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Cherry on Top Ch. 02

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Tuesday. Leon encounters a dazzling redhead.
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Part 2 of the 13 part series

Updated 06/12/2023
Created 12/26/2022
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All characters are at least 18 years old.



"Boss. Leon? Sir!"

"Huh?" I snapped out of my daze, eyes focusing on my subordinate standing at the door of my office. "Colette. What can I do for you?"

She smiled good-naturedly and closed the few steps to my desk, an office file in her hands. "I finished the report on those newest funds. You said you needed them by one."

I pinched the bridge of my nose, exasperated with myself. "Right. Right, sorry. Can you actually hand them to Marge? She needs to make some calls before the market closes for the day. Thanks."

She nodded, but stayed standing as she studied me. "You okay? You look like you could use somebody to talk to."

I swallowed past the lump in my throat, an image of my daughter pleasuring herself at my desk at home flashing through my mind's eye yet again. "Nah, it's just this merger between Energetech and Lightco. We really need to nail this, or I might be on the chopping block."

Nodding again, she sat down in front of me, setting the file to one side. "Yeah, this is a pretty big job. But that's not what's got you frazzled, boss. Otherwise you'd have remembered that it's an acquisition, not a merger." I groaned. Fuck. She tilted her head. "What's really on your mind? You can talk to me."

I sighed and stared at her for a moment. Aside from being one of the better analysts at the office, Colette was also my neighbor. Her son Drew went to the same school as my daughter. "Remember that single date we had? And you told me about your views on parental duty. You put the child's happiness as third on your priority list, after protecting their safety and well-being. And it gave me a lot to think about."

"So you said," she replied, bobbing her head. "Having trouble with Cherish?"

You have no idea. "In a manner of speaking." I steepled my fingers, retreating into deep thought. "But beyond that... Beyond that, have you ever had time for your own happiness? If you don't mind me saying, you seem a lot more lively ever since your ex blew in and out of town on Christmas."

Drew's father had abandoned a pregnant teenaged Colette, leaving her to raise Drew by herself, yet had returned unexpectedly a month or so ago. He'd almost caused some trouble at the office, and it eventually spiraled into a spectacle when the police got involved. Colette never divulged how it all ended, but it was clearly in the past now. Now she seemed ten, even fifteen years younger any time I saw her outside of work.

She colored a bit, a tiny smile slipping across her lips before she suppressed it, clearing her throat. "Well, Drew is eighteen now. He's an adult, and he... doesn't need a mother as much as he used to. It's allowed me to be myself again, more the person I want to be."

"You're renouncing your parenthood?" I asked with a raised eyebrow, astounded. She shook her head emphatically.

"No no no, not at all. I've been a mom for half my life now, and I'm at a point where almost all my happiness is derived from motherhood. I wouldn't trade Drew for the world. What I'm saying is... I figured out I don't have to be 'mom' all the time now. Does that make sense?"

I chuckled. "That does sound nice. Any tips on how to get to that point? Cherish and I could use some help."

Colette turned a shade of red I didn't think was possible, and she mumbled unintelligibly a bit while waving her arms around vaguely. I gave her a quizzical frown and she did her best to collect herself. "What I mean is," she stammered, "Cherish is an adult now too. I know it's probably habit by now, but you can't treat her like a child forever. The last time I really talked to her was at the company Christmas party, and she was saying she needed a confidant so she could talk about boys."

"Boys?!" I barked. Colette held back a laugh as I cleared my throat, straightening up in my chair. "Sorry. Guess I'm a bit... overprotective."

She chuckled. "Got a shotgun at home?" she joked, and I shook my head as I laughed. "But parenthood isn't a prison, Leon. Sure, it takes some sacrifice, but it doesn't for ever, and it doesn't have to be all the time. If you're looking for something else outside of taking care of Cherish, go look for it." She looked down at her hands, weaving her fingers together. "I know you still mourn your wife, but maybe... maybe you could find something casual."

