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CFNM Traditions Ch. 03

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Richard Begins to Undress.
1.6k words

Part 3 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 07/08/2022
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Richard Begins to Undress

"Your call," Sarah said. She decided that she was going to have Richard give his clothes to Emily, starting with his flip flops.

"You may, Richard," said Emily. "If Sarah lets you undress, then you may."

Richard then stood in front of Sarah, trembling just a little, and said rather prayer-like, "Sarah, please can we continue? I'm ready to impress you."

"I bet you are, Richard. Go back to your spot, Richard, and tell us you would like to take off your flip flops. Ask to do this. If granted, I want you to slide them on the floor beside the couch under Emily's legs. You do want to take them off, don't you?"

Richard stood in front of the TV, looking slightly shell shocked, and peered again at the floor. Then he addressed the couch and the whole room. With amazing obedience he said, "Can I take off my flip flops? Emily, please let me put my flip flops beside you on the floor. Sarah, can I give my flip flops to Emily?"

"I tell you what," said Emily with an air of inspiration. "Tuck in your shirt all the way around so I can see you in your bathing suit. Then you can take off your flip flops."

Richard caught his breath for a moment. He looked at Sarah for guidance.

Sarah acquiesced. "Yes, Richard, that seems reasonable."

And almost at once he began tucking his shirt tails in, and soon was doing a little twist at the knees and hips to reach all of his shirt. Then when he had both hands behind his back, fingers tucking shirt into his trunks, Sarah said, "That's very good, Richard, just like that."

And Richard understood that it was a request to hold this position, and he did, even though it left him feeling awkward with his hands behind him and trunks pulled open in the back and a bit tighter across the front as he stretched them to get his shirt tucked in behind. The outline of his penis was now apparent to both girls. It looked rather large and ran down to the left.

Richard could not look at either girl. He stared openly at the ceiling. Emily, however, stared at Richard, her gaze traveling over his face, his body. It lingered on his crotch, and quickly she developed an acute sense of what was about to take place. She gaped at the state of Richard's arousal and how big his penis looked in his bunched swimsuit.

"How nice, Richard," said Sarah. "Emily and I can contemplate what the outcome might be. I think I know what would be the most impressive outcome here. I expect you do as well, right?"

Again, Richard had no reply, only a swirling set of incomplete thoughts about what would be necessary to be impressive. Sarah, however, wanted Richard to know that she had something definite in mind. She was trying ideas out in her mind, figuring out notions of how and what steps could be taken. She came back again and again in her thinking to the basic idea that she aimed to induce as complete a state of arousal in him as possible for as long as possible. This would in the end be what would most impress her.

"Now, Richard, go stand in front of Emily and offer her your flip flops."

Richard went to stand before Emily and without actually looking at her said rather jerkily, "Can I give my flip flops to you. Can I?"

Emily peeled her eyes off of his trunks and glanced to Sarah. Delight danced in her eyes. She reached over and gave Sarah's hands a little squeeze.

"Richard," Sarah elaborated, "you should kneel before Emily with your flip flops in your hand and offer to give them to her. I think she will decide then what to do."

Richard promptly dropped to his knees, gathered both flip flops, and offered them to Emily.

"Impressive, Richard," said Emily. "You can indeed place your flip flops beside the couch here." She pointed to the floor under her legs.

"Do that Richard, but don't get up yet," demanded Sarah. Richard slid his flip flops to the spot indicated by Emily. "Thank Emily before you do anything else. "

Richard gushed a brief profusion of thank you's.

"Look at me Richard," Sarah continued, "and tell me, as girls, what are we here to see?"

"Me," he replied.

"Just you?" Sarah said. "Is there something about you that we should see?" She looked long and completely at him, her gaze subduing him until he jutted forth his hips just a little and pointed himself, still on his knees, right at Emily.

"I think we will get there," Sarah said. "Stay down there for now, and spread your knees just a little for us."

Richard complied.

"Since Emily and I are about to judge your penis, it is one of the things about you that should be most impressive. Why don't you pull your bathing suit even tighter so we can see the outline of it better?"

