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Centre Stage

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Girl gets more than she bargained for at infamous strip club.
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---The following is a fictionalised version of events based on The Hungry Duck Club in Moscow; videos of which are available on sites such as Dailymotion. Any similarities to any real people is entirely coincidental, however events SIMILAR to this do/did take place.---

I trembled slightly as I fumbled in my purse for the entrance fee. A burly, bald security doorman scowled impatiently; and coughed into his hands in a vain attempt to warm them up. I handed over the money, and he stepped aside to allow me through the threshold. Melanie was waiting for me on the other side.

"You took your time. Ready to go in?"


How I had let Melanie talk me into this I'll never know. This was our third night in this foreign, city and to be frank, we'd gotten slightly bored of all the usual touristy things. We'd done all the museums and attractions and were ready to shake things up a bit, but I was not expecting this.

Melanie had been to the city once before, and had suggested visiting the Impact club earlier that evening. In hindsight, I should have noticed the slight giggle and mischievous smile which spread across her (incredibly pretty) face.

I definitely should have clicked when Melanie insisted on selecting my outfit for the night out. My favourite tight jeans and floral top were discarded by Melanie in favour of a short skirt and revealing blouse. She even selected my underwear, deciding that I was to wear an incredibly tiny black thong and matching bra. I attempted to ask why this particular outfit was necessary but Melanie was incredibly coy. Nonetheless, she dressed in almost identical attire, and so I gathered that it must have been suitable.


I sat in my seat in the dark club and looked around. Music was blaring loudly and lights strobed wildly around the room. Melanie had known. How could she not have? Sure, she feigned innocence, but when we had seen the sign outside for the Male Strip Show, Melanie had given herself away. She'd always had a terrible poker face.

I'd never seen strippers before. I didn't really know what to expect. Sure, I'd seen guys naked, I'd had boyfriends, but I wasn't exactly what you'd call confident about sex. Sexual stuff was, to me, something private, that happened behind closed doors and that you didn't tell anyone about.

I gulped as the music dipped and the DJ made an announcement:

'Alright ladies here's what you've all been waiting for! Please make your way to your seats, the show is about to begin!'

An excited chatter arose, as women began taking their seats. It was an incredibly unusual arrangement in this club. There was a bar right in the centre of the club, surrounded by rows of seats. The bar had a vertical pole sticking out of it, connected to the low ceiling. The rest of the room was more typical, with various areas for dancing, and a few booths for resting tired feet.

Melanie hurried over to me clutching a tall glass of something awful-looking.

"Thanks for saving me a seat honey" said Melanie.

"Thanks for getting me a drink" I remarked, gesturing at the solitary glass in Melanie's hand.

"You don't drink" she said.

"So they didn't have soft drinks?"

"Oh shh you!" huffed Melanie, pretending to be cross. "Now shut up, it's about to start".

This was it. I could feel my heart beating faster and faster - or that could have just been the vibrations from the music. The lights flashed quicker and quicker as the music increased to a huge crescendo.

Suddenly the lights went out. After a few moments, a spotlight hit the stage. A man was stood there, dressed in a sharp suit and sunglasses. The entire room squealed with delight as he surveyed his audience.

He slowly and sensuously removed his suit jacket and threw it into the baying crowd. Two women tugged ferociously at it until it tore in half. The man continued his routine, dancing in time to the music and unhooking his tie and unbuttoning his shirt. He stepped down off the bar-cum-stage and wrapped his tie around the neck of a good-looking blonde in the front row, pulling her face into his chest. Melanie screamed next to me. She was loving every second. I regretted getting seats so close to the front.

He moved along the front row, strutting his stuff as women shrieked and reached out to grab him as he walked by. He was gorgeous, no question, and as he threw his shirt into the third row, I could see how muscular he was.

Suddenly he stopped. He turned his head slightly. I shrank into my seat as he made eye contact with me. Slowly, he raised a finger and pointed at me. My stomach fell thirty storeys. What did this mean?

Melanie went crazy. She stomped her feet and clapped with excitement. The man walked over until he was stopped dead in front of me.

"You're so lucky!" Melanie whispered to me.

He reached out a hand for me to take. I hesitated. However, hundreds of women screaming around me meant I couldn't exactly back down. Nervously, I reached out, and without warning, he swept me into his arms and carried me onto the stage.

I had no idea what was going on. As all eyes turned to us, he pulled me close and began dancing with me. His hands pulled at my hips, urging me ever closer. I felt his bulge pressed against me and felt a slight tingle of pleasure inside me.

Suddenly, he pushed me, firmly but yet gently to my knees. My face was level with his groin now and I was fixated. He grabbed the waistband of his trousers, and looked around for approval from the crowd. They hollered with agreement, and he happily obliged. He ripped his trousers off revealing his huge package in a tiny white thong.

