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Carla Becomes A Nude Model Ch. 03

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Erotic photo shoot of a beautiful wife.
4.2k words

Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 10/21/2022
Created 12/26/2014
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My name is Joe and this is part three of a true story that happened within the last two years. It is the story of my wife's, Carla's, photo shoot with Bradley. Bradley is an artist commissioned by a French collector, Stephane, to take photos of a bold, beautiful American woman and then do sketches and oil paintings of her.

A week before the cocktail party at our villa, I said to Carla, "I need to fly to Miami for a short meeting."

"I want to go to pick up some clothes from our home in Key West," she said. "I'll go there while you go to your meeting, then I'll meet you in Miami and we can do some shopping. I want to go to Sak's for a little black dress and some shoes for our cocktail party next week. Bradley told me I was also going to need a conservative swimsuit for the photo shoot, so I need to find one of those."

I said, "Great. We'll fly out tonight and come back on Monday in time to meet with Bradley."

Carla and I met after my meeting and we headed to Sak's to go shopping. We went to the swimsuit department and she picked out several to try on. She went into the dressing room to try on each suit, then came out wearing each one for me to see and give my opinion.

After the first few, I said, "If you want to be conservative, the bottoms need to have more coverage, but the tops are fine."

She went over to the suits again and found some with more conservative bottoms. There was another couple there and the woman was trying on suits too. We guys were just sitting outside the changing area offering our opinions.

From the dressing room I heard Carla say, "I think I found the bottoms."

She came out of the dressing room with bottoms on, but no top.

Carla said, "What do you think?"

The other guy was totally speechless. All he could do was stare at her tanned tits.

She saw him staring, glanced down at her tits, and then looked back at him and said, "Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to embarrass you; I don't usually wear a top."

He said, "You look great."

I laughed and said, "I think those are conservative enough. They should work well, but you better wear the top too."

After that we went to the dress department.

To the saleslady Carla said, "I'm looking for a little black dress for a cocktail party. I want it to be really sexy and small with lots of cleavage."

The woman said, "I think we have what you are looking for. You look like you are about a size six, is that right?"

Carla replied, "Yes."

Carla went in the dressing room and the saleslady brought three dresses for her to try on. She liked the first dress she tried and came out for my approval. It was a backless, short, black dress. It left her tanned back completely bare, had a plunging neck line in the front, and was open on the sides.

She said, "What do you think?"

"I love it," I said. "It is you, do you think its to revealing for this occasion?"

She turned to the saleslady and said, "We'll take it."

Next, we were off to the shoe department. She showed the shoe salesman her black dress and said, "I would like some blacks heels to match this. No hooker heels, but something close."

He said, "You are a seven and half, right?"

"That's right," she said and smiled at him. "You are good."

He came back with four pairs for her to try on. He took the first pair out of the box and helped her put them on. Carla, as usual, had on a short skirt that rode up pretty high when she sat down. I was sitting across from her and knew what she was doing.

The salesman looked up at her and asked, "Um, how does that pair, ummm, feel?"

I knew why he was hesitating while talking to her. Her dress was so high up that he was looking straight at her bare pussy. I knew he could see everything, because I could too.

She stood up and walked around in the shoes, as she did the three other pairs. She made no effort to hide her suntanned pussy. The poor sales guy had a very-obvious, huge hard on that started after the first pair. He was so flustered by the time Carla was finished with him that he could hardly speak. Carla bought the shoes she liked the best and we left for the airport.

When we were in the air, she said, "Do you like what I bought for the cocktail party?"

"Very much. You will look beautiful," I said. "My biggest concern today was the shoe salesman. I thought he might have a stroke."

Carla laughed and said, "Does my behavior of late upset you?"

I said, "No, not at all; it really turns me on. Keep doing it. I just want to be there when you are showing your stuff."

"I will make sure you are always there," she said. "I had a fun time teasing both of those guys at Sak's. After I came out of the dressing room topless, I got really turned on. I knew right then that I wasn't going to put my panties back on to go buy shoes. Those shoe guys are always trying to look up women's dresses, so I made sure there was something for him to see."

When we landed, Carla had a message from Bradley. He had called to say that the photo crew had arrived.

