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Cold Blue Steel


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"I... I want you to let me go!" she cried stridently.

"Ah, ah," whispered Jeremy, his voice scolding her between kisses laid on her neck, "your body is telling me otherwise. Your lips are pursed, slightly parted. Your breath is coming faster. I can feel your heart beating fiercely against my chest. You are begging for me to kiss you. Pleading for my lips to envelop yours."

"N-no! I could never – Let me go!" she insisted again, wriggling and struggling. He groaned as she moved sinuously beneath him, but stopped his caresses and pressed the knife against her throat a bit harder, looking directly into her eyes. She stopped moving instantly and held perfectly still, frozen in fear. His eyes were not tender, but angry.

"I do not like it when women lie," he said, his voice dangerously quiet. "I will gladly give you what you want, Zarah. Everything you have ever wanted. But if you will not tell me what you are longing for... then I will take what I want instead."

The tip of the knife slid down from her throat and traced slowly down the center of her chest; she was paralyzed by fear and wondering when he would press hard enough to cut her flesh... in one rapid, violent motion he seized her gown's neckline with one hand and sliced it open from top to bottom with the other. She screamed in terror as the two halves of the gown fell aside, revealing her body for his inspection...

Zarah's body was the sort that had gone out of style many years ago. She was ripe, but not quite overblown, with full, soft curves and snow-white skin befitting a Venus of days past. Jeremy licked his lips hungrily as he eyed her large, luscious breasts encased in a lacy black bra, along with matching black lace panties and garter belt holding up sheer black stockings. She had a perfectly balanced hourglass figure despite her little tummy, which was invitingly soft as he traced his fingers along it for a moment...

"Hold still," he commanded her as she began to squirm under his touch. She obeyed instantly. With a few flicks of the knife, he cut through her bra straps and then right between the cups, jerking the lace away roughly and freeing her enormous breasts from their prison... they rolled slightly to the sides, small pink nipples pointed skyward, surrounded by pale tan areoles.

"Mmmm," he said, almost reverently, as he ran a hand lightly over the swell of her right breast "so big, so soft... I'd need two hands for each to give them proper attention..." He withdrew his hand and began caressing each breast slowly with the flat of his wicked-looking blade, so cold on her skin that it made her nipples harden instantly. Zarah held her breath, afraid to even move lest he cut her, but she could not help jerking a bit all the same as the cold steel rubbed against her nipples.

"Careful, love," he murmured softly, "or I'll be leaving you one nipple short."

The intense sensation of cold massaging her nipple was almost too much to take. Zarah fought it hard, but after a moment her body responded anyway... she closed her eyes and arched her back as if to give him better access, just as a soft moan escaped her lips.

"Open your eyes," Jeremy ordered, seizing her chin with one hand and, pressing the steel into her soft flesh a tiny bit harder.

Zarah opened her eyes, not daring to disobey, her heart pounding in her chest... Jeremy gestured to the mirror directly above them. "Look at yourself. Look at how beautiful you are, how turned on you've become by what I am doing. Your skin is flushed; your nipples are hard, and you are moaning and arching your back for me."

Zarah looked, and to her great shame she saw he was right... she was tied up and being ravaged against her will, and her body loved every bit of it. The adrenaline coursed through her, heightening every sensation, and she looked up into her own pupils, dilated with lust, and almost wanted to come right then... but then she looked back into her rapist's eyes, and her senses came back to her at least a little. She tried to shake her head no, to protest... but he seized her chin again and held her head still.

"You will not deny it," he said forcefully. "You love being tied up and treated like a little slut, because inside that's what you really are. Here, I will prove it to you." He traced the tip of the knife slowly down her belly, careful not to break her skin, and then with two quick motions sliced through the strings of her black lace bikini panties, then grabbed the crotch with the other hand and easily ripped them away, exposing her most sacred of places... her scent wafted in the air, fully released at last, and he leaned down to breathe it deeply, inhaling its sweet musk.

