ulan's eyes. She saw he recognized her now. He bent his head towards her ear and placed his hands on her hips.


He held his head back and smiled at Joan. When she had felt Ulan's hands grab her hips, Joan's knees almost buckled. She had to control herself not to slide one of her hands from his hip to the front of his pants, where she knew his massive black cock was tucked away. As she bent forward again to yell into his ear, she moved her body closer to his and softly pressed her pelvis against his. She immediately felt his semi hard cock in his pants stir. It was getting hard!


She leaned her head back and looked into his eyes again. Their faces were much closer now and she made sure her pelvis remained in contact with his cock. In a seductive way she quickly slid her tongue over her lower lip. Ulan saw it and his cock reacted immediately. Joan felt her heart racing and she had to control herself not to moan. 'My pussy juices are flowing like a fucking river', she thought. Ulan smiled again and bent forward to yell in her ear. In the same movement he pressed his pelvis full against hers and she could feel his hard cock pressing against her pelvic mound through her leather skirt. 'OMG, this is so fucking hot', she thought. She almost swooned from the excitement of feeling his huge black cock pressing against her pelvis.

"A GOOD THING AND YOU DEFINITELY DON'T LOOK OLD MRS. JOHNSON, YOU LOOK HOT TO ME, IF YOU FEEL WHAT I'M SAYING?", he yelled in her ear, as he pressed his cock just a little harder against her pelvis as to endorse his words.

Joan quickly stepped back. She didn't trust herself anymore, feeling Ulan press his hard black cock against her body! She now felt so horny, she had almost kissed Ulan right on his mouth! 'Now that would cause a fucking scene', she thought. She looked around, but no one seemed to have noticed their short interaction. Ana was still dancing with her eyes closed and the other teacher was talking to a student. She smiled at Ulan and mouthed 'enjoy yourself' and walked on.

Her pussy was soaking wet and she knew that her panties would be more than damp. What a fucking hot encounter that was. She could hardly wait for the party to be over, so she could race home and pump her vibrator in and out of her cunt. She was sure she was going to have a huge orgasm!

At precisely midnight a voice over the PA system announced that the party was over and it was time for everybody to go home. The bright lights in the ceiling of the gym hall came on and everybody made their way to the exit. Joan waited until almost everybody had left, thanked the other teachers and walked back to her car. She took her phone out of her purse and checked if she had missed any calls or messages. The first message was from Allie, who let her know that Mia was dropping her off at home. The second message was from Caitlin, who let her know she was at the Bell's Club with some colleagues and invited her to have a drink after the school party was over. There were no messages from Chris. This time it suddenly annoyed Joan that she had no idea where Chris was. 'Where the fuck is he and WTF is he doing?', she thought. In an instant her mood had changed from horny and lustful, to angry and suspicious. 'Fuck him', she thought. She needed some fun company and decided to join Caitlin for a drink. The Bell's Club was a nightclub that was located on the outside of a large shopping mall only a few streets over from the school and was also popular with the older students. You had to be at least 18 years old to get in. Joan switched off her phone, put it back in her purse and walked to her car. She drove over to the Bell's Club and parked her car in the large parking lot of the mall, in front of the Bell's Club. There were quite a number of cars parked, she noticed. As she entered the club, she immediately understood why there were so many cars parked outside. A lot of students who had attended the school party, had come to the Bell's Club to continue their private parties. Joan spotted Caitlin amidst a group of her coworkers at the bar and made her way through the dancing crowd in the center of the club.

When Caitlin spotted her, her eyes immediately brightened and she hugged Joan.

"Hey you beautiful, so nice of you to come and save me from this boring group!", she joked.

"Yeah right, like you need saving!", Joan replied with a smirk.

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