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Needless to say, the senior prom didn't happen, we were too busy with the funeral and helping Ma-Ri sort out her mother's affairs. We found out the house was owned, free and clear. A gift from the U.S. government for her husband's service to our military. Ma-Ri was also a citizen, again a gift from the U.S.. There were some savings in a local bank, but certainly not enough to live on for long. Graduation was less than a week away. We pulled some strings (dad went to high school with the Mayor, they are still friends) and Ma-Ri and I were given our diplomas early. With said diploma in hand, I was allowed to start at Rambler immediately, that just left one more thing.

It took a couple days to get the marriage license pushed through (again, thanks Mayor Sandersen), then Ma-Ri and I stood before the Justice of the Peace downtown and with my parents and both sisters looking on, we married. As neither of us was particularly religious, this seemed the best way. Ma-Ri wore the dress she wore to our very first dance, the sapphire blue one. She required I wear a red shirt and tie with my suit. She explained the blue symbolized the Yin, also the female lifeforce, while the red symbolized the Yang or male lifeforce. These forces must always remain in balance for harmony to be achieved. Our love would grow and thrive as long as we balanced each other out.

"That's why you pinned that red flower on me for the first dance." I observed.

"Yes." She nodded. "I loved you then and I will love you always."

Mrs. Jeong did not have a will, so ownership of the house and all property passed to Ma-Ri. She was thrilled to discover we had somewhere to call our own and insisted my name be added to the deed.

We held a small reception at 'our' house. My family was there, as well as some of our friends. George and Alice told us they would soon be following our lead. We were happy for them. In lieu of a wedding cake, my sisters made a nice cherry cobbler, served with ice cream.

That evening, after everyone had gone home, Ma-Ri sat in my lap, grinning like the Cheshire Cat.

"Something on your mind?" I asked.

"Yes husband." She grinned.

"And..." I waved my hand.

"I must now be good wife and attend to my husband's needs." She giggled.

"I'm fine, really... wait, do you mean...?" I sputtered.

Ma-Ri nodded, blushing. "Eomma taught me how to be good wife, just like her eomma did for her." She stood and took my hand, pulling me up from the couch and walked us to our bedroom. After removing my clothes, she sat me down on the bed, then slowly removed hers as well. I was in awe of her as she stood before me naked. Her smooth, flawless skin almost glowed in the dim light of the bedroom lamp. She has let her hair down and it hung to nearly the middle of her back, long, straight and raven black. As I had never seen a woman without clothes (well, a couple Playboy magazines did find their way under my mattress, I am after all, male) all I could do was stare and hyperventilate. My God she was beautiful. Her breasts were, as she had lamented, smallish, but given her proportions, they seemed a good fit for her size. She had curves, distinctly feminine ones too, along with a triangle of wispy black hair at the juncture of her legs. I had no idea how to proceed, all I knew is my penis was rock hard and it needed attention.

Ma-Ri pushed me onto my back and tittered as she saw my shaft pointing at the ceiling, twitching in rhythm with my heartbeat. She nuzzled me with her cheek, her cool flesh making me shiver, then she kissed the head and smiled. "Now I please husband." Still somewhat shy, she started taking me into her mouth. My God it felt incredible. I was dizzy, my head spinning from what she was doing. In less than a minute, I gasped and exploded. I have no idea how she did it, but she took everything I gave her, then laid next to me. "I will please husband more when he is ready." She giggled, poking my deflated member with a slender finger. I had done the five fingered fandango before, but it sure never felt like this.

We kissed as I recovered and she took my hand and placed it on her left breast. "Husband must please wife also." She grinned. I was happy to oblige. They were small, but they were warm and felt like heaven in my hands. Her small nipples were hard and pressing into my palm as I explored her for the first time. I'm pretty sure these are my favorite new toys. She purred like a contented kitten as I continued playing with her chest.

"Husband has good hands, wife is pleased." She moaned. "Please...more, and lower."

I slowly ran my hand down her petite form, pausing to explore her navel. She giggled and swatted my hand away.

Taking my hand in hers, she guided me between her legs. The hair there felt like the softest rabbit fur I'd ever felt. Ma-Ri sighed as I make contact with her most intimate area. Having no idea what I was doing, I blundered around poking here and there. I encountered unexpected warmth and wetness and stopped, puzzled.

"Are you OK?" I asked. "Did something happen?"

