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Casey McQuillen: Lending a Hand

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Making the singer dance.
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"Oops, sorry" the tall man stated as he entered the room; before him was the best arse he had ever laid eyes on. The short woman was bent over rummaging in a bag at her feet but turned slightly to look behind her and caught him staring at her butt. "Sorry I thought the room was empty" he blustered as he recognised the shimmering green dress from the support act he had recently witnessed "Casey McQuillen, isn't it? I'll come back when you've finished. I didn't mean to disturb you."

He began to retreat from the room but was stopped by the woman "Yes, it is, what are you after?" she enquired. She had now stood up straight and turned to face him with her fists balled on her hips. His eyes went straight for her tits, 'Typical man' she thought.

Eventually, his gaze worked up to her face and he looked suitably abashed "Sorry, wow, I mean seriously wow. I saw you from the side of the stage but close up. Just Wow. Errr I came to collect a transport case but it must be elsewhere. Loved your performance, by the way, that's some voice you have there." She noticed he was wearing the same lanyard she was required to wear backstage and therefore assumed he was part of the venue's crew as she hadn't seen him before at other venues and therefore probably not part of the main acts crew.

He stood a good six feet tall, maybe a couple of years older than her and obviously worked out if his biceps bulging from his T-shirt sleeves was anything to go by. "Are you part of the stage crew?" she asked.

"I am," he said as he bowed slightly. Oh, how she liked his clipped British accent "Is there anything I can help you with?" he asked.

Casey hefted a large black hold-all and replied, "Actually yes, I need to get this on the main tour bus but after two months of continual touring it's starting to get a pain." The reality was that she invariably found someone to heft it and now seemed just such an occasion.

"I'd be more than happy to help a damsel in distress" he responded with a wide smile.

'Oh yes, I could definitely go for that accent. She hardly heard it in Brooklyn where she lived and certainly not in Andover, Massachusetts where she grew up.' It was at this point she caught him giving her chest a cheeky once over and so she pointedly asked, "Have you seen enough?" as she hefted a breast in her free hand.

The man held up his hands defensively "Sorry I didn't mean to stare and I know I've said it before... but wow. I don't want to get all creepy on you but you looked amazing jumping around on stage but now, close up -- truly amazing. Judging from your lyrics on 'Hold On' I feel I ought to apologise for the behaviour of some of my gender, let me assure you we are not all complete bastards. For the record though, when you wrote your song 'Skinny' you neglected to mention that actually there are some of us guys who like a woman that we can get a hold of." He paused for a moment before finishing with "That has really got into creepy territory now and someone as talented as you should be noted for her phenomenal voice and songwriting talent rather than that fabulous arse of yours. I'll get this deposited safe and sound on the truck, did you need anything else you need taking?" as he reached for the bag.

"Those two guitar cases if you don't mind. I have my other bag but haven't finished yet if you would like to return and pay me some more compliments and make me feel better about my size" Casey pointed to the corner of the room.

The man smiled, bowed slightly picked them up with ease and replied "It would be my pleasure" before disappearing out the door.

He was back knocking on the door less than ten minutes later "Come in" she announced keen to continue their earlier conversation. He stepped over the threshold and quickly scanned her chest once more before making eye contact. Casey began with "I'm intrigued by your comments about men liking the larger lady. Care to elaborate, sorry I didn't get your name?"

The man winced but held up his access badge "Sam. Look I'm sorry, I imagine someone as pretty as you gets hit on every time you turn a corner and I'd rather your experiences of my homeland be a pleasant one and not remembered for some random stagehand perving over you."

"Well Sam, it's a pleasure to meet you, but I really would like to know more. I used to get hit on regularly before the lockdown but since I put the extra weight on it's as though I'm a different person. I rarely get hit on and so it makes a pleasant change to have someone talk so openly, especially in such glowing terms." Casey stated hoping that would be enough to have him pitch a man's side of the equation; she was after all always on the lookout for new material to write about.