I knew it shouldn't, but this really turned me on. As far as I knew, men only wore baggy, unflattering boxer shorts but here was a man whose underwear displayed his genitals in the most impressive possible manner.

I finally removed my gaze at his groin and took in the rest of his body. It was perfect. He was huge and muscular, and completely hairless from the neck down. I had never seen a man like that before, but I liked it.

He pulled me to my feet and I happily obliged. He pulled my arms above my head and I danced, with my fingers pointed at the ceiling. I wiggled my hips as sensuously as I could, I guess in an attempt to entice this man.

Before I could react, he lunged at my chest and ripped my shirt open, revealing my bra. I gasped with shock and attempted to cover up, but he plunged his face into my cleavage.

I caught Melanie's eye and she winked at me. The crowd had gotten louder and louder as the show progressed.

He turned me around and slipped the shirt off my arms. Pushing his arm into the top of my back, he bent me over so that my bottom was pressed into his thong. He pushed himself against me and I could feel the warmth of his genitals. He took a step back but held me firmly by the hips. Without warning, he yanked down my skirt leaving me stood in my bra and thong on stage in front of hundreds of people.

I squealed and attempted to wriggle free but he turned me round and held me tight to him. I looked into his eyes and he nodded reassuringly. I was scared but excited, this was the most erotic experience of my life. I wasn't used to being the centre of attention but I had to admit I was starting to enjoy it.

He stepped away from me and turned to face the crowd, his arms raised in the air. It was only then that I realised that he held my bra in his hand, having somehow unclipped it whilst embracing me. I clasped my arms tight across my chest and blushed red with embarrassment. This was too much now, I was too exposed.

He threw the bra into the crowd and turned round to face me once more.

I shook my head, I'd had enough. I whimpered slightly as I tried to cover myself.

He grasped me firmly by the arms and looked at me with his piercing blue eyes. Out of nowhere, he kissed me, hard on the lips, and I sank into his arms. I felt my pussy moistening at this, and hoped that there was no damp patch visible on my panties.

He pushed me against the pole on the bar and pulled my arms apart, exposing my generous boobs to the crowd. My nipples were the hardest they'd ever been and I knew people could tell. He disappeared below the bar for a second and re-emerged with a pair of handcuffs. Oh dear.

I tried to step away but he wouldn't let me, and as much as I struggled he was too strong for me. He cuffed me, with my arms high above my head to the pole. There was no way out.

He surveyed his audience. They were loving every single thing and the screams had gotten even louder.

He slipped a thumb into either side of his underwear and looked around. Every single person in the room nodded, including myself. I was desperate to see. He edged closer to me, and I slid down the pole so my face was again level with his package. I couldn't wait.

He ripped off the thong and flung it away. I moaned with ecstasy at what I saw, and thanked God the noise of the crowd's approval had drowned me out. His penis was huge and swung just inches from my face. It was just as hairless as the rest of him, and weirdly I decided that made it even sexier. I gawped open mouthed at this magnificent specimen in front of me. I would have given anything at that moment to take it in my mouth, to feel it inside my pussy, to hold it in my hand.

It wasn't until he grabbed me by my arms and heaved me to my feet that I snapped out of my daze.

He reached behind the bar again and emerged with a blindfold. I shook my head as best I could, not wanting to miss a moment of what would happen but he wrapped it round me until I couldn't see a thing.

I could hear the crowd so loud now and it made me feel so much more exposed. I was wearing only panties in front of hundreds of strangers and now I couldn't move or see. I waited for the inevitable.

I could feel him so close to me. I knew it wasn't far away. I felt a shimmer of excitement all through me, and as terrified as I was I couldn't wait. He slid his thumbs into the sides of my panties.

It happened.

He jerked my thong to the ground, exposing my completely bald pussy to the crowd. The audience roared, and as much as I moved around to attempt to cover up, I knew I kind of wanted them to see. I was wet and I didn't care who knew it.

Suddenly, he kissed me passionately and I desperately plunged my tongue into his mouth. Despite the blindfold, I could tell that the lights in the club had now gone off. It was just me and him. I felt completely alone with him, and wanted nothing more than for him to make love to fuck me right there on the stage.

Unfortunately for me, I was untied, the blindfold was removed and I was given my clothes back. I knew the excitement was over, and I dressed in the dim light and made my way back to Melanie. Everyone else had gone to other areas of the club, to get drinks and dance.

I was bright red and sweaty when I got to the seats. I couldn't look her in the eye and we sat in silence for a moment.

After a while, we looked at each other, smiled and burst out laughing.

"Enjoy that?" She giggled.

"You could say that" I joked.

"Oh by the way," she said mischievously.


She pulled something out of her pocket and said with a giggle.

"I caught your panties"

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rufus1963rufus1963over 13 years ago

Pretty sexy story! Liked it alot.

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