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Chocolate Dreams Ch. 05 Pt. 02


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"Goddamn Mike," I muttered. It was easy enough to guess how he had figured out what was going on. The physical attraction between Diane and Jordan had been obvious at his 'meeting'. When he saw my car, Diane's car and Jordan's car here early he had checked everyone's office. That was probably why he had cruised by mine.

"I only have ten minutes before I'm due in his office," Diane said. "Any suggestions?"

I thought about that for a minute, with Diane looking at me desperately the whole time.

"I may be able to help you today," I told her. "Do you still keep a jacket in your office?" She nodded yes. "Good, wear it to his office. You can always say you did it to hide the fact that you're braless. Put your phone in it so you're recording everything he says."

"What about giving him a blowjob?"

"Like I said, I think I can help you - today. But he has you two in a tough spot."

Diane left and I started calling people. If I could get the right people on ten minutes' notice...

It wasn't ten minutes, but twenty minutes later I had people filing into my office for an emergency meeting on Diane's brands, I fast-walked to Mike's office and knocked on the door.

"Mike? It's Dave. Is Diane in there? I need her for a meeting right now."

"Kind of in the middle of something, can't it wait?" he called back.

"No - I have an office full of people waiting." I said this with what I hoped was enough authority to intimidate him.

"Shit!" I heard him mutter. "OK, hang on."

It took him longer than it should have to open the door. Jordan was standing by the far wall, looking overwhelmed. Diane had her back to me and, since I knew what had been planned, appeared to be buttoning her blouse. She slipped on the jacket she had put over the chair and said "Let me get my projections. I'll be right there." The look of gratitude on her face was worth all my effort.

"OK," I said. "Took me forever to find you, so be quick."

"Thanks Mike," I said to him, even though my inclination was to punch him. "Jordan, maybe you should join us." Jordan was out of the office at record speed.

"Open or shut?" I asked Mike, taking hold of the doorknob.

"Shut," he spat out.

Ten minutes later I noticed Mike going by my office and glancing in the small glass partition next to the door. He saw eight people in there, and Diane going over her brand projections with them. 'He doesn't miss much,' I thought. 'This won't be easy.'

That afternoon I met with Jordan and Diane on the supposed purpose of following up on the morning meeting. Of course, what I actually wanted to hear was what had been discussed in his office. We spread papers on the table in one of the smaller conference rooms for appearances' sake and started.

"What happened when you went to his office?" I asked Diane.

"He told us what he wanted us to do first. He was about to make me give him a blowjob when you knocked."

"You're not going to believe this when you hear it Dave," Jordan commented.

"I wouldn't put anything past Mike," I answered. "But let me hear it and then we can discuss what to do."

Diane hit play on the phone and we all listened.

Mike: "You're late! Get your asses in here."

Diane: "We're right on time Mike!"

Mike: "Let's get one thing straight right up front. I'm in charge here, you two are mine! I can take this down to HR right now, get your asses fired and then ruin Jordan's life. Divorce, alimony, child support, house - the whole ball of wax. If I say you're late, you're late! Got it, Diane?"


Mike: "And if I say you're going to blow me, then what?"

Diane: "I'm guessing I have to blow you."

Mike: "Exactly. For as long as I want. But without the attitude - I thought we beat that out of you. Now take off the jacket and unbutton your blouse."

These was a rustling house that I assumed was Diane taking off her jacket. A loud noise as the phone hit a chair arm. Then,

Mike: "Jesus, those tits look great even before you open the blouse. Jimmy had it nailed - you are one built woman. Take the blouse out of your skirt too. Good...I like that I can see the inner curve but not the whole thing. A little tease makes it that much better when you finally get the whole thing. Now come sit in my lap."

"Ah! Easy Mike!"

Mike: Laughs. "Nipples sensitive? That's what you get for fucking before work. Jesus, these tits are big and firm. I'll bet you get asked if they're real all the time."

Diane: "No, I don't. Not everyone is an asshole. Ouch!"

Mike: "I'm starting to think the only way to tame that mouth is to put a dick in it. Anyway, here's the deal. Jordan, you're on my shit list because you're fucking the help - in the office no less! You screw up my leverage with Diane here if you both get fired. Plus, I don't know if I can trust you anymore now that you're fucking her. I thought you were on my side, now I can't be sure. are also more leverage on her, unless she wants to be the reason your life goes into the shitter."

Jordan: "Mike, just give us a break. It was a one-time thing."