Sam shook his head and responded "I despair of my fellow man. You see these images with duck pouts, they are a complete turn off in my humble opinion, the whole fake lashes, fake hair and fake Botox look. No thank you, give me a real woman any day. God that sounds so chauvinistic to a woman who empowers others through her song lyrics -- a stance I fully approve of I should state so you know I'm not a complete asshole."

Casey offered an empty seat "Won't you sit down. No, I don't think you are an asshole but I would like to know more" as she flashed him a bright smile. He wore a particularly concerned expression prompting her to ask, "What's the matter?"

Sam decided to come clean "After describing you as 'Wow' and just confessed I don't want to come across as some 'chauvinistic pig' you sit me down while you are wearing a dress as spectacular as that showing you off in all your glory. On stage, yes, I get it. I've read the blurb about your American Idol appearance and can understand you using this tour to get your name out there to an audience that doesn't know you but up close I'm struggling to keep my eyes off them" he said nodding down to her chest.

Casey tilted her head back and let out and barked out a heartfelt laugh "It's refreshing to have someone talk to me honestly rather than saying what they think I want to hear. Having just confessed that I hardly get hit on since lockdown down do you think I'm going to let a man who refers to me as 'Wow' get off the hook." Her tone dropped serious for a moment "You don't get to hear people's stories when touring. You dip into their life briefly and then onto the next crowd. Yes, people are polite, here especially, but it's not the whole story. Why am I in the 'Wow' category?"

Sam sat for a while to compose his reply "You are very talented both vocally and the topics you write songs about; they're insightful. You put on a hell of a show for your audience and they in turn seem to respond well judging by tonight's crowd. I've seen so many support acts that just do their thing and then leave but you work the crowd into a frenzy for the main act. I can see why you were sought out."

Casey took a different seat and shook her head "No, not good enough. That's the polite answer, I'm looking for honesty, why am I in the 'Wow' category - Don't think, reply on instinct."

Sam squared his shoulders as he sighed "Well I guess we will not meet again after tonight so I might as well be honest. That butt is so amazingly full and round, perfectly in perspective with your height." He saw the smile spread over Casey's face so he decided to continue "Having it pointed at me as I walked made in uncomfortable in the trouser department if you get my drift. Those hips are just made to be held firmly while doing unspeakable things to you and I've got to mention those tits. That cleavage just beckons you deeper, I struggle to pull my gaze away but when I do those ankles draw your eye further but that would then distract from your very beautiful round face with that amazing smile. But that butt, just wow. There, was that honest enough for you?"

Casey sat back amazed "Thank you, I did ask for honesty, didn't I?" her Boston accent accentuating her words despite how long she had lived in Brooklyn. She stood up and took a half step towards the full-length mirror in the room, she turned her butt towards the mirror and looked over her shoulder contemplating the image for a while "See, I don't see what's so appealing. It just looks big in this mirror to me" then she turned her rear towards Sam while continuing to look over her shoulder at him.

He used his hand to cover his eyes as he shook his head "How am I meant to hold a sensible conversation with you while you keep flashing that at me."

"No don't cover your eyes, I like having nice things said about it. It has made a pleasant change recently. In my country there is a quote from Eleanor Roosevelt 'No one can make you feel inferior without your consent' and so I use that as my life motto, go on humour me" She smiled at him lopsidedly.

He chuckled briefly as he fixed his gaze on that beautiful round peach and was reminded of another of the lyrics in her 'Hold Me' song. "Well, as I said not all men are complete bastards, some of us care about the impressions we leave behind just as some of us can appreciate the fuller figure." All this was said while continuing to stare at her butt aimed at him.

Casey was enjoying this conversation and, considering his own words about not meeting again after tonight she decided to go all in to coin a poker phrase she had been taught. She started to wiggle her hips while raising the hem of her dress so the material pooled at her hips. Eventually, her white lace panties came into view and she was delighted to see Sam's expression changed favourably. She had done it to test out his words and he had neither looked repulsed nor had he run away - quite the opposite -- and so she asked, "So what do you think of my panties, too big?"

She was a little disappointed by his pained expression until he clarified "They are nice but in my humble opinion your butt would look better in something a little larger but I'm certainly not complaining about the view. It defies even the Wow category."

