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Coach Riggs

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Reuniting with my high school coach.
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This story is fictional and any similarities to places or people are purely coincidental. This story is intended for those aged 18 or over or whatever the legal age may be where you live.


Four more minutes. That's all that stood between me and the summer. It was officially the end of my junior year in college. The professor continued in the front of the lecture hall as if anyone was paying attention. Finally, he excused the class, and everyone got up at once and started moving toward the back of the room. The excitement was palpable.

I made my way out into the late spring air. The temperature was perfect, and the sun was shining through sporadic clouds. I went to college in the northeast, so the end of the semester was always pleasant. Just before the summer heat set in.

Just as I made my way onto the sidewalk to start the walk home, my phone buzzed in my pocket. I pulled it out and saw a text from Mike. He was a guy I met in the dorms freshman year. We had fooled around for the first time late at night in the communal showers about two weeks into the semester. And it continued irregularly throughout that year. At the time Mike blamed it on being drunk but he'd come around since then. Now he texted me frequently. He loved rimming and fucking, and I was happy to offer him my ass whenever the opportunity presented itself.

His text read, "We made it to summer! Want to come over to my place and celebrate? My roommate already left for his internship in DC. I can't stop thinking about your ass after last weekend."

My cock twitched in my pants. The weekend prior he had invited me over late to his friend's house party. We met outside and he ended up fucking me against a tree in the back of the house. I was brought back from my flashback by the unmistakable movement in my grey jeans. My arousal was quickly becoming noticeable, and I reached down to adjust myself, flipping my growing dick up towards the waistband. Just then I heard a powerful voice behind me.

"Henderson?" the voice said, using my last name. "Henderson? Is that you?"

I turned around and my heart stopped. "Coach Riggs?" I said in disbelief.

"Holy hell it is you," Coach Riggs said with a wide smile across his handsome face. "How have you been, kid?"

He suddenly came in for a hug and I was acutely aware of my near-full erection. I did my best to keep my hips, and crotch, away from his but he was quite aggressive with his hug. His strong arms wrapped around me and pulled me close for a moment before extending out. Each of his large hands rested on my shoulders.

He stood about six inches taller than me. His hair was greying slightly but it was still full. He had scruff like he hadn't shaved in a few days, perhaps unintentionally. His fit body was apparent under the sports polo he wore.

"I thought I remembered you saying you were going here but never thought I'd run into you," he said with a return of the warm smile. "Especially not on day one!"

"Day one?" I asked.

"They hired me for strength and conditioning here at the University," he said.

"Wow, Coach. That's amazing. Congratulations!" I said.

"Thanks, Henderson," he said, squeezing the tops of my shoulders slightly which sent a shiver down my spine.

"Look, man. If you're not too busy, I just got into town and don't feel like unpacking until tomorrow. I was going to find a bar to celebrate, and it'd be a lot more fun to celebrate with someone. You ought to be 21 by now, right?" he said with an inquisitive look.

"Yeah, Coach. I just turned 21 last month," I said.

"Excellent. Then it's settled. You in for a drink with your old coach?" he asked.

I looked down at my phone to see a text from Mike with several question marks. Clearly awaiting my response to his proposition. My hole quivered at the thought of going straight to Mike's place, but I looked up at the hunk in front of me and couldn't resist.

"Sure, I'm in," I said.

Coach smiled even more widely and asked me to lead the way to the bars. I guided us down the street towards the main drag pulling out my phone quickly to text Mike asking for a rain check.

"I hope I'm not keeping you from something," he said as he saw me texting.

"Oh no, it's okay," I said. "Just a friend that wanted to hang." I was suddenly embarrassed that he might have seen I was texting a guy about going to his place to get fucked. I knew he wouldn't have been able to see the screen but it's where my mind went.

We walked silently towards the mix of loud sounds ahead of us. I pretended to look across the street but took the opportunity to look again at Coach Riggs. Watching his rugged features as he took in the college town brought me back to high school.


