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Christmas Carol Ch. 02

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Rekindling relationship with college girlfriend.
8.3k words

Part 2 of the 9 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 04/20/2021
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As stated at the end of my previous story, I agreed to meet Carol at a medical conference in Chicago.

I was starting to have second thoughts as I was packing for the trip. I had never cheated on my wife in 30+ years of marriage and really didn't want to. I love my wife dearly, she just doesn't have any interest in sex anymore.

I decided I'd let fate decide whether or not I'd see Carol.

My wife was in the kitchen fixing lunch for us before I left. She never went with me to conferences, she doesn't care to shop and would just sit in the hotel room bored out of her mind. I figured I'd make one last attempt to have sex with her before leaving.

I stripped out of my clothes and crept down the stairs. I could hear her working at the sink, so I knew her back would be to me. I walked up behind her and patted her on the ass. She didn't say anything, just kept rinsing the lettuce she'd be making into a salad, so I reached around her and slid my hands up her shirt and cupped her tits. She just sighed and continued rinsing. I decided to go for broke. I let go of her tits and pulled down her sweatpants. She usually doesn't wear panties if we're not leaving the house, and today was no different. Before she could protest I stuck my stiff dick between her legs. Unfortunately I couldn't hit her pussy from this position, but she got the idea of what I was after.

What I got for my troubles was an elbow in the gut and a ten minute lecture about how we were too old for this and I should shop acting like some hyper-hormonal teenager.

I told her I was NOT too old to fuck her brains out as long as I could still get it up. She informed me I could stick it up my ass, because I sure as hell wasn't sticking it in her.

I finished packing and left without eating. I guess Carol was going to have some company after all.

I drove to Chicago, since it only took 6 hours. I like to drive anyway and it gave me some time to think and calm down.

The conference was in one of those huge hotels downtown. Damn place was over 40 floors. My room was on the 32nd floor with a nice view of LSD (Lakeshore Drive) and Lake Michigan.

I went downstairs to get something to eat (since lunch was a bust).

I was lost in my dinner when my phone chirped.

I figured it was the wife texting to give me hell for not letting her know I got here OK.

Nope. It was Carol.

She wanted to know if I was in town yet and if I wanted some company.

I texted her that I was indeed in town and I would very much like to see her. I wasn't making any promises, but a friendly face would be welcome. I told her where I was staying and gave her my room number.

I finished my dinner and went back to my room. I figured a quick shower was in order after the crappy day I'd had. It turned out to be a long, hot, relaxing shower. After about 45 minutes, I felt much better, so I got out, dried off and walked out to the bed to get some clothes.

It was about now I wished I'd kept my towel because Carol was sitting on my couch and I was stark naked.

She laughed when she saw my embarrassment.

I ducked back into the bathroom and grabbed a towel, wrapped it around my waist and went to get some clothes. I dressed quickly in the bathroom and came back out.

"How the hell did you get in here?" I inquired.

Carol, ever the minx, said "I knocked on the door and didn't get an answer so I pretended to be your wife." "I knew your name and room number and told the guy at the desk I'd left my keycard in the room and was now locked out." " He said I was the sixth or seventh wife who'd done that today."

She always was resourceful.

Now that the initial shock had worn off, I got a chance to look her over. The years had been kind. More than kind, really. She didn't look a day over 40. She'd put on a few pounds, but I like my women curvy. She still had the devilish twinkle in her eyes and the angelic smile I'd fallen for all those years ago.

I asked how her family was doing and her expression changed and not for the better.

She said her dad had died about 10 years ago, heart attack, and her mom was not doing well. The sibs were all well except for Marilyn. She was killed in a car crash 7 months ago. She said that was what finally drove her to leave her husband. Marilyn had always told her life was too short to be stuck in a bad marriage, and after she died, Carol finally knew she was right.

I told her I was sorry and didn't mean to upset her.

"Can't fault you for being curious, still hurts though." She mused.

"That about Robin?" I queried cautiously.

Again, the devilish smile.

"I wondered when you'd get around to her." She said. "She's a physical therapist at a hospital in Iowa, married with 2 kids, husband is an engineer, you know, living the dream." She laughed. "She sends her love."

"Just so you know, she told me everything you two did when you stayed at the house over Christmas all those years ago."