Casey was reminded about her latest video where all the big-name stylists in Los Angeles had refused to 'dress' her for the shoot as she's a size 10 and ended up going to the mall with her Mum to buy a dress. It had been so well received that she had done the same for the dresses she wore on this tour. She would have to keep this guy's number so she could ring him for an ego boost every time she was at a low point. Deciding to continue to go all in she asked "You have no idea how good it is to see and hear your appreciation. How are the front of your trousers?"

Sam chuckled and leant back in his chair so she could see his crotch better "As you can see, somewhat tight and lumpy." Casey's heart leapt at the realisation that the reaction was to her flashing her ass at this guy she hadn't even known an hour ago. She took a couple of steps backwards towards his seat and was similarly delighted when he sank to his knees, leant forward slightly and started to shower her buttocks with a series of little kisses. He stated his case when she heard him mumble "Magnificent."

She spun around 180 degrees so that his face was inches away from her pussy and as he looked up at her smiling face she asked "The touring lifestyle doesn't do much for my sex life and these particular pipes haven't been cleaned for quite some time. I don't suppose you could see your way to helping a girl out? You'll get to see the tits too."

He smiled up at her before turning his gaze to her panty-covered crotch and after nuzzling his face in her crotch before pulling back and replying "Mmmmm. If it helps a lady out, yes please."

She couldn't believe she had openly propositioned a man. Yes, she had been the target of a pickup more times than she could remember and she had known about groupies before entering the music industry but this was the first time she had casually picked up a man then he had proved himself worthy 'So why not? He said we'd never meet again after tonight.' "I'm stopping at a hotel nearby" she stated as he got up from his knees.

"Lead the way, madam, what else do you need to take with you?" he asked.

"Hmm, let me ram the last of my belongings in this bag. I was going to get changed but seeing as I intend dispensing with this dress very shortly I might as well keep it on for the moment" she stated still not believing how easily she slipped into her brazen mode but this kind of adoration had been in such short supply of late. Sam carried Casey's bag as they made their way to the hotel. He had confirmed her suspicion that he worked for the venue and he reeled off some of the acts he had been able to watch for free from the side of the stage. He had a day job in an office but did this for some extra cash, although he was thankful to be able to pick and choose what acts he supported as some were notoriously more trouble than was worth his effort.

Casey opened the hotel room door and Sam followed close in her wake; he deposited the bag on a convenient shelf just as Casey lunged at him. She had to stand on tiptoe to reach her hands up and behind his neck. Thankfully he leant forward to engage his lips on hers. He smelt as nice as he looked and sounded, Casey liked the way he reached both hands down and cupped her buttocks; she rarely felt good about her butt but his adoration was getting addictive. She was debating when to start dictating the action when she felt him reach up and fumble for the zip of her dress. When he found it, it was drawn down in a slow steady progression but Casey was in a rush to get things going; she had been without cock for so long that she couldn't recall when.

She unlocked her fingers, stood back flat and wrestled around until the shimmering dress was pooled at her ankles. If she had any doubts about Sam's intentions, now was the time for his attitude to shift. It did shift as such but not negatively as she had feared; instead, his expression changed to one of focused attention as he let out a deep growl of appreciation backed up by his words "Damn you look good."

He steered her towards the bed behind her and as she sank to sit on the edge, he in turn sank to his knees. He reached for her knees and steered them apart, gently but determinedly at the same time. As he leant forward, he reached up and inched her panties aside at roughly the same time as he whispered "Beautiful" to no one in particular. Casey sensed he would have liked to admire the view further but again she was keen to get on with things and so placed her hand behind his head and steered his face towards her needy pussy.

Sam worked his tongue immediately, trailing it up to her clitoris to circle around and then down the furrow of her labia to work the tongue deep inside her. He repeated this several times and Casey started to grind her pussy against his face; this was the sort of treatment she had been missing and so rode this particular wave for everything she could. Sam wasn't giving her much choice though as he wanted to get the lady off too and so worked his tongue and lips over her fleshy labia repeatedly while keeping a firm hold on her hips as she twisted and thrashed around. He repeatedly worked his powerful tongue deep inside her to draw the tangy juice for his taste buds. He mixed that with taking her fleshy clitoris between his lips to repeatedly bash it with the tip of his tongue until she went rigid one last time, let out an agonised groan and then slumped back on the bed with her feet continuing to twitch in reaction to his devotion.