"It... It hurts inside whenever I think about finding somebody else," I admitted. "Like I'm being unfaithful to Rose, y'know?" She and I sighed almost in unison, and she eyed me carefully before averting her gaze. I scoffed. "Just say it. I can tell you were about to. C'mon, somebody needs to tell me. I need to hear it."

She looked a bit surprised, then gave it a bit more thought before coming out with it. "Leon... Rose is gone. And you're still here. I can't speak to what she would want, so I'll ask you: Would she want to see you like this?"

I hung my head, heart heavy. I knew it was rational to move on, but I just couldn't do it. It broke my heart every time I entertained the thought of maybe meeting somebody else. And would I then have enough time for Cherish? She was all I had left of Rose. My precious daughter. I named her so because I knew I'd treasure her for the rest of my life. Unlike Colette, I prioritized happiness over safety, because life was fleeting. Your life could end, just like that, and all your dreams would vanish with you. Perhaps Cherish's name was as much a message to her as it was to me. Cherish what you have when you have it.

Corny, I know. I wasn't afraid to admit it.

Colette sighed again before standing, tucking the office file under her arm. "Just give it some thought Leon," she said gently. "And if you ever need to talk, I'm right next door." She smiled and stepped out of my office, leaving me to stew in my thoughts.

Something casual, huh?


"Just catch the damn ball, ya fucking idiot!"

With a harrumph, Bill sat back down on his barstool and nursed his beer. He looked over at me staring into my whiskey and shook his head, clucking his tongue.

"You plan on finishing that sometime today, ya rich cunt?" he remarked, scratching his smooth head. He was surprisingly fit for his fifties, and was the reason I was determined not to let myself go. I was blessed with a well-proportioned frame, so any weight I gained didn't show as much.

"I offer to buy you one every time, but you always say no," I retorted. "I'm starting to think you're too much of a wuss to try anything harder than a stout."

His only response was a light punch on my arm, chuckling before taking another sip. "So how's things, Lee? Bang that lady at work yet?"

"Already told you, it wasn't gonna work out with us. She's got a kid, I got a kid--"

"Everyone's got a kid, yeah yeah. Who gives a shit? Nobody asked you to marry her. Just bang her every once in a while -- you said she lives right next door, right? Convenient -- and then go on with your lives. Look at ya. Agh, you're drying up like a raisin, man, it's just sad."

"Y'know, I came down here to relax, Bill," I groaned, rubbing my brow. "And maybe get some advice."

"This is advice, right?" He turned to me face on, hands moving as he talked. He was an animated talker. "Look at me and Taylor, huh? Shit's great. Cooks sometimes, laughs at my jokes, and the way she rides me is just--"


"Point is, you need to get you a girl like that, ey?"

"Taylor's half your age, man," I sighed.

"So what? Even for you, same age gap, they're still eighteen. That's legal."

"Yo, that's my daughter's age. No way."

He snorted, turning back to his drink. "Not like you're gonna bang her."

Thoughts of Cherish using a pen to rub her little clit came surging back, and I grew an immediate erection. Shit. Shit shit shit. I was a pervert. I was a raging pervert who got turned on by looking at my daughter. In my defense, she looked almost exactly like my wife. Wait, never mind, that actually made it worse.

"Just get one of her little friends or some shit. Or hop over to the big city and pick up one of those college chicks," Bill continued. "You don't want a woman your age, Lee. Too many strings attached."

"Maybe I want strings," I murmured to myself.

Bill hopped to his feet, pumping a fist at the television. "Whoo! That's it, you son of a bitch! Let's go!" he cheered. I managed a small smile, then downed my drink and finished watching the rest of the game while I sobered up.


Three minutes before I got home, I received a text from Cherish saying she was staying at a friend's. Dinner alone, huh? Probably for the best, after what happened last night. I pulled into my driveway and thumped my head against the headrest. I was getting the same advice from everywhere. Should I really enter a casual relationship? How would I even go about it?