He examined her admiringly, licking his lips... it was all he could do not to dive in and taste her right this moment, but he knew that it was not yet time. Her pussy was so very inviting, completely smooth and silky soft to the touch, except for a thin strip of closely trimmed hair that ran up the center of her mound. "Perfectly manicured," he commented. "Strange for a woman that rejected every suitor who called upon her. Did you keep yourself waxed for me, just in case?" he asked teasingly. Zarah blushed, but he did not give her time to answer. "Now for the moment of truth," he said, running a fingertip lightly up her slit; even as he did so, another soft moan escaped her lips. He drew it away, slick and glistening with her juices, and held it up for her to see. "You are soaking wet, my dear," he said triumphantly. "I've barely even begun to touch you... but while you were protesting, you were also creaming in your little black panties. What a slutty little tease you are, getting off on a man wanting you but pretending not to want him back."

Zarah looked away, full of shame... what he said was true, and she could not deny it. She had gone home with a damp spot in her panties from the men who came on to her at the bar more than once, but most often it was because Jeremy had stared at her so very longingly... now, she could not remember being wetter in her entire life, and it was this... this monster that was making her that way... she looked back up at him hesitantly, and a smile was playing about the corner of his lips as if he knew what she was thinking.

"I think that you deserve some punishment for lying to me, my little whore," he said matter-of-factly as he climbed off the bed. The switchblade slid back into its handle with a snap, and he tossed it aside to pluck a candle from one of the nearby stands.

"We know you like being an object of desire, and you obviously enjoy being dominated and humiliated," he said. "But I wonder... do you fancy a little pain?" With that, he tipped the candle to drip a bit of hot wax onto her chest, just above her breasts.

She flinched; the heat stung at first, but it was not unbearable. "Hmm..." he said, dripping a larger amount onto her right breast; when a drop hit her nipple, she cried out loudly. It hurt for a moment, but then the warmth aroused her further; her hips involuntarily bucked, and Jeremy smiled even more broadly as he dripped wax onto her left breast as well, and down her belly, creating a trail of red splotches that contrasted pleasingly with her pale skin as she writhed against her bonds in a most gratifying fashion... "Oh yes, my love," he said in a pleased tone of voice. "I think you like it quite well."

He replaced the candle and then leaned down over her stomach, peeling off the wax gently bit by bit, moving slowly upwards as he caressed her tortured skin... the heat had brought her blood vessels up to the surface of the skin to make it hyper-sensitive so that the most feather-light touch evoked intense sensation. Her chest heaved as her breathing quickened... she both longed for and dreaded what was coming as he worked his way up slowly to her breasts...

He peeled the wax from her right breast slowly, then all at once his hot mouth was on her nipple, sucking and licking, while his fingers freed the other nipple from the wax and started to palm it and tease it gently... she bucked her hips harder and moaned, much louder this time, hardly able to comprehend the feelings that washed over her. He climbed onto the bed and straddled her once more, cupping her right breast with one hand to lift it to his mouth as he began to suck harder, drawing the nipple further in and pulling it up and away, then nipping lightly, then biting at it as he pinched and twisted the other between his fingers. Zarah screamed, then moaned even louder...it hurt, but it also felt like nothing she had ever experienced; she was riding that fine edge between pleasure and pain, and the heat was building in her pussy. She had had orgasms before from nipple stimulation only, long ago, and she knew she was heading straight for one if he kept it up. She wanted to come, needed desperately to come, and in the intensity of the moment she was losing all her wits and inhibitions, forgetting that she was there against her will... She began to move more rhythmically beneath him, trying to rub herself up against his body... she was SO close... but he seemed to sense what she was doing and he stopped and pulled away, climbing off the bed again. She whimpered in disappointment and dismay, and he laughed.

"So... you're one of those women who can come like that, are you? Just by touching your nipples?"

Zarah nodded, breathing hard, still squirming a little bit in her desire to reach orgasm.

"Stop moving," Jeremy commanded, seeing how very close she was.

Zarah whimpered again, looking at him pleadingly, but she did as she was told.

"You want to come very badly, don't you, slut?" he asked.

"Yesssss..." she hissed, barely able to keep herself from bucking her hips again.