Mike: "See, now you're lying to me. I've heard how she is suddenly nice to you, no more snide comments or tantrums. To me, that says she's getting a regular diet of big dick from you. And maybe some special Jordan protein shakes too."

I looked up at the two of them. Jordan was sitting back in his chair looking miserable. Diane was blushing furiously but looked at me defiantly, just as she would have in the past. Then she realized what she was doing and looked down.

Mike: "It doesn't matter anyway. I need you two to do something you aren't going to want to do, and this new leverage will get it for me."

Jordan: "What's that?"

Mike: "Ok, short version. I'm taking all ten managers to Puerto Rico in four weeks to celebrate kicking ass last year and I need...... let's call it entertainment. Diane is perfect for that."

Diane: "I'm not..."

Mike: "Shut up. As I was saying before I was interrupted, Diane is perfect. But for ten guys i think I need minimum two women. So I need to recruit someone else. I'm thinking Brandi."

Jordan: "Brandi? She's a lesbian."

Mike: "Yeah, I know. That's what makes it perfect - who is going to think we're taking a lesbian to an orgy?"

Diane: "How are you going to get a lesbian to have sex with salesmen? You have some magic pill to convert her?"

Mike: "Glad you asked, because that's where you come in, you're going to seduce her here at work so I can catch you both like I did you and Jordan. Brandi is a single mom - she can't afford to lose this job and compromise her career."

Jordan: "Mike, that's awful. You can't do this to her."

Mike: "Your job, lover boy, is to pair her with Diane as often as possible so this happens quickly. The trip is in four weeks; I need her in my pocket in one. You also need to run interference in case she decides to complain."

Jordan: "What if she goes to HR?"

Mike: "No worries, I've got that covered."

I looked at Diane and raised my brows. Apparently Mike had compromised the HR department somehow. Made sense.

Diane: "So what are we supposed to do with your fucking salesmen in Puerto Rico? Spend three days in a room servicing them?"

Mike: "Attitude, Diane. What if you were? I seem to remember you taking on five and six guys at a time and loving it."

I glanced at Diane; her face was flushed again. Apparently, hearing her exploits put so bluntly embarrassed her, at least in front of Jordan and me.

Mike: "But to answer your question, no. Three nights - I was planning for you to spend the first two nights with me. The guys will busy on the first two days - golf, fishing - I've lined up lots to entertain them. I need two women for day three. We're staying at a private villa, perfect for a big party. I'm planning a blowout event, but without staff. You and Brandi would serve drinks and food and provide entertainment. You might not get much sleep that night."

I heard a gasp from Diane.

Mike: "Your tits are something else. Move your ass over a little.....perfect. Feel that boner? It dying to be in your mouth."

Jordan: "What would I be doing?"

Mike: "I'm not sure you're going. Like I said, I don't know that I can trust you."

Diane: "How did you get the company to pay for a trip like this?"

Mike snorts. "The company isn't paying; no one knows about this. I've got it covered."

Diane: "How generous of you..."

Mike: "That's all you need to know right now. Jordan, work on getting Diane with Brandi. Do it in the sales conference room - I have that set up to record anything that happens there. Last thing - no more fucking; I can't have you two caught, and you're not very subtle. Diane seems to need a regular dose of cock; I can take care of that."

Jordan: "Mike...."

Mike: "I said we're done. Get on your knees Diane. Time to suck some cock."

We heard my knocking on the door.

"Mike, it's Dave. Is Diane in there."

I turned off the phone.

"Just in time," I commented.

We all looked at each other. Diane and Jordan were clearly embarrassed by some of the discussion on the tape, as well as the fact that they had been caught having sex. I had made my peace with that, but it wasn't something we talked about.

"What do you think?" Diane asked me.

"A few things," I said. "First, I agree with Mike - you should stop having sex in the office. Even if you're not caught outright again the rumor mill is at work and it's only a matter of time until the rumors get worse."

Jordan nodded his head, while Diane showed no reaction.

"Second, we have to find a way to deal with Mike before the Puerto Rico trip." I looked at Diane and, as earnestly as I could, told her, "I don't want you going into that snake pit."

"No argument there," she said. "Two nights with him....uggg."

"The problem is that we need to find something that hurts Mike so much that he can't retaliate because of the consequences. Jordan is especially exposed; as far as Mike is concerned, you're expendable if you're not leverage on Diane.

"Yeah," he said glumly. "You're right."

