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Carrie K

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A boyfriend of five years faces unexpected temptation.
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Grant noticed her as soon as he walked into the strip mall Barnes and Noble. She was helping a customer find a legal thriller, her short black hair and pretty face drawing his eyes. His gaze lingered enough to indulge in her nicely curved figure, hugged by cuffed blue jeans and a purple cardigan. He shook his head, reminding himself he had a gorgeous girlfriend of five years waiting for him at home.

After picking up a leather-bound notebook (he was a compulsive writer), Grant walked up to the counter, not noticing that same girl jumping in front of her co-worker to talk to him.

"Nice jacket," she smiled as she checked him out. She'd been helping a customer when she had first noticed his boyish but stubbled face. She'd even allowed herself the luxury of glancing at the outline she saw fitting snugly in his tight pants. She'd been working nonstop lately and didn't mind the momentary distraction.

"Thanks, I like to pretend I'm cool," he laughed. She laughed too, and he used the stolen moment to take in as much of her as he could. Wide smile. Delicate lips. Dark eyes. Tattoos peeking out from beneath her cardigan's sleeves. A name tag that read "Carrie K."

As they bantered, Grant felt his heart rate rising. "Is she really flirting with me?" he wondered. It seemed unlikely to him, but the way she played with her buttons and the way her voice slightly shook - these were the same signs his girlfriend Daisy had given him when they were courting. Of course, Daisy was more his type, a blond Ivy League good girl, but signals were signals. An image flashed in his mind of pinning this Carrie K. up against the magazine racks, mashing his lips on hers until it hurt, fumbling desperately with the button of her jeans as customers watched in shock...

Grant's insatiable sex drive had been the ruin of all his relationships, his current one with Daisy included. He loved her, but their mismatched libidos had worn him down over the course of their half a decade relationship. He felt guilty for wanting more sex than she could provide, more not just in frequency, but in intensity. He didn't think it was her fault - it seemed like his own issue to overcome. Most of the time he was able to control himself, but Carrie K. was somehow dredging that churning desire of his to the surface.

"Well, have a good night," Grant said, casually using his notebook to cover his growing bulge.

"You too," Carrie replied, her dampening crotch sending out communications only his manhood could receive.

Grant stepped into the frigid winter air, his heart pounding. He was burning up despite the biting cold, his tongue sticking to the roof of his dry mouth.

He suddenly spun back around.

"I'll just get some water, and then I'll leave," he told himself, secretly fearful of being so turned on that he'd have to masturbate in the bathroom. When he walked back into the bookstore, what he saw nearly realized his fears.

Carrie had taken off her sweater while he was outside, revealing a black Joy Division t-shirt she'd modified by cutting off the sleeves and plunging the neckline well below corporate standards. Her arms were inked with a host of arcane images, from skulls to saints, and he found himself wishing he could investigate them closer, perhaps while holding her wrists above her head, his sweat dripping onto them while he roughly fucked her...

Carrie was talking to another customer, so Grant discreetly angled himself near the new releases. Her pale neck was soft and silky, her exposed shoulders begging to be caressed. And her large breasts would be screaming for attention even in a modest shirt.

This was not a modest shirt. Her incredible mounds swelled out of the top, along with a hint of the lacy black bra that pushed them together, creating a deep valley that Grant was thoroughly lost in. When she moved, her tits jiggled, giving more ammunition for what Grant now knew would be record masturbation as soon as he got the chance. He imagined jerking off in his living room after his girlfriend had gone to sleep, cumming in the air while softly moaning, "Oh Carrie..."

She stared back at him. "Fuuuuck!" he screamed inwardly as he spun away.

He felt dizzy. One head was incredibly embarrassed, the other hopelessly aroused.

He finally found the fountain and sucked the water down, guilt, frustration and lust coursing through him. Temporarily satiated, Grant wiped his mouth and straightened himself up.

Carrie K. was standing before him.

"Hi again," she said coolly.

"H-hi...uhm...I-I just needed some water," Grant stammered.

"I see," she said noncommittally. "I thought you were trying to get my attention."

"Oh, no. I just, I was lost and then I saw you. Anyway, I gotta go."

"Go where?"

"Home," he replied, hoping she'd end the interrogation.

"Where's that?" she asked, getting a jolt each time she extracted information from him.

"Queens," he said, fiddling with the plastic bag holding his book.