"Well, too bad. You come when I decide you can, and not before." Jeremy watched her for a moment, waiting for her breathing to slow. He began to unbutton his shirt, and she could not help but watch with interest. He was admittedly thin but had a well-defined stomach and a hairy chest... very manly, she thought approvingly before she could catch herself. Her heart started pounding a little harder as he slipped off his jeans and then his boxers. A lovely rock-hard cock sprang to attention as it was freed... long and thick, she wanted to lick her lips at the sight of it; she needed it very badly... but she knew she must resist.

"You like what you see, don't you?" he asked.

Zarah looked away, blushing profusely in shame.

"I saw you watching. You want this cock. I can see it."

He was, again, telling the truth... she wanted his prick buried in her soaking wet pussy to the hilt; she wanted him to fuck her until she came all over it... which, at this rate, would take all of three seconds. Her body was betraying her again; she was trembling, she wanted it so much... but she did not turn to face him.

"Look at me," he ordered in a gentler tone, cupping her chin and making her look deeply into his hazel eyes. "Tell me what you want, Zarah."

She nearly melted at his touch, at the sound of his voice saying her name so tenderly; his eyes held her gaze and she could not look away, did not want to look away... she felt suddenly vulnerable and longing and and lustful and angry all at once... but she held her silence. I will not give in, she thought defianttly.

Jeremy held her chin for a moment, forcing himself not to smile. Her eyes were angry, but they were full of heat rather than ice now; blue fire danced for him in his lioness' gaze. But still, she must learn, must understand...

"Since you refuse to answer me, then I will take what I want, and you will do as I require," he said. He picked back up the knife and its blade sprung free once more of its casing, and he tossed it from hand to hand casually, a determined expression on his face. "I am going to cut you free," he explained, his voice low and menacing, "and you are going to hold still while I do. Once I am finished, you are going to get off this bed and kneel on the floor before me. If you do not, you will be very, very sorry. Do you understand?"

"Yes," Zarah said softly, tears welling up in her eyes. Her pussy was still throbbing with desire, but fear was rising in her chest once more...

"Good," he said tersely as he began to slice through the cords that held her to the bedpost. She did not move an inch until all four ropes were cut, then she quickly slid off the bed and down onto the plush carpet, grateful for the freedom of movement she was allowed. "Here, slave," he said, pointing to a spot on the floor in front of him. She moved with alacrity, kneeling as gracefully as she could and not daring to look up into his angry eyes.

"Good girl," he said approvingly, stroking her soft hair. "You are learning to obey." Without warning, he seized a handful of her hair close in to her head and pulled her towards him, slapping her cheek roughly with his hard cock. "Now, you're going to be a good little whore and suck my cock... and you'd better do a very thorough job of it."

He slapped her other cheek with his cock, then pressed the head against her lips. She opened her mouth obediently and he pushed her head forward, forcing her to take it deeply. Her mouth was very small and he could tell that she was having trouble, but she opened her jaw wide and wrapped her ruby red lips around his dick, starting to suck lightly, and playing her tongue against the underside, licking the underside of the head as she drew back only to plunge it back into her mouth. After a few moments he was not moving her head at all; his hand was still tangled in her hair, but she was doing everything of her own volition, and with fervor. She wrapped one hand around the base of his cock and began gently playing with his balls with the other, picking up her rhythm... now a groan escaped HIS lips, and he found himself growing still harder, if that were possible... looking down at his fantasy woman eagerly sucking on his cock like there was no tomorrow... it made him want to explode right there, but he held back...

Zarah heard Jeremy groan in pleasure, and she looked up at him... if her mouth wasn't so full of cock, she would have smiled. She felt the power that she now had over him, and in spite of the fact that she knew it was wrong, she wanted to give him pleasure... she knew she was turning him on and that, in turn, aroused her further until she was moaning around his cock, sending the vibrations down his shaft as she began to suck harder, moving faster up and down his shaft, and she felt his balls start to tighten in her hand.

Jeremy seized her hair again and pulled her off his cock roughly, wrapping his hand around his shaft just as he came as hard as he ever had in his life; he aimed the first jet of cum at her forehead, then the next landed across her cheek and nose... the last drenched her luscious red lips. He leaned back and looked at his composition like a painter at a canvas; her face looked so beautiful painted with his cum. She opened her eyes and, wonder of wonders, licked her lips and smiled.

