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Caught Up in the Act

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Catching a friend creates an interesting dilemma.
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The sky was already darkening by the time I pulled into the driveway. When I climbed out of the car, I could feel it. The ache in my back and my legs greeted me the way it always did every single day when I got home. Rubbing my neck, I trudged toward the front door. I still looked up at my house in amazement. If there was one thing going right, it was having my priorities in order like I'd always planned. I never thought I'd move into something this nice.

I pushed open my front door and made my way inside. I could hear music from down the hallway deeper in the house. Alicia wasn't on the couch at her usual spot. She must be getting ready, I noted to myself. I set my keys on the small coffee table in front of the couch. Immediate relief washed over me when I fell into the cushions. I wasn't tired, but a whole day of moving boxes and packages had really taken its toll on me. I closed my eyes. Even if the pay was good, I had to find something better. I was in my twenties. It scared me to think of how broken down I might be in another ten years.

"I need you to take the trash out," I heard an abrupt voice say.

My eyes opened. "Hi, baby. How are you?"

I turned to see my wife darting into the kitchen and to dig through her purse. She merely glanced at me.

"I'm late." Alicia swept her brown curls over her shoulder. "And I don't know where my phone is."

I rocked forward to stand. Something told me I should, rather than remain seated. The tone of her voice maybe. It was like my body habitually knew I'd be scolded if I did anything relaxing.

"You checked the car?" I asked her.

Alicia shook her head. "No, I haven't been anywhere since I got home from work. Why would you ask that?"

It was an oddly defensive question. But I knew how Alicia was when she was in a hurry.

"Just asking," I told her.

I walked into the kitchen. I couldn't help but look her up and down. Alicia was wearing a tight dress that exposed more of her legs than I'd seen since the summertime. I briefly thought of easing up behind her and putting my body against hers. I knew I'd be able to feel her through that thin fabric. The thought of it excited me. It was the way I used to greet her when I got home.

Alicia turned suddenly and the two of us nearly collided. My wife stopped in her tracks, and for the briefest of seconds I could see her face. She'd done her make-up. A little surge shot through me. I hardly recognized her. Her eyes met mine briefly, but before I could react she'd already redirected herself right around me. Alicia hurried down the hall.

I remembered that it was Friday. Of course, I'd not truly forgotten, but her indifference to me needed the reminder. I listened as the music cut out down the hall. I could hear her stomping from room to room, no doubt frantically searching for her lost phone.

When Alicia finally stormed back down the hallway, she breezed right by the kitchen. Her eyes remained fixed on the phone in her hands. Her thumbs worked furiously across the screen.

"I should have been at Kelly's fifteen minutes ago," Alicia grumbled.

I knew she spoke more to herself than to me. Watching her slip into her heels, I ignored the twinge of hurt I felt knowing she wouldn't have waited for me to get home before leaving, and that I probably wouldn't see her until morning when we woke up. I considered the bright side. I'd have the house to myself for the night. Even that seemed a small consolation.

"You guys hitting the strip tonight?" I asked, trying out my friendly voice.

Alicia glanced up, her eyes appearing to settle back into the here and now. She still busily fastened the straps of her shoes around her ankles.

"Uh... yeah later on, I think," Alicia replied. "I know Kelly wants to go to this new place to eat somewhere downtown first."

I nodded to no one. Alicia passed by me to fetch her purse from the counter in the kitchen. Her heels clicked on the tile floor. It was a sound I wasn't used to. She turned, gathering her curls to place them over her bare shoulders. The action drew my gaze to her skin. I wished it were a different night of the week, a different week altogether. I could smell her perfume, even from across the kitchen. I wanted to taste it on her skin.

Alicia made her way to me finally in haste. Her eyes at last met mine. The shades of colors behind her eyes were deep and dark. Her lashes were curled and black. Plush lips glistened, all but beckoning me to devour them. I looked her over quickly, knowing the moment would be fleeting. It wasn't often I got to see her this way. Alicia was gorgeous. I'd grown so used to her hair being wrapped up in a ball, and her body being shrouded by heavy sweaters. It hurt to know this style of hers was usually reserved for girls night. I ached for her to stay.

"Remember the trash," Alicia said. "The other night it smelled when you forgot."

I nodded. "I'll get it."