"What are you doing all the way out here then?" she probed. "There are no bookstores in the wilds of Queens?"

"I was visiting my family. Shouldn't you be, you know, working?"

"I'm on break. Plus, I own this place. Want to come keep me company while I get some air?"

He knew he should say "no." He should drive back to his girlfriend and take out his sexual frustration on her...if she was in the mood. A hundred sexless nights flashed through his mind.

"Okay," Grant said against his better judgment. "I've hung out with girls before without jumping them," he reasoned. "What am I so scared of?"

Carrie pulled back on her cardigan, letting Grant watch as she stretched the fabric around the swell of her breasts, squeezing a sigh out of him.

Cassie smirked. "So much for 'home', huh?" Grant felt queasy, but still followed her outside.

As they walked around the perimeter of the building, her hand grazed his, and he flinched. "Do you always talk to strangers?" he asked, his breath making vapor in the cold air.

"You don't seem that strange," she said, chuckling, "but, yeah, I guess I do. Hey, what's your name? No, nevermind. Don't tell me."

"It's Grant," he said.

"No! You ruined it!"

"Ruined what?"

"I don't know. This mysterious moment?"

"Wow. You're insane, Carrie K." Grant laughed, but Carrie pinned him with a glare.

"Maybe I am. So why are you standing out here with me?"

Staring into her dark eyes, he couldn't help but tell the truth.

"I'm just killing time before going home to my beautiful, lovely girlfriend and our challenging, sexless relationship."

Carrie raised her eyebrows. "Sexless? On whose part?"

Something about those eyes just pulled the words from his mouth.

"I'm out in the cold talking to a pretty girl. Whose do you think?"

Carrie nodded, unable to hide her smile. "Wow. Sexless. I can't see why she wouldn't want to fuck you all the time." She shocked herself with the boldness of her statement, but with men, Carrie was used to being reckless with her words and letting the rest fall into place.

Grant blushed. They both laughed nervously.

Carrie maintained eye contact as she spoke. "I'm just saying, you're pretty cute. That's why I'm standing here right now." Grant was floored. The audacity of this woman scrambled his brain.

"Uh, sure, same here. I mean, that's not why, but it's true. I mean, really I just saw you and I thought you seemed cool." Grant wasn't sure what he had just said.

Carrie eyed the flustered man, gleaning that he wasn't used to indulging in his wild side.

"Hey, want to see what the stock room looks like?" Carrie asked.

"Am I allowed?" Grant replied dimly..

"I'm the manager. And you're an honorary employee right now." Before Grant could decide, Carrie took him by the hand and led him up a set of metal stairs behind the building.

She produced a key ring and unlocked the door. The room was dark except for the red glow of the exit sign. The door closed behind them.

As Carrie moved close enough that Grant could smell her skin, he realized he had broken the fourth wall. He was feeding the bears. He was now participating in a real, live fantasy. He dropped his notebook with a clang on the grated metal floor.

"I shouldn't be here..." Grant spoke at barely a whisper.

"Oh no?" Carrie breathed. She was now playing her fingers on his chest and and through his hair, sending little bolts of lightning through his heart and head. Her hand descended, and she grazed the zipper of his pants with her fingertips. "Why not?"

Grant felt like he was dying.

"Because I have a girlfriend..." he gasped in reply, hoping it would somehow stop her onslaught. He realized too late it only inflamed Carrie as she merged her mouth with his.

This wasn't the first time she'd hooked up with someone who was taken - Carrie always let her pussy guide her, relationships, even marriages, be damned. In fact, if she was honest, stealing a woman's man always made her feel superhuman, like she could bend reality to her will.

She held Grant's face gently as their tongues tasted each other. For Grant, it was the first new taste in five years. For Carrie, the first in only a week. But that had been a fast hookup with a scuzzy bartender at a rock club in the city. This, she could already tell, was something more. As their lips quietly smacked in the dark, she decided then and there that she wanted this man, all of him. Grant's closed eyes shot open when he felt Carrie undoing his belt.

"Wha-?" he said, grabbing her wrist, breaking the kiss. He looked at Carrie, her heaving, milky cleavage pink under the red light. He didn't know how much he should allow to happen. But he craved her, wanted to lick and suck every inch of this beautiful woman who he had only just met. He had never cheated, but he'd also never met a woman so aggressive, so casual about breaking the rules.

