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Chastity Resort: a Gentle Turn


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As my eyes remained glued to the dancing couple, Danai arrived, dragging Chris by the arm, and with Erich behind. "Cam, I'm sorry but an accident happened, we were dancing in front of Erich to get him excited, and I may have gone too far with Chris..."

"No it's my fault, I didn't have enough self-control."

Erich interjected, "it's my fault, I understood that he was too excited but I couldn't speak..."

Cam lost her patience: "But in short, what happened?"

"Forgive me, Camilla: I am a foolish woman. I wanted to drive my husband crazy and instead, I over-excited yours. I knelt down (my gold dress is so short!) and took your husband's hard cock between my tits. You have wonderful tits, but I'm afraid the trigger was the impact of the two pierced nipples...

I swear, I didn't do it deliberately (I do it to Erich so often and he is used to it) but Chris couldn't resist when his shaft was rubbed in between the contact of the two metal rings, and he spurted semen on my tits. I'm sorry... it's all my fault, punish me."

Milka let out a deep sigh. "We are here to learn, for something like this the Resort does not punish anyone."

"I didn't betray you, Cam..." (Chris was limp and heartbroken)

"No, I know, you were just fooled by your senses. A shaft caught between two pierced nipples--that's a good idea, maybe this winter I could get two pierced nipples, too, to make you cum."

"Then so could I, otherwise we wouldn't be identical twins anymore!" chirped Pam.

"Oh, yes, of course. We'll get two identical piercings on the same day, so the healing time will be the same, too. It could be a Xmas present!"

Erich continued to be concerned. Not for himself but for his Keyholder.

"You two aren't mad at my Keyholder, are you?"

"No, dear friend, these are mistakes that can happen, and I'm convinced it's my fault: the metal handcuffs connected to Chris's balls were my idea, very funny but dangerous, as it turned out. It is all my fault.

The responsibility always lies on the Keyholder.

And, to prove to Chris that I have already forgiven him, he will spend this entire night with his cock out of the cage. Now, Chris appears limp and sad, but if I know him well (and I do), his latency times are less than twenty minutes... between now and midnight he might cum inside me three or four more times!"

I listened to their talk but kept staring at Pedro dancing with my Geena. The musical piece was the "Tango" from the musical "Evita": she led him by holding him by the shoulders, and he rubbed his hard cock against her thighs with each step.

The proximity of faces implied by the tango steps allowed both of them to whisper words in each other's ears: she asked him something, he nodded and answered something, and she smiled and nodded in turn.

At that point, Geena gestured for him to stop. Then with her index finger, she ordered him to kneel down. We all looked that way; Pamela most intensely. Could it be that my wife's exhibitionism had gone so far as to have another man lick her pussy in front of so many people?

Geena stepped forward in her half-heeled sandals and ordered something to Pedro. He bent down with difficulty, but thanks to his own agility, he managed to lean one shoulder against the floor. Staring fixedly at his wife Pam, Pedro began to lick each of Geena's five toes, exposed by her open sandals.

Pam declared calmly: "I knew it! He's still the same old fetishist!"

"What's going on?"

Pam spoke to us in the same tone in which Dr. Attenborough describes the sexual habits of some animals of the savannah: without judgment, without condemnation, simply noting what happens, as in documentaries.

"Pedro is a foot fetishist: or more precisely, of female toes. It's not a perverse thing, but it may seem strange to those who don't know. Your wife will have asked him, innocently, what part of the body he would like to kiss, imagining something simple and obvious, like the earlobe or a nipple under the revealing foulard.

But he will have answered sincerely from the bottom of his heart, he replied "let me lick your sweet toes, I beg you, you would make my cock so hard!" [Pam perfectly imitated her husband's baritone voice and Spanish accent, and everyone laughed].

Smiling, amazed, poor Geena probably choose to agree, moved by his green eyes.

It's not cheating, it's not a crime, it's nothing dangerous. I had already predicted it.

I would have bet she would have licked Virginia's little feet first... you should have seen how she reacted watching her boots being pulled off, and when she said her feet were sweaty."

The Italian girl coughed embarrassedly.

Finally, Virginia confirmed: "Um...I don't know how to confess it... but before in the evening, your Pedro had already licked my toes! We had slow danced, so nicely, and then, after asking my permission, he knelt down just like now! And how could I have denied this delicious form of teasing, to such a generous dancer? Aaand... May you believe me? It aroused me, too!"

"Yes, I know. Did you see that? I was familiar with it. I know him well. If there are more games of this kind, Milka, I guarantee that Pedro will lick every single toe in this Resort (female only, of course) of every willing woman."

"But you don't mind?"

"I would mind if he did it in secret. If he does it in front of everyone, it doesn't alarm me. And you can see well that he likes it... just look how hard his cock is!"

Geena turned to us and smiled. In a loud voice, to overwhelm the music, she said, "Would you like me to lead Pedro next to you, Pam?"

"Thank you, dear, that would be nice!"

Geena helped Pedro to rise, then grabbed him by the cock and led him over to Pam. She looked at him sullenly and said in a coquettish voice, "Are you proud of your exploits, Pedro?"

"No, Mi Vida, I am not proud of myself. I am proud of you, that you are so patient, so loving and so kind."

"At least you didn't spurt like my sister's husband!"

"But it was an accident!"

"it simply happened."

"Girls, girls. I said it wasn't a competition, and indeed it wasn't. Now, if you want, the music may go on, otherwise, whoever wants can go back to their apartment. No exchanges."

Geena smiled at me and said, "You have resisted... despite a crowd of Keyholders hungry to tease you mercilessly--you managed to resist like an erotic hero. I saw how intensely the redhead jerked you, and I heard what the other girls did to you-you deserved a big prize. Let me lead you home on the cool sandy path. There will be a prize for you."