I had just finished showering and wrapped my towel around my waist. Stepping out of the tiled communal shower area, I made my way to my locker. The locker room was nearly empty at the time. I had pulled something that day at the end of practice so my stretch and cool down took a little longer than the rest of the team. I had just opened the door to my locker when I heard Coach Riggs' voice at the end of the row.

"Get changed and meet me in the training room, Henderson," Coach said. His deep voice echoed around the locker room. "We need to take a look at that injury."

I nodded my head and Coach walked away. His powerful frame was always a significant presence in the locker room. At eighteen I stood at 5'10" and had a lean but muscular build. Coach put me and the other guys on the team to shame. He was easily 6'5" and pure muscle. All of us guys wanted to look like him when we finished puberty.

I quickly dropped my towel and slid on tight boxer briefs. The legs went about halfway down my thighs. I had very little experience with other guys at that point, but I knew enough to prepare for my inevitable arousal in Coach's presence. He always had that effect on me. The tight underwear was my best bet at avoiding unwanted attention.

After putting on athletic shorts and throwing my wet towel in the bin, I walked out of the locker room and stepped into the room across the narrow hallway. Coach was leaning against a training table. It was impossible for me to ignore the bulge pressing out from under his loose shorts. His legs crossed at the ankles only accentuated his manhood. He was doing something on his phone when he looked up and saw me.

"Oh, good," he said. "Hop up here kid and tell me what happened."

Coach Riggs doubled as our athletic trainer on certain days of the week, so this was not out of the ordinary. I got up on the exam table and explained to Coach Riggs how my left leg had been stretched out away from my body during the last play. The strain I had felt in my groin caused me to fall to the field. As I told him this I pointed to my left groin, just next to my sac. That's where most of the pain was.

"Alright, well you're going to have to lose the shorts, Henderson. I need to get to where the pain is," he said casually as he turned around and took off his windbreaker. His bulging biceps and forearms were intimidating but erotic.

Struggling to keep it together, I slid off the table and slowly lowered my shorts. My bulge, slightly more prominent than before, was thankfully kept at bay by the tight underwear. I got back up on the table and awaited further instruction. Coach Riggs suddenly put both of his muscular hands on my left thigh and began probing. I instantly looked up thinking it would keep me from getting aroused.

"That hurt, Henderson?" Coach said having noticed the sudden aversion of my eyes.

"No sir," I said, not having any explanation other than trying to keep myself from getting hard.

"Hey kid, can you slide the leg of your underwear up?" he asked suddenly as he stood up and removed his hands from me. "I need to see and feel what I am assessing. And it seems that's up higher."

I quickly reached down with both hands. I tried sliding and then rolling the left leg of my boxer briefs up, but they were too tight.

"Well, looks like those have to go too," Coach said bluntly.

My heart sank and I suddenly felt anxious. The underwear was all that was keeping me from exposing myself. Exposing my desires.

He took notice of my hesitation and said, "Relax, Henderson. We're both men here. Nothing to be ashamed of."

I had no way of backing out without having to tell him that I was afraid of popping wood. I had no choice but to stand up and drop them. I did so in a sort of trance and got back onto the table. I couldn't bring myself to look down as I was afraid of what state I might see my penis in. I watched Coach's eyes quickly scan my body but immediately came back to meet mine.

"Lay down on your back," he instructed.

I did as he told me to and found myself staring at the ceiling again. Coach Riggs' hands suddenly returned to my thigh. Only this time it was bare skin against bare skin. He began kneading into my sore thigh muscles and making his way up.

The backs of his working fingers were millimeters from the left side of my sac. It was then that he found a spot and I jumped in pain. Coach Riggs eased up with pressure slightly before saying, "Well, we found the problem area. Try to relax as best you can while I work on this."

The next several minutes were the most confusing and painful erotic session of my life. My sore, strained muscle burned under Coach's expert hands. My mind raced as the hunk I had often fantasized about had his hands dangerously close to my cock and balls.

"Alright, all done. I think it was just a really bad cramp because it has relaxed quite a bit," Coach Riggs said, standing back up to his full, towering height. "You're going to have to take care of that on your own though," he said chuckling as he walked away towards the sink to wash his hands.