If he were a true gentleman, he might have allowed her a short respite but he wasn't. After quickly wiping his lower face clean he discarded his shirt somewhere off to the side and dropped his trousers around his knees. The way Casey lay presented her at the perfect height and after hefting her legs under the knees he drove forward to sink half his length inside her snug pussy before meeting any kind of resistance. The thrust immediately drew her attention and she looked up to lock his gaze with hers. After a brief moment staring into each other's eyes, with a determined expression she stated through gritted teeth "Go on, fuck me good. I've waited a long time for this."

Sam needed no further prompting and set about slinging his hips back and forth driving a little more inside her with each thrust. Her lace-encased tits looked good but he wanted more; he reached up and tugged the shoulder straps down to reveal her perfectly round breasts. They had a slight sag but otherwise, they largely maintained their shape as he reached over and started to tease her nipples between his thumb and forefingers. Casey was getting into the steady rhythm he had started and was cruising nicely to her next climax. All that went out of the window when Sam craned his neck forward and clamped his lips around her right nipple. He swiped his tongue around each firm nub before he clamped his mouth over the large areola to continue to lick and nip at the nub with his teeth.

That did it for Casey as her pussy clamped down on the column of flesh currently spearing into her. Sam held still while her head was lopping from side to side. She raised her head slightly as she came down to earth and blew her cheeks out "God I so needed that."

Sam grinned back at her and said "Yes, it seemed like you did." He pulled back so he pulled out of her snug pussy announcing "I need you up on the bed." As she scrambled backwards to lie in the centre of the bed, he shook his head "No on your knees, I want to see how animated I can get that butt of yours." Casey was rolled over on her hands and knees in an instant and Sam was driving forward as soon as she had settled. Her head was tilted back as she groaned at the intrusion so Sam took a handful of hair in his right hand while his left had a firm grip on her left hip.

As he thrust away at her pussy Sam was pleased to see her buttocks jump and quiver in time with his thrusts in tune with her groaning and moaning. For all her vocal talent on stage, the sounds that were coming out of her mouth now made for a more content sound, although that could have something with the way her pussy was bathing each bump and ridge of his dick with her copious juices. Amazingly the lady could feel herself hurtling towards her next climax; it would have been nice for Sam to have got his rocks off but it seemed she needed this one just as intensely as the last two, judging by the way that she was thrust back at his thrusts. It became too much for Sam who took a firm grasp of her hips and showed her no mercy. Her groaning was intensifying as he gritted his teeth but the moment that he felt his balls tingling he pulled out of her pussy and aimed his come over her ample buttocks.

His withdrawal triggered her next climax and Casey found herself collapsed on the bed as her legs shook with the intensity of her climax. Sam slumped to her side to reach the box of tissues on the nightstand and after wiping his come off her rump he lay on his side and pulled the slowly recovering lady into a cuddle. With her breathing returning to normal Casey lifted her head to look at Sam and after sweeping her long hair to one side she said, "My god I needed that, I can't remember the last time I was so thoroughly fucked as that."

Sam introduced his usual levity as he said "Well, you did say you needed some pipes cleaning."

"Oh man, they have been thoroughly cleaned today. Thank you; you have restored my faith in men" Casey stated while still wearing a slightly puzzled look. The two lay in a tight embrace while they both returned to terra-firma, Casey breaking the spell this time as she wriggled down the bed and lying over his legs so she sink his rejuvenated dick in the deep cleft of her cleavage, raising her upper torso so that he was effectively fucking her tits. Sam was content to lie back with his hands behind his head, although shifted slightly when she worked her way back up the bed, raising her hips so she hovered over his dick to take him in her snug confines once more. This position enabled Casey to dictate the pace and Sam did nothing to persuade her away from the slow rise and fall as she rode her pussy along his length. He did reach up to cup her breasts once more -- they were on the Wow scale after all.


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