She called him back and asked him, "When should we all meet?"

He said, "Is Thursday morning at 10am, okay with you?"

Carla said, "Great. We will be at the villa."

Thursday morning they arrived right on time.

Bradley did the introductions for us, "This is Jacques, who will be your photographer. This is Jean-Marie, his assistant, and over here is Philippe, your make-up artist."

I said, "Welcome to our villa. Please make yourselves at home."

Jacques said to us, "I would like to talk with Carla and you. Bradley, could you please show Jean-Marie and Philippe around the villa and we will meet you back here when you are finished?"

Jacques and Carla hit it off immediately. He was very French, but with a pleasing and even funny personality. He went over every step of the project for the next few weeks. He had Carla laughing constantly, which helped put her at ease.

Philippe and Jean-Marie came back from their tour. They both complimented us on the beauty and setting of the villa, gardens, and pool area.

Philippe asked, "Where can we set up our equipment?"

Carla said, "We have a bedroom over there, near the pool, where you can put your equipment."

Philippe and Jean-Maire went to look the room over, came back, and Philippe said, "That should work well." Jean-Marie agreed.

While Philippe and Jean-Marie were moving their equipment into the bedroom, Carla showed Jacques the villa. Bradley and I went out by the pool and sat in the shade and talked.

After everything was moved in Carla said, "Lunch is served."

While we had lunch, Jacques said, "I would like to get photos inside the villa, in the garden, and pool area, so I can study the different areas that Carla will be posing in. Jean-Marie will study the area for the best lighting.

Jacques said, "Friday afternoon I want to start the photo shoot with Carla in business attire in Joe's office. After that, we will take some shots around the villa with her in casual clothes."

I said, "I will get my office, and especially my desk, cleaned up."

He said, "Tomorrow evening at the cocktail party, I want to get photos of Carla in her cocktail dress and shots of both of you greeting your guests. I would also like get shots of you as a couple and then just Carla throughout the evening as she mixes with your friends. Carla, will that plan work for you?"

"Yes, that's fine," she replied.

Jacques further explained, "Jean-Marie and Philippe will not be present at the party because it might be too obvious that it's a photo shoot. After the party we will take the weekend off to see St. Maarten and rest and relax."

"Aside from the party, Jean-Marie will set up the poses and the lighting screens for the best effect. Philippe will be doing all of your makeup and hair styling. During the photo shoots themselves, he will be video taping the process. The video will be used for backup, in case I miss a great pose. When we are through with it, we will give it to you for a souvenir. You will also get a complete set of all photographers, if you wish."

"Over the weekend I will also be working with Bradley on the photos that we will take on Friday. Bradley will let you know when we will be able to start on Monday."

Jacques continued, "My crew and I have worked together for many years. Stephane and I have been close friends for many, many years."

He looked at Carla, smiled, and said, "I reviewed the photos that Bradley had sent to Stephane. I think you will be a very good model, because you are so confident and have such a beautiful body."

Carla said, "Jacques, those pictures are not me. I just got carried away with the moment. Bradley is so easy to pose for that I just went too far. I don't mind posing in tiny bikinis or even topless, but I had never done total nudity for anyone but Joe, until Bradley got me naked. I have recently posed nude for Joe on Orient Beach and in the early morning I walk Plum Bay Beach nude trying to prepare for this job, but I am still not sure I am ready to pose naked for all of you and your cameras."

Jacques smiled, laughed, and said, "We have done many nude photo shoots and I want you to be at ease with us. You don't have anything that all the other women we have take photos don't have, other than your beauty. If you have felt comfortable posing for Bradley, you will be good with us. I understand from Bradley that a little wine helps you relax. Well, it helps us too. We will have plenty for all of us. When we are doing the nude photos, Philippe and Jean-Marie will be scantily dressed to help put you at ease. I understand from Bradley that your friend Debbie loves to be naked as well. While I don't think we will want any photos of her, she could be here for moral support. I would suggest that whenever possible these next couple of weeks, you should be nude or, if necessary, wear some very loose, flimsy garment that will not leave any pressure marks on your body."