I looked down and saw my 5.5-inch erection pointing straight up at me. A glob of precum even shined across the cut tip. I'm sure my face turned red. Luckily, Coach's back was turned towards me when I made the realization. I was speechless and suddenly jumped off the table. I scooped up my clothes from the floor and ran out of the training room.

Standing in front of my locker, naked and hard, I collected my thoughts for a moment. I heard a noise behind me, and the moment was gone. I quickly slid my underwear and shorts back on. I grabbed my shirt from the locker, not bothering to wait to put it on, and bolted from the back door into the parking lot.

Driving home, I had one thing on my mind. Getting off. My dick was screaming for release as I sped towards my house. I jacked off several times that night in my bed. Almost to the point of shooting blanks.


Coach Riggs and I reached a bar called the Watering Hole. We walked in, I showed my ID to the bouncer, and we found a booth. After sitting down and ordering a couple of beers we began small talk and catching up on our lives over the past few years.

I learned that he and his wife separated shortly after I graduated high school. It was part of what led him to look for another job. It bothered him seeing her around town. I started to feel bad for him, but he genuinely looked happy when talking about his newfound freedom. He talked about decorating his place, getting into old hobbies, and spending more time with friends. After a few beers each, his lips began to loosen.

"Not being tied down to one woman has had its perks too if you know what I mean," he said with a sly grin.

I blushed at the thought of this stud plowing someone. I also felt a ping of jealousy but quickly shook it off. Luckily, I was not required to come up with a response as he suggested playing a game of darts. We grabbed our beers and headed for an empty board.

I set my beer and phone down on a table near the throw line and we began to play. We were pretty evenly matched, and it was turning out to be a fun competition. Just as I was walking up to grab the darts from the board, I heard Coach Riggs behind me say, "Hey, Henderson. I think your phone is... Oh."

I turned around to see him holding up my phone, looking at the screen. He quickly looked up at me and placed it back on the table. An ever-so-slight smile appeared on his lips.

Walking over towards him, I grabbed my phone. I nearly collapsed when I saw what was on the screen. It was first a text from Mike that read, "Please come help me with this." What followed were two photos of Mike's impressive tool. One was shot from his point of view and the other from below looking up.

I looked up at Coach Riggs, afraid of what he would say. I started to defend myself, "It must be the wrong number... "

"You don't have to lie, Henderson," he said. "We all have needs. I'm just sorry I'm keeping you from them," he said with a soft chuckle. "Let's finish this game first before you go though. I need to know who wins."

He had a smile across his face as he picked up the darts I had set on the table. I couldn't believe how chill he was. I didn't believe him to be homophobic, but I also didn't think he'd be quite so accepting.

"Yeah, Coach, you're on," I said, feeling much more at ease.

We threw a couple more rounds, occasionally giving each other shit for poorly placed darts. That is until he spoke again, "So you're into men, then?"

He was throwing while he asked so I just responded to the back of his head, "Yeah."

"That's cool, kid," he said, handing me the darts for my turn.

I was just starting to throw the first one when he said, "You know, I used to swing the other way back when I was younger."

The dart released just as he spoke, causing it to fly far above the board. It contacted the plaster beyond the piece of wood behind the board meant to protect the wall. Hearing Coach Riggs talk about being with other men really screwed up my throw. But it also got me very interested in where the night was going. I fought desperately to keep myself from getting hard again.

I heard an amused laugh come from behind me and Coach saying, "Damn, Henderson. That's got to be the worst throw of the night."

I turned around to see the hunky Coach Riggs cracking up. It made me start laughing. The comedic moment was a welcome distraction for my hormone-fueled body and mind. A few moments later we both collected ourselves.

"Well, I guess it wasn't fair for me to distract you during your turn," he said. "You can throw that one again."

The alcohol of the night had raised my confidence level and I just turned around back towards the board and said, "Nah, I don't need it."

"Alright then, bring it!" Coach Riggs said with a clap of his hands. We continued for a few more rounds and it was a nail-biter. In the end, I sunk the last bull's eye before he did. He congratulated me before returning the darts to the bar and paying his tab.

