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Click hereWell it all started innocently enough, Steve my best friend had finally landed a girlfriend. Not that Steve was by any means a loser, just not very lucky with the gals. Very shy, and just not the most outspoken guy when it comes to girls. So it came to be that he found himself the most perfect girl to date. She is smart, funny, great smile, very understanding of him, and did I mention sexy? Oh my god is she hot. Say about 5'5 or so, and the most beautiful smile, you know the kind you can get lost in? And her body is perfect, nice hips, the most perfect breasts and a wonderfully shaped ass to follow the whole package up. What can I say Carrie is just plain hot and a lot sassy too. You know, that quality that just makes every guy in the room want her? I just don't know what she sees in Steve.
So one of my first meetings with Carrie was at a party Steve was throwing, and to be blunt about it, there was a lot of alcohol and I was definitely feeling pretty good. I have to also add that Carrie was there and looking as smashing as ever, in her tight top and jeans. So as the evening progressed so did my jokes and flirting with Carrie, we had definitely hit it off well, and I could tell she was enjoying my attention, as I know for a fact that Steve had no idea how to treat a girl. So as we talked, and got more comfortable the talk and jokes of course became more sexual in nature, don't they always seem to do that? It was getting late but I had worked my way into a conversation with Carrie and her roommate and I have to admit I was loving every minute of them. We were laughing telling off color jokes and I was stealing glances at them every chance I could get. Carrie's roommate Sherry was wearing a button up blouse, that was open a few buttons and I could see perfectly down the front of her shirt. Something very erotic about looking down the shirt of an unsuspecting beautiful girl. Being the gentleman that I try to be, I offered to get another round of drinks, I also wanted to check on the rest of the party and see if I was missing anything. As I was getting up I looked again towards Sherry and was rewarded with a complete look down her blouse.. Oh my God they were absolutely perfect and just looking right up at me... I could see the edge of her lacy white bra and just the beautiful globes they were. Wow I am still blown away by that image. I did manage to get up and get us another round of drinks and as I returned the girls were still there talking and laughing as I walked over and sat back down. Looking again of course down Sherry's blouse! as I worked my way back into the conversation I asked about what the girls had been laughing about while I was away. I was greeted with the normal " Oh nothing", and two very embarrassed and blushing beautiful young ladies. So of course I pressed on... I knew it had to be fun if they didn't want to share.
So after some coaxing, I was told that they had been talking about masturbation and how Sherry always asked her dates to do it for her. I was open mouthed and hard by this time. Then it was revealed that Carrie had never watched a guy touch himself. I was a ball of sexual energy at this point, after several drinks and being in the company of these two girls. I was definitely turned on. So it was only a matter of time before I was suggest the obvious. Only I tried so hard to do it in an innocent way. The conversation turned back around to being watched a few minutes later and I couldn't resist sharing one of my experiences. At first after telling the girls about being watched one time, I was afraid I had scared them both away. You know that heightened state ot paranoid when your drunk and misinterpret someone's facial expression? Yeah kind of like that. So after a min of awkwardness, Carrie spoke up and confessed that my story was very hot. She was giggling a little bit so it was at this point that I made my next move. Not a very complex one, but an offer that had I not been drinking I would never have made. I simply said....
"If your curious, I am heading to the bathroom, meet me there in a couple of minutes and I would be more than delighted to demonstrate my technique for you." I couldn't believe I had said it! And yet the words flowed from my mouth so freely. I had no other choice. I stood up smiled at the girls, and walked away towards the bathroom. Of course I honestly didn't think Carrie would follow me, and part of me really hoped she wouldn't. As I approached the downstairs bathroom, I didn't see anyone behind me so I simply stepped in and used the toilet, after all I did really have to pee. As I finished and washed my hands, my heart sank a little... realizing that she hadn't followed me. I think I was a little relieved too. I dried my hands and opened the door. Suddenly it was all too real. Standing outside the door was Carrie. Smiling nervously, .
"Is your offer still good?" She asked. looking down at the floor.
"Of course it is" I said as I pushed the door open and offered her to step in. Looking around as I closed the door behind us. I reached over and turned the light back on and offered her a seat on the toilet, with the lid down of course. I stood in front of her for a min, trying to figure out what I was doing. Of course my dick was betraying me, hard and trying desperately to get out of my jeans. I spoke up as I was unbuttoning my jeans.