"I have an idea," I told them. "But it will take a few weeks, maybe more - hopefully not more than four."

"What are you thinking?" Diane asked.

"As is often said, follow the money," I said. "How is he paying for this trip? It has to cost tens of thousands of dollars. I highly doubt it's his money."

"The point is, sadly, that Brandi may have to be involved," I said. "Stall on that as long as you can, but I have to believe that Mike will push you."

"I don't want to see her hurt," Diane said. "All of this is my fault as it is. I don't want responsibility for her too."

"Don't put all of this on yourself, Diane," Jordan told her. "I was part of it, and on Mike's side in the beginning! And there were two of us on that couch."

"Well, in any event you two need to cool it," I told them. "And please remember - Mike's not stupid."

With that we stood, Jordan leaving the room and Diane staying. I took her in my arms and held her close to me.

"We will figure this out, I promise you," I told her. "Or maybe I'll follow my instincts and just kill him."

I hugged her and got a muffled "Thank you" into my shoulder. Gathering up the prop papers we went out to face this new challenge.

I had a good idea what I wanted to do but my major worry was - who could I trust? No one in management, I decided; no telling who Mike had in his pocket. The HR comment worried me a lot. I did trust Rodger, one of the senior finance people; we had worked together for years and I knew he was death on corruption. I went to him and laid out my financial suspicions. He agreed - it certainly smelled like something was going on. He recommended a forensic accountant.

"That's great," I told him, "But we have to move quickly."

"Why?" he asked. "Building a case can take months, maybe a year."

"Because I also know that Mike is blackmailing some people here," I said. "And he has plans to use them in four weeks. I want to protect them from all this and nail him on the money, but not have these people involved. One other thing - I'd like to keep this between us. I think he has other management in his pocket. I don't want this to circle back to him."

"Good point," Rodger conceded. "That's not a problem. I can hire the accountant on my own authority."

"Great!" I said. "Thanks Rodger, you've been a big help."

Things were quiet for a few days. Diane came home each day telling me how she had managed to avoid Mike that day. Hopefully he would be traveling soon. Then, on the fourth day, I came back to her place to find her already there, sitting on the couch in her casual clothes, very upset.

"Oh my god, what's wrong?" I asked her. "Why are you home so early?"

"I couldn't stay at work, I was too upset," she told me, almost in tears. Diane doesn't cry, so I knew this was bad.

"Why? What can I do to help?"

"Kill Mike, for a start," she told me. "But I get to help."

'Oh shit,' I thought. To her, "What happened?"

"Diane sighed. I don't think she wanted to tell me, but she knew she needed to.

"Jordan and I went out at lunchtime," she started. "We agreed, no sex in the office, but we figured somewhere remote at lunch would be OK. We each took our own car. I parked and got in Jordan's car and we went to this remote wooded spot. Somehow, Mike followed us."

"When we got back, I went in first so we wouldn't be walking in together. Mike was waiting in the lobby and stopped me. Jordan came in a minute later and Mike told us, 'My office, right now.'"

"He kept us with him the whole time, but I was able to turn on my phone to record him again. There's not much new on it, but you should probably hear it. I'm sorry, Dave. I hate when he touches me - it only makes me wish it was you."

Diane started the recording on the phone. There was a slam that I assumed was the door to Mike's office, then him.

Mike: "How stupid are you two?" he growled. "If I can follow you, someone else can too, and then my plans go to shit. Is her mouth that good, Jordan? Because if this happens again I will fuck your life up big time. As for you Diane, I can only think you're such a size queen that you can't keep your hands off Jordan's big dick."

Jordan: "We thought we were being careful Mike."

Mike: "Careful my ass! Look at the pictures I took of you! You even got out of the car! Your wife is going to love seeing your cock go into her mouth or going down her throat. Which reminds me - Diane, take off your blouse and bra, down on your knees. You and I have unfinished business. I don't know how you arranged that interruption the other day, but it's not happening today."

There was the sound of movement and the rustle of clothing. Then:

Mike: "Damn, those are nice tits! I can't criticize your taste Jordan, I'd want those in my face too. You and me are going to have a couple of wild nights in Puerto Rico Diane. I probably should get a Viagra prescription, ha."

More quiet and then the sounds of movement.

Mike: "Don't just kneel there, damn it. Get my cock out and start sucking! You were damn eager to do that for Jordan! This will be easy for you after his jaw-breaker."

I heard the rattle of Mike's belt, followed by a zipper being drawn down.

