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Christmas with Mom


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Mom raised an eyebrow and then used a finger to scoop some of my seed off her chin. Mom licked my cum off here finger and then leaned in, saying, "I always taught you to share!" and kissed me, smearing my own semen against my lips and face. We fell back into the bed, laughing and kissing until we were out of breath.

Finally, I said, "I wish we could do this every Christmas, Mom."

Mom purred happily and replied, "Sounds wonderful to me. I'll see what I can do." We curled up together and Mom began to softly snore. I held her for what seemed hours in my arms, looking down at the most beautiful woman I have ever known, marveling that this voluptuous, black haired woman, my mother was now my lover. Mom was smiling in her sleep, an angelic smile of one who is perfectly content. Finally, I drifted off to sleep as well.

I woke to the smells of breakfast and Christmas dinner cooking. Mom was up, singing to herself as she cooked, wearing my sweatshirt and no longer worried about showing off her meaty ass or her lovely, furry pussy.

Mom gave me a cock hardening kiss as she served me breakfast, her hand stroking my penis as she watched me eat. I helped her get the ham into the oven and then she said, she needed something in her oven as well and we retired to the bed for a sweet bout of lovemaking.

Our Christmas Day passed by too quickly, our time divided by eating, talking and making love. Mom and I couldn't seem to keep our hands off each other. Even when my cock reached its temporary limits, I couldn't leave her alone, taking my sweet time in eating Mom's pussy, rendering her into a babbling, sobbing mass of orgasming woman.

And we talked -- oh, how we talked! Things that had long been in our hearts were finally said that Christmas Day. Mom confessed that she had long harbored intense feelings for me -- "Not just lust, John, although I dreamed of your cock so many times," Mom said, "But, just knowing that I was in love with you, but thinking it was just a phase for you was so terrible. I knew you were infatuated with me, but I thought it was a phase you'd pass through and then move on. I've expected and feared for years that some girl would steal you away from me. I know it would be the right thing, but I knew it would break my heart!"

"No one's going to steal me away, Mom. I'm your's heart and soul." I said in return, hugging her tightly. I confessed to her that I think I had been in love with her since I was a young teenager. "I was helping you plant flowers one day and I looked up from working a flower bed and you were maybe ten feet away, kneeling. You were dressed in old cut-off jean shorts and a skimpy halter top, that old green one with the bandana pattern, you remember? I looked up and you were looking at me and there was something about the way you were smiling at me. Your cheeks were dirt stained and you had your hair pulled back in pigtails and I felt my heart just swell. I could barely breathe, you looked so beautiful and happy and your smile did something to me, Mom. Since that day, I think I've been head over heels in love with you."

I felt myself becoming choked up. "I guess I always have wanted this to happen, but I never really thought it would." I stroked Mom's face and said, "I'm the luckiest son in the world!"

Mom did tear up then and leaned into me, kissing me after whispering, "I love you so much, John!"

Our talk took us down many different paths. Mom discussed how unhappy she had been all the years, her lustful needs suppressed in a loveless marriage. Mom aroused herself as she talked about her desires and fantasies over the years, aching to be a part of the sexually free movements of the nineteen sixties and seventies. "There's a part of me, son, a sluttish, nymphomaniac side of me that has dreamed of becoming unleashed to satisfy all my naughty desires, to becoming besotted with sex, to celebrate my sexuality in front of the whole world." There was a hungry tone in Mom's voice, a quiet intensity that was both daunting and arousing. I wanted to see that side of Mom unleashed.

Mom also piqued my curiosity as we discussed the incestuous nature of our relationship. We both agreed that the knowledge that we were mother and son was a very special and maybe essential ingredient to our relationship. I told Mom I couldn't imagine loving anyone. "Who loves a son as much as his mother?" I said.

Mom nodded thoughtfully and replied, "Well, maybe we do come by it naturally. Incest runs in our family." That got my attention and I asked Mom what she meant, but she just smiled and said she wasn't ready to talk about that yet. "Someday soon, John, but let your mother have a few secrets a few months longer." Nothing I could say could make her elaborate on that, but now I was definitely intrigued.