"Should we head out?" he asked as he sipped the last of his beer. I nodded and followed him out onto the street. It was dark out, but the street was well-lit with bar lights and university décor. Neither of us stopped when we got outside the bar. We both just started walking together down the busy street.

"Well, I don't want to keep you from your fun," Coach Riggs said. "It was great catching up with you. We should do it again sometime."

I thought about going over to Mike's for what would likely be wild, hot sex. The thought was appealing no doubt but the man in front of me was someone I had fantasized about for years. And he had just told me that he wasn't always straight. I had no idea if he was even into me, but I had to find out.

"Oh, Mike just texted saying he's going out with friends now," I lied.

"Oh okay, I'm sorry I made you miss it," he said with a soft smile. "Why don't I make it up to you with a drink at my place?"

I loved where this was going. I said, "That sounds great, Coach."

We walked the short distance to his house which was just off campus. He led me into the living room. There were boxes everywhere still but most of the furniture was set up. I sat on the couch while he went into the kitchen. He returned a few moments later with two beers in hand. He sat down next to me and sort of angled himself toward me.

After taking a sip Coach Riggs said, "So tell me, was it Mike giving you the hard-on when I first saw you this afternoon?"

I had the beer to my lips then and almost spat it out. This elicited a laugh from Coach. He paused only briefly before saying, "You remember that time you got a stiffy in my training room?"

If it weren't for the alcohol and having a good feeling about where this night was going, I would have shut down. Instead, I simply replied, "Yes, unfortunately." I cracked a little smile after.

He laughed before saying, "Ah don't worry about it. I remember being that age. Did you know Coach Andrew saw you leave the training room that night?"

Coach Andrew was the assistant coach. Before I had time to fully process what he'd said, Coach Riggs continued, "He said you were naked and hard. He was convinced I was fucking you."

I was surprised at Coach's candor. But even more surprised at my automatic response, "Hah, I wish."

I felt my entire body begin to cave into itself at that moment. I wanted to shrink to where I wasn't visible and run away.

Coach Riggs was not phased and said, "Oh, is that so?"

He paused a moment, letting his rhetorical question sink in, before he said, "Did you ever masturbate to the thought of your coach?"

I was so horny that it fueled my confidence. I looked over towards him and said, "Yeah, I did. That night after I got hard in front of you, I jerked off several times."

My dick was running down my pant leg and I was so hard it hurt. I had to flip it into a more comfortable position. I didn't even think and just did it right there in front of Coach Riggs on his couch.

He winked when he saw me. He started leaning toward me slightly and said, "What did you think about that night? In bed. Naked. Touching yourself."

I saw him put his right hand to his bulge and adjust slightly. My eyes followed and had a hard time peeling away to look back up at his face. I figured it was time to seal this and said, "I thought of your big dick. I thought of stroking it and sucking it."

"Mmm," he said as he started to lightly rub the front of his pants. "Well, I guess it's only fair that I take Mike's place since I'm the reason you missed out. What do you say, Henderson? Want to fulfill that old fantasy of yours?"

"Hell yeah, Coach," I said with a wide smile on my face.

He stood up from the couch and reached out a hand for me to grab. As soon as I did, he pulled me to a stand directly in front of him. He placed one hand on either side of my face and leaned down while pulling me towards him. His lips touched mine lightly at first. Then he started using his tongue to push apart my lips. He was gentle but assertive. His tickling scruff was a new sensation for me as I'd never hooked up with a guy with facial hair. I was getting weak in my knees. He slid both hands down my back and grasped both of my ass cheeks with his large hands. He kneaded the muscle through my pants causing me to moan with my lips pressed against his.

He barely leaned his lips away from mine and said, "You ever think of me fucking you when you jack off?"

I nodded, unable to find coherent words. He smiled against my lips and said, "Should we take this upstairs?"

I just nodded again, putty in his arms. He smashed his lips back up against mine and forcefully moved his tongue around in my mouth. He then gripped my ass a little tighter and began pulling upwards. I got the hint and jumped up to wrap my legs around his waist. We made out as he carried me up the stairs with what seemed like little effort on his part. We got to a bedroom, and he laid me down on my back at the foot of the bed.

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