"Now I don't want you here if your uncomfortable, " I said as I unzipped my jeans and pushed them to the floor. " I am glad your here though Carrie, this is a real treat for me " slipping my boxers down now, my dick coming into view. I slowly began to tease myself as she watched. I was standing in front of her as she sat there on the toilet. My fingers touching my dick, slowly tracing my shape with my fingertips. I saw her watching me so intently, and it only excited me more. Wrapping my fingers around me now I began to slowly stroke myself , from the base to the tip. I was also beginning to get very wet from my excitement, so I took my hand and ran it over the tip of my dick, wetting the palm of my hand with my pre cum as I continued to stroke myself. Looking up at me Carrie asked.
"Is this how you usually do it?"
"yes" I answered as my hand slid from the tip to base of my cock, my body tingling with excitement at this point.
"What kind of things do you think about when you masturbate" she asked, her gaze returning to my dick as I began a slow rhythm with my strokes.
"Well" I answered " that all depends on my mood" I stated mater of factly. "Usually I will think about a fantasy or something that happened to me that I can turn into a fun sexy thought."
" You mean like masturbating for your friends girlfriend?" Carrie asked, her eyes never leaving my hand.
(laughing to myself) "Yes exactly like that, or like the image of looking down Sherry's blouse, or the thought of what your panties look like" I answered back, my hand moving a little faster now, she was still watching me intently. Carrie looked up at me and presented me with a question I completely wasn't expecting.
"Why would my panties excite you Pete?" and she was serious, a completely different tone than I was expecting.
"Simply put because your hot and I find you attractive, and I think panties are very sexy, so...." I stammered a little " I get turned on imagining what your panties look like and how good you look in them" I blurted out. My hand moving faster now. I could feel myself throbbing and my balls getting tighter by my every stroke. Looking down at her sitting there watching me I realized I was getting dangerously close to cumming. I was living a fantasy that I never thought would come true. Without warning Carrie stood up. For a brief second I was afraid I had admitted too much. My hand stopped and I opened my mouth to apologize but before I could find the words I realized what she was doing. Carrie had stood up and unbuckled her belt, she had unbuttoned and was unzipping her jeans, she was going to show me her panties. My hand slowly wrapped around my throbbing dick, and I took a step back to watch the beautiful sight before me. She looked up at me and pushed them down, smiling an embarrassed little smile before sitting back down. She spread her legs a little, and her eyes returned to my hand. I stepped closer to her now, amazed by her sexuality and her openness. I looked down between her legs, following every inch of those white bikini panties with my eyes, memorizing every little pink flower and every little seam of those fabulous panties.
"Carrie I am going to cum" I whispered to her, stroking myself faster now, unable to control my excitement. With those words she spread her legs a little farther, and leaned back giving me the opportunity to see her. She also reached out her hand.
"I want to feel it in my hand Pete" was all she said. Barely finishing the sentence before I began to cum in her hand. I held my dick as I filled her hand with my cum. My eyes never leaving her panties. Her smile widened as I coated her open hand. I truly believe she hadn't felt a guy cum in her hand before, just by her expression. I tried so hard to make it last, as I slowly came to the end of my orgasm. Reaching over to the towel bar I grabbed a towel and dried my hand and wiped myself up, then offering it to Carrie. As she took the towel from my hand and stood up to walk to the sink I was rewarded with a beautiful view of her ass, covered only in her panties. Taking a step back I was simply in awe of her, as I reached for my jeans and boxers. I watched her wash her hands and then reach for her jeans to cover up. Smiling as she turned around...
" Pete thank you for sharing yourself with me, that was definitely intense" she said as she smiled, buckling her belt and looking down to be sure she was all together. Leaning towards me she kissed me on the cheek, " Intense" was all she said as she walked past me and opened the door slightly, peeking out to be sure the coast was clear. As she left I walked over to the mirror and sink, washing my hands and splashing some water on my face.
"Yes, that was definitely intense" I muttered to myself as I smiled, and opened the door, time to get back to the party I thought.....
Nothing better than a hot sexy lady for an audience. Good work.
That's the kind of party almost any guy wishes he could attend! :-) I SO wish I had been the main character!
Well written. Very believable and well told. MORE!!! ;-)