His fingers around her wrist slackened. Carrie smiled in victory as she sank to her knees, pulling his jeans down. Grant groaned as he let her fish his erect cock out of his tight green boxer-briefs. It was thick and veiny in her hand.

"Wow. Your girlfriend could have this every night?" Carrie whispered. Grant's eyes widened, shocked at how brazenly this woman brought up his relationship. But before he could object, Carrie closed her mouth around Grant's entire shaft, and his mind went blank.

Five years of fidelity disappeared into Carrie's tight, wet lips, re-emerging slick with her saliva. It felt surreal. Under the lighting and circumstances, Grant was almost able to convince himself it might just be "one of those things," a surprise blowjob between two horny strangers and nothing more. Something he might not even have to bring up to his girlfriend...

Carrie's mouth consumed Grant's cock. No one had ever sucked his cock like this before, her hands working over his balls while she deep-throated him. Grant reflexively grabbed Carrie's hair, and her moan told him to keep gripping. He thrust his hips as Carrie pleasured him completely, making him weak in the knees. Grant felt bad to be doing something so raw with another woman, but also angry at Daisy that it had come to this.

Carrie felt him bucking and knew she could have his cum right then, but she wanted to save it for later. With most guys, like the one last week, she'd be content to have him fire his cum down her throat, smiling at him as she swallowed his load. But she could tell Grant was a different caliber person, and certainly a different caliber cock.

She could feel how hot and tight his balls were. She didn't want him to explode in her mouth. She wanted to feel him deep inside her, filling her to the hilt, and then succumbing to his lust for her. She wanted to fuck him so good that it changed his life.

As Carrie slowed, Grant moaned and tugged on her hair, moving her mouth over his cock himself in an attempt to achieve ultimate relief. But when he realized she was keeping him on edge on purpose, he pulled her mouth off his cock with a pop, staring into her eyes, bewildered by her abilities. She looked up mischievously.

"See...some girls like to suck cock." She wiped her mouth of her drool.

Grant gawked at this sexual fantasy come to life and growled. He pulled her up from her knees and started opening her sweater, staring at her with each undone button, waiting for her to say stop. Instead, Carrie helped, ripping the cardigan off so the last buttons popped across the room. She yanked her t-shirt off next, revealing that tight black lace bra. Her big tits spilled over the tops of the cups, nipples already obscenely on display. They were thicker than Daisy's, her areolas wider and darker too. Carrie's nipples made Grant's mouth water.

He immediately started sucking on them like a man dying of thirst. Usually he'd kiss every inch of a woman's tit flesh before finally taking the hard nub, but he was so driven by instinct that frantically trying to swallow her thick, ridged nipple was all his body would let him do.

Carrie felt a new rush of cream in her panties as she let Grant cup her heavy tits, unhooking her bra as he slathered one hard nipple, then the other. She leaned back against a counter, luxuriating in his desperation, seeing how far it would take him. When she felt him yank her jeans down to her thighs, her heart and pussy opened. She had turned this man into an animal, and she loved animals.

"Oh, god..." she moaned.

"Shhh," he said, putting two fingers in her mouth, and with the other hand, two fingers in her pussy. He wanted her quiet so she didn't break the fantasy. But his fingers' tight fit in her soaking cunt was the realest thing he'd ever felt in his life.

"Wow..." he involuntarily said in awe.

"Shhh," she mocked, enticing him with her bare tits on his chest. "Put your cock in."

"No..." Grant said, pulling his fingers out while pushing her jeans to her ankles with his foot. As she kicked off her sneakers and socks, he actually thought he meant what he said. He would eat her pussy, maybe cum in her mouth, and then get the hell out of here without actual sex, his relationship still salvageable.

He kneeled and moved his mouth over her ruffled panties. She could feel his hot breath over the wet cleft of her pussy.

"Please," she said, closing her eyes.

He exhaled against her clit and she shivered.

"Please!" she begged.

In one movement, he pulled her panties down to her knees and dove his tongue into her pussy. She was shaved, and his tongue glided in delight over her smooth, juicy lips. He thought of Daisy, alone in their apartment, and it made him lap Carrie harder. This was Daisy's fault, his horny mind reasoned. She didn't want to fuck enough, so she's at home while her man is drinking up a stranger's juices. Daisy didn't want it enough, but Carrie sure did.