"And if I call, please answer," She instructed. "If you're going to stay up all night at least have your phone nearby."

She knew me well, but her words were sharp enough that I knew their true meaning.

"I will," I said. "Just call if you need me, and let me know if something goes wrong."

Alicia forced a smile. It was the kind I usually received from cashiers.

"We'll be fine."

Alicia wrapped a single arm around me and leaned close. I wanted to taste her lips. Instead I felt them plant a moist peck on my cheek.

In seconds my wife was heading for the front door. I watched her tuck her phone into her purse and adjust her dress. Again I let my eyes wander down her slender back to her tight ass, propped high on her legs by the heels she wore. I could practically trace every line of her skin that I knew so well beneath the thin fabric. She swept her long thick jacket around her thin form and turned toward the door to the garage.

"Alicia?" I called abruptly.

My wife turned. Even her inquisitive expression looked tantalizing. She'd not spared a moment it seemed. Her brows were neatly trimmed, her face colored in smooth warm hues, her eyes a dark contrast of sultry grey.

"You look beautiful, babe," I told her.

For a few seconds, her veil dropped and I saw her body relax. A genuine grin spread over her face.

"Thanks, Kenny," She said. "Love you."

"Love you, too."

I was afforded a few more seconds to stare before my wife disappeared into the garage. I stood and listened to her car start, to the garage door opening and closing, and the silence that ensued afterward.

For several moments after she was gone, I leaned on the counter in the kitchen and glanced around the house. I could find a show on TV. I could endlessly scroll though videos on my phone. There were so many options open to me. This routine of mine wasn't had grown old though. Having the house to myself wasn't as exciting as it used to be. Besides, I knew where I'd end up anyway.

After changing into sweats, I fetched a drink from the refrigerator and killed all the lights in the house. I made my way to the spare room down the hall across from our bedroom. I thought about turning on the black lights and transformimg the room into its usual neon glow. Instead I just headed toward my sprawling desk, plopped down into my favorite chair, and rolled toward the screen.

I bumped the mouse and the screen came to life. I squinted at the time as I typed in my password. It was early. I checked social media and browsed a few articles before launching my favorite game and settling in. Another long Friday night was ahead of me. I didn't mind so much. It was part of why I'd been initially excited for Alicia and Kelly to arrange nights like this so often. I knew it afforded me so much more time to lose myself in my games, and get a bit of alone time that not so many married guys got to appreciate.

Even that thought was tainted though. My conscious thoughts and worries wouldn't shut down.

"If you're going to stay up all night like a child playing those stupid games, the least you could do is answer my fucking phone call."

The words bounced through my head over and over. It wasn't what Alicia had said. But deep down I knew it was what she had meant. This was truly the only time I had to sneak away into my little cave and be myself for a while. Sure, I was free to do so any other time. During the week however, I did so under the scrutiny and scorn of a wife who thought me childish for even doing so.

Sitting there in the dark, the echoes of many weekdays past wove their tendrils through my brain. Even as I clicked away, I couldn't bring myself to fully escape. God, she looked incredible. Alicia knew how to fix herself up. Yet here I was playing video games while she was out dancing. I felt like less of a man, cowered in front of a screen while my wife and her friends were out partying.

I rubbed my eyes. What was wrong with me? That's not how it was at all. Alicia had a right to her free time, too. As much as she worked at the hospital, she deserved it. It was a lucky enough thing that her schedule allowed her a day or two off through the week, let alone a day on the weekend.

My mind couldn't forget her in that dress though. The way it fit her form, and how easy it would be to pull it up or peel it completely off... Last week it had been black tights, so snug on her legs that they looked painted onto her thighs, even into her ass. How long had it been? Just one Friday or Saturday was all I craved. I wanted her to fix herself up that way and climb into my lap. I wanted to have those lazy days at home again, where we lost track of time because we were naked and busy fucking and watching movies together.

I glanced at the clock to realize an hour had passed. I'd made no real progress in the game I was playing. Maybe it was getting dry, too. Closing the program, I wondered if perhaps I should peruse the online stores for something new and fresh. I knew how this normally went, though.