Grumbling to myself, I sent Colette a text, asking if she had any plans. After a moment she replied, saying that Drew was out with friends, and she was just preparing dinner and would love some company. I got out of the car and took a step toward Colette's before pondering if I should change. I was still in my work clothes. But what would I change into? I wasn't exactly familiar enough with her to just walk in in loungewear. Work clothes it is then, I decided. My breath frosting in the frigid February chill, I walked over to Colette's house and rang the doorbell.

She greeted me with a kind smile. "Hey Leon. Come in, it's freezing outside! Here, let me take your coat. Let's get you warmed up." Her home was decorated with warm colors, which was comforting in the winter.

"Thanks. Sorry for just dropping in on such short notice," I said. "Cherish is at a friend's, and I figured... Well, it's been maybe a month since our date a while back, and I actually really enjoyed it, so..."

"And you're still flustered with what we talked about at work," she finished. Her smile was so friendly that I could totally see her as being a great mom. Very archetypal, but there wasn't anything wrong with that. And Drew had turned out into a fine young man, so clearly she knew what she was doing.

"You caught me," I chuckled sheepishly.

"Well I'm actually having another friend over. Hope you don't mind."

"Not at all! This is your house, why would I mind? I hope I'm not interrupting anything."

"I wouldn't have had you over if you were. She's quite a clever girl," she continued. "Maybe she'd have some input on your predicament, if you're open to sharing? I won't give away anything you're not comfortable with."

I grunted. "We'll see."

Her phone pinged with a message, and she gave it a puzzled frown as she read. "Why don't you go freshen up," she said slowly. "I'll check on dinner."

Without looking, she pointed toward the bathroom. I washed my hands and splashed some water on my face, undoing my tie and the top button before exhaling deeply. I knew Colette well enough to exchange stories of our past. Her friend? I'd have to see if she was the type to broadcast it all over town first.

I made my way to the dining room, where Colette was bringing out some roast beef. She spotted me and gave me a nervous smile. "She's in my ensuite bathroom getting ready. She'll be right out," she explained. I nodded, frowning. Her voice was a pitch higher, and she seemed a bit skittish. Gesturing for me to sit, she busied herself with bringing the rest of dinner out of the kitchen.

"Oh. You must be Cherry's dad," a voice said from behind me. The girl -- and yes, she was indeed a girl -- walked into view and draped her arms on a seat back. She was young, perhaps high school or college age, and she had fiery red hair and eyes that were almost forest green. She was beautiful, and her grin could only be described as vulpine in nature, looking flirty and bratty and begging for a spanking. And the beast between my legs stirred.

Despite that, I stood and extended a hand, which she daintily took. "Leon Valentine," I said by way of confirmation. She studied me for a brief moment before becoming slightly bashful and shaking my hand back.

"Lexi Rochester," she returned, seating herself. She was in a white t-shirt and ripped jeans, and a sliver of her midriff was showing. I needed another splash of cold water to the face. God damn it, Leon. Get it together and stop ogling this girl. She's probably Cherish's age, for God's sake.

Colette returned, a green bean casserole in hand. "Oh, good. You're acquainted. That's good. Very good." She set the dish down and put the oven mitts aside before brushing her hair away from her face and sitting down. She wasn't actually... setting me up with a teenager, was she? I felt like I was in the Twilight Zone, and bizarre things were about to begin happening around me.

"Well it's a pleasure to meet you," I said to Lexi, and we began helping ourselves to dinner. "Are you a friend of Drew's?"

"Mhm. Although that's actually not how Coco and I met," she replied, casting her gaze toward Colette. For her part, Colette seemed to be pointedly removing herself from the conversation, instead focusing on her dinner. "To be honest, we met while we were shopping." Colette began choking on her food, and Lexi patted her back until her throat was cleared.

"Would anybody like some wine?" Colette forced out, standing.

"No thanks, I need to drive home," Lexi answered, stealing a shy glance my way.