"I am fine husband." She smiled. "My body makes itself ready to receive you. Do not be afraid, it is how nature intended."

"I really wish I had a teacher as good as yours." I frowned. "I have no clue how most of this is supposed to work. Dad gave me the basics, but things like this weren't covered. I'm lost."

"Let me show you husband." Ma-Ri purred in my ear.

She proceeded to explain the inner workings of her sex, using Korean words of course, but I got the idea of how things worked and what she liked. Touching her eumhaeg, a small nub at the top of her opening gave her great pleasure and made her even wetter than she already was. The wetness was natural lubrication she made to help my penis enter her, or my fingers if she wasn't ready yet. Dad failed to mention any of this. Just how in the world did he figure it out?

Sensing my frustration, Ma-Ri pushed me onto my back and straddled my hips. "I will teach husband." She grinned, teasing me.

She bent forward, pressing her lips to mine, then parted them and pushed her tongue into my mouth. We'd kissed before, but nothing like this. The emotion, the intensity was something I'd never experienced. I groaned and wrapped her in my arms, returning the kiss. I could feel my hardness wedged in her cleft. The heat and wetness awoke something deep inside me, something primal. I needed to be in her, to make love to her, NOW! It seemed so clear in that moment. I knew what to do and where it needed to happen. Damned if I knew why.

None to gently I rolled Ma-Ri onto her back. She squealed and opened herself to me, ready to receive me into her jil.

With her holding me, I pushed forward, sliding into her. She yelped once as I sunk into her molten depths.

I stopped, pain briefly flashing in her eyes. "Are you OK? Did I hurt you?"

"It is OK husband." She explained. "Eomma told me it would be like this. I will be fine. Please..." She wiggled her hips to get my attention.

Slowly I worked myself in and out of her. She returned my efforts, rocking her hips to meet me as I thrust. Soon, she was moaning and panting, urging me with her hands, pulling me into her. Again, that feeling started to build inside me, I was going to explode again, much sooner than I wanted to. Ma-Ri was writhing beneath me, muttering in Korean, but I could tell she was just as worked up as I was. Very shortly thereafter, she tensed up and squeaked like a mouse, then shook for a bit and fell silent. Worried, I stopped.

"Please finish husband." She implored, stroking my face, all the while smiling at me lovingly.

Wiggling her hips to remind me, I started thrusting again. In very short order, I grunted and filled her with what she enticed from me, awash in feelings I'd never known. As I recovered, I opened my eyes to find Ma-Ri looking back at me.

"Husband is good student." She smiled. "Now, please roll over, I am having trouble breathing."

"Oh... I'm so sorry..." I stammered.

"No." She said. "No sorry, I am happy. I love you husband. You have made me a woman, your woman. I am happy that I can cause these feelings in you. Today our souls became one and they will remain so forever."

Ma-Ri snuggled into my side and we fell asleep. I have seldom slept better. Waking to Ma-Ri in my arms was the most wonderful feeling I could ever imagine. It was guaranteed to bring me such a feeling of love and happiness that I would drift off to dreams of my love and our future.

I awoke the next morning to a rumpled and very naked Ma-Ri still sleeping at my side. She opened her eyes when she felt me stir.

"Good morning Artie." She smiled.

"What happened to 'husband'?" I asked.

"I will only call you that when we are doing what we did last night." She explained. "I want you to know how much it means to me that you are my husband and I love you."

"Then I will do the same." I stated. "To show you I love you as well."

"Are we starting our family Artie?" She asked shyly. "We did nothing to prevent that last night. I so very much want children with you, but are you ready for that?"

"Oh crap!" I cursed. "Of course I want kids, but now probably isn't the best time. I was stupid, I'm sorry."

"Again, no sorry Artie." She soothed. "I am not able at this time, but in a few days it will not be safe. If you are to continue being 'husband' we should be more careful."

"I agree my love." I said. "I will pick up some protection at the drugstore later today."

"You are very wise my love." She smiled.

And so it went for about a year. I had bought a decent used car and we had managed to save a considerable amount of money. Not having a mortgage was the major reason we were so successful. Financially, things were going well.

As our first anniversary approached, Ma-Ri was getting somewhat, I don't really know how to describe it. She was off, not her usual bubbly self. It was subtle, but I noticed.

One evening after work as we did the dinner dishes, I broached the subject.