"Lets change the subject," I said, rather embarrassed. "What have you been up to since we last saw each other?"

"I'm a junior high English teacher." She says. "I like working with the kids, since I never had any of my own." "The dickless wonder had a low sperm count." "He was a CPA, good money, boring as hell." "We used to travel when we were first married, but as time went on, he never wanted to go anywhere and spent all his time watching sports on TV." "I kicked him to the curb a week after Marilyn's wake and now I'm sitting on your couch."

With that, she gave me the biggest grin I'd seen in awhile.

"Enough about me, how 'bout you?" she asked.

"Well, I was pre-med when we broke up." " Went on to med school, internships, specialization, private practice, etc.., you know the grind." "Got married my last year of med school." "Two boys, both grown ,married and gone." "No grandkids yet, I'm beginning to wonder if either one of them knows what to do with a pussy." "As for family, mom died 9 years ago from thyroid cancer, dad's remarried to a wonderful gal who treats him well, and he adores her." "Other that that, not much to report."

"What about your wife, tell me about her?" She asked cautiously.

I don't know why, but that hit me wrong, here we were planning to fuck the living daylights out of each other, and she wants to take about the woman I'll be cheating on.

"What do you want to know?" I said somewhat gruffly.

"Well, if you are here, things must not be great." Her eyes showed concern.

"To be honest, I really love her, we have a lot in common and she's a great wife and mother, she just wants nothing to do with sex anymore." "She never was able to keep up with me, but after menopause, she gave up completely."

"I'm so sorry." Carol consoled. "I know what you're capable of, so if you stayed with her despite this you must really love her." "I guess that brings me to the big question." "Do you really want to do this?" "I don't want to be a homewrecker and I don't want you to do anything you'll regret."

"Let's go down to the bar and have a couple drinks while I think about it." I offered.

I'd already made my decision on the drive up, but I wasn't ready to tell Carol yet.

We made our way down to the bar just off the lobby. It was full of doctors and their spouses killing off brain cells and wrecking their livers. (Never underestimate the power of an open bar.) I ordered bourbon, neat which elicited a giggle from Carol.

"Some things never change." She laughed.

"You can thank your dad for that." "Yeah, well I bet you're about to order a gin and tonic." I shot back.

"Touché." "Guess you still know me pretty well." She grinned.

"Don't know about that, but I remember you fondly." I said. With that I gave her a wink and a grin.

We nursed our drinks for awhile and made small talk the whole time looking into each others eyes.

Finally, I'd decided show my hand. "You want to go back to the room, or am I gonna fuck you on this table in front of all these people?" Given her kinky streak back in the day, I wasn't sure how she'd answer.

Her mouth dropped open, but her eyes lit up.

"Honestly, I'd prefer the second, since you know I like showing off, but I also don't want to get arrested, so let's get out of here." With that, she grabbed my hand and we headed for the elevator.

As soon as the doors closed, she put her arms around my neck, pulled my face down to hers and stuck her tongue down my throat.

Damn, the girl was still a great kisser.

The elevator stopped and another couple got on. I already knew where this was going. Carol loved an audience and now was her chance. While we were kissing I snuck a look at the other couple. The wife was PISSED, but the husband was trying to watch without getting caught. We still had over 20 floors to go, so Carol decided to escalate things.

Without breaking our kiss, she unzipped my fly and started fishing out my rapidly hardening cock. I heard the other woman gasp an Carol dropped to her knees and stuck my 7-1/2 inches down her throat.

Oh GOD she's still very good at that.

She was really going at it, and the other couple was getting quite a show.

I looked at the other guy and said "Sorry, she's really hungry, she missed dinner."

The wife nearly fainted when her husband said "Wish we'd missed dinner."

The elevator dinged, the doors opened and the other couple got out. As they left I overheard the wife say "Unless you can suck that thing yourself, your outta luck buster."

Carol chuckled around my dick and kept sucking.

Our floor was coming up so I pulled her off my cock and told her I had plans for that load. I pulled her to her feet, kissed her some more and waited for the doors to open.

I didn't even try to stuff my hard-on back in my pants, we just walked down the hall hand in hand, grinning like idiots. Once through the door, I started peeling her out of her clothes and had her down to bra and panties very quickly. With equal enthusiasm, she was relieving me of my clothes except my undies.