Chapter 14 Epilogue.

My wife led me by my hard cock to the room along the cold sandy path in the dark. She unfastened my handcuffs, said "brush your teeth," and quickly undressed. I came out of the bathroom to find her naked and handcuffed, kneeling on the floor, her legs spread and her mouth wide open in a big smile.

"Your prize, for enduring the entire evening of dancing amid those women who wanted to tease you to the terminal level, your prize will be a whole night without a cage, until tomorrow morning.

But since it is now traditional for one of us to wear handcuffs, I will wear them tonight, I don't care if I get bruised and if other women laugh at me. Tonight I want to be your little slave.

I beg you. Fuck me, no respect, no mercy, unleash all your jealousy and all your rage.

Or grab my head and fuck my mouth until I choke on your cum.

Or whip my pussy, spank my impudent buttocks, smack my shameless nipples with your slaps. You are free until dawn, you can masturbate, you can paint a facial between my chin and forehead, you can hang me from the hook on the ceiling and whip me. I will accept everything from you, all night long until dawn.

"The first thing I want as a free man is to call you Gineke, my little one.

The second thing I would like would be to fuck you roughly: but after an evening of collective teasing like this, I'm afraid I'll cum at any moment. So, Gineke, my love, I want you to give me a blowjob as you did to the red-haired woman because I've been thinking about that image all day. I will resist very little because I am really at the end of my rope.

Then I just ask you not to fall asleep for half an hour: you will caress me, you will sing "Dream a little dream," you will massage my wrists, but you will not fall asleep. And in half an hour, we will make love, like a couple in love on their wedding night. I promise you that in half an hour, you too will be happy, and you will thank me for keeping you from falling hastily asleep."

"All right, Ludo, Master for a Night... let me satiss-... ... glom... lick... glob... spurt..."

The fastest and yet the best blowjob ever.

Gineke swallowed all she could, but some of it dripped onto her chin, and there it stayed because I wouldn't wipe it off from my willing slave, and she was handcuffed.

Half an hour of cuddling and singing to keep me awake, with cum drying on my chin.

Then the cock came back in full force: two weeks of denial had taken effect.

We made love in at least six different positions: she was still cuffed and I had to move her by weight.

Finally, I put her on top of me and ordered her to ride my cock until she orgasmed, while she thought back to all the crazy scenes and arousal she experienced today in the Resort. She impaled herself with all her weight and screamed until she lost her voice. Then she collapsed on the mattress, begging me to let her sleep for at least an hour.

Yes: I let her sleep for exactly one hour.

Then I woke my slave up without any mercy, mindful of what she had said about her afternoon sleep.

She was too tired to orgasm anymore, but she kissed me with her swirling tongue, encouraging me to cum without respect, in a primordial and feral way. I fucked her again, filling her pussy with my cum, before collapsing on the mattress, exhausted.

My lovely wife smiled at me and whispered: "Do you like this Resort that I have booked for us?"

"I like you, Gineke."

We didn't know it yet, but that vacation was going to be very long and educational.

A sense of premonition made us feel that our way of life would change forever.

It was going to be a Summer to remember.


### Thank you! English is not my native language, I suggest focusing on ideas rather than grammar. If you enjoyed it, please leave a rating for the Summer Lovin' Story Contest 2022 and write a constructive comment. ###

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Norway_1705Norway_1705over 1 year agoAuthor

Thank you J.!

My aim was exactly to describe what a utopian future of respect and peace might look like, if a seemingly absurd lifestyle, based on oppression and humiliation, was lived in a serene, collaborative manner and together with other cheerful and happy people. Without bullying, without, cuckolding, without unnecessary humiliation.

I believe that not everyone who wears a cage (or dreams of wearing one) also wants all the things related by a perverse and very 'gay-centred' tradition (which is respectable, but reduces the potential audience to a very narrow niche).

The Gentle Resort will return in January 2024 hopefully, after the Winter Challenge, stay tuned!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

What a lighthearted and fun Domme and FLM story! Interesting plot line and enjoyable reading. It seems to have believable assortment of characters in an unbelievable situation. Fun! J.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

What a fantastic story I love the concept of male chastity. The images created of the ball were so hot. Uncaged but still refrained by the love for his wife. I read it almost entirely erect with out touching after 1 week of denial oh the sweet feeling and anticipation of a rigid cock.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

An erotic read without going to excess. An intimate experience of a loving couple.

Norway_1705Norway_1705over 2 years agoAuthor

Thank you, Hellsoul. For years I was a reader without ever writing anything, but some Belted&teased stories inspired me and here I am: not as good as his, but at least I try.

Sorry everyone for the poor grammar and lexical repetitiveness, I am not an English man (like Sting).

Thanks, I am working on two Halloween little things, but then I would like to follow up on this Resort.

I only have a few rules: chastity cage, no cuckolding, safeword, consensuality. Unfortunately, I realize that the fashion trend right now is "chastity cage=cuckolding," and I would like to express my personal disagreement.

A belated reply for Anonymous (who, as such, will never read, too bad!) He always wears his old comfortable handcuffs because he himself does not trust his own self-control. And she lets him wear handcuffs because she knows that he is more serene that way. Of course, when he is handcuffed he cannot use his fingers to pleasure his wife: and that is a pity, because two in front and one in back (as in bowling) is often a good choice. But they both prefer it that way. He is used to it, it doesn't hurt, and he can even sleep through the night. I'm not saying it's the right choice for everyone (back pain, twisting, weak forearms) but it's the right choice for him, and she supports him (because she loves him).

hellsoulhellsoulover 2 years ago

Fantastic story! Please write part 2, this was great!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Why does he always have to wear handcuffs? Seems pointless and cruel.

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