A nagging sensation was already clouding around me, though. I shifted in my seat at the very thought of satisfying that feeling. It didn't take long at all. In a mere moment I was opening a tab in my browser and typing. Thumbnails flooded the screen. Half naked bodies twisted into crude poses assaulted my eyes. I had to find something. My left hand slid into my sweat pants, an all too familiar habit.

I watched clip after clip. I'd done this so many times before, but tonight I was unusually bothered. My cock swelled in my sweaty fist. My hips gently rolled out of sheer reflex alone. Girl after girl danced lewdly before my eyes. They'd spread their thighs open, splitting their lips with their fingers to show me their most intimate selves. I was hard, but I knew it wasn't enough. I'd done this before... enough to know I needed more.

Licking my lips, typed with trembling fingers. I'd decided not to fool myself. I knew where I'd eventually land. Inner guilt seemed to find its own voice, snickering at me and teasing me. I scoured the thumbnails, finding the most appealing girl. It didn't take long. I clicked and began to soak in the sights of things I'd likely never see in my lifetime.

The blonde in the video stood tall. Her mountainous breasts jutted out before her, only her hair attempting to hide the massive tits. Her eyes peered back through the screen at me. Her body tightened and flexed with her every thrust. I watched her hammer her hips into the man in front of her. He was folded like paper on the bed, his knees tucked beneath him and his hairy ass high. With each deep thrust, the man's face contorted into a mixture of pain and ecstasy.

The scene changed abruptly. Reflexively I slid further down into my chair and groaned. My thighs hung wide as I stroked myself. The man now bounced on top of her. The woman's incredibly large cock glided through his asshole. Their balls bounced together, hers tight and snug while his wagged wildly under his flaccid dick.

My eyes widened when the camera sank closer into the action. Two cocks were now magnified on my screen. One bulged red and wet, hammering itself into the body above like a piston. The other flopped uselessly limp from a hairy crotch. I stroked harder with my mouth open wide. I was in a trance watching the woman fuck the man on my screen with her very large and very real cock.

Without warning I saw the man's dick erupt. He was limp, but his tip began to spurt even as it flapped against his thighs. I could see his body tense. The woman never slowed. One cock jabbed upward relentlessly while the other expelled itself all over the set.

I had to stop. I jerked my hand from my sweats. I was panting. I realized I was so close to the edge that I had to focus on not spraying the inside of my sweat pants with my own cum. My chest heaved. I watched on while the camera pulled in even tighter to the man's cock on the screen. Something about it drove me up the wall. The semi erect piece of flesh nodded, its last milky dribbles enhanced before my very eyes. I traced every fold of flesh, every layer of skin, every imperfection, wishing it were here in front of me.

It was then that the cock in the man's ass apparently burst. I saw the rim of his hole grow milky while the shaft buried inside it swelled and straightened again and again.

My head fell backward as I flung my gaze toward the ceiling. I bit down hard on my lip. I had to stop. Why was I doing this? I tried to ignore the feeling of my swollen tip straining against the soft fabric of my sweat pants. I needed it, but I knew I shouldn't let myself. If I gave in I was more of a loser than I felt. This was not going to make me feel like more of a man. I'd been there so many times. Watching a guy getting fucked by a shemale wasn't going to fix the way I felt about myself.

Quickly I closed the window and returned to the game launcher. I needed to distract myself. I couldn't give in to such nasty urges. Not again. The temptation wasn't going away, but I fought it every minute. I did my best to lose myself in the digital landscape in front of me and ignore the burning images of hard flesh in my head.


I had just pushed myself away from the desk and stood up when my phone lit up and began to ring. I looked at the screen to see Alicia's picture framed above the rattling green icon beneath it. I stole a glance at the top of the screen and silently cursed. I'd missed a text message. I could have sworn I'd set a tone for notifications instead of leaving it on vibrate.

Swiping a thumb over the screen, I put the phone to my ear.

"Hey, babe."

"I've texted you three times, Kenny!" Alicia's voice sounded annoyed.

"I just saw that, sorry," I admitted. "Something wrong?"

"No, no, we're fine," Alicia said. I could hear music and other commotion in the background. "We just got here at Elysium."

"You guys having fun?" I asked her, trudging down the hall of my house.

"Other than Lori losing her purse at the restaurant," Alicia said. "We had to get the cab to turn around, and it was this whole thing... anyway, yeah, we're doing good. I just have a favor to ask."