Mike: "That's it baby, suck that cock! You might want to be extra sloppy, cuz it's going in your ass too."

Jordan: "Mike, take it easy on her."

Mike: "Shut up Jordan. For your information I am taking it easy on her. I figure if I fuck her ass first it will be easier when you do it,"

Jordan: "What! I'm not doing that to her!"

Mike: "Yeah, do more of that! Yeah, you are. I want a nice video of you two. I can't decide if I should have it on a loop at the party or just send it to your wife."

Jordan: "Mike, you...."

Mike: "Jordan, if I were you I'd shut up, fuck her ass when I tell you to and cut my losses. Get up, Diane. I'd love to bust a nut down your throat but that can wait. Puerto Rico, baby! Wait, rub those tits over my cock. Oh my god, that's nice! Now bend over, face down on the desk."

Jordan: "Mike, you don't need to do this."

Diane: "It's alright Jordan. Just do what he says."

Mike: "See, I'll bet she wants you to fuck her ass!"

There was the sound of cloth tearing - "my panties," Diane explained - and then, "Ughh!"

Mike: "I was right, she's wet. Seems like everything excites her. God, this pussy feels good. Hate to leave it - another thing on the PR to-do list."

There was quiet for a few minutes except for Diane's reaction to being fucked and Mike puffing with exertion. Then,

Mike: "Shit, she's almost got me there, gotta pull out. Now your ass Diane. I'm really going to enjoy fucking this beautiful ass."

"Uggghhh! Uggghhh! Mike, it hurts!"

Mike: "Bet it does. Jordan, stuff her panties into her mouth."

Uggghhh, uggghhh. Ohhhhh!

Mike: "Almost there, just a little more, one more push....yeah! Now we fuck!"

More grunting from Diane and sounds of effort from Mike. I reached over to hold her hand while listening to the rape. "I'm going to kill him, I really am," I told her. The fuck went on for a while.

Mike: "Ah! Her tight ass has got me there! Yeah, gonna fill your ass - here it comes! Ah! Ah! Ahhhhh... Ah, Diane - we are definitely doing this again."

I heard Mike moving and - Diane sobbing? I looked over at Diane. The hate in her eyes was frightening.

Mike: "Stay right there! Jordan, your turn, jump in there. Her ass is something else! Oh, I forgot - you already know that. Ha, ha."

Jordan: "You don't know how much I regret that day Mike. I can never make it up to her."

Mike: "Here's your chance, lover-boy. Fuck her ass proper, make her cum. In fact, that will be perfect! You're going to fuck her ass until she cums, so get at it."

I could hear Jordan opening his pants and moving to Diane. The phone picked him up saying "I'm sorry" to her and her muffled "Uh huh," back. Then she was moaning again as he entered her. She was fortunate that Mike had relaxed her sphincter somewhat and lubricated her with his orgasm. Thanks to that, Jordan didn't take long to fully penetrate her.

Mike: "WOW, that was amazing! It all fit in her. Now fuck her and make her cum!"

The soft sounds of Jordan and Diane echoed from the phone. I squeezed Diane's hand for support as it went on.

Mike: "I've been working on the plan for the party. Come on Jordan, lay it to her! Anyway, I'm thinking a three-hour cocktail party with our two women serving drinks and food. They start out in fairly modest outfits, like sundresses, and change to sexier and sexier outfits every thirty minutes. The last outfits are tiny two-piece bathing suits. I saw one online - just tiny triangles to hide nipples on top and a tiny thong bottom. Diane would kill in something like that! Can you picture those tits? The guys would go crazy!"

I could hear heavy breathing now from both of them; hopefully the ordeal would end soon. Diane moaned through her panties and breathed heavily through her nose. Jordan groaned. "Ah! Ah! I'm so sorry!"

Mike: "Pull out slowly, Jordan. I want to get a good shot of that big dick sliding out of her! Good! Look at the cum seeping from her ass! Nice! This is definitely on the loop at the party, and her two gangbangs too!"

There were sounds of movement and people getting dressed.

Mike: "I hope you understand me now - no screwing around! And I want Brandi on the team. You have five days to make that happen Jordan! Now get the hell out of here!"

Diane turned the phone off and looked at me forlornly.

"He's a monster, Dave," she said softly.

"He is that," I agreed. "A very clever and dangerous monster. Are you OK - physically, I mean?" I didn't bother to point out that they had played right into Mike's hands.

"I'm fine. Jordan was as gentle as he could be."

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