"Carla, from what I have seen you are a very stunning woman with smooth skin, firm breasts, narrow waist, and a flat tummy," he added. "You are going to be a great for this photo shoot. Stephane would not have let Bradley choose you if weren't beautiful. We all feel very fortunate to be working with such a stunning model. I would hope that you would just let us do our job and use your body as our subject. I do think you need to know that it is a real honor to have been chosen by an art collector of Stephane's caliber. I think if you will allow us, we can all have a lot of fun in this project, and that includes you too."

Jacques looked at me and said, "Joe, are you okay with your wife being our subject for the next few weeks?"

I said, "Totally. Carla has made her decision and I am good with it and happy for her."

Jacques said, "Great. We will be here tomorrow at 1pm to start."

He said to Carla, "Remember what I said about flimsy, loose clothing, no pressure marks and keep working on your tan."

We all hugged and kissed and they left.

Carla said, "I guess I better get to the pool and work on my tan."

As she took off her clothes, she said, "They all seem like really nice people. Jacques was funny and kind. I think I can work with them and we can have some fun too."

She finished tanning, then she took a shower. When she came to the living room for a glass of wine, she had on a flimsy pair of short pajama bottoms. It was tied loosely at the waist, see through, and she wasn't wearing a top. She looked spectacular.

She said, "Do you think this is what Jacques had in mind?"

I said, "I think you found the right outfit."

Friday at 1pm they arrived and we all went to work. Bradley and Jacques helped Carla pick out a very conservative outfit for the shoot in my office. Jean-Marie worked on setting up lighting in my office. Philippe got all of his hair and makeup products set up in the bedroom. I finished cleaning off my desk.

Carla put on the first outfit and went to Philippe for hair and makeup. When she came out, I could tell that Philippe was a true artist. She looked even more stunning than usual.

Jacques started the photo shoot with Jean-Marie getting the best lighting she could and Philippe videoing every move.

Jacques asked Carla, "Are you okay with being videoed?"

She replied, "Sure, no problem. What's one more camera?"

Jacques took a bunch of photos of Carla in the business setting.

He said, "I'm planning to do three-hour photo sessions each day, with a break every twenty minutes, so you can relax from posing."

It was about 4pm by then, and Jacques told Carla to go relax, but be back with Philippe at 5:30pm to do hair and makeup before the guests started arriving at 7pm.

Jacques said, "I apologize for today being such a long day. In the future we will make sure to adhere to the schedule."

Carla went in the bedroom and put on a sheer robe and laid down.

She said, "This harder work than I had anticipated."

I said, "Take a nap. I'll go to the kitchen and work with the caterer and bartenders."

At 5:30pm Carla went to the poolside bedroom, where Philippe was waiting to do her hair and makeup. She still had on her sheer robe and nothing else. I thought she looked great, but Philippe said he had to redo everything. At 6:45pm I went back in to see how she was doing. Philippe was helping Carla put on her little black dress. She was standing totally naked with her new heels on looking at herself in the full-length mirror.

Philippe said, "You are stunning."

I said, "And she hasn't even put her dress on yet!"

Carla looked at me and said, "I love teasing Philippe with my body, then he tells me he is gay."

We all three had a great big laugh.

Philippe helped Carla into her dress, she looked absolutely astounding. One of the most beautiful sights I have ever seen. Even Philippe couldn't quit telling her how stunning she looked.

Carla asked, "Do you think this dress is too short with these heels?"

At the same time we both said, "No. It's perfect."

I said, "You will be fine if you don't bend over or go up the stairs."

"If you turn sideways to quickly, your boob may slip out," Philippe said. "I have some double-sided tape that may help a little."

He put the tape on and that seemed to help. We both told her again how sexy and perfect she looked.

She said, "This dress feels good."

The dress was about six inches above her knees and the top was two narrow black strips that hooked behind her neck. Just as it had fit her in Sak's, it left her smooth tanned skin show in the back. Her back was completely bare all the way to just barely above her crack. The front was two narrow pieces that hooked on the back of her neck, covered her breasts in the front, and plunged all the way to her narrow waist, but left the sides open. With her tan the dress looked beautiful on her.