I stopped walking. "What's up?"

"It's actually for Kelly," Alicia went on. "Jared was putting together a shelf or some cabinets or something at their house tonight? I dunno, she meant to ask earlier before we left and I forgot to call you. Could you go down there and see if he needs any help or if he's killed himself already?"

I turned my phone around and checked the time. It was eight thirty-six, not incredibly late. Still, it was strange. I put the phone back to my ear.

"Help him with a shelf?" I verified.

"Yeah, I guess." Alicia paused. "I'm not sure, she didn't go into detail, but she said he might need help."

I made a face. "Uh, sure. I can't imagine him needing my help, but it's been a minute. I can drop in on him."

"Okay, great!" Alicia said suddenly. "I'll let Kelly know. And I'll see you later on tonight if you're awake."

"Alright, you guys just be careful," I added.

"Okay, love you sweetie."

"Love you, babe," I said right as the phone cut out.

I stared at my wife's contact picture on the screen. With a sigh, I stuffed the phone into my pocket and headed toward our bedroom. I wasn't thrilled about a visit. I'd been thinking of heading to bed early when I turned off the computer. I fetched my sneakers and tugged them onto my feet. Maybe a change of plans wasn't so bad. I could act my age and stay up on a Friday night, I thought with a smirk.

I stepped out into the frigid air with my keys in the pocket of my hooded sweater, having locked my house up, and trotted down my steps toward the driveway. Kelly and Jared's house was just around the corner on a dead end street in the neighborhood. A walk seemed like just the thing to change up my typical late night routine. If nothing else, I was in for a slightly awkward chat with Jared about work or sports.

Already I knew the score. The only problem I had with my wife enjoying girls night was hoping and praying that her best friend Kelly didn't rub off on her. I'd always thought of Kelly as petty and self centered. I knew better than to think Jared would need my help with anything at all. The guy worked with his hands for a living and had the mental fortitude to put up with Kelly everyday, which already counted him in my mind as one of the toughest guys I knew.

It was simple. I was being sent to see if Jared was cheating on Kelly.

I knew it when my wife had asked me. It wasn't the first time and probably wouldn't be the last. Ever since I'd first dated Alicia, I'd known her best friend to be insanely jealous and controlling. It had always made me feel bad for Jared. The guy was in great shape and always worked his ass off to make sure Kelly had everything she needed to be happy. It seemed like she never was. I didn't have a lot in common with him, but Jared always seemed thankful to have another guy to talk to. Maybe he could use the company.

I walked a little faster, realizing I'd underestimated the chill of the nighttime air. The sleepy neighborhood thought no different of a Friday night. I could see the glow of televisions through the windows of most houses, but not much else was happening in our neighborhood. Maybe Jared would have some beers in his fridge he'd be willing to share. Hell, maybe he really was putting a shelf-cabinet-thing together and could use the help.

As I turned down the short dead end street toward the cul-de-sac that Jared and Kelly lived on, I wondered why Kelly was so concerned with Jared cheating on her. The guy was always working, whereas she only held small part time jobs from time to time. I'd never once gotten the vibe from him that he might be unfaithful or that he might have had his eyes on any other girl. As miserable as Kelly seemed to be when she didn't have a bottle in her hand, I would have thought her to be the first to find another suitor.

I pulled my hood over my head. I convinced myself the chill was from the air and not from the thought of Kelly rubbing off on my wife. Girls night seemed less innocent if I let my mind wander.

When I spotted Jared's house at the end of the street, I stopped walking.

The sight sent my thoughts scattering. None of the lights outside the house were on, though it glowed dimly from the nearby streetlight. I saw the familiar blue truck with black wheels in the driveway sitting just to the side of the garage door. That was Jared's. Another vehicle was parked beside it in front of the garage, a small black car of some kind. It looked to be a very new model. This car I didn't recognize at all.

"Holy shit," I muttered to myself.

For several seconds, I considered other possibilities. Maybe Kelly got a new car? She'd had many in the past couple of years. I knew better. Kelly always parked in the garage, the same way Alicia did at our home. Still, it didn't rule anything out. If Jared really was putting together a shelf, couldn't he have moved her car out and used the work bench in his garage?

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