At that point, I picked her up and carried her to the bed. I laid her out on her back and drank in the scene. She was still just as beautiful as I remembered, maybe more since she'd gotten softer and curvier. I reached down and removed her bra freeing her ample tits. She reached up, cupping them in her hands.

"Remember these?" She asked grinning.

"Oh yeah." I said as I dove on her left nipple.

I sucked on her tits causing her to squeal with delight. After a few minutes, I pulled off and started to remove her panties. I longed to see a pussy that was as happy to see me as I was to see it. I was not disappointed. Her panties were already so wet I swear you could have wrung juice out of them. Carol had trimmed her pussy, but only a light landscaping. I don't really understand women who shave their pussies, makes me feel like pedophile just looking at them. That was new, but then again, everybody went full bush in the early eighties.

"You just going to look at my pussy?" Carol's voice brought me back to the present.

"Yep, just from really close." And with that, I stuck my tongue in her dripping slit.

I licked from top to bottom a couple times, causing Carol to moan and wiggle her hips, then I really let her have it. You see, I can eat pussy for days. I've always considered it my specialty. I had Carol groaning and writhing within seconds, and made her cum so hard she nearly passed out in about 5 minutes. Damn, guess she hadn't gotten any for awhile.

After she came, I stood up and took of my shorts. My cock, of course, was still rock hard and standing straight out.

"Jesus Christ, I swear that thing is twice the size it was back then." she hissed.

"Nah, I just trim my pubes short." "Back in the day I had so much pubic hair, I'm surprised you even saw it."

The longer she stared at it, the bigger it got and the bigger it got the more she wanted it.

"Bring that thing down here and fuck me with it." The lust in her voice was almost palpable. "I haven't has a decent fuck in 30 years."

That was all the encouragement I needed. I hopped back in bed, spread her thighs and started to rub my cock up and down her slit.

She was moaning again in no time and kept raising her hips, trying to swallow my rod with her hungry cunt.

I wasn't ready to let her off that easy so I stayed just out of reach. I started sucking her nipples again and lightly rubbing her clit. I wanted to get her so worked up she'd lose her mind. I remembered how much fun she could be when she lost it.

I teased her like this for about 15 minutes until she was babbling and moaning "Oh god please fuck me... why won't you fuck pussy is on fire it needs your cock... please fuck me...fuck me..."

With that, I put her legs over my shoulders and plunged my raging boner into her oozing twat. I immediately hit bottom and started pumping like my life depended on it. I was determined to pound out 10 years of sexual frustration and I was either going to kill her or fuck her brains out.

From the moment my cock hit her cervix, she started moaning and the longer I pounded her the louder she got (another new skill). Before long she was screaming and clawing at my back, begging me to make her cum again. And cum she did. She was working on her third orgasm when my dick swelled and burst in her pussy. She was howling like a banshee, I was grunting like a boar and the bed was shaking like an earthquake. I'm sure we woke the neighbors, possibly on several floors.

I pulled her legs off my shoulders and collapsed on her tits. I laid there sweating and panting for several minutes before I noticed a nipple just under my nose. I gave it a lick while she stroked my hair and tried to form sentences.

"Give it a rest lover, we're not 20 anymore, I need a few minutes to recover." She gasped.

"Me too, spirit is willing, but the flesh is flaccid and slimy." I groaned.

"I can fix one of those." Carol retorted and proceeded to clean the mixed cum off my member. "Wow, first time I've had your dick in my mouth when it hasn't been hard, we must be getting old."

"I may be getting older, but I still rang your chimes." I teased.

"You always could, that's the one thing we had that worked, we couldn't talk to one another, but boy could we fuck." She giggled.

She snuggled up next to me and we kissed and fondled for awhile, then drifted off to sleep.

My alarm went off at 8 AM, I had to be at my first session at 9. I rolled my ass out of bed and stretched.

Carol stirred groggily and looked up at me. "Now what?" She inquired.

"I've got to attend the conference til about 3 this afternoon." "I was hoping you might stick around."

"How long does this thing go on?" She asked.

"Three days total, This is day one." I answered.

"Well, they already think I'm your wife, how about I stay the whole time?" "I've got a bag in my car." She cooed.