Our Christmas ended with Mom and me lying on a thick quilt in front of the Christmas tree, naked as the day we were born, using each other to keep warm. There, illuminated by the blinking lights, I made love to my mother again. We were both weary and a little sore, but this was a sweet, slow expression of our incestuous love that seemed to carry us into a dream world where Christmas seemed to go on and on as we treasured and enjoyed the ultimate Christmas gift of each other's love. For what seemed a joyous eternity, I thrust my hard, aching cock into Mom's slick, burning pussy, my eyes focusing on Mom's face as I kept her on the edge of orgasm, her mouth open as she panted, her eyes reflecting her desire, love and pleasure, and then biting her lower lip as finally our passion crested and once more I gave Mom a thick load of my seed, triggering her own incestuous orgasm.

That wonderful moment also seemed to be suspended in time and even now, twenty years later, I remember that moment, our sweaty bodies cemented together, Mom's bountiful tits bouncing and rolling as she shook with orgasmic delight, her low crying of my name, Mom's arms and legs locked around my body, demanding a tighter, even more intimate embrace as her womb massaged and milked my cock of my semen.

We fell asleep there, under the Christmas tree, Mom curled up against me, holding on to me tightly as if I was a Christmas miracle that would fade away come morning.

Come the morning, we were still there, still in a lover's embrace. Christmas Day was over, but the love that had found bloom on that holiest of days was not about to fade, but was destined to be eternal, growing not fading as time has passed. Mom and I are still lovers, husband and wife in all ways that matter.

We knew the snows would melt or be cleared, that Christmas would soon be a memory, but we also knew that snows would come again, that Christmas would return as it always will. This was simply our beginning and there is so much more to tell...

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KillerjayyKillerjayy27 days ago

So we were left with the untold secret of family incest, then we weren't told about whether or not she actually got pregnant during that Christmas or anytime after the younger brothers moved out. Started out great but I feel like it fell flat on its face at the end

sexsutrasexsutraabout 2 months ago

I don't how many times I've read this story. I keep coming back for it. One of the most romantic mom son love story on Literotica. This is so beautiful.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Very nice indeed, but where is the rest of it? Far too many stories tell this wonderful tale of a hidden, incestuous love, that blooms and then is finally realized, with so much promise of things to come. Then it sadly ends just as the journey into that love truly begins and leaves us all wanting more. Why do so many authors leave us hanging? Is it a conscious choice in the spirit of "leave them wanting more"? Is it simply an inability to come up with a satisfying story beyond the beginning phase of an incestuous couple's journey through life together? Well whatever it is, it's really annoying that so many authors seem to do it.

Personally I'm of the opinion, if you're going to write an incest romance story where the couple gets together for life, follow it through until the end of their life. You don't need to have one of them die naturally (or from cancer, which seems to be a common "out"); you can leave us in their golden years after they've had children and grandchildren. That would be satisfying, to me at least. I know this because there are a few stories I've read that end that way and the feelings they left me with are quite profound, almost as if I've actually lived the life I read about. They give me a warm feeling of satisfaction and fulfilment, which I just cannot get from stories that end all too soon, such as this one. But maybe that's just me.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

An enjoyable fantasy, story well written and told. Only two niggle points for me, the excessive use of the terms mom and son on almost every sentence and she said they'd have to be careful for a cpl yrs then screams out to make her pregnant...a little odd.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

I gave it a 4.5.

I love the romance and the love between the main characters, mother and son. I can even see a beautiful mother falling in love with her handsome son. Growing up in Los Angeles in the eighties with one older sister and an older brother and a younger brother mom would commonly use the term...."How is my handsome son." My sister told me that she heard our aunt Bee tell our mother that of all the nephews I was the best looking one. I have no idea if my mother had ever thought of me in a sexual way. But back to the story.

As I said at the beginning of this story I can see and beautiful mother falling in love with her son. And I can see a son falling in love with his mother. Today there is something called...MILF. But I certain that throughout history there were mother who were beautiful, and their sons saw them as someone they would surely fuck in a second. But approaching that woman is where most men will stop. In this story the mother gives herself to her son totally. But they have to wait until her youngest sons finish high school before she can look into living with her oldest son John.

In high school I began an incestuous relationship with my older sister that has lasted for over thirty years, and we are still living as man and wife. But the first time we made love I remember whispering in her mouth....."The man in me wants to fuck my baby in you Elena." That statement solidified our relationship. And I feel very certain that if I was in a relationship with my mother that while I'm sliding my big brown cock in and out of her wet sliming hot pussy, I would mouth those same sentiments...."I want to fuck my baby in you mom. I want to give you lots and lots of my babies."