"You seem a bit down." I started. "Is everything OK?"

"I am fine." She answered.

No man in history has ever believed that line.

"Ma-Ri, you are my wife, right?" I asked.

"Yes Artie." She answered, uncertain where this conversation was headed.

"And as my wife, you promised never to lie to me, correct?" I said.

She nodded instead of answering verbally.

"Are you going to break that promise?" I pushed.

She shook her head and tears started sliding down her cheeks. "Please do not be mad."

"I just want the truth." I urged. "Whatever it is we will face it together."

"I want to be eomma." She sobbed, then looked up into my eyes. "I want to have your baby."

Trying my best to look stern I pointed towards our bedroom. "I think you need to go think about that just a little bit harder... wife." Then I grinned.

"Thank you husband. I love you so much." She beamed practically dragging me to the bedroom.

I was completely useless at work the next day. I got, maybe, 2 hours of sleep. She may be small, but that girl can really wear me out. I am NOT complaining. She was so excited we were trying for a baby, we had sex at least once a day for the best part of 6 weeks and surprise!! When the doctor confirmed the pregnancy and estimated the due date, to the best of my calculations, we conceived within the first couple of days, but I'll never tell her that. I'll miss out on too much of her loving when we try for the next one.

Mom and dad were thrilled when we told them. By now, Clara was married and Kate was engaged, but we were the first to make them grandparents, at least potentially.

Ma-Ri positively glowed during the entire pregnancy and completely remodeled one of the bedrooms into a nursery. As her belly got larger, things got harder for her to do and given her small frame, she looked huge by the time the last weeks arrived. Mom routinely popped over to make sure Ma-Ri was OK and to help her with anything that gave her too much trouble. It would be mom that called me at work informing me Ma-Ri's water had broken and they were on their way to the hospital. My boss couldn't shove me out the door fast enough, wishing us good luck on the way out.

Upon arriving at the hospital, I found mom and Kate in the waiting room. Clara would drop in after work as she couldn't get away. Dad was stuck at work as well.

All I could do was pace nervously and wait for the doctor. Mom reminded me that she had heard my dad nearly wore out a pair of shoes waiting for Richard's birth. By the time I came around, he barely broke a sweat.

After a much shorter time than I anticipated, Dr. Timmons came out and announced the arrival of my son at 6 pounds 9 ounces. Mother and baby were doing well.

"I can take you to see them, but only two of you." Dr. Timmons explained.

I was the obvious first choice. Kate made the decision for number two. "You go Mom, he's your first grandchild, go say hello."

Peeking into the room, Ma-Ri looked tired, but happy as she held our son. He had a headful of jet black hair and was resting quietly in her arms. Looking up she saw me and smiled. "Come" She implored. "And halmeoni... grandmother too."

We had been discussing names for quite awhile and settled on one that would honor both our families. Ma-Ri handed our son off to me and I introduced him to his grandmother. "Mom, this is Richard Mi-Reu Thompson, named after her father and well..." I was nearly in tears.

As I placed him in her arms, she lost it. "Oh Artie, Ma-Ri, he's beautiful. That you would name him after his uncle is just about the sweetest thing."

"That was Ma-Ri's idea." I admitted. "She reasoned it was because of him that we met. If the war had never happened, she would never have come here and if he hadn't been killed in the war, I might not have felt the need to defend her at school."

"I think Richard would be proud." Mom beamed. "Thank you for thinking of him, Ma-Ri." She leaned down and hugged Ma-Ri carefully and placed a kiss on her forehead.

Parenthood was a real change for me. Before little Ricky, we were much more carefree and spontaneous. Now, everything revolved around him. My parents were a great help, but 2AM feedings and such were still, well to be honest, a pain. Don't get me wrong, I love the little guy with all my heart, it's just having someone that dependent on you will really change your outlook on life.

Ma-Ri took to motherhood like a duck to water. She doted on Ricky day and night.

Even with the increased demands on her time, Ma-Ri always had time for 'husband'. It amazed me at times. She seemed so shy and demure, but when that bedroom door closed, Holy Shit!! She became a tigress and I was her prey. She was never shy about getting what she wanted and I was ever so grateful to deliver it, at least until the equipment failed after repeated use.

Over the years Ricky would be followed by two sisters and another brother. Just like my family. All of them had dark hair and very much resembled their mother, thank God.