"That's my girl." I imagine my grin was visible from space. "I am extremely OK with that." I said, trying not to sound too corny.

"I've got to get a shower or I'm gonna be late." I said, and headed for the bathroom.

Of course Carol joined me. We behaved mostly, since time was limited, but we did wash every square inch of each other. It was nice to touch a willing female body, it has been too long.

After I got dressed, I kissed her goodbye and said I would text her when we were done, smacked her on the ass and headed out the door.

At the lunch break I checked my phone for messages. There were a couple from the office, and one from a pharmaceutical rep. Nothing that required immediate response. Then there was message #4. It was from Carol and it had attachments.

I opened the text, it read, "Can't wait, thinking of you." Then I opened the attached pictures.

The first one was a close up of one of Carol's erect nipples. Needless to say it was breathtaking.

The next was a pic of the full rack. Again, nice.

Third was a pic of her bent over from the rear. Don't know how she took it, but appreciated nonetheless.

Fourth was her stretched out on the bed posing provocatively.

Fifth and final was her in a deep purple lace teddy with garter belt and stockings.

I had forgotten how much of an exhibitionist she was. I shot her a quick text telling her it would now be impossible to concentrate and I'd be walking funny and if she continued to be bad, I'd have to spank her.

The rest of the day went by at the speed of continental drift, but did finally come to an end.

I entered the room carefully, with Carol, you never know what to expect. She wasn't there. I was afraid she'd changed her mind and went home, then I saw the note on the bed.

I'm in the lounge, dress nicely and come find me.

I dressed in a jacket and slacks and headed for the lounge.

It was done in the style of a 20's speakeasy. Dark and intimate with a live jazz trio playing from a small stage.

Carol was sitting in the back corner in a booth. She was wearing a slinky black dress with a plunging neckline. I was guessing it was short, but couldn't see because of the table. She gave me a come hither look so I walked over and sat down.

"You look amazing." I said, trying not to leer.

"Thought you might like it." She purred.

"What's on your dirty little mind lover girl." I asked.

"Dinner, drinks, maybe some dancing, if I can get the trio to oblige, and then we'll see where it goes." I could tell from the look in her eyes, I was in for a ride.

We had a nice dinner and more drinks than we probably should have and yes the trio came through. Carol snuggled up close while we were dancing. She was still as graceful as ever. Me, not so much. I never had much rhythm, but she didn't seem to mind.

Her dress was just as short as I figured and just barely covered her ass. The neckline accentuated her ample bosom and of course made it impossible to wear a bra. While we were dancing, I just had to grope her ass and was not surprised she was not wearing panties. She just looked up at me and smiled.

After dancing we returned to our table. The waiter came by and we ordered another round of drinks. While we waited, we started kissing and things quickly escalated. I slid my hand up her thigh and soon found her hot, wet pussy just waiting for some attention. As I was toying with her clit and plump labia, she was attacking my zipper, frantically trying to free my stiff cock.

Her efforts were rewarded when my dick popped free and stood straight up. With a sly grin she wrapped her lips around me, pulling me deep into her mouth.

With the high table height and long tablecloth, our activities were unnoticed by the other patrons of the lounge.

The waiter soon returned with our drinks. Setting the drinks on the table, he had not yet seen Carol's head in my lap. Carol heard the waiter, sat up, grabbed her drink and took a long pull from it, smiled coyly and when back to giving me one of her signature blowjobs.

The waiter just smiled and walked away shaking his head and laughing.

Unknown to me, when Carol chugged from her drink, she sucked an ice cube into her mouth, so when she went back to blowing me I got an unexpected surprise.

I groaned loudly when she took me back into her mouth. The combination of her warm tongue and mouth and the cold ice was more than I could stand and my cock spasmed and shot my cum into her mouth.

As usual, she milked me dry and swallowed every drop.

We finished our drinks and started back to our room.

Carol saw our waiter standing near the exit. As we were walking by him, she dropped her clutch purse and she made sure to face away from him when she bent to retrieve it. I'm sure the view he got made his day.

Carol stood up, straightened her dress, winked at the waiter and we left.

Once back to the room, clothes came off and we fell into bed.

I knew she'd still be wet and willing after the events in the lounge, so I decided to play into her exhibitionist bent. I called the front desk and said we need some fresh towels.

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