I think most women out there who are in love with a man would love to hear their man tell them.....he wants to make a baby with them.

ToughSailorToughSailor5 months ago

Sorry to say but it started to cloy . . . .

mbdiablo62mbdiablo627 months ago

An expertly rendered tale.It was like I was sitting by watching Mom and son gradually awakeneing to their deep pent up secret desires and then watching these desires explode into reality.Great job.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Wow, wonderful story. I can't think of anything I would change. Truly epic love story. Thank you

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

What a Beautiful story!!!

LiferalLiferal10 months ago

The build up, the smoldering backstory, the hesitation, the completion…excellent. The scene in the stairwell, inspired. Nice writing

Anthony1965Anthony196511 months ago

What a beautiful story and very well written. I absolutely loved it.

LiferalLiferal11 months ago

Smooth. Nice, non hurried build up and a great conclusion. Diction as good as any on the site. Really nice

snakeraja08snakeraja08about 1 year ago

I think after reading this story, i felt like reaching top of Mount Everest, because this is the best mother son incest story ever, nothing can beat this, John and carrie you both will always be in my heart, thank you for the author for giving me amazing memories.

Incest_ReaderIncest_Readerabout 1 year ago

wonderful story, I wish there was a follow-up on how he gets his mother pregnant, and if they decide to get married.

tfansoitfansoiabout 1 year ago

wonderful loving sexy story. my favorite so far on this site.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

This is the second time in a couple months I’ve read this and it is better than the first time. Thank you for a great story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Presence of Dad ruins the fantasy. If Mom were a widow, no conflict in Son claiming her.

jrrtolkien420jrrtolkien420over 1 year ago

well written. Great story. Thaks for sharing

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

One of the best stories I have ever read. The only thing missing was the anal sex. Still 5 out of 5 stars.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

First off, I did like the story alot. many of the stories go there is a crazy desire to make babies.

Mom had not had sex with Dad for two years and intended to NOT have sex with him for two more and then divorce him. Hmmm, but her words and apparent intention was to get pregnant with her Son. Is no one thinking about consequences??????

DomFckrDomFckralmost 2 years ago

Super Romantic as it was well written as I live near Chicago and could feel the cold and see the snow falling being inside all warm and happy around an old Christmas tree

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Why no epilog with her pregnant and her twins start lusting for their pregnant mom!

josenussbaumjosenussbaumover 2 years ago

Only 4 stars from me as I hate cheating, even if the husband is worthless. Normally I give cheaters 3 stars max, but the story is really very good.

GeorgeGaleGeorgeGaleover 2 years ago

Wonderful story, very loving and sexy.................():\

SatyrDickSatyrDickover 2 years ago

Very Romantique und Sweet!

11/10 X-Mas Trees!!!!!

Dorsmine4Dorsmine4over 2 years ago

I made it to page 3 but could not go much farther. All of the strange talk from the mother. It's obviously clear that he is her son most mothers don't end every single sentence with the word son it just overplayed it and made it annoying

SatyrDickSatyrDickover 2 years ago

Beautiful und Romantic!


AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I can hardly wait for more chapters! Outstanding

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago



First, to the "anonymous" reviewer from over 2 yrs ago, and another's comment about "prepubescent girls"-labelling as a PEDOPHILE does nothing for ones credibility here...'anonymous' is reading the stories, so has his/her own issues; DO NOT bring them here...and NOBODY said anything about liking "little girls" was just a comment about appreciating a hirsute lady and her mature pussy...NO MORE, NO LESS!!

Now...the definitely a more-than five star work; the characters are well-developed, they have CARED about each other, deeply, for years, and now act on it. Too bad father is an add, but lots of men are (women too, you know!)...will be a shock to dad's ego when mom files for divorce, not to mention her obvious disinterest in him for the intervening time while twins finish school.

I would like to se a follow-up story...I am going to look at your listings, maybe a surprise awaits...??