"I'll have some, thanks," I said. I suspected I'd need it to get through the meal, as I felt a pang of longing for Rose again. Colette poured me and herself each a glass of red, and I filled the silence.

"I've gotta say, you two seem more like friends than... I don't know what to call it. A mom and a teen, let's just put it that way. Is there a story there?"

Lexi watched me, growing a mysterious sparkle in her eyes. Was it mischief? "Well actually," she said, "I ended up helping Coco get together with her boyfriend."

"Really? First I've heard of it." I turned to Colette, who was scarlet with embarrassment as she set my filled glass down.

"Turns our she likes younger guys," Lexi whispered conspiratorially. I chuckled with surprise, and her eyes softened, her voice lilting. "What about you, Leon? Do you like younger girls too?"

I gulped before grabbing my wine glass and taking a big swig. This girl was bold. On top of that, she had effortlessly aroused me, her features evoking thoughts of Cherish all over again, before my mind reasserted that it was Rose. Oh, I was going to hell. Rose is gone. And you're still here. Was it time to move on? Eighteen years was a long time, everybody said.

Lexi bit her lip coquettishly, and my heart skipped a beat. Wait, with her though? Sure, I suppose she was my type. Were redheads my type now? Apparently so. God, this was so fucked. Lexi reminded me of Cherish, and Cherish reminded me of Rose.

Maybe you could find something casual.

You don't want a woman your age, Lee.

My chest tightened, and I took another sip of wine. Lexi let the question fall by the wayside, and the conversation switched to other topics. Every once in a while, Lexi would give me a flirty lip bite at the corner of her mouth. It was so surreal; I couldn't figure out what kind of girl she was like, but overall she vaguely reminded me of Cherish. That, combined with the physical similarities, had me thrown for a loop.

There was distinctly one instance where she spotted my erection through my trousers and grew a small smile. And she was just so easy to talk to, as if she'd known me forever. Was this chemistry? I couldn't tell anymore, because I was busy trying to figure out why my wine glass was always full no matter how much I drank.

"I think you've probably had enough, Leon," Colette cut in with a gentle reminder. "We have work tomorrow, after all."

"How much have I had?" I replied, my speech slurred even to me.

"I think that's five glasses. Come on, I'll walk you home."

"Allow me," Lexi volunteered.

I heard them whispering indistinctly somewhere behind me, and before I knew it, Lexi and I were at my doorstep. I fumbled for my keys to no avail, but Lexi simply rang the doorbell. But Cherish wasn't home. Yet lo and behold, the door swung open anyway, and there was my sweet daughter. Next to Lexi, I felt like I was seeing quadruple.

"Dad?! Lexi, what the hell are you doing here?" she demanded.

"I'm bringing your dad home," Lexi said simply.

"Cherish," I mumbled. "I thought you were staying at a friend's."

"Yeah, well we decided to just do dinner. Lexi, what the hell are you wearing?"

They brought me inside, setting me down on the sofa, and I heard a heated exchange somewhere behind me. When my mind next came into focus, Cherish was sitting next to me, her head on my chest. She was wearing a soft hoodie and short shorts, and she was nuzzling me and humming.

I groaned, my head spinning, and she looked up at me before straddling my lap. "We should get you to bed, daddy," she murmured. I grunted an agreement but made no move to stand. The whole room was spinning, and only Cherish was keeping me rooted. She touched my face and leaned toward me, then hesitantly put her lips to mine. She felt soft, and tasted sweet. This was a fantastic dream. Even better was she was grinding her hips along the shaft of my member through my pants. For an instant I thought it was Rose, but Rose didn't have moves like this. This was more for Cherish's generation, and my God did she know what she was doing.

I allowed my dream to continue a while longer, relishing my forbidden fantasies before letting myself succumb to sleep.

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EricaDoesNowEricaDoesNowover 1 year ago

Very well done. Hope it continues.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

So now drew is fucking his mom is the whole town fucking their family?

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