Richard's heart began beating just a little faster. He had this sense that with every request Sarah made he was being drawn into a relationship far outside the bounds of normal. He was at first reluctant to act, but somewhere deep inside him he sensed a well filled with the subconscious urge to keep going. Every time Sarah pushed him, a little bell rang out of this subconscious zone making him ever so slightly aware of a need to continue.

He grabbed his trunks with his right hand and pulled them hard into a squished ball in his fist. His penis emerged in outline, shaft leading to separate head, as if coming out of a pointillist painting. He began looking back and forth between Emily and Sarah. They were studying the shape in his bathing suit and neither of them returned his gaze.

"Nice, Richard," said Sarah almost matronly. "With your free hand, point to the head of your penis for us."

Again the bell rang in Richard's subconscious mind and with his free hand he did point directly at the tip of the head of his penis.

"Here's what I want you to do," said Sarah with certainty. "You will ask Emily for permission to gently squeeze the head of your penis for her."

The room fell silent for a brief period. Emily could hear Richard breathing.

"Go ahead, Richard. Ask. And if she says OK then I want you to slowly and gently squeeze only the head between thumb and one finger. Squeeze it five times, but do it slowly. Remember to impress us."

Emily couldn't believe this was happening. Right in front of her on the floor was an 18 year old boy kneeling with legs apart trying hard to make a clear display of his penis through his swim suit.

Richard looked her apprehensively in the eyes and softly asked her if she would let him squeeze the head of his penis.

"Yes," Emily said. "But you must squeeze it twice for me and then go squeeze it three times in front of Sarah."

"In fact," said Sarah, "after every squeeze I want you to take a second to let go of it, point to it, and thank us both for letting you do this."

Emily watched closely as Richard decided what to do. His head bowed slightly. He found the shaft of his penis between index finger and thumb and traced down it until the digits were either side of the head of his penis.

He could not easily squeeze the head because his swim trunks were so taut across his front, so in order to grab it he pressed down hard into the fabric on either side of his penis, which revealed the clean outline of the head to Emily directly before him. Then he slowly pinched the head together, causing the fabric to elegantly surround most of his penis. He let out the briefest of sighs, and carefully released hold. Both Sarah and Emily were delighted.

"Richard," said Emily, "that was amazing."

"Thank you Emily. Thank you, and may I squeeze it again please?" He pointed at it with his free hand.

"Do it again," said Emily, marveling at how obedient Richard had become. "Squeeze it very slowly for me, and then show Sarah how you squeeze it."

Again she watched as Richard looked down at himself, fondled the head of his penis between thumb and finger, squeezing it ever so slightly. She heard him utter something nonsensical softly to himself and thought she could sense his entire body giving way to a physical change.

"Thank you very much Emily," he managed to utter even before releasing his hold.

Out of sheer distress brought about by the confines of the swim trunks, he did not develop a full erection, but he was far more deeply aware of his penis now. He had brought some blood into it with his actions, and it was developing a sliver of sensitivity to its tight surroundings.

He shuffled on his knees to face Sarah.

Sarah looked at Richard before her, bathing suit gathered tightly in one hand, the entirety of his penis pressed in outline against it. She reached out her hand and put it under his chin, drawing his face toward hers. She looked appraisingly at his crotch, then back into his eyes.

"You see, this is going well," she told him. "I want to make a little change here. You will squeeze yourself for me. Everything is the same except you will not release your squeeze until I tell you to. OK? In fact, you will squeeze when I tell you to, and let go when I tell you to."

Richard gave her an almost completely hopeless look.

"Do you like this idea, Richard?" Sarah asked.

"Yes, Sarah," he said.

"If you want to impress me, Richard, you can try harder."

"Sarah, please tell to squeeze my penis for you, Sarah. Please."

"Are you begging me, Richard?"

He looked longingly into her face, and said, "Please. Please tell me to."

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

When are we getting another chapter of this story ?

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Very erotic, well-written story. I suggest picking up the pace just a bit. Really looking forward to the next one.

rufustcatrufustcatover 2 years ago

Very well written and paced. Thanks for sharing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I hope in the next chapter you get Richard completely naked!!!!!

Like your writing very much.

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