Jeremy did not return the smile. "If you think we are done here, you are wrong," he said sternly. "You obviously enjoyed that far too much for it to be a proper punishment." He walked over to the bed and sat down. "Come here, and lie down on my lap. You've been a very naughty little whore."

Zarah stood up, looking rather bewildered... she was sure that he had come very hard just now, and she thought he would be pleased... what had she done wrong? Her pussy was still on fire and dripping wet, and her face was covered in sticky cum... she wished he would let her clean it...

"I said, COME HERE," growled Jeremy, leaving no room for argument. She jumped, startled, and came quickly to his side. He grabbed her wrist and jerked her forcefully down, pulling her across his lap face-down so her round, pillowy ass was right across his lap. She still wore the garter belt and stockings, which framed her ass so very nicely... with a sight like this before him, he knew it wouldn't be long before he would be rock-hard again. "You're a nasty little slut with cum all over your face," he said, reaching underneath her to rub her clit. She tensed and moaned deeply, grinding against his hand. "And what's more, you liked it. You liked being forced to suck on a cock, and you liked licking my cum off your lips and swallowing it like a little whore. I can tell because you're so wet you've made a mess of my hand already."

Zarah only moaned; his fingers felt so good on her clit at last. She needed to come so badly she could scream; she'd never been so desperate for anything in her entire life... she felt empty, hollow inside as if she needed to be filled up... filled with a cock...

"Please," she said very softly, grinding on his hand.

"I can't hear you," Jeremy said. "Look at me, and speak up."

She looked over her shoulder, her eyes pleading with his, and spoke louder this time. "Please."

"Please what?" Jeremy asked, knowing full well what she wanted.

"I need it."

SLAP! His hand landed hard on her ass, making her soft flesh jiggle a little. She jerked, looking startled, but then his hand was rubbing her clit again. "What a nasty little tease you are, and what you need is a good spanking," said Jeremy. He spanked her ass again, harder this time, and she cried out... but he was back to rubbing her clit, and she was becoming uncontrollably turned on...

SLAP! His hand landed hard on her ass again, and she moaned. "What do you want, slut?"

"I want you," she said pleadingly.

SLAP! "What do you want me to do?" he asked, rubbing her clit a little harder.

"I want you to fuck me," she cried out, no longer in control of her body; she was humping his hand as his spanking turned her ass all splotchy red... his cock was getting hard again just looking at it...

SLAP! "How do you want me to fuck you, whore?"

"I- I want you to put your hard cock in my – my tight little pussy and fuck me hard!"

SLAP! Jeremy groaned this time; his cock was getting hard and her movements were humping up against it; hearing her ask for his cock in her pussy was getting him even harder. He slid two fingers into her, and marveled at how her wet, hot pussy gripped them like a vise. "Mmm, you are tight, aren't you? Beg for it, slave."

Zarah looked back at him with big, desperate, pleading blue eyes, her face streaked with his cum, still humping his hard cock with her soaking wet pussy. "Please, Jeremy... Please, I am begging you, I need it so bad! Please fuck my pussy with your hard cock!"

SLAP! "Ohhhh, that's my very good, very naughty little slut. And she will get exactly what she wants, right now." He pushed her off his lap and they both stood up for a moment, only for him to seize her wrists again and throw her down on the bed, on her back this time. He forced her stockinged legs apart roughly, positioning himself between them. His rock-hard dick rubbed against her clit as he pressed himself against her, then leaned down... his lips were upon hers at last, his tongue probing her mouth deeply, desperately as she passionately returned his kiss. He slid his cock down her slit ever so slowly and positioned it at her entrance, then pulled back from the kiss and looked into her eyes.

"I love you, Zarah," he said as he rammed his cock into her with a single stroke, causing her to cry out in pain and joy and pleasure all at once. He held it there for a moment, then began to work it in and out, slowly at first... she began to move with him, gripping and massaging his cock with her pussy, as the pace steadily increased... he shifted, grabbing her hips, and then he found her G-spot and she cried out in pleasure. "That's right, love," he said, pumping his dick in and out of her, hard and fast, hitting her G-spot with every stroke, and making her moan and thrash on the bed... "I want you to come for me... I want you to come so hard all over my cock that you scream my name!"

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