At 7:00pm the guests started arriving. Carla and I were there to greet and have our picture taken with them. Everyone commented on how beautiful Carla looked. The women complimented her on her hair and make-up. The men liked her dress. Carla was in heaven, enjoying all the attention, especially from the men.

As he had explained the day before, Jacques had told Philippe and Jean-Marie to take the evening off. He didn't want to attract any more attention than necessary. Carla told the quests that Jacques was a friend who was just there to take a few photos for our scrapbook. Bradley was there as one of the guests. He was enjoying meeting our friends. Bradley stayed away from Debbie and Jeff though. Debbie and Jeff had a long conversation with Jacques, but he never mentioned seeing any pictures of Debbie.

Jeff asked, "Jacques, would you be available for hire? I'd like you to a photo shoot of Debbie."

Jacques said, "I would love to."

We had a great dinner and lots of good wine. Carla was getting a little tipsy from all the wine. She was having a great time having Jacques take her picture with our guests. Late in the evening, Carla was having Jacques take her picture with the men. She would sit on their laps, smile, and give them a big kiss. I was sitting across the room from them. She would smile at me, let her dress ride up, and open her legs. Several of the other guests could clearly see her shaved pussy. The tape Philippe had put on the sides of her dress to keep her boobs in was long gone.

When someone would notice that her nipple had slipped out, which wasn't very often, she would just laugh and say, "Jacques, did you get that one?"

She was having a great time flirting with both the men and the women.

Everyone had left by about 1am, except Bradley, who was helping clean up. After we were done cleaning, Bradley and I were sitting in my office having one last drink. Carla came in, she was totally wasted.

She said, "I want to get in the hot tub. Do you boys want to join me?"

She turned and walked toward the living room saying, "I think it was a great party!"

Bradley and I agreed it was a good time. Carla turned back toward us, unhooked her dress at the neck and let it fall to the floor, showing us her beautiful body totally naked, except for her high heels.

She said, "Okay boys, follow me to the hot tub."

We followed, watching her perfect ass and legs walk across the living room and out to the patio. The heels made her butt even more perfect. She kicked off her shoes by the hot tub and got in the warm water. Bradley and I looked at each other, shrugged, and stripped off our clothes and headed for the tub. We both had huge erections. We got in the hot tub.

Carla looked at each of us in turn and said, "Come over by me."

We joined her; one on each side.

"This hot water makes me really horny. I want you both to play with these tits," she said, reaching up and pulling on her erect nipples.

We both leaned over at the same time, and each took a firm brown nipple into our mouths. Carla had a huge smile on her face as she laid her head back.

She sighed, and said, "This is what I have been thinking about all evening."

The hot water was making her even drunker. Her hard nipples told us just how excited she was. I thought I would put my hand between her legs, I put my hand on her thigh and slid it up to her pussy, but when my hand got there, I found that Bradley's was already there and Carla's hand was guiding his fingers deep inside her. Carla spread her legs and thrust her hips to Bradley's every motion letting his fingers work their magic. She was moaning loudly by then and was enjoying presenting herself to him. She screamed with a massive orgasm, then quietly went to sleep.

Bradley and I got her out of the hot tub, dried her off, carried her into the bedroom, laid her on the bed, and we both just stood and looked at her naked sleeping body.

Still looking at her, Bradley said, "She sure has a perfect body."

I said, "Yes, she does."

We covered her with a sheet as she slept soundly.

As we walked back through the house, Bradley said, "I hope you aren't upset by what happened in the hot tub."

I said, "Not at all. That was what Carla wanted to happen."

The next morning, Saturday, Carla and I slept until after 10am.

"I think everyone had a great time at the party last night," was her only comment as we had coffee in the garden.

We just laid around the house letting our hangovers heal. Carla didn't say a word about the hot tub escapade. I don't even know if she remembered it. She was quite drunk the night before and equally hungover that day.

After a light lunch, Debbie and Jeff stopped by to say they had a good time at the party. Debbie and Carla went to the pool to sun, while Jeff and I talked. I told Jeff about the whole photo shoot adventure and about how much Carla was enjoying being the model. Apparently Debbie had already clued Jeff in on the whole project.


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