Harvey8910Harvey8910almost 3 years ago

This was a lovely story and i gave it 5 stars. I loved how the story unfolded unhurried as they played in the snow together, they kissed with tongues, they were naked together, and finally they were lovers together. Great story

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

5 stars. Beautifully written and totally believable. Must be millions of son mother coupling though history

Lions86Lions86about 3 years ago

you know theres more to this story right theres one about new years and then a longer one after that

Aussie1951Aussie1951about 3 years ago

What a shame you didn’t finish this great story but there again you a habit of that don’t you. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

I just want to know what Mom meant by incest runs in the family. She said he looked like her late father, does that mean her and her father were together? I just hate being left in the dark.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

How frustating if you know you could love someone unconditionally and nobody takes you up on it. I admitt I love vicariously while reading stories like those. Since there's nothing in this tale of love and lust that puts me off it works very well for me, its believable and emotionally very satisfying.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

I know you may have written this a while ago, but if your still writing there are some of us that would like to know what happened after that little apartment off campus. Did you knock mom up at Xmas? What did Dad do when he found out two months later? Did it speed things up between you and mom? How did the twins take their older bro fucking mom? Then there is her Two sister you haven't talked about. That should be enough to get started. Well written and good editing.


Hillbilly55Hillbilly55about 3 years ago

I really enjoyed this story of a budding romance between a Mother and her son.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago


Foxterot7aFoxterot7aover 3 years ago

A remarkable, romantic, and erotic story. The feelings of the mother and son felt so real that I hope some couples get to experience them in real life. As long as it is not a power play, I see nothing wrong with incest which is mutually agreeable. Laws are relative.

mmnazixmmmmnazixmmalmost 4 years ago
Best stories

Best stories

DoublespotDoublespotalmost 4 years ago

Could not put this story down!! I wish I had been in John's place. Glad his mother received the best loving of her life. Lucky mother. 10 star story!!!!

Aussie1951Aussie1951about 4 years ago
You amaze me

I’ve read most of your stories now and this is your best by far in my opinion. All the accolades from your other readers are well deserved. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

paulnvapaulnvaabout 4 years ago
You have skills!!!

Such a great talent to do the slow build up. I loved the undercurrent of love and lust. I so wish I had had a chance like this with my mom. It was just enough!!

SouthLondonerSouthLondonerover 4 years ago
My second visit to this lovely story....

I first read this sexy and romantically erotic story about 4 or 5 years ago, though oddly at the time it already felt vaguely familiar (and again now obviously) - However it was again a most enjoyable read. You have a very easy to read style without being overly 'course.' The loving relationship between mother and son were easily believable. It was not without a couple of simple, yet easily overlooked, faults. I got slightly confused by the floors walked up, I recall at one point the pair walked up 4 flights yet arrived on the 5th? (Forgive me if that was in my imagination)? How many lights were lit or turned off in the dead of night? I thought they we curled up with just the twinkling lights of the Christmas tree - but later 'John' turned this light off and that light off until the room was just lit by the tree? More obviously perhaps; if 'mums' intention was only to collect 'John' and take him back home for a family Christmas, where did the ham come from that they cooked for Christmas dinner?

As I said though, minor trivialities are easily forgiven by your relaxed writing style, culminating in a most enjoyable, sexy story. One which I'll happily return to in another few years perhaps.

Regards from South London

HragsHragsover 4 years ago
Sweet to the heart !!!

This story had passionate love between a mother & son. Incestuous feeling that has been building for years , that finally crossed over to reality. I really enjoyed my time reading this story.

chytownchytownover 4 years ago
Still A Great Read*****

Where Ever you are Ahabscribe. Thanks again for sharing this story!

Ernest HemingsexErnest Hemingsexalmost 5 years ago
I love this!

This story, especially around Christmas and winter time, is the premium tale of mother/son love--not just lust--but love. It is truly one of my favorites!

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

If you think of prepubescent girls when you read 'shaved pussy' then you are a pedo and that on you. I'm sending your comment to the authorities.

dikupinyadikupinyaover 5 years ago

A Hairy Pussy not shaed off to resemble a prepubescent teenager. LOVED IT!!! please keep writing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Yep. An excellent and beautifully written mother/son story. Realistic and heart-felt! These are the quality type stories that I look for. And there are many on this site. I just haven't found them all yet. 5*. -d

linnearlinnearover 5 years ago

One of the most beautiful stories I've ever read.

chytownchytownalmost 6 years ago

Still one of the best!!!!!!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Great 5 stars

Very nice except for the nympho comment. Nympho's will fuck anyone, in fact beg any man to fuck the and cannot enjoy sex. Severely mentally ill.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Love this story

Just missing one thing, babies to make it complete...

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