"Please what?" he asked disingenuously, flicking his tongue against her clit, making her ache for him. Carrie couldn't believe her ears. This handsome man with a girlfriend was really indulging himself, and his desire was making her high. She might have to keep him for herself.

"Please give me your cock," she said in a little girl whisper.

"Say it louder," he demanded, licking her clit as he worked his two curled fingers inside her, the squelching sounds of his fingers in her pussy filling the room.

"I want your cock..." she moaned, shaking with anticipation.

Grant had a condom in his wallet, the last vestige of control he could show. But instead of digging through his jeans, he pulled them off, along with his jacket, t-shirt, shoes and socks. He rose before Carrie, completely naked, his cock pointing straight at her glistening pussy. Any thought of stopping was lost in the silky folds of that pink wonderland. She carelessly knocked over a pile of books as she spread herself on the counter.

"I want your cock," she declared assertively.

Grant's eyes took in her body. Her big tits, her soft belly, her shaved pussy. Was this body really worth cheating on his girlfriend for?

While he was still deciding, Carrie hooked her bare feet around his ass, reeling him in. Grant shuffled toward her, his cock nestling against her entrance. She wrapped her shapely, tattooed legs around his waist. They gazed into each other's eyes.

"Give me what I want..." she demanded. Grant couldn't resist her anymore.

He plunged forward, entering her entirely in one long, slow stroke. When his hips met hers, they both gasped. Grant looked down - his cock was gone, disappeared deep inside this stranger, marinating in her pussy.

He looked up at Carrie. Her mouth and eyes were wide open in delirium as she squeezed Grant into her. She smiled at him, but he looked away. For some reason, sharing a smile with Carrie right now felt like more of betrayal to Daisy than the fact that he was buried balls deep inside another woman. Cassie's smile was the smile of one new lover to another, but Grant didn't want to think of her as a lover. To him, she was a hot mistake. Though the longer his dick was in her, being massaged by her expert pussy, the more it tried to convince him this was no mistake at all.

With his head lowered, he pulled all the way out of her, then slammed all the way back in. Carrie felt like she could cum right then. He rocked back and forth on his feet, pulling out abruptly and then jamming his length back in, gaining a savage rhythm. He'd see his cock coated with her juices and bury it back inside her to hide his shame, only to repeat the cycle over and over, harder and faster.

The more he fucked her, the wider she spread her legs in an impressive display of flexibility, demonstrably submitting to him. He gripped one taut leg, entranced by the ornate sword and serpent inked down her thigh and calf, ending at her arched foot and pointed toes. His sweat dripped on her tattoo, fulfilling his earlier premonition.

He dared a look at her face, and she was staring at him, eyes shimmering, mouth half-parted for a kiss. But a kiss felt too intimate to Grant as well. He wanted this to be purely physical. The stars in Carrie's eyes alarmed him, so as she tilted her mouth toward his, he instead dove his lips for her tits. His face buried between them, he slobbered up to a nipple, holding it between his lips as he pulled his cock from her pussy.

"What do you want?" he asked into her tit.

"I...I..." Carrie struggled as Grant sucked.

"What do you want?" he said, breaking the seal on her tit and turning her around. Carrie bent over, pressing her face on the counter, hands spread, and round ass shoved toward Grant, completely surrendering. He thumped his heavy cock on her clit from behind, letting them both hear the wet slaps.

"Oh! *thwack* Oh, god! *thwack*Oh, fuck! *thwack* I want your cock! *thwack* I need it! *thwack* Fuck meeee-ahhhh!" Carrie cried out as Grant slid his painfully hard cock into her from behind, filling her with deep relief. Her ass rippled as he hammered her, both his hands gripping her fat cheeks. Her pussy was dripping on the store room floor as it contracted around his swollen cock, working itself into a lather in its singular pursuit of Grant's cum. Grant had never fucked someone whose body was clearly so desperate for him. It was driving him wild.

"Say it again," he whispered in her ear, grabbing her giant tits from behind as he entered her over and over.

"I need your cock!" Carrie shrieked. Grant slammed her from behind again and again, rubbing her clit as he did.

"I need it more than she does..." she hissed, causing Grant's own orgasm to rise up suddenly.

He broke away from her just before he came. His waving cock pulsed, shiny with Carrie's wetness under the red light. The whole dim room smelled like sex and sweat.


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