Family and tradition were very important to Ma-Ri. We made sure to include their Korean heritage in their upbringing. By this time, I spoke passable Korean, so we raised the kids in both languages.

Life went on. One thing that had evolved over time was the family dinner. Every Sunday, without fail, we gathered at my parents. Us, Clara's family and Kate's as well. Kids were everywhere. Our four, Clara had three and Kate three as well. We guys would watch the kids while the women made dinner, then we sat, as a family, and ate. We talked of many subjects over the years and made sure all the little one knew of their missing uncle. Richard was and would always be a part of us. We would make sure he wasn't forgotten. Ma-Ri was especially happy. Ancestors were held in reverence in Korean culture.

Every meal ended with cobbler, of course. Soon it would be time to initiate the next generation in that time honored tradition.

Even after 12 years I enjoyed my job. It felt good to be part of something that most people relied on. Some might think working on an assembly line would be boring, but they'd be wrong. We swapped stations on a regular basis so we'd have cross coverage if someone was sick or took a vacation. By this time, I'd done just about everything that involved bolting something to a car except paint and body assembly. Those were specialized and I had no interest in doing that anyway.

It all changed when Bill arrived. He was a big man, well over 6 feet and at least 250 pounds. He was loud and crude and as we'd find out later, a bigot and a bully. He delighted in antagonizing his fellow workers and due to his size and intimidating demeanor, most just endured his attention or avoided him as much as possible.

Once he found out I had married Ma-Ri, all Hell broke loose. Bill hated most white people. Blacks, Asians, Jews and anyone else he deemed inferior were beneath contempt. There were a few like minded guys around, but most of us disagreed with Bill and were not shy about letting him know about it.

It all came to a head one day. He'd cornered me in the cafeteria towards the end of my lunch break. The things he said about Ma-Ri were cruel and he'd really pissed me off, but what set me off was when he threatened to...

"Why don't I just go over to your place and show your little bitch what a real man is." He sneered.

The things he said and the level of detail he went into made my blood boil. I lost it.

My next clear memory was three guys pulling me off Bill's unconscious body.

John, one of my co-workers and a good friend as well, was in my face trying to get me to calm down.

"Art." He yelled, shaking my shoulders. "He's done, you need to stop."

"Wha...?" I sputtered. "Did I...?"

"Yeah, you did." John chuckled. "Bastard deserved it too. We all heard what he said. We were gonna jump in and help but you really took him apart. Remind me not to piss you off."

"Shit!" I spat. "They'll fire me for sure. Dammit!"

One of the people that witnessed the fight was Eddie. He was the union steward and held a great deal of power where personnel matters were concerned. As he approached, I just knew I was done for.

"Art." He started. "Listen very closely. If anyone asks, Bill fell down."

"What?!" I gasped. "But I..."

"You're not listening." He frowned. "Bill's an asshole. Sooner or later this was gonna happen. I'm not losing a good worker because of this. HE FELL DOWN. GOT IT?"

I nodded, amazed at my luck.

There was an investigation and to a man the story held. Bill fell down. End of story. Management knew it was a crock of shit, but with no one to back up Bill's accusations, they let it drop. Even they knew Bill was not worth the effort.

Mind you I was a little worse for wear. Apparently Bill had landed a punch or two. By the time I got home, I had a black eye and a swollen lip and my left cheek was showing a bruise. Ma-Ri was initially frightened when she saw me, but once I explained what happened, she smiled. She carefully tended my wounds, kissed me softly then whispered in my ear. "I'm glad he fell down... husband."

She took my hand and pulled me to the bedroom.

"What about the kids?" I asked.

"They are playing in the back yard." She grinned. "I asked Ricky to keep them busy for an hour of so."

I'd have to make sure I did something special with him soon. At ten, he was a good kid. Smart and devoted to his siblings. More than once he'd stepped in when one of them needed help. He was very much like his namesake. I think this weekend, he and I will make his first cobbler. It's about time he joined in the family tradition.

That hour still rates as one of my all time favorite memories. Ma-Ri made sure I was very aware of how much she loved me and how glad she was that I'd protect her.

She and the kids ate dinner without me that evening. Ma-Ri had loved me into a coma and I was dead to the world by the time she left. Later, she brought me dinner in bed and delighted in feeding it to me, all the while looking into my eyes and telling me how much I meant to her and the kids. "My brave, strong Artie." She cooed.

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